Whispering Verse

Chapter 1563 Horse Racing and Handkerchief

The morning's race was going quite smoothly. The only interruption was that before the riders were about to set off, Mr. Emhor Seric, the second son of Duke Seric who looked younger than a foreigner, found Shad alone:

"Rejed's Hamilton, I will use this game to prove that I am more suitable for Her Royal Highness Lesiya than you!"

After the young man finished speaking, he put on his helmet and left.

"who is he?"

Shade asked the blond girl beside him in surprise. Of course, the soul at this time was Lesia. Her Royal Highness the Princess wanted to give Shade a blessing before he set off:

"You are a passionate suitor. I also have many suitors in the city."

Lesia said, then stood on tiptoes and kissed the side of Shade's face:

"But those are all stupid boys, and no one can compare to you in my heart."

Shade nodded in agreement, then turned to look at the back of young Mr. Seric. He was not petty, because he wanted to kill others, he just thought that he would win no matter what.

The trumpet sounded and the knights set off from the Arena of Edward III on horseback. Bards holding telescopes constantly reported the information of the riders in the front to the enthusiastic audience through the huge amplification equipment of the steam power source.

Although the spectators could not see the players running on the country trails, the atmosphere at the scene was even more lively than yesterday's archery competition.

As for Shade, during the winter he had completely mastered horseback riding skills that outsiders would never imagine in his original world. Compared with the roadless creek forests in the Randall Valley, riding in the Tobesk countryside is simply too simple. He has been at the forefront since the start, and the horses chosen by Miss Carina for him have indeed performed very well.

In the end, when Shade was the first to appear on the track outside the Edward III Arena, and rushed into the arena with an advantage of at least ten horse lengths ahead of the second place and crossed the finish line, the entire arena cheered. The sound spread like a steam bomb explosion in all directions.

Not only does he have superb riding skills, but the unique smell of the female dragon that has not completely dissipated from his body makes his mount very obedient, and also causes other players' mounts to subconsciously slow down once they are approached by him. Of course, Shade would never say this.

The cheers and cheers seemed to never stop. After Shade, the bards were still loudly announcing the names and origins of the subsequent riders who reached the finish line. As the first place winner in this horse race, Shade was fortunate enough to be in the audience after everyone returned to the arena, and was received by Queen Diana who came to watch the game. Lesia is still in the city today, but Agelina, who came with her mother, is quite excited.

At 11:30 in the morning, Shade was finally able to leave the arena. Amidst the loud praises of the people, when he met Dorothy with a smile on her face, the little princess also asked someone to bring her handkerchief.

"Her personal handkerchief."

Dorothy naturally recognized what the handkerchief was at a glance, but instead of putting it away, she put it into Shade's pocket herself.

Shade thought this was the end, but he didn't expect that during the following lunch period, the servants who came frequently brought him more than ten handkerchiefs, some of which even had red hickeys and addresses on them.

Neither Tifa nor Dorothy felt strange, but felt that Shade's reaction was strange:

"It's like this every year. This is the climax of the city riding competition. Yesterday can only be regarded as a warm-up."

said the blond girl who was used to this.

"I don't quite understand why this didn't happen yesterday?"

Shade frowned at the handkerchief that he didn't know what to do with. Tifa explained at the side:

"Compared to the more technical shooting sports, people regard equestrianism as the most direct representation of chivalry and chivalry. I want to not only receive handkerchiefs now, but also send love letters and handkerchiefs to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square in the next week There must be a lot of people writing various letters.”

After all, Xia De directly published his information in the newspaper advertisement.

"After tomorrow's duel with the knight the day after tomorrow, you will receive not only handkerchiefs, but also all kinds of strange things...I mean garters."

The blonde girl said with a smile, using a notebook to record what happened today as material for writing. Although the competition is calm for the time being, she is planning to use this competition as a model to conceive an exquisite murder case. Of course, Dorothy did not forget to give her handkerchief to Shade after lunch as a reward for Shade's victory:

"Keep winning, knight, and you'll get more."

After a three-hour break, the afternoon game officially started. The afternoon game is a horse race in the arena. You have to run a sufficient number of laps within the specified time, and during this period, you have to use your hands to grab the silk scarf beside the fixed route. After the time is up, points are scored based on the distance run and the number of scarves obtained.

