Whispering Verse

Chapter 1567 Spring Worries

The cheers of the crowd and the screams that broke out when the two young knights came into contact almost shook the blue sky above the arena. Horse hooves trampled on the arena floor, wooden swords clashed and were blocked or hit their target, armor reflected in the harsh early spring morning sun.

There has been continuous good weather these past few days, and as the temperature rises, this good weather will inevitably make people feel drowsy. But fortunately, the atmosphere in the arena at this moment infected almost everyone.

"Is this Shad Hamilton?"

On the top floor of the auditorium on the east side of the arena, Captain Moody Robinson of the Blackstone Security Company asked Yin Luna. Yin Luna looked at the figure wearing golden armor in the arena and nodded slightly:

"Yes, it seems that his swordsmanship is indeed very good."

Next to Yin Luna, the sorceress with purple lips said with a smile:

"Yin Luna, you seem to have a very good relationship with Mr. Hamilton?"

"Yes, with his status, I can gain many valuable social relationships."

Yin Luna was still looking at Xia De's figure, she knew that Xia De would not lose.

"But this knight's social relationship is quite complicated. His affair with Duchess Carina is known to everyone in Tobesk."

Captain Robinson wanted to remind this promising young girl in his team, but he couldn't speak, so he looked at another of his team members.

The lady with purple lips smiled and said:

"You are so young and handsome. If I were more than ten years younger, I would probably be obsessed with him."

"You don't actually need to warn me. I know my own affairs. Getting involved with ordinary people rashly will only implicate innocent people. I will watch him from a distance and bless him. I know how to keep a distance."

Yin Luna held on to the railing, still looking at Xia De. The warm wind blew the hair around her ears, but it couldn't move the young girl's heart:

"I must stand by his side."

Yin Luna Bayasi whispered in her heart, looking at Shade with a smile in her eyes. She didn't say anything about her dark thoughts deep down in her heart. After all, in the eyes of a balanced chosen one, only one who has both good and evil thoughts can be called a real person.

There was a flash of light at the edge of her field of vision. Yin Luna's eyes subconsciously tried to catch it, but the strong light source that flashed past was no longer in the auditorium opposite.

"Is this lady's makeup mirror?"

She thought to herself, and then her powerful inspiration captured something unusual:


She continued to stare at Shade in the arena and thought about it for a while. When Shade got on the horse to get rid of the opponent's wooden sword and almost knocked off the little Dula Khan with a simple forward thrust, she said to the captain next to her. :

"Please contact the church in the city to determine whether any illegal groups related to mirrors have recently entered Tobesk Diocese."

On the other side, although Shade had been giving way to Little Dullahan, when there were only the last ten minutes left, he seemed to have suddenly understood the true meaning of swordsmanship, using quick and accurate combos as if wielding a long sword. Swinging the wooden sword in his hand like a whip, he continuously struck white spots on the young opponent's armor.

When the horn sound of the end of the game continued to spread under the blue sky, the audience did not even need to wait for the referee to announce that it was "Rejed's Hamilton" who won the second half of the semi-finals.

Neither of them was injured, so after dismounting and taking off their helmets, they politely shook hands in the center of the arena to express respect for their opponents. The camera's spotlight flashed crazily, trying to record this moment, while Mr. Dulahan said softly "Thank you" to Shade.

Shade didn't quite understand it at first. He led the horse to the side of the arena and waited for the opening of the final. Then he realized in hindsight that the young gentleman probably thought that Shade had deliberately let him go so that he could He behaves better in front of his lover and can show his bravery even if he loses the game.

Shade felt like he might have gained another friend.

The weather was nice, the sky was blue, and white clouds like cotton candy were moving overhead like ants. The noisy sounds around him did not affect Shade's comfort at the moment. While he listened to the voices of the palace attendants who recited poems to the entire arena through a loudspeaker and praised the last two contestants, he thought about whether such a beautiful life was still possible. How long can it last?

After a short break, accompanied by the cheers of the audience and the blast of fireworks and cannons, the final of the third sub-event of the 1854 Spring Around the City Equestrian Competition finally arrived.

Shade and Sir Hells from Coldwater Port each held their horses and met in the center of the arena. They raised their swords and kept the two swords crossed in the air for three seconds. Then they mounted their horses and waited. The horn sounds to start the finals.

