Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,568 The replaced contestant

"She" gently repeated the ongoing conversation in the tent for Shade:

[Eric Folan said: Those people in the Mirror Association are so bold. Are they crazy? 】

[Charles Fullan said: Brother, what did they want to do after they brought that relic? Isn’t the Mirror Association always committed to finding a space suitable for human survival outside the material world? Although they are considered an illegal group of ring warlocks by the Zhengshen Church because of their extremely extreme methods, they are not lunatics who kill people at will. 】

[Eric Foran said: Since last spring, the entire physical world has become no longer normal. Whatever they want to do, it has nothing to do with us. After today's game, the communication with Delarion about the time, place and event of the negotiation is almost over. Let's leave Tobesk City as soon as possible. 】

Because "she" was narrating it, Shade could only hear the voice but not the specific tone. "She" paused, and then Shade actually heard footsteps in the tent.

"The silence spell has been withdrawn, they are coming out!"

He hurriedly retracted his fingers, then turned and left the camp area of ​​the Fulan brothers.

"But, the Mirror Association? During the Battle of Pantanal, they would cooperate with Pantanal Voodoo. During the Battle of Randall Valley last month, I also heard that they sent people to hinder the activities of the church. "

On the way back, he was still pondering whether the entry of this organization he had never had direct contact with into Tobesk would have an impact on his peaceful life. Then he realized that the president of the illegal ring warlock organization [Mirror Association] was a rare thirteen-ring warlock "Mirror Hidden Man" in the material world of this era.

Shade wanted to tell Yin Luna about the "Mirror Association", but he could not directly contact the seventeen-year-old girl. Therefore, after returning to their tent, they could only tell Dorothy and Tifa what they had just heard, and asked the girls to be careful this afternoon and try to stay in the tent and not move around at will.

In this way, the time came to half past one in the afternoon. The writer lady, who had been holding her pocket watch to prevent Shade from missing the time, urged Shade to put on his helmet, and then Tifa and her sent Shade to the arena. Entrance.

Because this was the last game of this year's event, and it was the first time in recent years that real swords were allowed to be used in combat, even people who couldn't get tickets were very excited and flocked to the fence at the entrance of the arena to try to Find a good spot with a view of the field.

After Shade, Tifa, and Dorothy temporarily left, Shade's opponent, Sir Hells from Coldwater Port, who was supposed to be entering the arena now, unexpectedly appeared near Shade's camp.

Everyone around him seemed like they couldn't see him, and no one said hello to him. And when the expressionless Sir Hells walked in a strange and smooth way through the crowd heading towards the entrance of the arena to watch the game, and arrived at the entrance of Shade's camp, not even the Witch's followers were aware of it. A stranger arrives.


But fortunately, the cat who was taking a nap on the box containing the [Night Watcher] suddenly felt that the box under him was shaking slightly, so the cat who was woken up closed his eyes and first tried to shake his body and match its frequency. Consistent to achieve the purpose of no longer shaking. After realizing that it couldn't be achieved, he stood up sleepily. Because Tifa and Dorothy only left for a short while and then came back, Shade left it in the tent temporarily. After all, there were so many maids helping to watch it, and he didn't worry about Mia wandering around and getting lost. .

The orange-and-white cat stepped on the box and looked around, and then in its big amber eyes, Sir Hells was reflected at the tent door, which no one else could see. The small cat didn't pay attention to the stranger, and looked around again, but did not see Shade. So the cat turned its head again and looked at the stranger standing at the door. The man and the cat looked at each other for a few seconds, during which Mia licked her paw.

Finally, the alert cat realized that this was a stranger with malicious intentions, so it instinctively made predatory and threatening movements to protect itself:


Although the meowing was not very loud, it was enough to alert the maids. They still couldn't see anyone appearing at the door, but Shade mentioned the magical power of this cat many times in a boastful tone, so the sorceresses immediately gathered to prepare to meet the enemy, and soon followed Mia. His eyes looked towards the door of the tent.

Looking carefully, in the midday sun, the air at the entrance of the tent actually twisted unnaturally. But when the ice blue beam shot from the fingertips of the high-ring warlock passed through the unnatural twisting and left a small area of ​​ice on the ground, the twisting had disappeared.

"Sir Hulls" turned around and left here, walking very quickly.


Seeing that the malicious guy had left, Mia lay down again. His body was lying on the already warm box, and the little cat's head was hanging down from one end of the box. His amber eyes were staring at the entrance of the tent, looking forward to when Shade would come back.

