Whispering Verse

Chapter 1595 The Sorceress of Green Lake

"This looks like cotton. Is this candy too?"

Her Royal Highness tasted some and smiled slightly because of the sweetness:

"Cotton's candy?"

"To turn food into candy, the color and shape must be similar. It is impossible for me to turn a piece of bread into sugar water. I remember that there should be similar marshmallows now, right?"

The well-informed princess in the palace nodded:

"Being egg whites and syrup into foam can be made into cotton-like candy, but it won't be as good as yours in appearance or taste."

"This can actually be done now, but it requires machines."

He briefly explained how to make marshmallows. Of course, outsiders’ knowledge was very rough. Lesia listened carefully, and after Shade finished speaking, she sighed:

"You always have all kinds of novel ideas, but they are all very good. For example, Miss Sylvia's inventions."

Shade's face turned red and he coughed:

"This marshmallow tastes good, doesn't it? If you like it, I can conjure up more candies you haven't eaten before."

As he said that, Shade didn't forget to stop the puzzle lock, otherwise the candy would fall all over the floor and it would be very troublesome to clean up. He put little Mia on the table again and gave a small portion of the bowl of marshmallows to the cat.

"It's breakfast time now, and I'm not a kid who likes sweets. What's more, I have to help Dorothy stay in shape."

Lecia said, looking at the bowl of candy again:

"Is the object of the spell cast something that you think is food? If it is not forcibly changing the cognition, it may cause the ring warlock to lose control. This ability has more uses."

Lesia smiled and said:

"And your complex mystery lock has become more like a fairy tale. When the little match seller walked barefoot on the street at night, she discovered that the snowflakes falling in the sky were actually candies... What if If this is really the case, the fairy tale of "Match Girl" is no longer a tragedy."

Because I had to go to Granny Natalie at the Guiding Light Monastery this morning to find out if the ring warlock who wanted to purchase "Orichalcum" was willing to meet, so after breakfast, I entrusted Mia to Dorothy. Shade set off for the Green Lake area.

After carefully escaping from the underground warehouse of Green Lake Hotel, Shade still left the hotel through the back door of the kitchen.

The child from yesterday still lived in the trash can next to the door. Shade did not disturb him, but placed a few coins next to the trash can. He is not worried that this will be taken away by others, no one will come here at all.

The journey was not far. Shade walked to Kingfisher Tailor Shop and met Granny Natalie through the secret passage of the dressing room in the corner. This old woman has eleven to twelve rings of power, which fits Shade's impression of the Guiding Light Hermitage.

"good morning."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Granny Natalie gave Shad a note:

"The other party is willing to see you, but she can only reveal a few limited pieces of information about the Edwards family, and it is impossible to tell you everything."

"The Edwards family is a family of ordinary people. Doesn't her appearance indicate that the Edwards have a deeper secret?"

Shade said with a smile, looking at the note, it was the address of Green Lake City:

"First floor of Green Lake Hotel, ten thirty this morning?"

It was 9:57 in the morning, and half an hour was enough for Shade to walk back:

"Mother-in-law, do you have any relics or potions here that can turn people into animals in a short time... Forget the relics, potions are the best."

The side effects of using relics to transform the body must be very serious. This is also common sense among ring magicians.

"That kind of magic potion is not easy to find. If you are willing to wait, I can contact my old friends, but it will take at least a month or two for a reply."

The old man behind the counter said, and Shade nodded:

"Forget it, I want to get the finished product this week."

"Making that level of potion itself is very time-consuming, so you can only find potions that have been prepared. This is not easy, but if you have access to the three major colleges, you can try to go to the college to find it. After all, for For teaching, Potions professors will stock up on finished potions to facilitate classroom teaching.”

This gave Xia De new ideas.

When Shade was about to leave, Granny Natalie stopped him again and warned him:

"The buyer of Orichalcum has some minor problems with her character. If you find that she is cold and slightly hostile towards you, please don't take it personally. My old friend's character has always been like this."

She hesitated for a moment, thinking that Shad was introduced by Mr. Edmond:

"She is a high-level warlock. There was a time when she had a problem... and almost lost control. Her mental state has only gotten better in recent years, so don't mind too much no matter what she says. This deal is made by I guarantee there will be no problem."

"This kind of high-level warlock is very dangerous."

Shade sighed, then frowned slightly, associating the characteristics Granny Natalie mentioned with a certain type of person he knew.