Under the helmet, Shade took a deep breath, waved the reins in front of everyone's attention, and charged towards the old knight who, due to his age, was probably participating in the riding competition around the city for the last time.

(Little Mia is running...)


The sound of the metal helmet being placed heavily on the table startled the cat who was watching Shade "undressing" with great interest. Shade was breathing in the fresh air in the tent. His hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat, but there was a rare smile on his face:

"Why is it so hot today? How did the knights of the previous era still be able to walk around wearing armor all day long in the summer?"

he complained with a smile, his good mood contagious to the rest of the tent. The maids smiled and helped him take off his armor. They took the opportunity to squeeze Shade's arm and no one stopped them. Dorothy stood aside with her notebook:

"After all, it's spring already. Shade, just now I thought you would give in to the old knight a little bit."

"Why let it go? This is the Cavaliers' game. If I deliberately played any tricks in the finals, it would be too disgraceful. Although Sir Hulls lost, he seemed very happy and invited me to have time. Going to visit him at Coldwater Harbor."

Shade said, and then felt cool. Turning his head, he saw Tifa wiping his forehead with a towel soaked in water.

"Judging from the points ranking announced this morning, you are definitely the current number one. In the afternoon exhibition match, the person who duels you should be Sir Hulls."

Dorothy said, Shade was a little surprised:

"Sir Hulls? I thought it would be Mr. Eric Foran. Although he lost to Jazz in the morning, I remember that Jazz's performance in the first round of the archery competition was very poor."

“But Eric Foran had a similarly bad time in the second round. In case you weren’t paying attention, he finished 18th out of 36 in Tuesday morning’s wild ride, that Sir Hulls But it’s ranked third.”

Dorothy shook her head:

"In short, now you are only one step away from the championship. Eat more lunch, and then take a nap to rest. If you don't like sleeping here, go to the carriage. When you went to the competition in the morning, Miss Carina's private carriage came from The manor is here. Although it is not comparable to a real room, it is enough for you to rest."

"Forget it about taking a nap. I always feel like something will happen today."

Shade shook his head and pressed his hand on his heart:

"I believe in my inspiration. [The Faceless Man] will definitely appear before the end of the game this afternoon. After dinner, I will go outside for a walk. You guys stay in the tent and wait for me."

"You should be careful when you go out by yourself. The person who suppressed Eric Foran in the underground casino might do something disgusting."

Dorothy warned, Shade nodded, and then saw little Mia lightly jumping off the cabinet next to the mirror. Using the mirror as a springboard, she jumped directly to the table nearby, and then jumped into the warm helmet. , seems to enjoy the feeling of curling up inside.

After lunch, Shade left the camp alone. Because it was already the last day of the competition, the market was quite busy. Shade even saw a merchant selling a profile photo of "Rejed's Hamilton", which should be from Bought from a reporter.

But he failed to find any clues about the relic [The Faceless Man].

When preparing to return to his camp, Shade thought about talking to the Fulen brothers. Although he couldn't tell the two brothers that he was also a ring warlock, he planned to test whether they also knew about the [Faceless Man].

However, as soon as he approached Mr. Eric Foran's camp, Shade felt something was wrong. The two brothers' servants were outside the camp. Although they seemed to be packing their luggage, they were actually surrounding the camp to prevent anyone from getting close.

At the same time, after Shade closed his eyes, he was unable to hear any heartbeats in the camp through the thaumaturgy [Heart of Stone]. There is absolutely no way that there is no one in the camp at this moment, otherwise such a guard would be meaningless. Therefore, this also means that alchemical items such as [Silent Note Spell] or thaumaturgy with similar functions are blocking the sounds from the camp.

"What are you talking about?"

He was quite curious about this. Although it was immoral to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, after repenting in his heart, he still walked over under the disguise of "Red Butterfly Illusion". Brothers Eric Foran and Charles Foran are not big shots like the Great Witch. The servants around them are just ordinary people, so there is no need to worry about being discovered.

Fortunately, although the two brothers blocked the sounds in the camp, they probably didn't expect to have a long conversation, so they didn't set up any other anti-investigation rituals.

Under the cover of the illusion, Shade walked directly to the west side of the tent. In order to prevent being detected by the Ring Warlock's extremely sensitive senses, he did not enter the tent, but carefully stretched his fingers towards the ventilation window of the tent. Shade still couldn't hear the sound in this state, after all, he didn't have ears on his fingers, but fortunately "she" could hear it.

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