Whispering Verse

Chapter 1601: Exile and Mist

Seeing the enemy disappear, Shade turned around and waved the black wooden stick in his hand back without thinking. Standing on the ground, and blessed by the "power of the red dragon", this blow actually knocked away the monster that suddenly appeared behind him.

"Sure enough, it's not as good as my neighbors. I was the one who flew out in St. Teresa Square at that time... Do all these things have exactly the same starting point?"

[When you use Rag to jump, your starting position will also appear behind the enemy. 】

The monster that was knocked away used four hands to support its body and stood up in the fog. The upper body behind it roared like a wild animal to Shade, and then it disappeared into the fog again, and then appeared behind the pharmacist lady.

Although the eleventh-level sorceress had never encountered anything similar, she had already seen the opponent's attack method from the moment Shade was attacked.

Without Shade's reminder, the pharmacist dodged the attack, then lifted up his skirt and kicked the monster who continued to fly forward. This action seemed a little funny, but it really made the mutated corpse on fire fly diagonally forward. Miss Pharmacist has great power. Except for Shade himself, he has never seen any ring warlock show such great power in battle - high-level warlocks usually use spells and thaumaturgy to fight.

"Thunder gun!"

The thunderbolt then penetrated the chest of the monster whose body was unable to maintain balance under the attack, connecting the front half of the body burning with flames with the rear half of the body that suddenly appeared. Then the thunder gun exploded, and the thunderbolt flooded the monster's body.

However, when the lightning disappeared, the monster whose body was constantly convulsing did not die.

"Isn't the attack strong enough?"

Xia Dehu asked in question, but the pharmacist lady did not cast a fatal blow herself, but asked Xia De to continue:

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Mr. Watson, keep attacking it."

The long staff was held vertically in the hand and rotated in a circle, and a black sphere that seemed to be able to absorb light appeared at the top of the hook. The shadow ball flew towards the monster whose body was paralyzed by the lightning. The corrosion of the dark shadow even extinguished the flames on its surface, and the traces of petrification on the abdomen hit by the shadow ball quickly spread to the whole body.

The pharmacist lady looked at Shade in surprise again. Of course she knew the basic thaumaturgy of "shadow ball", but she had never seen a shadow ball with this effect:

"Thumbac has undergone at least one sublimation."

However, although this blow was effective, the corpse's injuries recovered quickly, and the upper half of its upper body, which was not on fire, desperately tried to get rid of the petrification, but it was still not dead.

"Is this thing immortal? I'll try it with holy water again."

Shade became interested. After throwing out the "Light of Confinement" to ensure safety, he wanted to try a new method, but was stopped by the sorceress on the side:

"Don't waste holy water. Ring Warlocks must fight with knowledge and wisdom. I think I know how to deal with this thing. Its appearance is related to the power of space. Since it cannot be killed, it can only be banished."


"The Book of Demons of Malbas" contains a lot of knowledge about banishing demons. Generally speaking, if you want to banish an individual, you must first have the possibility of being banished, that is, the other person itself comes from outside the material world.

When Tifa and Shade visited the ophthalmologist Alfred last fall (note), she had cast a spell to banish the "Servant of the Secret", a lower-level demon from the dark realm, and Shade had only been exposed to this kind of knowledge for a few weeks. , so he can't cast spells as conveniently as Tifa:

"I can banish it, but I need to know its real name. No, not the real name of the dead man, the real name of this monster."

Shade said immediately.

"Mr. Watson, where did you come from as a witcher? This is not a demon."

"If this thing was a demon, things would be much simpler."

So the pharmacist lady shook her head:

"There are enough secrets on this island, but there must be no more demons. I will banish him."

Shade then took two steps back. Ever since he came into contact with this sorceress, he had never seen her cast spells seriously. Banishing this kind of monster shouldn't be a matter of just stamping your feet.

"Don't step back, you help arrange the ritual. You should know the basic ritual of expelling subspace creatures."

As she said that, she threw another small bottle containing soot-like powder to Shade. She seemed to have made up her mind not to approach Shade.

Although Shade has been a ring sorcerer for less than a year, due to the various knowledge given by the Witch Reverberation and the Tree Father, although his knowledge system is incomplete, he understands things very deeply. He knows the rituals to expel subspace creatures, whether ancient or modern.

I originally thought about testing out the knowledge from Witch's Reverberation, but I ended up drawing the ritual matrix I learned from St. Byrons.

