Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,600 The corpse is on fire

The enemy on the left took the lead in calling out his own life ring, and the spiritual runes obscured by the mist shone brightly, and there was a mirror in the man's hand, and the mirror swallowed the [Light of Confinement]. The enemy on the right only had five rings, and he had just been promoted to five rings. He tried to use some kind of relic in his hand to smash the silver halo, but he was only able to drive away the halo briefly.

The five halos of light were bounced away like a boomerang, but the thaumaturgy with automatic tracking ability locked onto him again. When they flew back again, the relic was temporarily unusable, and the five haloes wrapped around his neck and limbs one after another, causing him to fall to the ground and become unable to move.

The brief exchange in the fog was silent. The fallen man's companion, the man on Shade's left, cursed something in a low voice that Shade didn't hear clearly, and seemed to be complaining about his companion's incompetence. He threw away the illusory water mirror in his hand and moved his left hand in an exaggerated manner. A group of buzzing black mosquitoes flew out from the circle drawn by his palm.

"Thaumatology-Plague Insects, never be approached by the insect swarm."

The pharmacist lady behind Shade warned, but when she tried to dig through her bag to get the potion, she found that Shade's figure had disappeared.

The well-informed sorceress raised her eyebrows and thought more highly of Shade, while the man with seven rings stood alert and held his breath. His perception, confused by the white mist, did not allow him to immediately notice that Shade appeared behind him. But when the scarlet dagger in Shade's hand pierced his body, his body shattered into lenses.

Behind those lenses, a huge floor-length mirror appeared at some point, reflecting Shade's appearance at the moment. The man's voice appeared from behind the mirror, and the voice cooperated with the mirror to perform thaumaturgy that directly affected the soul:

"Show me your real..."


The dancing staff shattered the mirror, and the silver arc drawn by the staff sharply cut the man's body into two pieces. Although [Stand of Yectrasil] and [Night Watch] can increase thaumaturgy, there is no need to learn or try to increase the magic of the staff. You can just hold it and cast the spell.

As for the thaumaturgy the man used just now, it seems to be somewhat similar to the power of "Stone Mirror Demon-Goethe", but compared to that ancient evil demon, this seven-ring warlock is still far behind.

Katcha~ There was another sound of the mirror breaking, and the man who was chopped in half by Shade walked out of the air in embarrassment, with a clear line of blood on his face. He spat on the ground, then turned around and ran away into the distance. Shade wanted to chase him, but was stopped by the pharmacist lady:

"Don't chase anyone on this island. There's no need to take risks. All actions here must be done with caution."

Shade then stopped, but still threw the thunder gun towards the fleeing figure with his right hand. The thunder gun disappeared into the fog together with the man's back, and Shade didn't know whether he hit the target.

"very nice."

The pharmacist lady praised again:

"Based on the average level of a sixth-level warlock, your combat effectiveness is very good...if you are really a sixth-level warlock."

In the battle just now, Shade did not summon the life ring throughout the whole process.

"I happen to be the kind of ring warlock who is good at fighting and has good weapons. In fact, my theoretical level is very poor."

Shade said humbly, and threw a few haloes at the immobile five-ring warlock. After confirming that it was safe, he walked over, squatted down and rummaged through the contents of his pocket:

"Worthless spellcasting materials, potions with unknown effects, hand-drawn island maps, oh, wallet!"

There were Delarian currency and Kasonrik currency in the wallet, and Shade took them all out and put them into his pocket:

"Sure enough, I felt right just now, there is also a relic."

It was a red copper-colored bracelet. The outer surface of the bracelet had fine carvings of star patterns, and the inner surface had a sentence written in ancient Chinese:

[May my thoughts protect you, my love. 】

"An unknown relic."

Shade cooed, and then motioned to the sorceress behind him to come over for interrogation. But the pharmacist lady shook her head, took out another glass tube half the size of her index finger, and threw it to Shade from a distance:

"You feed it to him. This is Veritaserum. Also, do you have any thaumaturgy to shake the spirit or soul?"

Shade nodded in surprise:


"Give it to him. My potion will work better when he is in a depressed state."

So Shade put on his [Psychic Crystal Ring], and in order to prevent the other party from fainting, he moved his fingers farther away before flicking it lightly. The unable to move man's eyelids suddenly widened under the stimulation, and then his whole person looked bad.

Shade crushed the top of the glass container, poured the potion into his mouth, and then tried to ask:

"Who are you?"

After a moment of waiting, the man said nothing, so the pharmacist behind Shade coughed, and Shade removed the halo from his neck.

