Whispering Verse

Chapter 1578 Keys and Staff

The strong wind mixed with sand and gravel blew in the face, and the sand on the roof surface also rolled away with the wind like a tide. Shade, who squinted his eyes, raised his arms to cover his eyes and turned to look at the highest point of the roof, but there was no Rapunzel holding the cat with silver eyes that he was missing.

Even though he had expected this situation, he couldn't help but sigh.

So he bent over hard and walked up the sloping roof, and then sat where the long-haired Luvia in the dream once sat.

Looking up at the world filled with yellow sand, countless tiny building debris and corpses were scattered and floating in the dim yellow sky. The sun hangs in the center of this terrifying picture, but it is black, surrounded by white edges, and has a red halo around it. The black sun was like a hole, flowing downward with a fiery red line.

"It's really just like in the dream, no exaggeration at all."

Even because this is the real world, this doomsday scene and that terrifying sun look even more shocking.

Looking up to a higher place, surrounded by countless garbage and corpses, gray clouds and storms enveloped a building like a giant floating island. Black lightning kept flashing between the gravel in the storm. Because the distance was too far, Shade couldn't see more details:

"Isn't this the floating island where Zarath Academy of Literature is located?"

The sun and the floating island are very far away, and the nearby city is still as in the dream. The wind and sand cover the remains of the buildings. Except for Saint Teresa Square, the buildings in other areas are dilapidated and crooked. Standing tall in the yellow sand. The western part of the city seemed to have been hit by a giant meteorite, while the black smoke floating into the sky in the northeastern part of the city was like dense tentacles dancing continuously.

Even the houses around Saint Teresa Square, except for No. 6 where Shade is located, have suffered various degrees of damage. The closer the house to No. 6, the higher the degree of completeness.

But there are still living people here. In the city filled with yellow sand, you can see people wearing cloaks with their bodies low, or things that look like humans, moving slowly along the edges of buildings. Shade didn't know how they survived here, but thinking about it, these were the only survivors left.

He did not try to contact the survivors. Sound could not travel very far in the strong wind, and using the "Light Technique" rashly would probably attract things other than the survivors of the doomsday.

Because he could not leave the confines of Saint Teresa Square, at this moment, Shade could hardly think of what else he could do here.

His eyes continued to move downward, and finally looked towards Saint Teresa Square. There were old tables and chairs in the empty square, the lower body of a human statue that flew from nowhere and was deeply embedded in the ground, a damaged piano and other debris. And located in the center of the square, the statue of the girl holding a water bottle and spraying water miraculously remains intact, but its body is also covered with fine cracks.

Since the tree father said that you can go back after defeating a strong enemy, then strong enemies should exist. If you can be sure that your home is completely safe, then the only area left where you may encounter strong enemies is the square.

Looking at the square below, Shade suddenly had a strange thought:

"I can't leave the square, the square is surrounded by houses, the square is empty, and outside the square is the absolutely safe No. 6... All these conditions combined, Saint Teresa Square, isn't it an arena in the apocalypse?"

With this idea, he was almost certain that a "strong enemy" would appear when he entered the square.

His current condition is already very bad, there is no need to delay, it is appropriate to face the enemy at this moment. If you want clues, you can come back next time.

But Shade also faced another problem, which was how to "defeat the enemy" with a key. Tree Father never minces words in the information he gives, and all descriptions are very accurate. Therefore, Shade cannot use the key to kill the enemy after defeating the enemy. The key itself must defeat the enemy. Although the outsiders in the Sixth Ring have mastered many spells and thaumaturgy, they have never learned abilities such as "Flying Needle Technique".

"This key must have some purpose that I don't know about, otherwise there is no reason to use the key to defeat the enemy. Although the long-haired Luvia cannot tell the past and some secrets, she will definitely not be unwilling to tell me even this. She Ever given a hint?”

Shade tried hard to recall every detail of the conversation with the long-haired Luvia in the dream three months ago, especially the conversation before and after talking about this special time key. Because the two were making out at the time, Shade's memory went off track for a few seconds, and then he found a few key sentences from the conversation:

"You don't belong to any era."

He held the key and whispered, but the key did not respond.

"Embrace me and discover my secrets."

Still no response, Shade hesitated for a moment, because there was only the last sentence left:

"May the first silver moon guide the final direction."


The key in the palm of his hand suddenly vibrated, and then it separated from Shade's hand, and was wrapped in a ball of silver light and came to Shade's front. Shade stood up from the roof in shock, but the key, which was wrapped in a small round silver light group, did not produce any other changes. However, Shade could feel the power contained in it, and was eager to show his true form. .

"Is it really the sublimated words of long-haired Luvia? Wait, this key is not born naturally at all, is it made by Luvia herself?"

Although this sounds incredible, if the long-haired Luvia really inherited everything as he thought, it is entirely possible.

The knowledge in [Witch Reverb·Cloin] and [Witch Reverb·Feliana] tells Shade that the things in front of him require specific responses and recognized qualifications before they are allowed to be used. This is quite high-end alchemy. A technology that combines magic, magic and relic storage.

Since long-haired Luvia asked Shade to obtain the key, Shade is certainly qualified to use it. So he coughed, opened his arms seriously, and said to the key wrapped in silver light in front of him:

"In the name of your master, Luvia Anat, please show me your power."

The huge circular ritual pattern of the sun, moon and stars that had appeared in the ruined tower, the Temple of Night, and Edwards's letters, composed of golden lines, appeared at Shade's feet. At the same time, the black key merged with the silver light, and then deformed and stretched toward both sides in the light like a seed sprouting.

[Grab it. 】

"She" reminded softly, and Shade immediately reached out and grabbed the long glowing staff lying flat in front of him.

The light disappeared together with the pattern under his feet, and what he grabbed was indeed a long black staff. The long staff is made of black wood that is the same as the key. The length is about the same as Shade's height, and the thickness is about the same as Shade's wrist. The stick itself is like a sapling that has just sprouted, except that it has no root system at the bottom and branches extending in all directions.

Although the stick itself is not very straight, when it is erected, at least the line connecting the upper and lower ends is perpendicular to the ground plane. The reason why the upper and lower ends can be distinguished is not only based on basic botany, but also because the downward end of the wooden stick is inlaid with black wooden balls that are almost the same thickness as the stick body; the upward end of the wooden stick is A curved wooden hook, or in the form of a question mark.

The shape is simple, the surface has a naturally formed tree texture, and it feels surprisingly smooth to hold. It is different from the simplicity of the [Night Watch], the complexity of the ["Smallville Code\

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