Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,581 Angelic Relic-[Key to Yggdrasil]

Because he was too tired, the moment Shade closed his eyes, he had already entered the dream constructed by [Moon Dream].

Standing on the field ridge in the wilderness under the starry sky with the breeze blowing, I looked up and saw the huge silver moon disk. This is the scenery that most often appears in Shade's dreams, and it is also Shade's favorite dream scenery.

If possible, he even thought about painting this scene and displaying it in his home.

Soon, he felt a familiar soul touch his dream, and then the door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square appeared in the wilderness. Shade opened the door and walked in. Behind the door was the rooftop of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, filled with yellow sand.

The girl with long brown hair sat there alone, looking at Shade who entered her dream. She pursed her lips and opened her arms to Shade, so Shade walked up to sit next to her despite the wind, and then hugged her.

It took a long time for Xia De to speak, but he did not immediately ask about his experience just now, nor how to use the key, but asked seriously:

"Louvia, are you really sure that you want to put that black key to time in my hands instead of leaving it to you to use like you have done in the past?"

Although the appearance is slightly mature, those purple eyes are still so familiar. Those eyes almost have the ability to drive Shade crazy. He really likes those eyes.

"After all, it is related to the destruction of the world. Are you sure it is not you who has accumulated experience to hold the key?"

Although Luvia does not have the "time" spirit rune, Shade believes that she must have a way to use the key.

"I failed, more than once."

The long-haired girl looked at Shade with red eyes. Every time she saw her, she seemed to be crying:

"If you leave it to me again, it will still be a failure. It will be a cycle of six times. I will not stubbornly think that I will succeed the seventh time. I have entered a spiral of failure. This time, I will entrust it to you. This time, I will entrust it to you." It’s new possibilities.”

Shade nodded slightly, which meant that Luvia Anat was the last person to restart everything in the past six sixth eras.

She bit her lip and raised her hand to touch his face with her palm. The distance was so close that Shade could even see his own figure in his purple eyes:

"You are not me. If you use the [Key of Yggdrasil] to enter the era of destruction, you probably won't be able to meet me, and you won't be able to know everything about the past life like me. You only know fragments. But time And fate will guide you, Shade, please forgive me for entrusting you with this responsibility that belongs to me. I will not give you any experience, because my experience will lead to the wrong ending, do what you hope Do what you want, even if you fail, my love, at least this time, someone will be with me to witness the sunset."

"No need to apologize to me, I will always be with you."

Shade shook his head slightly and wanted to say something else, but his gentle lips had already kissed him.

The opposite side of Luvia's soul, the long-haired girl with purple eyes, appears to be more active and passionate than the normal Luvia, and at the same time, she is more gentle and eager for love. Although it is shameful to do such a thing on the roof, fortunately it is just a dream. The blending of souls brought the two closer to each other, and Shade could feel her sadness and deep loneliness.

"Is it true that I can't tell Luvia about 'you'?"

Shade still had doubts about this. He himself did not want to hide too many things from Luvia, and telling Luvia would make it easier to do many things.

"You don't need to tell me, let me discover it myself. I am a very smart girl. This time, it is up to me to know what I should know."

She hugged Shade's neck and bit it gently.

"How can the [Key of Yggdrasil] be turned into a key again? What level does this relic belong to? What is its storage method? Also, I got a strange card from the past. Why is it a card? "

Shade asked again, but the purple-eyed girl did not answer immediately. She closed her eyes and shed tears, feeling the hot temperature of Shade's soul:

"In my name, tell [Yuktrasil's Staff] to turn it back into a key. This is a heavenly, oh, angel-level relic, and its storage method is the same as an ordinary time key. Did you get the card from the shattered time? Your experience is indeed different from mine. I can guess what it is, but I can't tell you why it is a card, but you should use it with caution."

She motioned for Shade to lean over and kiss her. The wet kiss smelled of tears:

"Use those cards with caution, they will hasten the arrival of doom and disaster. The way and way to store the cards is to put them near the statue of the god."

She did not continue speaking, but opened her tearful eyes and looked at Shade doubtfully:

"Why did you stop? Are you angry at me for hiding it?"

"I just want to know when I can see you again?"