Because the area in the arena was limited, the 36 people were divided into 4 groups, and this time Shade was assigned to the last group.

By the time he finished his game, it was already around five o'clock in the evening. Shade, who had achieved quite good grades, met people again cheering at the entrance of the arena. When he returned to the tent, the reporter from "Steambird Daily" who came through Dorothy's relationship verbally criticized Shade again. interview.

This is even more tiring than a horse race.

Shade still had no additional activities planned for this evening. He returned to Carina Manor for dinner like yesterday, and then returned to the city with Dorothy.

However, Dorothy did not spend the night at No. 6 St. Teresa Square tonight. She has elective courses at the college tomorrow morning. She has to go back to prepare in advance tonight. She will not be able to join Shad at the arena until the afternoon tomorrow.

But Shade was not resting alone that night. Around nine o'clock, Shade was reading "The Book of Malbus Demons" in the study room when he felt the badge on his chest suddenly emit an amazing amount of heat. Then the door downstairs was opened by the key, and the witch walked up the stairs aggressively. She looked around in the living room and found that the house was eerily quiet. Only Shade stood in surprise at the door of the study holding a book, and the bedroom door It was open, and only little Mia peeked out, realizing that there were no other "guests" here tonight.

"Good evening, Carina, why are you here?"

Shade said hello, and the witch waved to the maids behind her to rest on the first floor:

"You don't want to stay at my place, why don't you allow me to stay at your place? Louisa and Annat can do it, and so can I."

It seems that she still remembers the "surprise" she saw when she arrived this morning.

As she spoke, the witch raised her hand and took off the hairpin that bound her beautiful long red hair, and threw it on the coffee table. The red hair spread out behind her, and the witch stepped towards Shade:

"Knight, you won't tell me that you are too tired today, so you want to rest alone?"

Golden eyes stared at Sha De, and Sha De was stunned:

"Tired? Today is just horse riding. Compared with the adventures and explorations I have done in other cities, today is like a full day of rest."

"Well, let me see if you are over-bragging yourself. I don't believe you can still get sick after this time."

She grabbed Shade's collar very rudely, and then kissed Shade.

(Yin Luna is praying...)

"So, did you also know that Shade has a full day of competition today?"

Early on Wednesday morning, at the dining table at No. 6 St. Teresa Square, Shade felt that he heard a very familiar sentence. Someone also said this sentence yesterday morning.

However, the person who said this now was Lesia, who finally found time to see Shade, and the person being questioned was Miss Carina, who said a similar sentence yesterday morning.

"Lecia, don't worry, I have personally verified that an event like the City Riding Competition is not even a warm-up for Shade. He still has a lot of physical strength...really a lot of."

As she spoke, the witch spread jam on the slices of bread with a silver table knife, which made Lesia look even more annoyed.

Fortunately, Lesia knew how to suppress her anger. She looked at Shade again, and the anger in her eyes shocked Shade:


"No, I shouldn't be angry with you."

Lesia closed her eyes and adjusted her emotions. If her dissatisfaction with her aunt was like being harassed by someone knocking on the door, then her dissatisfaction with Shade was like being woken up by little Mia in the early morning.

"Based on the current ranking of competition points, you are ranked first. I hope you can be more careful today. Although today's duel involves wearing armor and using wooden swords, no one can guarantee whether someone will play any tricks. Every other In a few years, there will always be fools who use extraordinary powers under the nose of the church."

"Don't worry, I will win for you."

Lesia showed a gentle smile:

"You can always tell me what's on my mind. Also, have you heard that something happened to Earl Lewis of Kasenlik?"

"Wasn't he accidentally shot by an arrow outside the Arena of Edward III on Monday, and then hit in the vital part by an assassin?"

Shade said while holding a piece of bread. Miss Carina spread grape jam while Shade chose apple jam. Speaking of which, it is a luxury to be able to eat fresh jam in this early spring season.

"Yes, killer..."

Lesia glanced at Shade with a smile, then shook her head:

"But that's not what I'm talking about. After the count was injured in the arena, his deputy took his place in the city and was busy with negotiations. The count didn't wake up until last night. As a result, when he rested in the middle of the night, the bed he slept on It actually collapsed, and I heard this morning that his left leg was broken."

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