Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,625 Witches

In short, although both the Witch and Little Mia showed "bad intentions" during the test, it also proved that the "Cat in a Bottle" potion also worked on Shade. In this way, there is no need to wait for the adventure of opening the time key again the morning after tomorrow.

Since Miss Carina arrived in the evening, she naturally had dinner with Shade afterwards.

After dinner, she had no intention of leaving. She was originally chatting with Shade about Green Lake and the progress of his investigation in the study. However, while chatting, the two of them changed from sitting face to face on both sides of the desk to sitting side by side. Sitting on the side of the desk; then for some reason, the witch took off her black high-heeled shoes and put them on the desk in a very uncivilized manner, then she held Shade's neck and sat on his lap; and then Ti When Fa led the maids in to change the water for the teapot and bring the fruit, Shade, who was almost suffocated in his chest, finally got a chance to breathe; in the end, somehow, the conversation location changed from the study to the bedroom. , the always strong Duchess rarely showed her weakness and shyness, and Shade felt that she could never get enough of the "witch's scent" perfume.

When the witch woke up from her sleep on Tuesday morning and hugged Shade's neck to prevent him from getting up early on time, she asked a very strange question:

"Shade, you said that you are doubting your origin. So, is it possible that you have succubus blood?"

His fair right hand held the ends of his long red hair and played with the side of Shade's face.

"What? Carina, how could you think of such a strange question so early in the morning? No, this is absolutely impossible."

Shade shook his head. With the doctor's sensitivity to demons, it was impossible not to discover strange bloodlines such as half-demon. Moreover, the answer of demon blood cannot explain the weirdness about him at all.

"Then why are you so damn charming?"

This was a love talk between the two of them. Shade smiled and kissed her forehead:

"Get up quickly. I'm going to Green Lake soon to meet the pharmacist who is suspected of being a great witch."

"When you hold me and rub my back, you are really good at choosing topics when you mention other great witches."

The red-haired duchess also answered with a smile, but she refused to let Shade get up. She was on the side near the window, lying on her side and looking at Shade. Her head and shoulders were outlined with a golden edge by the morning light outside the window, and her golden eyes became more and more beautiful:

"You are really a strange person. Your self-discipline sometimes makes me doubt whether I am really attracted to you."

"Never doubt your own charm. Who can be as charming as the Great Witch? However, self-discipline is a sign of maintaining one's own strength. I appreciate this habit of mine."

"Luvia Anat's charm is probably comparable to that of us great witches."

She said this deliberately, just not letting go of Sha De. So, Tifa and the two young maids behind her heard a crisp tapping sound at the same time, followed by the Duchess. A cry of surprise mixed with other emotions.

The maids outside the door all blushed, then looked at each other with a smile. Soon after, Shade left the bedroom with Carina, who was wearing a nightgown.

"I may not come to see you too often recently."

At the breakfast table, the witch elegantly holding a knife suddenly said to Shade. Shade raised his head in surprise:

"Still angry about what happened in the morning? Or is it because of what happened last night? It doesn't matter, two hours is long enough. I don't care. Maybe it was because you were not in good condition yesterday..."

So he was kicked hard under the dining table. The girls around him in maid skirts tried their best to hold back their laughter. They had indeed received professional training. On the dining table, Miss Carina still had an elegant expression:

"In a few weeks, I will leave for the Green Lake area. Before that, there are a lot of troublesome things that need to be dealt with, and there are many unavoidable meetings. You can also understand how important the Green Lake negotiations are. Even I have to use all my energy to deal with it."

She shook her head at Shade:

"Being by your side all the time, I feel like I have no interest in dealing with those things. So I won't come to visit often recently... If I don't come to you, you can't come to me either."

The red-haired duchess reminded:

"It's not that I really don't want to meet you, I just..."

"I want to get myself back to work."

Shade finished the second half of the sentence for her, and the witch nodded with a smile:

"You really understand me very well. I am reluctant to do this, but there is nothing I can do about it. After the Green Lake incident is over, I will make up for the neglect during this period."

The ladies of the Cavendish family have surprisingly consistent thoughts and ideas.

Therefore, after Miss Carina repeatedly warned that Shade must not take the initiative to find her, Shade bid farewell to the witch and his party after breakfast. However, Tifa, who was walking last, quietly slipped a note before leaving, which made Shad very curious.

