Whispering Verse

Chapter 1602 The Blacksmith and the Key

"Mr. Watson, it's not that simple. It's your first time on the island, so you don't understand."

The girl with short brown hair carrying a cloth bag reluctantly stood up, still refusing Shade's help.

"I don't know how long it will take to end this situation this time. Mr. Watson, we can't stop here. I don't know if there are anyone else on the island besides the two people just now. Neither you nor I can fight under the current circumstances." .”

She paused and asked:

"Do you have a rope on you?"


Shade took out a heavy sail rope from the inner pocket of his coat. This kind of rope is very practical in various scenarios, and of course he carries it with him.

"Now tie the rope around your waist and throw the other end to me."

Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to do, Shade still did it. The pharmacist lady also tied the rope around her waist just like Shade. The distance between her and Shade at this time was only about 1.5 meters, which was almost the limit of vision in the fog.

"After I finish counting down, you walk forward with me and take three steps."

She said and shouted the command, then stepped forward with Shade. The pharmacist lady is tall and has a similar pace to Shade. In the first two steps, Shade knew that he was still walking on a path in the forest, but when he took the third step, the path disappeared under his feet, and there was a stone tombstone standing in front of his boots. Looking around again, in the hazy fog, there are tombstones and graves surrounded by short black fences everywhere.

The entire scene transition process was quite smooth, as if the third step should have come here.

"When you lose your sense of direction, once you take the third step in the fog, you will appear somewhere else inexplicably. Flying, jumping or even crawling will have similar results. But if you just want to wander back to the same place, you don't have to worry about the third step. Limitations of steps.”

The pharmacist's voice appeared next to her:

"The rope is the easiest way to connect yourself with your companions, otherwise even if we walk forward together, we are likely to get separated."

"I see, so even though more than a hundred years have passed, the church still blocks this place. But what should we do now?"

Shade felt more and more that this lady knew the island too clearly, and the information gained from the half piece of orichalcum had so far exceeded his expectations.

The cemetery in the fog is especially quiet. Although I came here unexpectedly, there is no danger here.

"We can only wait. This is the Green Lake Cemetery. Most of the residents of Green Lake Town and most members of the Edwards family will be buried here after their deaths. We haven't gone too far. This cemetery... It is in the forest just now. But because it is far away from the town and the road leading here is not very obvious, even if there are other islanders, it is difficult to find this place. We cannot try to continue walking, the more we walk randomly , the longer you’ll be disoriented.”

"You can only wait? I have important things to do tonight."

Shade sighed softly. Although the space here was confused, the time flow rate was not wrong. It was now half past four. Although he said he might go back late, he must show up at least before six-thirty.

"There's nothing I can do. Even a ring magician whose core spiritual rune is [Space] can't find a way to leave using magic like [Space Perception]."

The pharmacist lady said, looking at the cemetery in the fog with Shade:

"Let's take a rest first. We have encountered enough accidents on this trip to the island. Who knows what else will happen?"

"It can only be this way."

With that said, Shade went to pick his pocket again. He didn't dare to light a fire here rashly, so he didn't take out the tent and burning wood. He just took out a tablecloth and spread it on the ground. He gave the pharmacist a soft cushion and invited her to sit down together.

"Thank you, you are really thoughtful."

The sorceress raised her eyebrows, and after thanking her softly, her attitude towards Shade became a little better. Shade actually wanted to talk to Miss Pharmacist about the island again, but after the sorceress sat down, she closed her eyes and meditated first.

"Is there a way to leave? For example, use [Space Stabilizing Halo]."

He then looked at the fog and asked in his heart. After waiting for a while, "she" said softly:

【a. The spatial composition of this island is very strange, which is considered a natural phenomenon. 】

Shade sighed and looked at the tombstone standing beside him.

【Russell Enmire (1500-1563)】

[An excellent blacksmith and an excellent father. 】

The content on the tombstone is very brief. Because he lived so long ago, there are no photos on the tombstone. Shade originally just glanced at it casually, but he didn't expect that when his eyes moved away from the tombstone, a floating soul actually appeared above the tombstone.

It was an old man who looked to be in his sixties, leaning on a cane, and his spirit body had a cloud-like shape below the waist. This is not an evil spirit, and it has no ill intentions towards Shade, but it appears so clearly.

"what happened?"

He suddenly became alert.

"Don't do unnecessary things when the fog is dispersing and you lose your sense of direction. During this period, you may encounter some weird things."

