Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,626 Coins and the Second Landing on the Island

There was nothing worthy of Shade's attention when traveling through the city and countryside. Whether it was the cityscape or the rural scenery in the Green Lake area, there were no outstanding features compared to the cities he had visited in the past.

When preparing to cross the border at the checkpoint, the coachmen also took out the special passes that Captain Rades gave to Shade, so they did not need to wait in line to register. When the coachman showed the pass to the officer whom Shade had not seen, so the carriage stopped temporarily, Shade also saw from the car window that there were more people queuing at the border waiting to cross the border than he had seen last time.

The long queue barely formed amidst the shouts of the soldiers. After the team circled the camp, the end of the queue almost reached the outside of the camp. Shade's hearing was very good, and he knew from the noisy voices of the people that today, in the villages and towns on the side of Michaela Blast Furnace City, there was a big market that only happened once a month, so it was so lively here.

Captain Rades was not seen, so Shade did not get out of the car. The coachman quickly completed the border crossing procedures, and the two carriages passed the queue of people and entered the neighboring country directly.

Another boring journey followed. At around ten o'clock in the morning, the yawning Shade jumped off the carriage and looked at the "Glass Blast Furnace" in the distance. He said to the pharmacist who also stepped off the carriage not far away:

"Next time we should take a boat. Although we have to take a detour, at least the journey will be more interesting. Riding in a carriage is too boring. If I had known better, I would have brought my cat with me."

The sorceress ignored Shade's boring words and waved to him:

"Come with me, this way."

With that said, he led Shade away from the glass avenue where the carriage stopped and entered the alley. This road was also the street where Shade last saw the police driving away the disabled boy. It was the city center of Michaela Blast Furnace City. But this time, he did not see the disabled boy begging sitting on the street again.

He followed the pharmacist lady into the nameless narrow alley. After walking for more than ten steps in the alley, he heard quite a lot of footsteps coming from the street behind him, as well as someone speaking loudly through a loudspeaker. sound.

He turned around in surprise, and soon saw a parade of people walking through the street, and the loud speaker was calling on the citizens to protest the negotiation, because the Pantanal area originally belonged to Carson. The United Kingdom, the negotiations desecrated the glory of Kassenrik.

"Their destination is the City Hall. This week's meeting is held in Michaela Blast Furnace City. They probably want to take advantage of the lunch break to give a speech in the square in front of the City Hall."

The pharmacist lady said to Shade, and then motioned for him to follow:

"Don't focus on this boring activity. The final result of the negotiation will not be determined by how many steps they take."

In big cities of this era, there are always complicated, maze-like alleys. And if you want to find a specific store in such a cluster of buildings, you may have to get lost for a long time without someone to guide you.

Their destination was an old bookstore hidden in an alley. The pharmacist lady opened the door and walked in. Shade followed her and strictly promised not to come within 1 meter of her.

There were no other customers in the bookstore. The pharmacist lady led Shade through the bookstore and then opened the back door with the sign "Do not enter without permission." Passing through the backyard and entering the back warehouse of this bookstore, the warehouse is where the black market trades.

"I made an appointment to pick up that box yesterday."

She said to the fat woman standing behind the counter and took out a badge as a voucher. The woman nodded, put an old black suitcase on the table and pushed it to the pharmacist. The latter opened it with her own hands. The box contained old clothes, old books, rusty buttons, etc., all in a mess. of debris.

"What's this?"

Shade asked curiously.

"The guys who land on the Central Island sometimes take away the sundries even if they can't find anything valuable, and then sell them cheaply to the local black market. So the last time we landed on the island, although most of the furniture was still there, the inside They are all empty. Not only the black market of ring magicians, but also local ordinary people's grocery stores or thrift stores, you may also find the Edwards family's things. This family is in the eyes of local occult researchers and busybodies. , quite legendary, and there are even people who specialize in collecting old belongings of the Edwards family.”

The pharmacist lady explained while rummaging through the contents of the box. According to her, these miscellaneous items were all used by her ancestors a hundred years ago.

She quickly found a palm-sized notebook with a red cover from the box. After flipping through it quickly, he nodded and threw two 1-kronor alloy coins onto the table. She stuffed the notebook into her pocket, closed the box, and motioned to Shade to help carry it.

"Why should I help you carry your suitcase?"

Shade raised his own question.

