Whispering Verse

Chapter 1596

"Then let's inspect the goods first."

Shade took out the piece of orichalcum and when he got the piece of metal from the mirror, the volume of the metal was about half the size of a palm. Shade considered that he might also need orichalcum in the future, so he cut it into two pieces with [Night Watch]. The smaller piece was kept in the basement, and he brought the larger piece.

"It's really interesting for you to carry such a valuable item directly in your pocket."

The sorceress commented simply, letting Shade place the metal on the table while she reached for it herself. When inspecting the metal, she did not take off her gloves. When she saw that one side was unusually flat, she asked Xiang Shade:

"What method did you use to cut it? With the hardness of orichalcum, it is difficult for most spiritual weapons and weapon relics below the keeper level to leave such a smooth cut surface."

"That can't be said."

So the lady who didn't even want to introduce her name didn't ask any more questions, but examined the piece of metal more carefully.

Due to the special properties of orichalcum, the authenticity and purity of this piece of metal can be easily tested by simply testing the hardness, ductility and spiritual conductivity.

However, due to the various strange thaumaturgy skills of the ring magicians, even if these tests are passed, it is possible that the illusion is created by clever illusions or alchemy. Therefore, Shade understands the attitude of the lady opposite to carefully check, but he still refuses to do it to her. Taking off the gloves indicates confusion.

It took a long time, until Shade had finished three cups of tea, before the sorceress put down the piece of metal:

"No problem, the purity is quite good. I think this is not orichalcum obtained through normal means, but a reward given by a relic or a higher-dimensional existence. Otherwise, there is no reason for the purity to be so high."

Shade did not explain:

"Madam, I see you have no intention of discussing it with me in detail, so let's just talk. Although metals such as orichalcum and mithril are rare, the market price is almost fixed. I hope to use this metal. Learn as much as you can about the town of Green Lake and the Edwards family."

He pointed to his goods:

"Please speak up. Let's finish talking about the value of this piece of orichalcum. We are all acquaintances of Granny Natalie, and the value of the information does not require too much haggling."

The sorceress across the table thought about it for a moment:

"What exactly do you want to know?"

This is indeed a very critical question, and there is indeed a lot that Shade wants to know.

Regarding the "sun, moon and stars" pattern that appears many times, it is possible to know the meaning only by looking for all the members of the Edwards family; and about the white fog in the middle of Green Lake, Shade also wants to know the truth. It may be related to the chosen one; as for the elixir of life, it is not important, but what the Edwards family did back then is very important:

"I want to know how many surviving descendants of the Edwards family there are."

The sorceress glanced at him:

"have no idea."

Shade couldn't tell whether this was the truth or a lie, so he changed the question:

"Hohenheim, Edward, Alphonse and Maria, these four people who left Green Lake Town 128 years ago, are they still alive now?"

"You know quite a lot."

The sorceress said, shaking her head slightly:

"I can confirm that all three brothers have passed away. Maria Edwards doesn't know. When she left Green Lake Town, the girl was only eleven years old. She must have changed her surname when she grew up and got married. It is difficult to find. "

She was right. The descendants of the three brothers, at least in the next generation, would most likely retain the surname "Edwards".

"Well, the first effective clue you gave me: the three brothers who witnessed the destruction of Green Lake Town 128 years ago have passed away."

Shade nodded:

"Second question, what exactly destroyed the town of Green Lake? I also have my own intelligence source in the church, but the church's records are very specific. They only mentioned that the rising toxic fog covered the island, and the ships brought 139 townspeople on the island escaped."

This is the information that Yin Luna found. She has great authority in the church, but the problem is that it was not the Sun Church that handled this matter, but the Peace Church. Moreover, everything ended when the church landed on the island to inspect, and the investigation did not yield many clues. In addition, the casualties caused by this incident were less than ten, and the fog did not spread outside the island, so it was not that the church was negligent, but that this kind of thing was really not a big deal.

"You already know it in detail. Most people don't know how many people escaped back then."

The sorceress spoke again, and then answered the question:

"It was indeed not just the fog that destroyed the island. The fog only forced the townspeople to flee their homes. The real danger came from the Edwards family's mansion, which was the manor outside the town. The source of the fog was underground in the manor. But neither the church nor the ring warlocks who have been visiting the island for hundreds of years have been unable to find the secret passage under the manor, as if the fog was created out of thin air. The source of the fog has a strange power that makes people subconsciously escape. The force prompted the townspeople to eventually abandon their homes. If you were to land on the island, the Edwards family estate is the most valuable place to be."