"Probably, it's not such a coincidence, right?"

He held his chest, but he always had the "Witch Detection Badge" on him.

Mother-in-law Natalie said that the buyer had made a reservation on the first floor with the owner of the "Green Lake Hotel" in advance, so after Shade returned to the hotel at 10:18 that morning, he went directly to the counter to inquire about the location. matter.

However, unfortunately, the hotel owner, Mr. Soren Green, was not there. What Shade saw behind the counter was a woman about the same age as Mr. Green, with the same brown hair.

After Shade introduced his identity, the woman smiled and said:

"Mr. Watson, you didn't come back last night. We were worried that you were lost in this strange city."

"I stayed in Michaela Blast Furnace City last night. I was delayed for a while while crossing the border. When I wanted to come back after visiting the city, it was too late."

Shade said, and the woman helped to search Mr. Soren Green's notebook:

"I found it. The lady who made the appointment with you asked you to wait for her at the table under the oil painting of Green Lake against the wall. If she doesn't arrive at 10:30 in the morning, she won't be late for more than ten minutes at most."

"Thank you, Mrs. Green."

Shade thought the woman in front of him was Mr. Green's wife. After all, the hotel maids were very respectful to her, and she also had the key to the drawer under the counter. But this time, he guessed wrong.

"Mr. Watson, you may have misunderstood. I am not my brother's wife. I am Helena Green, Solon Green's twin sister. My brother is already married. If Sarah hears it, he will joke again. Urging me to get married sooner."

Shade was a little embarrassed:

"I'm so sorry, I thought...but you look nothing like Mr. Green."

"After all, we are a boy and a girl. We have never looked alike since childhood."

Shade chatted with Ms. Helena Green for a few more words, then ordered a cup of hot tea, and then came to sit under the oil painting of Green Lake.

It's Wednesday morning and there aren't many people in the hotel. The newspapers were full of news about the upcoming negotiations in the region, which was annoying. Shade just flipped through it, then sat at the table boredly and looked at the door of the hotel, guessing what the sorceress looked like.

"Grandma Natalie said that the other party is her good friend for many years, so the lady should be quite old... but the way to stay young is not difficult to find, so the other party may also look very young. young."

The time soon came to 10:30 in the morning, and there was still no one across from Shade who was holding a tea cup. The lady was late, but not too late. Two minutes later, the door of the Green Lake Hotel was pushed open from the outside, and a woman with light brown shawl hair broke into the room along with the thin sunlight.

She looked about twenty-one or twelve years old and was wearing a dark purple silk dress with a high collar and the skirt reached below her ankles. She is tall and has a high-waisted coat that makes her waist look very slender. The shoes are low-heeled. I can’t see their exact appearance because of the hem of the skirt, but they should be black leather buckled shoes. As for the top of his head, he wears a wide-brimmed hat decorated with embroidered lace.

Solemn and conservative, this is the dressing style of middle-class women in this era. On the contrary, at the banquets of nobles, the matching of formal dresses is sometimes more bold.

Her face was very delicate, but with a very cold expression. You didn't need to think about it to know that what you saw at this time was the disguised appearance of this lady. After entering the door, the sorceress pursed her lips and looked directly at Shade. Her eyes shrank for a moment, then she blinked and walked over. As she got closer, Shade also knew that the other party should be at the 11th or 12th level, which was very close to the level of Granny Natalie.

"Mr. Watson?"

After sitting down, the woman asked softly in Kasenlik language. It wasn't a local accent, but it sounded very nice. But her tone and expression were as cold as if there was something dirty on Shade.

"It seems that Granny Natalie is absolutely right."

Shade thought to himself, and then pressed his chest. There was no response from the Witch Detection Badge at the moment, and the other party did not ask to hold his wrist. This meant that Shade seemed to be a little too worried.

"Yes, I am John Watson, and it was Granny Natalie who gave me the time and place to meet."

Shade said that there is almost no one on the first floor of the hotel now, and there is no need to worry about ordinary people hearing their conversations.

The sorceress nodded coldly and put her gloved hands on the table. Observing her so closely, this lady whose name is still unknown has a very unique temperament. That kind of indifferent expression that was difficult to touch not only did not destroy her beauty, but made her look different from ordinary women.

Shade wanted to ask the waiter to ask for a cup of tea for her, but was rejected by the waiter:

"I still have some things to do. I'll leave after we finish talking."

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