Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,613 Asking Yourself

Shade's plan today is to go to Green Lake to take a look.

On the one hand, it was because today was the first day of negotiations, and even if he could not bring effective information to Lesia, he at least wanted to confirm the situation of the Fulen brothers; on the other hand, he promised to give Mr. Edmond There are still a few fish bones left, so he doesn't plan to delay it any longer. Today he will jump into the lake to catch fish. By the way, he can also see how the church sees the abnormal cloud conditions on the island.

"Of course, yesterday was too evil. I encountered two assassinations in a row. I'd better go to Green Lake to avoid it today."

But just as Xia De carried little Mia to the door of Room 1 on the second floor, there was a knock on the door. He thought Luvia had forgotten something, so he opened the door and saw that it was Lecia outside.

"Yes, I saw Luvia just now. She seemed to be in a good mood."

Her Royal Highness the Princess said, after walking in the door and confirming that the maid outside had closed the door, she touched Shade's chest worriedly:

"I heard about what happened last night. Thank you for protecting Agelina. I knew I couldn't let her get too far away from me. She always causes all kinds of things."

This was a bit unfair to Agelina, but it also reminded Shade that when he first met the little princess, the princess was alone with her friends playing turtle shell divination in the Seer Association, which caused the turtle shell to explode. things.

"Carina asked me to give you the MI6 documents, and I brought them to you. She asked me to tell you that Director Dark Anlos has given you the documents after you successfully solved the task in the riding competition around the city. The promotion documents have been submitted, so you have to wait."

When Xia De saw his boss last night, he asked about his meritorious service. As for those MI6 documents, they were all about the Green Lake negotiations. Shade obtained it through Miss Carina's channel instead of asking Director Anlos directly to avoid suspicion. After all, the Duchess is one of the people in charge of this negotiation, and it makes sense for her to read any document.

"Before I left yesterday, Agelina said she heard strange noises. What did Carina say?"

He hugged Lecia, who was listening to his heartbeat, and asked curiously.

"On the verge of awakening, after checking, Carina thought that the voice was the 'other me', but it was more like the 'other me' talking in her sleep before waking up. This is actually very common, all gifted people have this situation, but However, gifted people who have never been exposed to the knowledge of ring magicians only think that they have heard wrongly before they are officially awakened. Only when they are officially awakened can they hear the voices and talk to them coherently. After all, few people will think that they are really brainless. ill."

The powerful vibration of her heart made her feel as if she could hear the pulse of the earth. The sense of power made her blush a little. Lesiya raised her head and sniffed Shade's neck intimately. She didn't smell any perfume, which made Lesiya couldn't help but smile:

"Today is the first day of the negotiation meeting in the Green Lake area. I want you to help me determine one thing. Is there this person in the Kasenlik delegation?"

She gave Shade a black-and-white photo of a middle-aged man with a serious expression and a delicate beard:

"The Earl of Newcastle, Lecton, a rare pacifist among the Carsonrick army faction. He is not on the list of negotiators on Carsonrick's side, but he is said to be participating in other ways. Help me identify him Whether you actually go to Green Lake or not, that’s important.”

"no problem."

Shade took note of the face in the photo, and then asked:

"Then how to deal with Agelina's situation? Since she is on the verge of awakening, I think she will definitely be able to become a ring sorcerer before the end of summer, which will only take a month or two at most."

"You really care about her."

Lesia was joking, but she actually cared about her sister very much:

"This is the first time in the Cavendish royal family that two ring magicians have appeared in the same generation. I asked Carina for her opinion, whether to let her become a witch's apprentice, or to study at Zarath Literary Academy like me. .”

"Don't forget to ask Agelina for her own opinion."

"Knight, knight, do you think of me as the bad sister in a fairy tale?"

Lesia said angrily, Shade shook his head:

"Of course not. If you were that kind of person, I wouldn't love you so much."

"Shadow, you can save these sweet words like Hog Mountain syrup for our date."

She pursed her lips and smiled:

"Carina will have a detailed discussion with Agelina, and then we will make a decision. You should be careful when operating in Green Lake, oh, and there is also a date on the weekend, so remember to make time."

She was about to say goodbye, but Shade asked her to wait. He turned around and went to the basement, and soon came back with a red copper bracelet:

"Give this to Agelina, a clerical-level relic [Lost Arrow Enemy]. Remember to remind her not to wear it in sensitive places like churches. I asked Old John to identify it. This piece of paper has the characteristics of a relic. "

"You will make me look very incompetent as a sister."

