Whispering Verse

Chapter 1597 Island in the Fog

In fact, Shade didn't originally expect to land on the island in the middle of the lake so soon. His plan was to investigate the situation again and use the safest way to land on the island. But now that we have the help of "Ms. Pharmacist", it is not unacceptable to land on the island early.

Shade actually had nothing to prepare for the trip to the island. After leaving Granny Natalie, he sneaked into the underground warehouse from behind the hotel and returned home. Because little Mia was taken away by Dorothy, Shade went to Quill Street and invited the writer to have lunch with him.

Dorothy also informed Shade that Lecia had informed Miss Carina that he needed help. The Duchess has made a reservation at a restaurant on Silver Cross Avenue tonight, and will eat and talk while Shade comes back from Green Lake.

After lunch, Dorothy returned home with little Mia and Shade. Shade sent Miss Danist an invitation to meet through the pages of the poem manuscript, then said goodbye to the writer who was searching for information in the study, and returned to Green Lake City.

When Shade pushed open the door of the Green Lake Hotel again, Ms. Helen Green behind the counter had disappeared. Her twin brother, Mr. Solon Green, was in charge of the afternoon shift. And the young and beautiful "Pharmacist Miss", I don't know if she has never left. She is still sitting in the seat where she met Shade in the morning, holding a novel "Silent Forest" written in Kasenric language. "look in.

Shade walked over and sat down across the table. The sorceress looked him over and pursed her lips without speaking first, so Shade started the greeting with a boring topic:

"This hotel is really interesting. Most of the paintings hanging on the walls of the corridor upstairs are realistic portraits of animals. Rabbits, birds, elk, owls, etc., you can even see the details of the animal hair clearly if you get close. I'm not very good at it. Do you understand why such paintings should be hung in hotels? Shouldn’t they usually be landscape paintings?”

“Maybe it’s the shop owner’s unique aesthetic style.”

The sorceress said, put away the book and asked Xiang Shade:

"Are you ready to go now?"

"We're ready to go, but I have a date with a beautiful lady this evening, so our expedition to the island won't take long, right?"

"No, two or three hours is enough. But you have to remember the two requirements I mentioned. This is the basis of our cooperation."

The journey from the city to Green Lake was not short. Shade originally thought he would take a taxi, but the "Pharmacist Miss" had already prepared. She left the hotel with Shade and moved along the street toward the east of the city.

Ten minutes later, they passed through the foggy city and arrived at the banks of the Duin River, which runs north to south through the Green Lake area, and a small ferry was already waiting for them there.

It was a steam ship equipped with a small compression steam engine. The hull contained a deck and a cabin. It was much more luxurious than the old wooden ship that Shade could summon.

There was no boatman here. After Shade and Miss Pharmacist boarded the boat together, the sorceress lifted up her black low-heeled leather shoes under her skirt and stomped on the deck twice. The boat actually started on its own.

"This is... a mechanical construct?"

Amidst the sound of the steam engine, Shade asked the sorceress in surprise:

"It's amazing."

“There’s nothing amazing about this technology.”

The pharmacist lady said calmly.

"No, no, I'm not praising technology. I mean, it's amazing that you were able to get this thing into the city without the church discovering it. I know I shouldn't inquire about your true identity at will, but I miss you. As an ordinary person, he must have a high status in the local area."

The pharmacist lady paid no attention to him.

The Duin River is directly connected to Green Lake. Now that spring has arrived, the steam boat takes the two people from the upper reaches of the river smoothly, all the way to the south. The speed of the ship is very fast, and after leaving the city, there is a countryside scenery. But because the urban area is actually not very far from Green Lake, Shade didn't take long to look at the endless fields and the small villages located on the side of the field road before the boat officially entered Green Lake.

Although he had long known that this lake was huge, Shade was still surprised when he actually saw it.

"Green Lake is the second largest Danshui lake in the central part of the Old World."

The pharmacist lady explained to Shade, threw down the silencing spell, and then stretched out her finger to lightly swipe in the air. The sound of the ship disappeared into the air together with the ship itself:

"After that accident, the church did not allow anyone to land on the island to prevent the diffuse fog from spreading to the lake and even surrounding cities due to reckless actions. If you want to land on the island in the future, remember to do so. Don’t be too showy.”

Winter has just passed, and it is not yet the traditional fishing season in the Green Lake area. Therefore, there are not many fishing boats on the huge Green Lake. Instead, inland river ships transporting goods are more common.

Although the foggy island in the middle of the lake is in the middle of the lake, the fog itself will affect ordinary people's sense of direction, making it difficult for normal ships to sail to the island without guidance, so there is no need to worry about ordinary people. Landed on the island rashly.