“I’m afraid all that’s left in that place now is the load-bearing wall.”

Shade made a joke and thought for a moment:

"I definitely want to land on the island. According to my early understanding, the fog on that island is still poisonous, and there are some strange black shadows lingering in the fog. It is best not to stay on the island for more than 24 hours, otherwise You will encounter mental pollution of unknown origin. There is a chance that you will suddenly lose your sense of direction on the island. At this time, it is best to stay where you are and don't move...Besides these, is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

"How old are you now?"

The sorceress asked instead, Shade didn't lie:

"Six rings, very resistant to curses and poisons."

"Then there is nothing that can threaten you on that island. Just like you said, as long as you don't stay too long, nothing will happen."

"What happens if you stay too long?"

Shade asked back, and the woman shook her head:

"People who stayed too long disappeared. I can't answer that question."

"But the information you provided is not enough to justify the value of this piece of orichalcum."

Shade reminded, the sorceress thought for a moment and looked at him calmly:

"I do know a lot of things, but they can't be told to others. But what you said makes sense, but what I just said is really not enough... In this way, if you want to land on the island today, I How about going with you?"


This was something Shade didn't expect. He confirmed:

"Are you going to Green Lake Town with me?"

"Yes, let me be your guide. Granny Natalie should have told you that I am a high-level warlock. I think this should be worth the value of this piece of metal."

Shade didn't agree immediately. Even a child knew that he couldn't go to places he didn't understand casually with strangers.

"You can't trust me?"

The woman saw what Shade was thinking, and Shade nodded:

"Yes, I can trust Granny Natalie, but I don't trust you. Especially since you are of a higher level than me, and... you give me a very strange feeling."

The woman looked at him. This was the first time the two of them had looked at each other since she appeared:

"I can promise to show you some secrets that ordinary explorers cannot see. Maybe you can explain my proposal to Granny Natalie. If something really happens to you, she will question me."

Shade did not give an answer immediately, but picked up the teacup and took a sip. He speculated back and forth between dangers and opportunities, and even asked "her" for advice before saying softly:

"I need to make some temporary preparations. We will meet here at half past one in the afternoon and then set off together. But before that, I would like to ask you to take off your gloves and let me see your hands."

The last person who insisted on wearing gloves in front of Shade was Yinfan Darkness, who had a devil's mouth in his palm.

The woman nodded;

"While this request is rude, it is reasonable."

She took off her gloves. Both the palms and the backs of her white hands were quite normal. So Xia De was relieved and thought that wearing gloves was a strange habit of the other party.

"Not just you, I also have two additional requirements. You must agree to me before I can take you to the island."

The sorceress said again.

"Please say."

"First of all, I just take you to the island, I am not responsible for protecting you. Although I am a high ring, I can't use my full power at the moment. We take care of ourselves, you can equate my strength with yours, you You can’t blame me for not protecting you.”

"That's fair. That piece of orichalcum is just asking you to be my guide. Please tell me the second condition."

Shade made a gesture of invitation. Because he stretched his hand forward, the lady across the table subconsciously moved back.

"Second, you are not allowed to enter the area within 1m of me under any circumstances."

"Strange request."

Shade groaned and glanced at the table they were sitting on. The table was placed vertically and was indeed more than one meter long, so he nodded:

"Okay, but before saying goodbye, can you tell me your name? Since we are going to act together, I should at least have a way to address you."

"Ms. Pharmacist."

She said the obvious code name coldly, frowning slightly, as if she was offended by the question. Shade didn't take it too seriously, after all, there were all kinds of weirdos. He wrote down the code name, nodded, stood up and said goodbye and left the hotel, preparing to go to Granny Natalie to explain the afternoon's itinerary.

The sorceress sat at the table and did not move. After confirming that Shade was gone, she reached out and picked up the newspaper that Shade left on the table and flipped through it a few times. The female shopkeeper behind the counter, Ms. Helena Green, placed a cup of warm black tea with less sugar and three drops of lemon juice in front of her. "Ms. Pharmacist" did not look up at her. She thanked her softly and continued to read the third page of news about the revised drug export tariff reform.

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