Whispering Verse

Chapter 1562 Spring Outing

According to the original plan, after Shade took a short rest, the group set off and left the camp. Dorothy was not good at riding horses, so Shade carried her on horseback, while Tifa and two other maids rode three other horses.

The group spent a leisurely afternoon in the countryside in early spring. Dorothy, who was not good at riding horses, took Shade and invited him to a horse race on an uninhabited country road, and agreed that the loser must agree to win. One request.

No matter how stupid a foreigner is, he knows that he cannot win this kind of game without "her" reminding him. Sure enough, when Dorothy crossed the finish line first, the wish she made in Shade's ear was:

"Knight, I will stay at your house tonight."

In addition to riding, they found a nearby patch of woods that no one owned, picnicked near a stream, and had afternoon tea. The maids were invited by Shade, and after preparing tea sets and snacks, they all sat on the tablecloths.

Dorothy was very interested and invited them to chat about their stories and the opportunity to become Miss Carina's maid and follower. And she herself also talked about the past when she lived alone after graduating from a women's college and before becoming a famous writer.

It was only then that Shade learned that after Dorothy graduated and moved out of Louisa's house, she had been in a bit of embarrassment because she had no income. If the current landlady hadn't been willing to lower the rent so that she could continue to live there, she would have moved out of the apartment on Quill Street long ago.

This is why Dorothy, even though she now makes a lot of money from "Hamilton Detective Stories," still doesn't think about moving to a better place. According to her words:

"Unless I get married, I won't move from there. Oh, even if I get married, I will continue to rent it and drink tea with my friends on weekdays, or store some items that are not very necessary. .”

When he said this, he glanced at Shade, and the maids all pursed their lips and laughed.

The lazy cat was not happy to be taken out of the house and tent, but with the afternoon tea snack he was willing to walk on the tablecloth, but still resisted going near the stream.

Shade talked to the girls about his plan to visit Miss Mia Gold, and Tifa asked curiously:

"Speaking of which, what does Miss Gothe look like?"

Although Shade and the lady from far away have been communicating for more than half a year, he still doesn't know what Miss Gothe looks like.

"I actually mailed a photo of me and little Mia to that lady."

he said, and Dorothy joked:

"Perhaps that lady saw your photo and decided to let Mia stay with you for a longer period of time. In this way, she would have a reason to continue to develop a 'pen pal' relationship with you."

This joke pleased everyone except Shade, but it also gave Shade a great inspiration. He had always suspected that there was actually something wrong with the commission left by Detective Sparrow. Now that we are about to go to that remote town in the distance, we will naturally have an answer soon. But if this trip fails due to some things, then he can confirm whether she is normal by asking for a photo of Miss Gothe.

"But how am I supposed to ask for a picture of a single heir to an ancient family for no reason?"

Shade was troubled again.

Winter comes and goes quickly. Although it is still early spring, even the wind in the countryside outside the city is already very warm. Shade and the girls chatted about their lives, and even the maids were willing to reveal their troubles to Shade.

Dorothy seemed to intentionally bring the topic to Tifa, so Tifa also satisfied Dorothy's curiosity. While five people and a cat were eating jam sandwich biscuits, the black-haired maid said:

"The lady knows about Shade and I... most of the things."

The blonde girl pursed her lips and smiled, while the other two maids, Miss Rachel Delevingne and Courteney Michelle, were snickering.

"What exactly did you do?"

Dorothy asked again, pushing Shade to keep him away, and then asked Tifa to answer her in her ear. This was something that even Lesia didn't know.

So, Tifa blushed and whispered a few words into her ear. Dorothy's lightly made-up face also showed a faint blush. She bit her lip and looked at Shade while letting Tifa continue to talk. This made Shade want to dive into the stream in front of her and hide under the water to avoid those eyes.

The leisurely time always passes quickly. When the sun sets in the west, the brilliant sunset illuminates the five people by the stream, and each person is covered with a golden glow.

Before leaving the house, Shade turned the camera from the basement into a toy and brought it out. Seeing that the scenery was just right, I invited the girls to take a group photo together.

Delay photography technology already existed in this era, but the second-hand equipment that Shade bought from the "Steambird Daily" newspaper did not have such a function. Fortunately, the Ring Warlock also has the skills of a Ring Warlock. Shade asked Tifa to hold Mia. The four girls stood in position together while Shade prepared alone behind the camera. Press the spotlight button and press the camera shutter at the same time.

Then he put down everything in his hands and came to the girls:

"get ready!"

He said, then touched the [Lord of Immortality Ring] on his finger:

"Breath of Time!"