The maids were not sure what this meant, but they still gathered around the cat in a way that did not affect the cat's field of vision. Fortunately, the danger had passed.

Shade, who was missed by Mia, had already said goodbye to Dorothy and Tifa at the entrance of the arena, and then led his horse into the arena.

Sir Hulls hadn't arrived yet, but the audience who saw Shade entering first were shouting his name with the greatest enthusiasm. Shade squinted at the auditorium above, and then waved to people according to etiquette.

The heavy armor made the movement of lifting his legs slow, and the warm sunlight made Shade feel tight in his chest in the armor. Although the last two-person duel allowed riding horses at the beginning, in fact, the game was allowed to continue even if the horse fell off the horse. The game will end when one party loses consciousness or voluntarily admits defeat. Of course, out of chivalry, there is no need to worry about someone taking advantage of the no-kill rule to mess around.

The long sword used in the competition was provided by the royal family. It was a steel sword slightly longer than the [Night Watch]. It was forged from the same material as the Litru steel that is used in the core furnace chamber of military steam engines. The hilt and scabbard both have the withered pattern of the Cavendish royal family. When the long sword was pulled out, the sword blade had just been maintained with sword oil. The oil had a strong smell, but it still shone in the sunlight.

This is a pretty good steel sword.

"I wonder if I can ask to take this sword back if I win."

While Shade was swinging the sword to adapt to the length and weight of the sword, Sir Hells also led the horse into the arena from the other direction. The way he walked at this time had become normal, but he did not talk to Shade, nor did he get close to Shade. Instead, he took his weapon and stood aside quietly holding the sword and waiting.

Shade, who was dancing the sword, glanced at him in surprise, feeling that this old knight from Coldwater Port seemed a little different from what he had been in the morning. He believed in his inspiration and deliberately wanted to find out what was going on. However, when he wanted to walk over, he was stopped by the servants who were arranged nearby to help the players prepare their horses and replace their weapons.

"Mr. Hamilton, I'm sorry. According to the rules of the competition, before the start of the competition, in order to prevent accidents, the two contestants cannot have direct contact."

"I feel like I'm going to be in bad luck."

Shade grumbled in his heart and glanced at Sir, who was not looking at him at all. The uneasiness in his heart became stronger:

"Does the method given by Helen and Grace work?"

At the same time, Tifa and Dorothy did not go to the auditorium like they did a few days ago, but returned to the camp according to Shade's instructions. They had just entered the camp and noticed the nervous expressions of the maids. However, before the maids left behind could finish talking about Mia's strange behavior just now, the sound of hurried footsteps sounded from outside.

Miss Writer and the head maid looked at the door of the tent together. Yin Luna hurried in with three ring magicians:

"Where's Shade?"

The seventeen-year-old girl actually asked in a panic. Dorothy frowned slightly:

"There are still two minutes until the game starts, and of course he has already entered. Miss Bayas, what happened?"

"Ladies, did any stranger come here just now?"

Captain Moody Robinson next to Yin Luna asked in a deep voice. Tifa and Dorothy almost immediately realized the reason for Mia's abnormal behavior just now. And Yin Luna could tell something from Mia's expression while standing on the [Night Watch] sword box and looking around.

"should not."

The blond writer shook his head and told lies, and then asked:

"Excuse me, what happened?"

The identity of the ring warlock cannot be exposed. Yin Luna pursed her lips and said uneasily:

"The superior cooperation department of our security company discovered Jazz's body five minutes ago, but there was a report just now that Jazz had entered the arena. Therefore, someone replaced Sir Hells and entered the arena pretending to be him. The other party The intention was to win the tournament as Lord Helles and then, when being awarded the title by the King and Queen, make remarks detrimental to the unity of the kingdom."

"Yes, the other party is a spy of the Carsonrick Gray Gloves organization. We are worried that he will take action against Mr. Hamilton in advance."

added team leader Mr Robinson.

According to the characteristics of the "Faceless Man", both Dorothy and Tifa understood that the other party's purpose should be to ask everyone about the whereabouts of their brother when speaking, and then forcibly trigger their own curse characteristics.

Dorothy took a deep breath to make her tone normal:

"We watched Shade enter the arena, and no one took action against Shade outside the arena in advance. Since someone is participating in violation of regulations, let's terminate the game now!"

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