As Lecia said, she also stood on tiptoes and kissed the side of Shade's face before saying goodbye and leaving. Shade touched the two almost symmetrical hickeys on his face and felt that his mood suddenly became better:

"As for the definition of love and loyalty, maybe my greed is different from others. But at least, I am willing to use everything I have to help them until the end... Desire, are you really not wrong about me? ?”

He held the sleeping cat in his arms and was about to pack up before heading to Green Lake. "She" in his ear chuckled and asked:

[Don’t you think that Lesia Cavendish is taking advantage of you? 】

"Of course not, at least at this point, I understand."

(Little Mia is running...)

Although the weather has warmed up quickly recently, the temperature in the underground warehouse of Green Lake Hotel has not changed much. However, Shade observed that there was a lot of purple cabbage in the warehouse today, so he decided not to eat in the hotel today - he didn't like purple cabbage either.

I still left through the back door of the hotel kitchen, but I didn’t see the little John huddled in the trash can today. But the boy probably didn't leave, because there were still his torn cotton clothes in the trash can, as well as a dog toy picked up from somewhere. Shade then left a few coins and two sugar cubes in his bucket, then walked around again and entered the hotel through the front entrance.

Today the innkeepers, the twins Mr. Solon Green and Ms. Helena Green, are both here. The former is checking the accounts with a sad look on his face, while the latter is telling the hotel waiters that after the arrival of spring, they can stay in the small room on the second floor of the hotel. Laundry ordered by guests to be washed is dried on the terrace.

"Good morning, Mr. Watson."

Mr. Soren Green put down the pen in his hand and greeted Shade:

"I didn't see you yesterday. Are you living in Michaela Blast Furnace City again?"

"Yes, the environment over there is better after all... But don't worry about me checking out. Compared with that industrial city, this ancient city is the focus of my collection this time. I plan to go to the lake today Take a walk."

Shade said, and then asked:

"Excuse me, does anyone have a message for me?"

Ms. Green, who had sent away the young waiters, struck up a conversation:

"If you are referring to the lady who met you on Wednesday, she asked someone to send you a message this morning, asking you to wait a little longer. Things are not going smoothly."

"We rarely see her be so polite to strangers. Mr. Watson, your communication skills are really good."

Mr. Sauron Green also said with a smile, Shade nodded:

"Are you familiar with her?"

"She used to come to our place often and is considered a regular customer."

Mr. Green answered, but it seemed that he did not intend to disclose the guest's information, so Shade did not delve deeper.

Shade's "hotel service" includes delivering a newspaper every day, so you can learn about the news in the past two days from the newspaper. Today is the first day of negotiations, and the Green Lake Morning News reported this matter in a large space, because the meeting locations today and tomorrow are both in this city.

It was ten o'clock in the morning when Shade left the hotel with the newspaper under his arm. At this time, the meeting at the Green Lake City Hall was probably going on. He didn't want to sneak in directly. Instead, he walked to the street where the city hall was located to check out the situation. Then he found that the police had blocked half of the street. Even if he wanted to get closer, he couldn't.

But fortunately, although Lecia failed to place people in the first group of negotiations, she at least got the representatives' entire schedule. After the noon meeting, negotiators will have dinner at the nearby "Ivy Club". This is the most exclusive private club in the area, only used by local aristocrats.

Shade planned to wait for the representatives to arrive in the club. As for how he entered the club——

"Sir, this is a private club."

When Shade stepped on the red carpet and entered the club with a very low-key appearance, the waiter in a white shirt at the door immediately stopped him.

"I'm looking for Mr. Sugarman in room six. The lady asked me to come."

The young waiter was stunned for a moment, then quickly moved away:

"Please come in."

This is the exclusive channel for MI6 agents, and the addition of "that lady" means that Shade is the secret agent that Miss Carina is temporarily in charge of. In other words, this does not even need to be reported to Director Anlos.

The club covers a large area and is divided into four floors including the underground. But instead of wandering around, Shade went directly to the restaurant and sat down under the portrait of a black crow head and a figure in formal clothes leaning against the wall. This painting is very strange, probably a special painting to show taste. The background of the portrait is obviously Green Lake, and it is green Green Lake.

After sitting down at the table, Shade unfolded the sandwiched newspaper and continued reading. When the time came to eleven o'clock and people entered the restaurant one after another, he also called the waiter to order. However, because he came as an MI6 agent, he didn't even have to pay the bill himself. Instead, MI6 would pay the bill later.

Although Xia De didn't like to take advantage of others, since it was his own company's public funds, he didn't be too frugal.

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