That was not a note from the maid asking Shad to have an affair. The black-haired head maid told Shad that she could visit Carina Manor on the weekend, and she should remember to bring a bouquet of flowers or send some to the Green Lake area. A special little gift bought.

【She is really amazing. 】

"She" whispered in Shade's ear.


[It’s getting late, it’s time for you to set off. 】

The time we agreed to meet with the pharmacist was nine o'clock in the morning. It took Shade some time to talk to the boy in the trash can at the back door of the hotel, but he still showed up at the door of the Green Lake Hotel twenty minutes early. He even looked at the two carriages of "Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals" parked in front of the hotel with great interest - the two carriage drivers were both low-ring sorceresses disguised as men. When he pushed the door in, a sorceress with short brown hair , actually sitting at the table under the oil painting with the scenery of Green Lake.

"I admire your sense of time."

When Shadra opened the chair opposite her and sat down, she praised softly, and then asked the pharmacist lady who was putting down the newspaper:

"What's the big news in the newspaper?"

The newspaper was moved away, revealing the pretty face of the pharmacist. Her facial features are very three-dimensional. Although this face is fake, it must be disguised based on the real face.

There was a bored expression on the fair face, and in the bright-colored blue eyes, there was a sigh about the boring news:

"The newspapers are talking about the progress of the negotiation meeting. Reports say that the two sides have made good breakthroughs on many issues in the first round of negotiations in Green Lake City."

"What do you mean by 'many issues'?"

Shade asked curiously, and the sorceress shook her head:

"I'm also curious about how those reporters managed to write a whole page of news without any substantive content. In my opinion, in the follow-up delegations from both sides, those big nobles who can really make decisions Before we arrive, the negotiations will not make any more progress on the Pantanal, and at most they will just go back and forth on unimportant matters such as the air management agreement and the liberalization process of academic exchanges."

She sighed and looked at Shade:

"So are you ready? When we are, we will land on the island."

After saying that, he suddenly frowned, then shrugged his nose, and looked at Shade in surprise:

"Why do I feel like I've smelled the perfume on your body before?"

Xia De was shocked. He had obviously taken a shower this morning:

"Are all these sorceresses' noses so clever?"

I thought so in my heart, but said in my mouth:

"Ma'am, I'm not in the habit of wearing perfume."

The pharmacist lady looked at him suspiciously, but because the smell was very bland and she wouldn't get closer to Shade to smell it, she didn't think much about it. Shade breathed a sigh of relief:

"I actually have nothing to prepare, I just want to go with you again. But are you ready? Among the materials for making the key, there are no foot bones, flawless amethyst, and flawless obsidian. These three are definitely fine. But have you already obtained the lord’s blood, the lord’s wife’s bones and teeth, and the memory of the newborn baby?”

"For the blood of the descendants of Edwards, use my blood; for the bones and teeth of the lord's wife, we went to the island to dig, and I have determined the location; the memory of the newborn has not been obtained yet, I just received it from my followers last night After getting the news, let’s go get it now. It may be a little far away in Mikaila Blast Furnace City, I hope you don’t mind.”

"I don't mind, let's go now. But you still have followers? I thought you were the kind of solitary ring warlock. After all, you do everything by yourself."

Shade stood up as he spoke. The pharmacist lady shook her head:

"I still have to do the important things by myself. I believe in myself more. This is one of my principles in life."

Because the pharmacist lady did not allow Shade to come within 1 meter of her, Shade knew very well that it was impossible for the two of them to sit face to face in the carriage compartment. He originally thought he would still have to take a boat or ride a horse, but after he left the door, the pharmacist lady waved, and the two carriages with the "Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals" logo on them drove over.

The pharmacist lady made a gesture of invitation to Shade, indicating that he should choose one first.

"I said, you don't have mysophobia, do you? In order to prevent me from getting too close to you, you even arranged two carriages? When I entered the door just now, I was curious as to why the carriages from Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals were here."

If it were the first time they met, the cold sorceress would definitely not respond. But the relationship between the two had improved significantly when they escaped from the island last time. Therefore, when the coachman disguised as a man looked surprised, the pharmacist lady actually smiled at him:

"No need to test. I do have a relationship with this pharmaceutical company. If you want to buy potions in bulk, I can give you a discount. Go up, don't waste time, there are still many things to do today."

With that said, he turned his back to Shade and warned his two followers with stern eyes. Then the two of them boarded different carriages, and the two carriages drove them towards the south.

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