Whispering Verse

Chapter 1614: Information about the Fulun Brothers

Shade didn't have the nerve to use public funds to order dishes like "pan-fried foie gras with premium black truffles," but he wasn't too polite about ordinary dishes like Green Lake specialty bacon soup. The service at the club is attentive and the food is served very quickly. During this period, negotiators from the city hall also came here.

Among the first group of people to enter the door was the "Earl of Newcastle of Lycton", and Shade wrote down his face and the face of the person he was talking to. It was already ten minutes later when the Fulan brothers, wearing formal suits and monocles, entered the door.

Shade greeted the waiter, so the waiter took them directly to Shade's table. When the two brothers sat down, they were still a little confused when they saw Sha De ordering for them. They wanted to ask Sha De about his identity, but Sha De said again:

"Why didn't you see Earl Lewis? I don't know what happened to his injury."

"The injury on the shoulder is healing, but the injury on the lower body is probably...wait a minute, sir, who are you? Have we known each other before?"

Eric Foran, who wore a monocle on his right eye, asked in surprise.

"We met once, don't you remember? Tobesk, on the roof of the Queen Maria Opera House."

The two brothers showed a look of shock and panic. Shade held down the steak with a fork and cut the meat with a knife, while lowering his voice and hurriedly comforted:

"Don't worry, I entered this club using the identity of an MI6 agent."

The expressions on the two brothers' faces became increasingly indescribable.

"Don't look at me like this. Anyway, whether it is MI6 or Gray Gloves, it is difficult to confirm the identity of every secret agent at all times. What's wrong with me borrowing this identity and asking them to pay me to buy me something to eat? After all, , I also paid taxes within Delrayon."

What he said was natural, but as the elder brother, Mr. Eric Fulen knew that the high-level warlock in front of them came to the door, and he definitely did not want to chat with them:

"Sir, do you have any business with us?"

"Yes, I remember when we met in Tobesk, you held a relic compass and found the material you were looking for."

Shade put the beef into his mouth with a fork, and then wiped his mouth with a napkin:

"I'd like to borrow your compass to look for something."

The two brothers looked at each other, and the brother with the monocle in his right eye asked:

"Sir, what are you looking for? We don't want to pry into your privacy, but not everything can be found with that compass."

"I'm looking for the descendants of the Edwards family, the descendants of the former lords of Green Lake Town."

Shade said, looking at the two brothers with different expressions:

"I don't know their names or their identities. I just know that there are indeed these people. There must be restrictions on the use of the relics. Can I find someone?"

he asked, and his brother Charles shook his head:

"The compass can only find inanimate objects, and requires knowing a very precise name and appearance. Every time it is used, a certain... price must be paid. It cannot be used to find people."

"Forget it then, it's really a pity."

Shade said lightly, without any regret in his tone:

"It's not a big deal for me to find members of the Edwards family. I really hope they come out to find me on their own."

As he said that, he glanced at the two brothers again.

He could not take the initiative to say that he knew that they were Edwards, otherwise the two had just revealed this to Shad Hamilton in Tobesk, and it would inevitably lead to some associations. But according to Shade's current question, they would only think that the man in front of them had found clues, and would not easily suspect the detective in Tobesk City.

The two brothers had complicated expressions. They did not speak immediately because the waiter had already arrived with the dining cart. After the waiter left, Eric asked softly:

"Sir, I don't know what you are looking for them for? We also have a lot of contacts in Willondale. Maybe we can help you find them."

"I have a letter from before the fall of the Edwards family. There is a pattern on it that makes me curious. I think the descendants of Edwards might know the meaning of that pattern."

Shade raised his eyebrows, took out his notebook from his pocket, drew the picture of the sun, moon and stars and pushed it to them:

"This is it."

The two brothers pretended not to know that Shade had seen through them, and Shade also pretended not to know that they already knew that he had seen through them. Mr. Fulan looked at the notebook together, and then shook their heads together:

"Sorry, we have no memory of this pattern, but it looks very similar to the back of the Rhodes card."

"Since you have connections in Willendale, help me check if there is any description of this in Edwards's belongings."

Both brothers understood:

"No problem, we'll write to the servant to help you look up the pattern. However, we don't know Edwards other than Edwards of Willondale... How are we going to contact you later?"

