Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,630: The Demonic Witch Revealed

The pharmacist lady looked a little sad, but also like hesitant. However, this expression only lasted for a long time and then disappeared. She didn't know what happened to her today, and she actually exposed her inner thoughts in front of strangers.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Although I only have six rings, I have many very powerful friends. For example, my teacher who asked me to investigate Edwards will be able to come here to help me when she is done with her own affairs."

Shade said again.

He was really confident about this matter. Not only did he summon the five great witches he was familiar with, but Miss Danist herself was enough to solve most of the troubles of this era. What's more, he also has cards like Sister Devlin, Priest Augustus, Dr. Schneider, and Long-haired Luvia, plus himself, he doesn't believe that the trouble here can be compared to Cold Water Port, Fort Midhill, The Pantanal and Randall Valleys are large.

[Ahem. 】

"She" coughed softly twice in Shade's ear, or it was a vivid imitation of the coughing sound. Shade immediately realized that he seemed to be thinking something he shouldn't have thought:

"It shouldn't be more troublesome than those, right?"

The brown-haired lady pursed her lips and shook her head, not lingering on the topic any longer:

"I don't know much about that prophecy. Please ask me one more question, the last one. If you want to ask more, I will continue to answer it for you next time we land on the island."

Shade thought for a moment:

"When you last landed on the island, you said that you didn't know how many Edwards were still alive. Has that answer changed now?"

The pharmacist lady nodded:

"I don't really know the first three generations of the family tree. As for the last three generations, four of my father's generation, Uncle Hohenheim, Uncle Edward, Aunt Maria and my father himself, have all passed away; Of the five people in the fifth generation, two are still alive... Yes, you don’t have to guess, it’s me and my sisters; among the six people in the sixth generation, all are still alive.”

"I know a pair of twin brothers from the sixth generation. They are descendants of Willendale nobles. Their maternal grandfather is Edward Edwards."

"I can also confirm that the fourth generation little sister, a descendant of my aunt Maria Edwards, has been living in the Green Lake area since leaving the island, instead of leaving the local area like others. Her Two descendants, also twins.”

Shade nodded:

"In other words, of the eight people alive in the next three generations, two are you and your sisters, and four are the two sets of twins from the sixth generation. Then, there are still two grandchildren of the eldest son of the fourth generation, Hohenheim. "

The witch knew the whereabouts of some of her relatives, which was expected. It was impossible for her to not investigate anything for so many years.

"Although I don't know the twin brothers you know, I have heard about their whereabouts. Before my father died, he told the last whereabouts of his brothers and sisters. Uncle Edward did go to Willendale. But the last two , I have never been able to find it.”

She shook her head sadly.

"After the four members of the fourth generation left the island and separated, there was no contact again?"

"Yes, I also asked my father this question, but he wouldn't tell me the reason. In fact, I only learned about most of the family's past events after his death. My father has always avoided my contact with these things."

The mention of her deceased father made even the man-hating witch feel sad.

"That's enough. You gave me enough information this time."

Shade said softly that although the outsider did not have any elder family members, he could understand the mood of the lady in front of him. And this is one of the few women he has come into contact with who aims to survive and climbs up step by step.

Most people in the Witch Council probably don't know her story, but the Speaker, Ms. Yin Sabella, should know it. The Great Witch of Time may have other arrangements for this lady, but Shade couldn't guess whether the Speaker of the [Witch Parliament] would come to the Green Lake area in person this time.

The pharmacist lady said that she is currently facing the problem of not being promoted to the twelfth ring/level 12. In fact, Miss Carina has also encountered it. In this case, forces outside the usual specifications are needed to help with promotion.

For the witches of the fifth era, it is to go deep into those strange places to find those gods who are kind or not so kind, and if you are lucky, you can meet Shade;

As for the Sixth Era, Miss Carina worked with Luvia and Tifa to open the door to true death, and transformed the edge of life and death into the "Soul Cemetery", allowing herself to obtain the [Death] Spirit Rune and be able to promotion.

Although this kind of example is not universal, and there is no second person in Shad's family who is on the verge of life and death and forced to transform again, but Shad does have [Aiken'ora - Arrow of the Chosen] in his hand. The person who was stabbed by the arrow, There can be one more spiritual rune or one more thaumaturgy.

