Whispering Verse

Chapter 1598 Root Family Tree

Although Green Lake is very large, the area of ​​the island is very small, and the arrangement of buildings on the island is also quite simple. There is only a small forest between the wharf and the town, and a forest path connects the two. The forest is still bare even in spring.

Just as Shade learned in advance, some strange black shadows were lingering in the fog on the island. Those shadows were in human form, but they seemed to be wearing a one-piece gelcoat including a hood. No matter how close they were, they couldn't see their specific appearance, and they couldn't be directly contacted from any angle.

Shade suggested to the pharmacist who was leading the way that he wanted to observe them more carefully, but was rejected by the sorceress with a cold tone:

"You can find your own time to waste. I am not responsible for waiting for you here."

The path in the forest was very short, and within five or six minutes the two of them left the woods and entered the town. The town is also quite small, even smaller than most villages. The reason why this place is called a "town" seems to be related to the divisions along the border.

Most of the dilapidated houses from a hundred years ago are still standing on the island, probably due to the influence of the fog. There are no weeds or vines crawling around in the town. Time seems to have stopped at the disaster 128 years ago, with few traces left by outsiders.

The pharmacist lady asked Shade if he wanted to take a look in the town or go directly to the Edwards family mansion. Shade thought about it and decided to take a look in the town first, and leave if he didn't get anything in half an hour.

"You'll waste half an hour of your life."

The sorceress said calmly, but still pointed the way for him.

The first thing Shade wanted to find were functional buildings in the town, such as the doctor's home, the sheriff's home, or the mayor's home. He couldn't expect a real hospital or police station in such a small town.

The pharmacist lady is really familiar with this place and can find the target directly every time. It's a pity that what Shade can think of can also be thought of by most explorers over the past century. Therefore, apart from understanding the living environment of people 128 years ago, he found nothing of value.

"What do you think you'll find?"

"For example, the sheriff's diary, or the mayor's letters and suicide notes. Of course, if a previous adventurer has collected all of this, but unfortunately died in the town, we can get all the clues at once. That’s even better.”

Shade turned his back to the beautiful young sorceress, standing on the roof of the Sheriff's house, looking at the fog wrapping the island, joking casually. He didn't see the corners of the sorceress's mouth twitch as if she wanted to laugh, but she held it back.

The Edwards family's mansion is not in the town, but is located on a hillside close to the town, and you can get there through the entire town. This location not only highlights the family's status in the town, but there is also a path behind the mansion that leads to the other side of the island. Legally speaking, all the land on the island belongs to the Edwards family.

The hillside was not high. When he walked up in the hazy fog, Shade thought he could see a luxurious manor, but in fact, what he saw was only a house with a yard.

A black iron fence surrounded the house, but the lock on the fence door was long gone. There are bare jujube trees in the yard, a dry well, a swing, and a small flower bed. Of course, the fence gate of the house was opened by someone unknown, and even the door was unlocked.

But the interior of the large house with an attic was different from what Shade thought. The furniture was still in good condition, but there were signs of being turned over.

Although there was fog in the house, the visibility was obviously much higher than outside, and it was easier for Shade to rummage around. However, he still couldn't find any valuable clues. The church and the explorers who arrived one step ahead took away all the valuable things.

“The decoration here is pretty good and it has a family atmosphere.”

When the two returned to the first floor of the mansion again, Shade could only come to this conclusion:

"The four children have their own rooms, and I also found the master bedroom. In addition, there is a special study room and smoking room. The attic was transformed into an observatory. The room that was forcibly broken into on the second floor turned out to be a divination room. House. As for the basement, the area there is really large, and it is more than enough to be used as a sports ground. But I didn’t find the servants’ rooms. In such a big house, don’t there even be servants? "

"The servants probably live in the town. It's not far from the town."

The pharmacist lady said, Shade looked at her again and now began to wonder if this lady was also a member of the Edwards family. She was acting too suspicious.

The lady with short brown hair probably understood Shade's eyes. She didn't want to explain:

"If your investigation is over, then I will take you to see the valuable information I promised you."

She said and motioned for Shade to follow her to the left.