The long-haired girl with purple eyes opened her arms and let Shade pick her up. Then she put her side face against Shade's left chest, feeling the powerful beating sound of the heart that should not exist in her soul. It was the pulsation and pulsation of the soul. Divine resonance:

"Next time, after you use that key."

"Next month?"

"It turns out that in your hands, it takes a month..."

The intertwined figures are filled with the last glow of the doomsday sky, and the two lonely souls tell each other their passionate feelings. She didn't let Shade do anything because of the key, nor did she give Shade any tasks. She just hopes that Shade can do what he wants to do. She just hopes that before another end comes, a new possibility will be born.

(Little Mia is running...)

Early on Tuesday morning, Luvia was humming a song and making breakfast in the kitchen. Mia looked energetically at the group of pigeons in the square from the living room window. Although Shade was sitting at the dining table reading the newspaper, in fact Still thinking about what happened last night:

"I thought that this time I would still be punished for being unable to use the key for another two weeks because of being exposed to the curse of time."

[Since you guessed that there would be such a punishment, why didn't you reject her in the dream? 】

"She" whispered, Shade could only laugh dryly, but he did not lie:

"I'm also eager to see her again."

[Your soul resisted the curse from that damaged soul. On the one hand, it is because this is not the first time, and on the other hand, it is because the filthy origin that devoured the twisted earth has enhanced your resistance to the curse. 】

Now Shade understood.

Although they were sleeping together, Luvia was not aware of what happened last night. When she got up, she covered her forehead and said that she was in a particularly good state this morning, as if her soul had been cleansed by some divine power. I am in a good mood to make breakfast because my spirit and soul are in excellent condition, and I feel energetic even in the early morning.

"She" once told Shade that long-haired Luvia's damaged soul could be repaired a little bit by close contact with Shade. It seemed that this was indeed effective.

Today, Shade still does not plan to use Mr. Edmond's time key immediately, but plans to leave for the Green Lake area. He has a lot of things to do there. The Chosen One, Mr. Edmond's task of acquiring materials, and the secrets of the Edwards family all require a lot of time to investigate.

He planned to get familiar with the two cities first, and if he had time, he would consider visiting the white mist-covered island in the middle of Green Lake.

Luvia also knew about Shade's travel plan today, so after breakfast, she took out her divination card and planned to give Shade a divination:

"Today's condition is particularly good. The divination will be very accurate."

The girl with purple eyes said quite confidently.

"Actually, every time you gave me a divination in the past, the results were very accurate. Now that I think about it, I really can't remember a time when you made a mistake."

Shade smiled and praised, and then followed Luvia's request and selected two divination cards from the one hundred and eight divination cards spread out on the table.

Luvia opened them:

"Let me see, [Twins] [Cat]"

"What's the meaning?"

Shade asked curiously, touching the cat lying on his lap.

"It's hard to explain, maybe..."

Luvia looked at little Mia:

"Maybe it has something to do with this cat. But obviously, you definitely don't intend to let little Mia reproduce the next generation, so it may mean something else."


Mia screamed intimidatingly at her, and then lay down again because of Shade's touch.

Shade thought:

"Twins, I have some thoughts. The power of the Ancient God of Space [Primary Crack] is not only space, but also rupture and healing, as well as the image of 'two persons in one body'."

Because of the existence of Grace and Helen, Shade has a deep understanding of this:

"Maybe the chosen ones this time are twins? Like brothers Eric and Charles Foran? They also happen to be members of the Edwards family."

"There is no direct connection between the members of the Edwards family and the chosen ones. And the chosen ones can only be separate individuals. Unless one person absorbs another person, just like the relic [The Faceless Man], otherwise they Even if there is a chosen one, he can only be one of them."

Luvia emphasized, but she also believed that Shade’s view made some sense:

"But by coincidence, the Edwards family is also in that area... After you arrive in the Green Lake area, you can focus on observing these two brothers. They happen to be twins, related to the local hidden family, and they happen to appear now. , this is indeed very suspicious."

"They are probably still on the steam train now. I still have to think about how to explain my presence there."

"You'll always find a way."

The female fortune teller gave the stranger a kiss that represented "luck". A kiss without tears is indeed very different from a kiss with tears.

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