During this period, the pharmacist lady took out some more bottles and jars. Two bottles were poured directly onto the monster that was temporarily locked on the ground by [Light of Confinement], and she drank the rest in turn.

It was obvious that the taste of those potions was not very good, because when she drank it, her pretty brows wrinkled again.

"Okay, that's good. Your hands are very steady. Oh, I didn't realize you were from St. Byrons Comprehensive College."

Just by looking at Shade's results, the sorceress knew the origin of the ritual. This time she finally asked Shade to retreat a little, but of course not to retreat too far to prevent him from getting lost in the fog:

"Remember, if I behave strangely in a while, you don't have to pay attention to me. If I try to attack you, you should go to the side of the boat and wait for me."


Shade asked suspiciously, and the pharmacist lady smiled at him:

"If you are willing to lend me your staff, it should be easier to cast spells."

This is the universal ability of "staff" weapons. The staff prepared by Miss Aurora before the Battle of Randall Valley also has the same function.

"It's not that I don't worry about you, but except for me, this relic is just a stick in the hands of anyone else."

Shade said, of course, [Yucdrasil's Staff] is also useful in Luvia's hands. Although Shade doesn’t know how Luvia obtained this relic in the first place, or that she made it at all, but now no one else can use it except Luvia herself and Shade, a person recognized by her. This staff - this is what the long-haired girl said intermittently when the two were entangled in the dream.

The sorceress didn't ask any more questions, turned around and started casting spells. As the ritual matrix on the ground glowed, she chanted a spell. She seemed to not want Shade to hear the content of the spell, so the sound was so "buzzing" that it was impossible to distinguish it.

As the light on the ground became extremely bright in the fog, the pharmacist lady crossed the index and middle fingers of her left and right hands:


Shade immediately sensed the unstable space around him, and larger cracks appeared. Then the monster trapped by the light of confinement "sinked" to the ground little by little, which actually entered another space. When the monster disappeared completely, Shade also felt that the "Light of Confinement" was ineffective because it was too far away.

The banishment ceremony was successful, and the high-level sorceress finished casting the spell and turned her back to Shade without saying a word. Shade looked at her warily and waited for half a minute before the latter said in a low mood:

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I wasn't kidding when I said I couldn't cast spells at will."

She turned around and said to Shade. There was no fatigue on her face, but "she" reminded softly:

[The spirit and elements in her body became chaotic, and she shifted towards the "out of control" state. 】

"Ms. Pharmacist, I think you really need to rest. Let's get out of here first. In fact, you shouldn't ask to go to the island with me in your physical condition. If I were some kind of bad guy, I would take advantage of you to think that you are not okay. What should I do if I want to kill you?"

"But Mother-in-law Natalie asked me to try my best to help you. Mother-in-law has helped me a lot before. Not to mention..."

The sorceress asked Shade suspiciously;

"Even if there's something wrong with me, do you think you can beat me?"

Although she tried to gain the upper hand verbally, the pharmacist's mental state would not improve. She also knew that she really should take a rest, so she and Shade followed the way they came, heading towards the town from the hill where the Edwards mansion was located.

There are still many places on this island that Shade has not visited, but he has memorized the most important "family tree", so on the way back, he did not ask to investigate other places. Next time, he can do it by himself Go to the island to view other content.

From the Edwards family's house back to the pier, if you keep walking quickly without stopping, the entire journey will take less than half an hour.

They quickly passed through the town and entered the small woods in front of the dock. While walking on the path in the forest, Shade and the pharmacist lady guessed how the two people landed on the island just now.

The sorceress was not in a good mood, but she did not think that her steamship would be destroyed. And unknowingly, the surrounding fog became bigger and bigger. When Shade and the pharmacist lady noticed this and stopped together, they both felt dizzy.

At that moment, it was as if the whole world was spinning except for himself. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see any objects two meters away, and the sense of direction was completely lost after the spinning.

Shade adapted quickly because of the [Time and Space] spirit rune, and the pharmacist lady, who was already in a poor mental state, squatted down while covering her head. Shade wanted to help her, but even in such an uncomfortable situation, the sorceress still stopped him loudly:

"Don't come near me!"

She tried hard to adapt to the current situation, and explained to Shade through her teeth:

"This time I landed on the island, I really ran into bad luck. This is a special situation that often occurs on the island. The people who landed on the island completely lost their spatial perception."

"Although the fog is getting thicker, there is still a path in the forest under our feet. If we continue to move forward, can't we still find the pier?"

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