Whispering Verse

Chapter 1577 The meaning of whispers (please vote)

Shade, who was still feeling dizzy, stared at the strange spiritual light. He was not surprised by the spiritual rune itself, but he vaguely understood something:

"Whisper - End... The element of whisper can only appear in relics or related powers. But now I have not come into contact with any relics other than the black time key, and that key is not the source of this spiritual rune. The spiritual rune The text comes from this world of time and space. Whispers...whispers...are the relics and whispering elements really the 'darkness of the world' that Dr. Schneider told me (Chapter 14)? "

He took a deep breath of the choking air, and recalled another of the doctor's original descriptions of the "whispering element" - "Whispers are almost natural phenomena, reverberating throughout the material world."

"What the whisper represents...can't be the lingering sound of the world's imminent demise? So, the relics actually belong to the world...but that's not right. The appearance of relics has been around since the Second Era. It has begun. Moreover, shouldn’t the Sixth Age, which is closer to final destruction, have more relics?”

The more Xia De thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and the spirit in his soul became violently agitated as he thought. In the end, Shade made a "pop" sound, covered his chest and spurted out a mouthful of blood. Then he wiped his face, and his nose, ears and eyes were all bleeding.

Although he had not gone through any battle, he was already seriously injured. Knowing that he could no longer think about it, Shade quickly stopped thinking and suspected that this dying world was inducing him to die as well.

At this time, I felt that my body had recovered a little, and I had time to look around. Of course, this is also to distract yourself from thinking about those strange things.

The windows in the living room were boarded up, making the place dark with almost no light. There was an astonishing lack of furniture in the living room, not to mention Shade's knight sword, shield, and honorary degree certificate. There were not even clothes hangers by the door or cabinets by the wall.

The few remaining pieces of furniture were covered with white cloth and placed on the dirty floor covered with white dust and mold. The only thing not covered with a white cloth was the sofa in front of the fireplace.

The style of the fabric sofa was very familiar to Shade. It was the one in Sparrow Hamilton's living room when he died. During the time when the foreigners arrived, this old sofa had been replaced by Lesia and is now placed in the basement:

"Sure enough, there was no me in the past and sixth era."

Shade thought in his mind that he had guessed this the last time he saw that the side bed that originally belonged to him didn't even have a bed and was used as a storage room for storing sundries (Chapter 1154).

In the Sixth Age when the Outlanders had not arrived, Sparrow Hamilton did not even meet the blind and foolish original owner...


He tilted his head slightly, something seemed wrong. The Outlander's awakening should be the day Detective Sparrow dies, and the history before that is unaffected by the Outlander's arrival. Therefore, even if there were no outsiders in the past and the Sixth Age, there should be an owner of that side bed.

"Although I can't explain this situation, the change must have occurred in the spring of 1853, six months before I woke up. What exactly happened at that time?"

He cooed softly, and after waiting for the sound of "her", he continued to look around.

"Although I know that this is not my home, the dirty floors, peeling walls, and the choking, musty, humid air... are really uncomfortable."

Because there is no limit to the time he can stay, Shade doesn't have to race against time like he did before when using the time key. He looked around, then walked to the sofa, sat down slowly, and let out a long breath:

"First of all, the specific time now is..."

The thaumaturgy [Father of Contact with the Infinite Tree] was used, but the answer he got was very surprising:

[This is not any point in time, and time is broken. 】

Although there is no specific time for the location of the previous time key mission, at least there will be reminders such as "spring, summer, autumn and winter" when using the key. This time, he only said "The Last Era" at the beginning, and Shade could guess something:

"Is this the end? Everything ceases to exist, and time and space are completely chaotic."

And the chaotic time means that Shade probably won't be able to touch the long-haired Luvia.

"Is there anything moving around here?"

Shade asked in his heart.

【No. 】

"Well, let's start exploring."

If possible, Shade would actually like to use [Moon Dream] to sleep for 4 hours on this sofa to restore his energy. But this world is still showing him the terror and malice of the doomsday without reservation, so even if there is no time limit and he can take a short rest, Shade feels that it is best not to stay in this place for too long.

Last time in the dream at the end of the year, because he met little Mia with silver eyes on the second floor, and then chased the cat in the dream all the way to the third floor, entered the attic and climbed to the roof, so Shade didn't actually explore it carefully. this house.