"I'm Cornelius Stitch, the Mirror..."

He obviously tried to resist, but the stalemate lasted for less than five seconds, and he still couldn't help but say:

"Member of the Mirror Society."

"I thought your potion would make him say it all in one breath."

Shade said to the sorceress, who sneered:

"The effect of the magic potion will not change qualitatively depending on the level of the person who configures it. I didn't expect to meet people. The potion I brought with me was not comprehensive. Otherwise, just one drop would be enough for us to ask everything .”

She was quite confident in her potion, so Shade said:

"Then ask."

"What did the Mirror Association arrange for you to land on the island?"

"Reconfirm the Edwards family home to see if there are any clues about the disaster."

"Not the elixir of life?"

"The association wants to figure out the cause of the heavy fog on the island. The president believes that it may be related to some kind of powerful space phenomenon, and this space phenomenon is related to..."

His head just exploded in front of Shade and Miss Pharmacist. Shade stood up and took a few steps back, while the sorceress sighed:

"Sure enough, all the ring warlocks in this illegal ring warlock group have this method."

"The Mirror Association made big news in the Tobesk area last week. I didn't expect them to come to Green Lake again."

Shade pretended not to know anything and said, but the pharmacist lady did not continue this topic:

"I originally wanted to ask about the origin of the map. The marks on the map are a bit too detailed... When we leave here, I will arrange for my people to investigate the Mirror Association... Oh, everything All the spoils are yours, after all, you won the battle. But you have to return the potion that can use the low-level sublimation word unconditionally to me. Even if I configure that kind of potion, it will be very difficult for me. I can give it to you I'll give you some gold pounds as compensation, but I won't take advantage of you."

"I won't take advantage of others for nothing."

Shade threw the potion to her. Such a happy decision surprised the pharmacist lady:

"A ring magician like you is rare. If you weren't..."

Shade didn't hear her last words clearly.

The Ring Warlock of the Mirror Association is dead. This way of death means that no more information can be obtained through channeling. So the sorceress burned the body with a sticky red potion, and then motioned for Shade to leave with her.

The time had already reached four-thirty in the afternoon, and Shade, who was thinking about his evening date with Miss Carina and asked about the "Cat in a Bottle" potion, had no plans to stay on the island longer.

He wanted to whisper the [Stand of Yggdrasil] in his hand and turn it back into the form of a key, but suddenly he was startled and signaled the pharmacist lady not to leave yet, and then turned around with her to look at the burning corpse. .

Shade wasn't sure what the sorceress's kerosene-like potion was, but it was obvious that that potion shouldn't have the function of making a burning corpse lift its arms.

"what happened?"

The pharmacist lady was also puzzled:

"I don't know. This is also my first time disposing of corpses on this island. Isn't it possible to burn corpses or kill people here?"

"I thought you knew everything about this island."

While the two were talking, the corpse burning in the fire sat up straight like a fake corpse. Moreover, the burning fire did not continue to damage the corpse itself, but seemed to become a part of the corpse.

At the same time, "she" in his ears reminded Shade softly that some invisible force was entering the body from outside the material world through the unstable space. The external manifestation is that another upper body squirmed out of the corpse's back. The brand new upper body lay behind the burnt upper body. The intact face, which was exactly the same as the corpse, looked at Shade and the pharmacist lady with a strange smile.

It's obvious that this thing has an intelligence of its own.

"Why do I always encounter this kind of thing lately?"

Shade whispered in his heart.

He was not surprised at all at this time. After all, the [Twin Lovers] card clearly stated that the disaster of body and soul fusion came from the Green Lake area. He had long known that he would encounter something similar sooner or later.

And although this thing looks terrifying, and its power after being "resurrected" in this posture is far stronger than the deceased itself, it is completely incomparable to what Shade saw in [The Past and the Sixth Era] and existed in the apocalypse. compared to the neighbors. In the doomsday timeline, the neighbors who are considered "strong" by the tree father can no longer be regarded as monsters. They are simply evil creatures that must be sealed in the subspace.

If Shade didn't have the [Space Stability Halo], he might have to be promoted to the High Ring to fight against his "Twin Lovers".

"It's a monster I've never seen before, but it's very dangerous. Be careful."

The pharmacist on the side frowned. In the fog, her expression was quite solemn:

"The power of space, is this thing... Mr. Watson, I'm afraid this is not something you can deal with alone. Let me help you."

As soon as her words fell, the monster disappeared into the fog.

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