"Don't you have the ability to store miscellaneous things? Moreover, isn't it what a gentleman should do to act together with a beautiful girl and help out?"

The sorceress said matter-of-factly, indicating that Shade could leave:

"We'll enter Green Lake by boat. If you don't mind, you can have lunch on the boat later."

"Of course I don't mind, but could you wait a moment."

He put the suitcase behind the right side of his coat, patted it, put the toy in his pocket, and then asked the fat woman behind the counter who was watching the exchange between the two:

"Madam, do you have any coins or other relics here?"

So ten minutes later, Shade took a small bag with two coins and happily followed the pharmacist lady out of the bookstore.

The poet-level relic [Sorrow of the Lute], in a confined space, throws a coin hard on the floor, which can cause a sad music played by the lute to randomly sound in the space. The price is that the user will Within hours, he completely lost the ability to speak.

This is the kind of poet-level relic that has no use, so the price is relatively cheap. When Shade got them, he saw detailed ancient Elvish language on the side of the coins:

[I hope my performances for the rest of my life will be as sad as Leanna’s funeral. 】

The emergence of this coin obviously has a very complicated story.

"But why did you ask about the local tomb robbing gang just now?"

When walking through the alley to the bank of the Duyin River, the pharmacist who led the way asked curiously.

"Someone took something they shouldn't have, and even though I've found it, I still want to know where they got it."

Shade gave the answer, and the pharmacist girl nodded thoughtfully. I wanted to help Xia De look for her. She was also very powerful in the local area, but thinking about what the two of them were going to do, they decided to wait until the matter was over.

The steamboat waiting for them on the bank of the Duin River was very similar to the one that was destroyed last time, except that there were already two ladies with nine rings on the boat waiting for them.

"These are my followers. In order to prevent what happened last time, they went with us. However, they did not land on the island, but waited for us on the dock."

Because she was worried that Xia De would misunderstand, the pharmacist lady also gave a special explanation. Shade didn't care either. After boarding the deck, he watched the river banks on both sides moving backwards. What he was thinking about was what he would encounter on the island again this time.

Last time we entered the Great Lake from the direction of Delrayon on the north shore of Green Lake, so the landing point was the pier from the center to the north shore. This time it departed from Michaela Blast Furnace City, so the landing location was the south coast of the island. When the ship entered the foggy area, Shade realized that the docking location this time was different from the last time.

Sure enough, as the ship slowed down, the shadow of the island in the fog became clearer and clearer, and Shade gradually saw that this time it was no longer a small forest connected to the dock, but a path on a low hill.

"The northern part of Green Lake Island is flat, and the pier, cemetery, town, and farmland are all there. The south is low hills, and the Edwards mansion, orchards, and lighthouse are all in the south."

The steamship lightly hit the trestle and stopped. The pharmacist lady took the lead on the trestle carrying a cloth bag containing reagent bottles, and Shade followed her. As for the two nine-ring sorceresses who had not spoken, they stood on the deck and watched them walk away in the fog:

"So what is this pier used for?"

"This is the private dock of the Edwards family. The dock is connected to the mansion on the hill and is responsible for transporting some things that are inconvenient for the townspeople to see. When the town of Green Lake was still prosperous, the lord's family often set off from here by boat. Take a vacation to the city of Michaela Blast Furnace. Although there are no strict rules, the townspeople rarely take the initiative to go to the hills in the southern part of the island. They have tacitly accepted that this is private territory that is off-limits to others except Edwards.”

Their destination was not the Green Lake Cemetery in the woods in the northern part of the island. Although most of the townspeople and Edwards are buried there, according to the pharmacist, there are actually no bones in Edwards's grave in the cemetery. Everyone in the family was buried separately in various secret corners of the island.

As for the reason, the sorceress couldn’t explain clearly:

"It sounds like some kind of ritual, using blood as a traction, affecting the entire island, but I can't explain the specific situation. From the relics and letters my father left me, it seems that this is the family's first generation lord Ke Lai Because of the rules left by Edwards, my ancestors have always followed them."

What she was looking for this time was the burial site of the wife of her younger brother Sloth Edwards in the second generation of the root map. In order to prevent them from suddenly losing their sense of direction and being forced to wait, this time the two of them did not waste any time on the road. They moved forward along the path connecting the Edwards mansion and the southern pier, and then turned around halfway. Entering the fork in the road, and after more than ten minutes, we saw the lighthouse standing on the highest point of the island.

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