"I will come to you, and you won't be leaving the Green Lake area recently anyway."

Shade said:

"And I won't let you help for free. I can help you if necessary. Also, do you have any plans to land on the island recently?"

"Originally, there were, but there were some changes on the island the day before yesterday. The local church is landing on the island to search. We may have to wait for a while before going."

Eric said.

"Well, don't expose your relationship with Edwards easily. This identity will become very sensitive in the future."

The two brothers nodded together:

"My grandfather said something similar before he died. There are not many people around us who know our identity, and no one is in Green Lake."

"That's best. Speaking of which, your grandfather's name is..."

"Edward Edwards."

This is the name of the second son.

Shade nodded and pointed to the Earl of Newcastle in Lexton over there:

"Why did this earl appear in Green Lake? Did he speak at the morning meeting? In this capacity, I also want to bring back some information."

"The Earl of Newcastle wanted to promote peace, but he was an extreme pacifist and was not popular among any faction in the country. I heard someone said that he came to Green Lake after being invited by the Peace Church. , this count’s ideals are very lofty, but they cannot be realized at all.”

Because it was not very important information, Charles Fulan told Shade directly. Shade nodded and stood up to leave:

"The Green Lake area will become very chaotic recently, so you should be careful. Oh, I have already paid for the meal. Enjoy your lunch, gentlemen, the fish soup here tastes very good."

As he spoke, he walked towards the door of the restaurant. No one among the people talking in low voices in the restaurant paid much attention to him. After confirming that Shade had completely left, Charles, who was wearing a monocle on his left eye, softly asked his brother:


Eric Foran touched his monocle:

"I don't see any ill will towards us, so don't pay too much attention to it. But this gentleman is right, we do need to be more careful recently. Don't think too much, let's eat. If what my grandfather said before his death is true, I'm afraid our relatives They will all appear one after another. This is not a matter for the two of us, but a matter for the entire family."

After leaving the club, Shade got on the carriage and headed south directly out of the city. Although the carriages in the city were unwilling to enter too remote countryside, fortunately, the nobles of Green Lake City built a road leading to the lake in order to facilitate their vacation and leisure time at the lake.

The carriage carried Shade, past farmers carrying hoes, rickshaws pulling grain, and patrolling soldiers carrying guns. They turned right at the fork in the road that leads to the outpost barracks, and passed through a lilac forest that had just bloomed. , then took Xia De to the lake.

This is a village called "Pukhov Village" by the lake. Because the lake thaws in spring, the village, which is an important dock on Green Lake, is also very lively. In order to serve passing merchants, tourists and soldiers stationed by the lake, the village also has supporting taverns, hotels, and blacksmith shops. And if you want to find other products, you might be able to try your luck with traveling merchants.

"In the Green Lake area, there are more traveling merchants carrying backpacks and driving horse-drawn carriages than anywhere else. The countryside here is vast and has a large permanent population, not to mention the ease of crossing national borders. In spring, people in the countryside Watching the traveling merchants walking slowly through the country roads full of flowers is the best memory of my childhood in the countryside."

This was the explanation that the forty-year-old coachman gave to Shade on the road.

Pukhov Village is more lively than Shade thought. Although it is indeed the size of an ordinary village, and the ground is muddy and the air is full of the smell of chicken manure and the damp smell of lake water, there are merchants, travelers, soldiers and villagers mixing in. Together, it makes this place look more lively than the Crossroads Village where Shade and Captain Rades drank.

In Shade's view, if the economic development of Green Lake City was not so poor, the village could actually be built into a small town based on its location.

The purpose of Shade's trip here was to fish in the lake, and to see if the church's team that landed on the island had anything to gain. After he got off the carriage, he entered the village. The villagers were not at all curious about strange faces like Shade. Instead, some enthusiastic children pointed out the direction of the tavern in the village to Shade.

Of course, Shade didn't go to the tavern.

While looking at this backward little village, he walked through the village towards the dock. There is also a notice board erected at the intersection of the village paths. However, there are no commissions for adventurers to eradicate monsters, find missing goats, or help collect herbs. It contains information about ships that are about to dock in the near future, as well as notices for renting carriages and ships.

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