As the gray airflow is sucked into the nasal cavity, the status of the camera and spotlight is accurately restored to the moment when the photo was taken dozens of seconds ago.

As the lights flickered again, five people and one cat were reflected on the film together.

Afterwards, they first returned to the "Edward III Arena" to join the other maids, and then took the carriage back to Carina Manor.

The Duchess had returned at this time. She was originally dissatisfied with Tifa for returning so late, but seeing that she had brought Shade over, these dissatisfactions disappeared.

Shade and Dorothy had dinner at the Duke's manor. After the meal, Shade and the Witch talked about future negotiations between the two countries in the study. Although the Witch wanted Shade to stay tonight so that he could go directly to the arena tomorrow morning, Shade still wanted to go home.

By the time the carriage brought the two of them to Saint Teresa Square, it was already eight o'clock that evening. Considering that there would be a physically demanding event like horse racing tomorrow, Shade did not plan any more evening activities. Although Dorothy did not participate in the competition today, she was also a little tired. So after washing up, the two locked Mia in the closet and then returned to the bedroom to rest.

Only an hour later, at around nine o'clock in the evening, Shade, who was lying on the bed with his arms around the slender waist of the blonde girl, heard the sound of the door opening from downstairs. Soon, the purple-eyed girl appeared at the bedroom door.

She obviously didn't expect that Dorothy would be here tonight. She thought that Dorothy would take into account that Shade would have a game tomorrow, so she wouldn't stay overnight. When she looked at the scene in the bedroom without the lights on, she happened to look at Dorothy, whose long blond hair was messy and draped on her white shoulders.

"Good night, Lu-Luvia!"

The writer lady felt a little exhausted, but she still greeted her politely intermittently.

"Um... need some help?"

The purple-eyed girl asked with a blush on her face. After getting a confirmed answer, she walked into the bedroom and joined the two entangled figures.

(Little Mia is running...)

"So, do you guys also know that Shade is participating in a full day of competition today?"

At the dinner table on Tuesday morning, the Duchess, who had gone into town early because she had a meeting, said in a stern tone to the two girls who looked very good-looking.

A sumptuous breakfast was prepared by the maids, and Shade and Mia sat opposite the witch.

"I thought he went home and rested yesterday."

The witch added, in fact, what really made her angry was that Shade refused to stay overnight in her manor last night, and after arriving at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square this morning, she saw a bed full of surprises in the bedroom.

"This should have no impact on Shade. Carina, you should trust our knight."

Luvia said, and patted Shade on the shoulder:

"When you got up this morning, didn't you also see that he was still quite energetic?"

So the witch blushed and did not continue to "reprimand":

"Even if it doesn't affect you, you can't... Shade, do you know about the assassination of Count Lewis yesterday? Speaking of which, it couldn't be you..."

Today's event is horse racing, and the schedule is still divided into morning and afternoon. The morning project is for all runners to set out together, starting from the "Edward III Arena", and engage in long-distance cross-country horse racing along a pre-planned track. It is expected to take at least an hour to complete the race, and the end point is also at the Edward III Arena. .

Because it is a horse race that circles the nearby area, you can observe the race with a telescope from high in the arena and know who is leading at each moment. For contestants like Schade, this event not only competes with their own riding skills, but also with the horse's endurance and their own way of knowing.

Although the track is a country dirt road rather than a completely wild field, and road signs and ribbons are placed at every fork in the road to provide instructions, there are still runners who run in the wrong direction every year. Last year, some people even rushed all the way to downtown Tobesk. When they were reminded, they were almost at Silver Cross Avenue.

Because horses were involved, some conditions arose before the race even started.

During the preparation stage, when Shade was confirming the horse gear in the stable outside the tent, he heard the news that the horse of Baron Aldu from Laon County suddenly suffered from diarrhea and was now unable to move.

"This happens every year. Some of the favorites' horses will have various unexpected conditions before the race. Last year, before the race, there was even a horse walking on the road and suddenly foaming at the mouth and dying."

The middle-aged groom with a scar on his left eye said next to Shade, and Shade asked:

"Doesn't anyone care about this kind of thing?"

"Of course there will be an investigation later, but then the game is over, right?"

The groom said, continuing to comb the maroon horse that was said to have the bloodline of the "Oldur Anshan Wild Horse". This was specially prepared by Miss Carina for Shad:

"But you don't have to worry about this kind of problem. With the Duke behind you, no one would dare to use this method against you."

The middle-aged groom said with a smile, and then lowered his voice slightly:

"Usually only out-of-towners are unlucky. This is considered a 'tradition' of festivals and competitions."

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