Whispering Verse

Chapter 1541: Shade’s rest plan

The two spent the rest of the night hugging each other. In the morning, Shade even woke up earlier than Mia in order to let Luvia sleep a little longer. He covered the cat's mouth to prevent it from barking, and then carefully took the cat, who didn't know what was happening, out of the bedroom to prepare breakfast.

When Luvia woke up and walked out of the room, it was already half past seven on this Monday morning.

The early morning sunlight shines into the room from the windows of the living room and kitchen. The smoke from the hot breakfast eggs rises in the sunlight and particulate matter, and it actually looks like a rather classical oil painting.

When the lazy female soothsayer walked into the restaurant, Mia was eating her meal with her head down at the dining table, while Yin Luna was holding the newspaper and reading yesterday's news. Shade sent the letter to Miss Denister through the poem pages and just walked out of the study.

"Good morning, Luvia. I was thinking of waking you up for dinner just now. I made breakfast this morning. Although it may not taste very good, but..."

Shade looked at the dining table:

"Look, at least Mia enjoyed her meal."

"Good morning, Luvia."

Yin Luna also put down the newspaper and greeted Luvia. The fortune teller girl nodded. Looking at the scene in front of her, all the anxiety and uneasiness about life disappeared.

Yin Luna arrived at St. Teresa Square at seven o'clock in the morning. Since Shade's illness was finally cured, they needed to summarize the battle of Randall Valley and discuss the next plan.

After breakfast, the three of them went to the study and sat down. The two girls listened to Shade's story about his entire experience on the night of the Battle of Randall Valley, and then they each talked about what they had encountered.

"The incident of the chosen one on earth ended in a relatively perfect way. But Luvia still has to worry about how to deal with the relationship with the chosen one. The guardian is different from Sister Devlin. Hundreds of absolute The way rational souls think together should be difficult for normal people like us to understand.”

Shade said.

"I understand, I can handle these things. The guardian himself is not willing to leave the heart of the earth for a long time, so this chosen one will not often participate in the next eight like Sister Yin Luna and Sister Devlin. The Story of the Chosen One.”

Luvia said what she had thought about:

"The earth still needs him to maintain it. I even want to suggest that before the last door appears, try not to let him fight unless it is necessary."

Yin Luna was very happy. After all, even if there was one more candidate, it still did not affect the unique relationship between the three:

"The Church of the Five Gods has a very good attitude towards the chosen ones of the earth. This is related to the fact that it does not want to interfere with anything in the world. Before I came back from the Randall Valley, I attended a meeting. The existence of the chosen ones of the earth, for The influence of this world is far less powerful than that of Sister Devlin and I.”

"This is good news. The chosen ones who have too many ideas of their own are not what I want to see."

Luvia said some strange sentences, but Yin Luna didn't care about it. Instead, she hoped that all the candidates would be like this. And because Shade knew the events of the past life and the Sixth Era, he knew more clearly that what Luvia wanted to do was to take everything into his own hands to deal with the final outcome.

Therefore, even if she said such words, Xia De and Yin Luna did not say anything.

"Because of the experience in Randall Valley, Shade and I are both at the sixth ring now. Yin Luna, you should be at the seventh ring, right?"

Luvia asked Yin Luna again. The seventeen-year-old girl sitting across the dining table nodded excitedly. The life ring itself appeared behind her. The seven-ring brass life ring reflected the morning light, making it look even more magical than before.

"It's really unimaginable that I am only two steps away from the high ring."

Yin Luna looked back at her life ring, and then pointed at one of the miracle runes:

"Miracle - Power of the Earth. My thaumaturgy - Power of the Earth, Earth Energy Cannon, corresponds to this spiritual rune. When communicating with the guardian, he believed that I was also qualified to master the complete thaumaturgy - Power of the Earth, and also Invite me to study with him when I have time...Although Luvia didn't say it, I think I should also be a candidate for the Chosen One of the Earth."

She said rather embarrassedly, Luvia smiled and nodded:

"Yin Luna, just like I said when you first met me on the street and asked me for divination - you are extremely special to this world. The protagonists of the epic are the thirteen chosen ones. And among them, your position is unique. Didn't Shade also say that in his eyes, no one can replace you."

Yin Luna tried her best not to show any strange expressions, while Shade felt that Luvia seemed to be using some words to Yin Luna. But this kind of encouraging sentence is not very strange, so he did not point it out, but asked:

"About the next chosen one..."

"We should take some time off."

"Shade, please spend this spring with peace of mind!"

The two girls at the table said almost at the same time, and there was no doubt in their tone.