Since he had the opportunity this time, he walked down the stairs, intending to confirm everything in the house from the basement. Of course, he did not forget to be on guard against the appearance of "strong enemies".

What’s very interesting is that just like the staircase connecting the second floor to the third floor is filled with several doors connected by adhesion spells that come from unknown sources, so in this doomsday home, the brick wall that originally blocked the first floor has also been filled up. was opened.

However, it is obvious that the users of the house in [The Past and the Sixth Era] do not regard this place as their home, because there is not even a single piece of furniture on the first floor. The windows were also boarded up, and the ground was covered with white ash. Under the ash was a damp floor corroded by mold.

After entering the basement, the debris that Shade accumulated here, as well as his potion workshop and alchemy workshop that should exist in a real home, did not exist. There were only things left by his predecessor or the previous owner who had been there when he opened the basement.

But that was not what Shade cared about. With the moonlight lighting up his fingertips, he came to the wall at the deepest point of the basement, and the life ring slowly emerged behind him.

Regardless of whether outsiders arrive or not, the hidden walls of the basement are always there. After all, when he first entered the space behind the hidden wall, the things inside already showed that the forerunners of the [Light Guide Hermitage] had found this place at least hundreds of years ago.

Then the [Time and Space] spirit runes bloomed with spiritual light, and the light shone on the wall, and the wall disappeared just as Shade expected.

A smile appeared on his face, and he took a step forward to penetrate into the black passage in front of him. Unexpectedly, he hit the completely invisible transparent wall directly.

"Oh, my nose!"

[Outlander, a tip from the Father of the Infinite Tree. 】

[You cannot leave the Saint Teresa Square area. 】

"I know, but doesn't Saint Teresa's Square belong behind this wall?"

Shade covered his red nose and complained softly, but all he got was a light laugh from "her".

Since the "space maze" still exists, Shade is naturally thinking about the other doors in his home. Among them, the [Dark Dungeon] in the basement requires "Unchangeable Darkness" to open, and the "Hall of the Secret Keeper" on the second floor requires "Aiken'ora - Arrow of the Chosen" to appear.

Therefore, the only things Shade could investigate were the [Earth Furnace] in the basement and the [Soul Cemetery] on the third floor.

What surprised him very much was that these two special spaces actually existed. Among them, the [Soul Cemetery] appeared because of the "edge of life and death" that originally existed in the house, so it is still located in the corridor on the third floor. The [Geocentric Furnace], which still exists in the form of a trap door, is still in the basement, but its location has changed from the side of the stairs to the center of the basement.

Of course, Shade couldn't enter these two places either, so he could only watch the door appear in front of him.

"In the past and the sixth era, some people also placed many doors at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, just like what I did."

Apart from the doors, there were no other clues worth paying attention to in the house. Except for Room 1 on the second floor where Sparrow originally lived, there is no furniture in other areas. It is still in the "haunted house" state before it was repaired.

Shade opened each room, and then remembered all the things he had experienced in different rooms, which made him even more unable to accept that the ending of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square was like this.

He originally thought that he might be able to find old newspapers and other debris, and at least learn about news that he had not experienced. But there is really nothing here. On the contrary, because he stayed at this point in time for too long, his mental state became worse and worse.

"Only the last roof remains."

With his last hope, Shade climbed up to the attic. However, after looking up at the small door leading to the roof, he did not move immediately. Instead, he came to the decorative wall of the attic and used the spell "Fossils to Mud" to reach into the wall.

Soon, his hand grabbed a small cardboard box and pulled it out. There weren't many things in the carton. They were travel postcards and old photos from various parts of the Old World, and there were only landscapes and no people in the photos.

"Sure enough, this also exists."

This was what the workers found in the wall when Shade was renovating the house after Detective Sparrow died (Chapter 463). Schade speculated at the time that this was a souvenir left by the "Grey Eagle" when it performed missions in various parts of the Old World. Since these photos also exist at this point in time, Shade can be absolutely sure that at least the history of Detective Sparrow owning the house still exists.

"So, the difference between this place and the time I was at probably only appeared in the spring of 1853."

He placed the box on the floor before finally opening the small door on the roof and jumping onto the roof.

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