Whispering Verse

Chapter 1576 Whisper-The End

Because of Shade's invitation to stay overnight, Luvia planned to go to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square after work that evening. But Shade held Mia earlier than she did and went to the Prophet's Association to wait for her to get off work.

Almost everyone in the Prophet Association in Tobesk City is aware of the relationship between Shade and Luvia. The girls in uniform at the front desk were smiling and congratulating Shade for winning the city riding competition, while also asking whether his relationship with Princess Lesia would affect his relationship with Luvia.

The girls’ gossip was quickly interrupted by Vice President Mark:

"You haven't gotten off work yet, please work hard."

With that said, he led Shade to his office to wait temporarily. After looking at the time, he saw that there were still five minutes left before getting off work. Vice President Mark took out the specially prepared "off-duty wine" from the wine cabinet and poured a glass for each of them. It was a nice, not very alcoholic, fruity gin.

Vice President Mark talked with Shade about the [Origin Earth] that he entrusted Luvia to help identify when Shade was seriously ill some time ago. At that time, Luvia used "this card is not mine" as an excuse and did not reveal the origin of the card. Shade happened to come to the association today, and Vice President Mark asked curiously.

Unfortunately, Shade didn't know where Stone Oxenfurt got this card, so he could only evade it by saying that it was a privacy that could not be disclosed.

Seeing that Shad was unwilling to say anything, Vice President Mark asked the association if the news that "Foundation Earth" appeared and belonged to Shad could be published in the Three Penny News. The appearance of every [Origin] series card is big news for Rhodes players, not to mention [Origin·Earth], which has never been heard from.

Shade agreed to the request. After all, he had already taken out the card and used it. The news could not be hidden at all. Moreover, in return, the Prophet Association will also give Shade a good reward.

Luvia was very happy that Shade brought Mia to pick her up from get off work. She thought today was purely a date time, and she went back to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square first and changed into a set of clothes left there. Just went to have dinner with Shade.

After dinner, the two walked back home with Mia, and read together for a while in the study. Shade also took out a glass of red wine and drank a glass of wine with Luvia. At around nine o'clock, they locked Mia in the closet and went to bed to rest.

The girl with purple eyes specially brought the [Eternal Leaf of Youth], but during the kiss, Shade "snatched it" and put it on the bedside table. This resulted in the girl who had relaxed physically and mentally before midnight and fell asleep in Shade's arms.

She fell into a deep sleep, as if she had put aside all her worries. Shade counted the time and kept his eyes open, looking at the dim bedroom. What he was thinking in his heart was that it seemed that he had not had a date with Luvia alone for a long time without any purpose.

[Are you feeling guilty? 】

"She" asked softly in Shade's ear, and Shade answered in his heart:

"Of course I feel guilty, especially towards Luvia."

"Her" gentle smile still made Shade so comfortable, and when the midnight bell rang, Shade quietly left the bed. He changed his clothes and entered the study, and took out the black time key that Siris had extracted from the memory of the earth from the drawer.

In order to prevent Luvia from waking up, there was no light in the study. The stranger stood alone at the table, staring at the key in his hand. After a moment, he shook his head slightly and prepared to go on an unpredictable new adventure.

"May the World Tree protect me in infinite time."


The black dead wood key was inserted into the keyhole on the inside of the study door. As Shade gently turned the key, he actually felt that he was reversing the flow of time. This was a feeling he had never felt before.

Turning the key opened the door. Behind the door was still the familiar foggy door filled with cotton-like white mist. From this point of view, this special time key was no different from a normal key.

"Then, I'm going to set off. What happened in the time that no longer exists?"

He said in his heart, and after getting a response from "her", he stepped into the fog door.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[The past life, the sixth era, the old continent, the city of the end, Tobesk. 】

[Event: Tobesk, the Last Era. 】

[The duration is arbitrary (1/∞). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[You have stepped into a history that does not exist. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

"Tobesk City is called the City of the End? Moreover, the number of times this time key can be used is unlimited? Is there such a good thing?"

Shade stood in the white mist and thought in surprise. He hadn't seen anything yet, but the information he knew was surprising enough:

"Also, since the duration is arbitrary and the tree father has not given me any tasks, how can I leave this time and space?"

"She" did not answer immediately, as if she was receiving information from [Time Corridor]:

[Note that during this exploration, you cannot leave the area of ​​Saint Teresa Square. 】

[Note that you are allowed to bring any casting materials into this period of time. 】

[Note that you can return to the "now" time by defeating any powerful enemy with the Time Key. 】

"Time key?"

Shade was stunned for a moment, and then felt something hit his head. He reached out and touched it, and then found that what he grabbed was actually the black time key. Although it has been used, the key itself does not show any cracks.

However, the fact that this key appears here is quite wrong:

"Wouldn't the previous time key appear in my hand only after I go back? Moreover, how can I defeat a powerful enemy with a key?"

He imagined himself throwing the key hard like an embroidery needle, and then piercing the enemy's skull, and then quickly shook his head:

"Besides, what were the powerful enemies in the past and sixth era?"

There were more and more questions that he didn't understand, so Shade simply didn't think about them and moved forward directly.

As his right foot landed, the white mist spread slowly to the left and right sides like a curtain. What is revealed in front of us is undoubtedly the living room of Room 1 on the second floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.


Before he could look around, Shade covered his forehead and fell to the ground, his body twitching unconsciously.

The moment he entered this point in time, it seemed as if the horror of the entire world, those twisted, mimetic, and indescribable sounds and illusions all entered his head. He felt that countless hands were grabbing him, trying to drag him into death, and he felt that the whole world was wailing to him with the sorrow of death.

He felt that all the signals that his senses could touch were telling the secrets of death and chaos, and the unwillingness and fear of death.

Compared with this, the surroundings were filled with spirits and elements that were more chaotic than any environment he had come into contact with, so the impact was negligible.

"I forgot, the last time I saw this place was in a dream, but this time I really came..."

The dizziness he hadn't experienced in a long time made him feel as if the whole world was spinning. The difference between this place and the real world is greater than the difference between the living and the dead. This is a world that is perishing in the true sense. The consciousness of the world and all things that exist and do not exist are telling Shade, a living person, what the "destruction of the world" actually represents.

At this moment, even the drop of divinity in his soul could barely guarantee that Shade would not pass out immediately. But fortunately, the black time key in his hand slowly heated up, and the warm breath was transmitted from the "dead key" to Shade's body.

That warmth caused Shade, whose body temperature to drop rapidly, to slowly come back to life again. The perishing world accepted this living person, the key to this world, telling the world that foreigners also belonged here.

[Outlander, you perceive "miracles," "blasphemies," "enlightenments," and "whispers.\

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