The pharmacist lady opened her eyes and warned, glancing at the soul:

"It is the most common thing to meet a wandering soul. If you are interested, you can say a few words to him. He may be willing to give you some gifts or information. Of course, you cannot guess with normal thinking. Thoughts of the Soul.”

"Why haven't you heard from other places that there is such a thing on the island?"

"Because this kind of thing is very rare, and it is also a characteristic of this island...haven't you encountered enough rare things today?"

What she said made sense, so Shade asked with interest the soul on the blacksmith's tombstone:

"Hello, do you need help?"

The soul ignored him at all, so Shade said again:

"Hello, I want to buy a kitchen knife from you."

Soul still didn't speak, and the pharmacist lady beside him sighed:

"Most of these souls who don't know why they stay here have their own secrets. But it's quite difficult to know how to trigger their dialogue. Soul-type magic and spells are mostly ineffective against them. They are affected by this area. Protection of the Island.”

Although she said this, Shade still tried using his thaumaturgy to "guide death". The thaumaturgy that was supposed to see the memory of the soul, this time saw a blank. But the void was not completely empty. Before the effect of the thaumaturgy ended, Shade saw a key deep in his soul.

"I've already said that the thaumaturgy of peering into the soul has no effect on it."

The pharmacist's voice reached his ears, and Shade looked at his hand in surprise.

"Speaking of which, the thaumaturgy of guiding death..."

This thaumaturgy itself was provided by the Augustan priests and was a very old death thaumaturgy. Shade chose it at that time because [Guide to Death] coincided with the intention of the "Pluto Moon" represented by Silver Moon. Subsequently, it was also proved that this thaumaturgy was very suitable for Shade, although it could not make him resemble Joe, the chosen one of death. Like Yin Barton and the blind nun, they can directly see through the secrets of the soul, but they are practical enough.

After the decisive battle with Joeyin Barton on the waters leading to the end, his death-like thaumaturgic effects were greatly enhanced. Coupled with the power of the "Angel of Death" contained in the "Witch Detection Badge" hanging on the chest at this time, the effect of thaumaturgy [guiding death] has theoretically exceeded the scope of normal thaumaturgy.

This is probably why Shade can actually see the secrets of the soul.

"But what does a key mean? Do I need a key to get secrets from him? Or..."

Shade thought in surprise and signaled the sorceress to be quiet:

"I kind of know what to say."

"are you sure?"

The pharmacist lady asked suspiciously, but Shade had already spoken:

"Blacksmith, I need to forge a key."

The brown-haired lady blinked, and then the blacksmith actually spoke:

"Please give me the materials: bones without feet, the lord's blood, flawless amethyst, flawless obsidian, the bones and teeth of the lord's wife, and the memory of the newborn."

Shade listened quietly, while the pharmacist lady stood up directly:

"Mr. Watson, can you see the secret of his soul?"

"I just saw the shadow of a key."

Shade said, asking her in surprise:

"What are you so excited about?"

"Did you know that since these souls residing in the fog are protected by this island, it means that they are closely related to this island. Knowing their secrets, you might be able to know the secrets hidden by Edwards .”

"I'm not interested in Edwards' secrets or the elixir of life. I just want to know how many people are left in the Edwards family."

Shade emphasized again, regardless of the excitement of the pharmacist lady at this time:

"But now that you have encountered it, you can still think about it. There are no foot bones, fish bones will do; the lord's blood should refer to the blood of Edwards family members; flawless amethyst and obsidian are easy to understand, but this key is really expensive ; Finally, there are the bones, teeth and memories of the lord's wife, which is difficult to deal with. For the former, I think it must be the teeth of a woman who has been confirmed to have become the lord's wife; for the latter, is it necessary to extract the memory of a certain corpse? Or? Other meanings?”

He thought about it and said to the pharmacist:

"If we want this key, we must at least dig up the cemetery. So obviously, we may not be able to get the key he made this time. Even if we find the materials later, it will be difficult for us to re-open during the fog. Try your luck to return here, and then try your luck that this ghost will appear again. Unless you stay in the cemetery when the island is normal, and then expect to encounter the current situation again and again, but this will take a long time. "

The sorceress also understood what Shade said. The excited expression on her face disappeared, she nodded in despair, sat down on the tablecloth again, and watched Shade try to communicate more with the blacksmith's soul.

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