For ring warlocks, as long as they know the existence of the island, they don't have to worry about being confused by the white mist. Therefore, the steamboat carrying the two people headed straight towards the center of the lake. While the hull left ripples on the silky lake surface in the spring afternoon, Shade stood on the deck and looked below the lake surface, still thinking about helping Edmund. Mr. De’s catching of bad fish.

Soon, the two of them observed the heavy fog in the center of the lake in the distance. As they continued to advance, the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker until the field of vision was limited to within five or six meters.

"The white fog only exists a hundred meters around the island, and it has never had a tendency to expand in a hundred years."

The pharmacist lady still said coldly, while Shade frowned and looked around:

"Feel something?"

[The space in the fog is unstable. Using the "space stabilizing halo" rashly in this area will cause a lot of noise. The mist is indeed poisonous and has little effect on you, so don't worry about it. 】

"How much movement can there be?"

"She" chuckled and said:

【You can try. 】

The pharmacist lady was obviously familiar with this area of ​​water. Even though the view was blocked, the steamboat still carried the two of them to the dock on the island with great purpose. Before noticing the ship slowing down, Shade didn't even notice that there was a dock here.

"Here we are."

The ship hit the dock pier just in time and then stopped. The ripples slowly disappeared in the fog. The sorceress took out a small gray cloth satchel from the cabin and hung it on the side. It made her look like she was out gathering herbs. Girl. She made a large circle to avoid Shade on the deck, and walked down first. Shade also left the deck shortly after.

The diffuse fog is getting thicker and thicker on the island. Except for the spaces left by the ancient gods, even the fog in the "Narrow Room of Life and Death" in Fort Midhill is not so exaggerated.

"Items such as compasses are useless on the island, and thaumaturgy such as [space perception] will be confused. Only some relics of the secretkeeper level and above can guide the direction correctly."

Although she is still indifferent to Shade, the pharmacist lady faithfully plays her role as a "guide". Like Shade, she didn't care about the toxins in the fog, but when walking along the trestle toward the island, she specifically told Shade:

"Remember, you can't come within 1m of me, but don't be too far away. Follow me closely. Once I get separated in the fog, it won't be easy to reunite."

Shade then took two steps forward. If it weren't for the fact that the badge hanging around his neck still showed no signs of heating, he would really doubt whether he had met the great witch again:

"But alchemy items are not omnipotent. In case the other party has targeted thaumaturgy... But if she is a witch, there is no reason for her to have such an attitude towards me. She should want to test me... ..what a strange lady.”

After leaving the trestle, the pharmacist lady did not immediately take Shade deep into the island, but took him along the shore to the right. Not long after, they saw a beach piled with various garbage and skeletons. Of course, when they noticed these things, Shade had almost stepped on them.

"The water in Green Lake will periodically push some things in the lake here. I heard Granny Natalie say that you want to buy the bones of unfinished fish. There should be what you want here. This island usually has a few months' There may not be anyone who comes here once, let alone someone who comes here specifically to rummage through the trash.”

The lady with short brown hair said, and Shade glanced at her in surprise. He didn't expect that she brought him here for this purpose:


The sorceress pursed her lips and made no reply, signaling Shade to act quickly.

As a heterogeneous creature with extraordinary power, the "rotten tail fish" must also have elements attached to its body. Although the white fog on the island will seriously disrupt Shade's perception, it does not hinder his ability to perceive elements at close range.

Although the area of ​​this beach covered with garbage was not large, after careful rummaging, Shade found eight rotting stinky fish in just over ten minutes.

He arranged the fish on the beach for easy counting, then walked around the beach again, then gave up and continued searching. If you look carefully, there must be fish bones of rotten fish here, but this is not the reason why he landed on the island today, so he can't waste too much time here. Mother-in-law Natalie said that 5 pieces can be purchased on the local black market, so there are still 7 pieces short of 20. He can come here again when he has time, or go to the lake to try his luck.

As for the smelly dead fish, Shade originally planned to wrap them in cloth and store them in the cabin. But the sorceress who was watching him "picking up trash" stopped him because she really couldn't stand it:

"It seems that you have no detailed understanding of the processing of skeletal materials."

She said helplessly, and her cold tone became a little emotional. What she said was true. Most of Shade's skeletal materials were purchased from Mr. Copus in Tobesk, and he rarely collected them himself.

The sorceress rummaged through the cloth bag she was carrying across her body, and Shade saw that the bag was divided into densely packed small bags, with reagent bottles inserted in each small bag.

The pharmacist lady threw a brown medicine bottle to Shade and asked Shade to pour the medicine on the dead fish. Then, Shade was asked to wrap the fish separately in different cloths, and fill the gaps between the cloth bags with some mugwort.

After finishing this, they returned to the dock and put the materials into the cabin, and then officially started exploring the island.

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