On the first floor of this building, rooms are not connected through corridors, but rooms are connected one by one. To the right of the foyer are the children's toy room, cloakroom, laundry room and smoking room; to the right of the foyer are the living room, dining room, kitchen and utility room.

The pharmacist lady brought Shade to the restaurant. In the center of the restaurant was a long table that could seat twelve people. There was even a yellowed tablecloth on the table. Shade could imagine the members of the Edwards family sitting around having lunch 128 years ago.

There are cupboards and cupboards standing on the walls, but the picture frames and picture frames that should have been on the walls have long since disappeared.

The pharmacist lady stopped in front of the east side wall of the kitchen. There was only one window with two sides of glass on this wall. From the window, a lone jujube tree in the yard could be vaguely seen.

"look carefully."

As she spoke, she took out a small red bottle that looked like it was used to hold nail polish from her small satchel. Lifting his finger, the vial flew to the top of the white wall, and then the viscous red liquid flowed down the wall.

Shade's eyes widened, because the flowing liquid, starting from the top, actually spread down on the wall in the shape of tree roots, and at every node there would be a symbol composed of fine floral letters. name. In just half a minute, a spectacular red pattern was formed on the wall, and the surname of each name was "Edwards".

"Is this the Edwards family tree?"

Shade asked the sorceress in surprise:

"Are you actually here? Neither the church nor the other ring magicians noticed it?"

"They just didn't expect to be here. Besides, without my magic potion, even if I scrape off the wall inch by inch, I won't be able to reveal this picture."

The pharmacist lady said coldly, taking a step to the side to prevent Shade from getting close to her:

"Look carefully. The value of this picture is enough to compensate for the orichalcum."

The "Edwards Family Tree" on the wall contains a total of six generations, of which Hohenheim, Edward, Alphonse and Maria, whom Shade is familiar with, are the fourth generation. Below the four of them, there are actually two generations extending, which means that someone actually continued to write the descendants of the Edwards family after the destruction of Green Lake Town.

"The third son, Alphonse Edwards, is indeed the adopted son."

Shade looked at the root-like map and sighed.

Judging from the picture, the eldest son Hohenheim was born to the eldest son Pride Edwards of the previous generation and a woman named "Sophia", while the second son Edward and the youngest daughter Maria were born to Pride Edwards Born to another woman named "Jennifer".

As for Alphonse, although he was listed with the other three children, he was only connected to his father by a dotted line.

In addition, all four children have descendants in the next generation, but the names of their partners are not given, nor are the names of their children. Shade could only see that the eldest son Hohenheim, the second son Edward and Maria each gave birth to a child, and the suspected adopted son Alphonse had two offspring.

In other words, there are five people in the fifth generation of "Edwards" in the family tree.

As for the sixth generation Edwards, there are six people in total. The only sons or daughters of Hohenheim, Edward and Maria all gave birth to two children, while in the fifth generation there was nothing below the two descendants of Alphonse. In other words, the last descendants of the four children who left Green Lake Town are all in pairs.

"Interesting, really interesting."

Shade said softly, feeling that he had gained a major clue. The pharmacist lady asked suspiciously:

"What's interesting?"

Shade glanced at her:

"Based on what I know, one of Edwards' descendants gave birth to a daughter who certainly had no descendants."

He was talking about the witch Audrey Edwards. As he spoke, he pointed to the two children of his adopted son Alphonse. According to the age of the witch described by Miss Carina, Audrey Edwards should be here:

"In other words, the lady I know is one of the adopted son's two children, but..."

Although Miss Carina did not disclose any more information about the "knowledge and wisdom" witch on the grounds that "members of the Witch Council are obliged to keep secrets for their companions". But if Witch Edwards really has brothers and sisters, Miss Carina should at least mention them. After all, she knows that Shade is looking for all the descendants of Edwards.

Therefore, either even Miss Carina does not know that Audrey Edwards really has siblings, or there is something wrong with this picture.

"But what? Do you like to say only half a sentence?"

The sorceress on the side asked, Shade shook his head and deliberately said nothing. He still believed that this lady must be related to the Edwards family:

"In addition to that lady, I also know a pair of twin brothers who are also descendants of the Edwards family. Because they mentioned that their maternal grandfather was Edwards, so the people I know should be Hohenheim or Edward's grandsons."

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