"Shadow, I really think it's time for you to take some time off."

Yin Luna said seriously, even putting down the half-peeled egg in her hand:

"Have you not noticed? At the end of every chosen one incident, you will leave the scene in a state of coma, serious injury, collapse, etc., and this time it is even more..."

She pursed her lips and looked at Shade. Luvia, who was sitting next to Shade, also said:

"Didn't we agree in the Randall Valley to take a break this spring? We have already turned the first five pages of the thirteen-page epic of the Chosen One, so please take a break. Even if there is any new news, Please let Yin Luna and I handle it."

They were really worried about Sha De, especially because Sha De had been "seriously ill" for nearly two weeks.

"Then... okay. After the Spring Tour of Torbesk, I can also visit Miss Mia Gold."


The cat, which was lowering its head to eat, looked around and heard its own name again.

"Tour of Torbesk?"

Yin Luna's eyes lit up:

"I know this. The Five Gods Church will also send people to participate in this competition following the tradition of knights in the old days."

"So will you participate?"

Luvia asked with great interest, Yin Luna shook her head regretfully:

"Although today's era is more enlightened and ladies are allowed to participate in some sub-events in the competition, my status is not suitable for being known to too many people."

"What sub-project?"

Shade asked curiously, while Luvia looked at him in surprise:

"Wait, you don't even know the rules, do you?"

"Aren't the rules... horse racing?"

Shade hesitated for a moment, and then realized that he really didn't understand the rules, and Lesia seemed to acquiesce that Shade knew everything.

"Oh, knight, knight, you can't look like this."

Luvia shook her head:

"The equestrian competition is not only horse racing. In addition to horseback riding, there are also archery, cold weapon duels, etc. Then the winner will be selected based on the score and will be commended by the king and queen. All events will last for half a week, with It will be longer, and idlers from all over the country will gather here, and the excitement will definitely be no less than last year's 'Big City Players'. I think the 'Edward III Arena' outside the city should have started to be repaired. The arena The market stalls and open-air taverns and shops outside are almost complete.

Shade, do you think that this kind of activity is just for you to run a few laps on the racecourse, and then take the trophy to accept private evening invitations from dissolute ladies to practice riding skills? "

The stranger, who didn’t know anything, blinked in embarrassment:

"Well... I thought I would run a few laps on the small roads in the countryside, take photos with His Majesty the King with the trophy, and then go home."

At this time, even Yin Luna couldn't help laughing:

"Xia De, although I am not a local, at least I know that during the Tobesk City Riding Competition, there will be a lively market around the arena outside the city. That is also where people from Tobesk go for an outing. It’s a great place in spring. It’s an important festival that only exists around the royal capital. I hope I can have some leisure time during the competition. If nothing happens, I will come to see you.”

Luvia and Yin Luna couldn't explain clearly the specific rules of the City Riding Competition, so Shade needed to check it out himself. But fortunately, this is not the focus of this morning's discussion.

Shade showed them the harvest he brought back from the Randall Valley, including the items left behind by the Stone Mirror Demon after his death. Yin Luna is very interested in the Philosopher's Stone, while Luvia plans to come to Shade frequently in the next few weeks to read the chapters about the curse of fate in the "Book of Malbas Demons".

Afterwards, Shade took out the black cubic stone given to him by the guardian from the study drawer, and then took Luvia and Yin Luna to the basement.

The space left by the ancient god of the earth [Mother Goddess of the Earth] is called the "Earth's Core Furnace". The most basic location requirement for the door leading to this hidden space is to be lower than the ground. In Xia De's house, only the basement met the requirements.

To be honest, he didn't know if his home really met the needs of this "door", but it was right to give it a try. The "door" can be placed on the wall or placed directly on the ground to form a trap door. Considering that there are already doors to [Space Maze] and [Dark Dungeon] on the walls of the basement, Shade planned to place this door on the ground.

He had already found the location. The side of the stairs leading to the basement and the corner formed a suitable space. The area here is not large and cannot store too much debris, so it has always been empty.

After going down the stairs and turning on the gas light in the basement, the two girls watched Shade throw the black cubic stone over like a dice.


The sound of the dice bouncing when the black stones hit the ground seemed to come from somewhere upstairs. But before the three of them could think about it, they saw the rocks "melting" on the ground like mud.

Black silt seeped into the basement floor, and then the dark area continued to expand until it outlined a square frame. Then, in the bubbling black mud, a trap door made of stone appeared little by little until it was perfectly embedded in the ground, as if it had originally existed here.

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