Of course, it was impossible for Shade to take it out now, let alone inform the lady in front of him of these things. Although he was willing to help the pharmacist, he had to wait until the other party was willing to confess everything to him.

Maybe good intentions can come at no cost, but Shade also has to protect himself and the people around him.

"You can tell your teacher about your family's affairs, but I have told you so much about my personal affairs. Don't tell others easily. Otherwise, I will make you pay the price regardless of whether you are the chosen one or not."

The atmosphere was a bit dull, so the pharmacist lady said half-jokingly.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who talks too much. Everyone has their own secrets and thoughts. It's my honor that you are willing to tell them to me."

He would only choose the appropriate information to tell Miss Daniste. After all, Miss Daniste cared about the members of the Edwards family, not the thoughts and moods of these people.

"Your mouth may be more powerful than your strength."

The sorceress teased:

"Do all the female companions you date know that you are so powerful?"

Shade smiled and did not answer the topic. He knew that the other party was testing his gender, but he was not willing to share with others that he was dating girls. He did not think it was something worth showing off.

As if to interrupt the conversation between the two, the next second, the field of vision that had become narrower due to the darkening of the sky suddenly narrowed again. The two people, who were originally 1.5m apart, could only vaguely see the outline of each other's bodies.

The two stood up and turned to look at the tombstone. Above the tombstone, the faintly glowing spirit of the blacksmith finally appeared.

"Mr. Watson, rope."

The sorceress said simply, and Shade knowingly threw out the rope. The pharmacist lady grabbed one end to stop it from wrapping around her waist:

"Wait a minute, no need to pester me. Oh, isn't your live rope trick different from the regular version?"

Fortunately, the fog was very thick and she couldn't see the embarrassed expression on Shade's face.

After experiencing what happened last time, this lady was obviously prepared. She cast a spell on the rope and lightly tapped the thick cable with her finger. The rope quickly became thinner until it turned into a golden luminous thread.

She motioned to Shade to tie the silk thread on her little finger like she did, and then explained softly:

"Now no one can see this line except you and me. At the same time, in this connection state, even if we close our eyes, we can still perceive each other's position, and the sound and visual transmission effects between us have also been enhanced. . This is to facilitate movement on the island. I will remove this line after we leave."

Shade could indeed see her more clearly now, and her voice was louder. Of course, the most obvious effect of enhancing the perception of the two people in this way is actually that the badge on Shade's chest is heating up.

Although it's not as hot as detecting a witch, it's almost the same as Tifa's when she's close:

"Sure enough, it is impossible to eliminate the witch's curse. She only compressed the detection effect to within one meter for special reasons."

Shade thought in his mind, but did not show any abnormality.

[This is not thaumaturgy and incantation, this is the secret art of the witch. 】

At the same time, "she" also whispered in Shade's ear, which completely confirmed the identity of this lady.

After dealing with the problem of perception, the pharmacist lady took out various items prepared for the "key". Fish bones, flawless amethyst, flawless obsidian, the skeleton teeth of the lord's wife, and the red leather notebook obtained from Michaela Blast Furnace City in the morning were placed in front of the tomb in order.

Then the pharmacist lady rolled up her sleeves, exposing her white wrists, and then neatly cut her wrists with a dagger. This would be a suicidal act for any ordinary person, and only a ring wizard would dare to do it without hesitation.

Blood stains appeared on the skin, which was like the most noble work of art. Then the test tube was taken by the sorceress’s other hand and placed on the wound. She frowned slightly, obviously not feeling the pain, and Shade was still feeling sorry for the wounds on her fair skin.

"Mr. Watson, is it not the gentlemanly thing to stare at other people's hands like this?"

The pharmacist's slightly cold teasing also made Sha De look away. After asking for permission, he picked up the small red leather notebook. After opening it, he found that it was a diary. Moreover, the owner of the diary obviously did not develop a good habit of recording every day. The intervals between dates were usually five or six days. about.

On page 23 of the notebook, there is a record of the day Edward Edwards was born. Based on the handwriting style of the diary, this diary should be a relic of Pride Edwards, the father of the four Edward brothers and sisters, the last generation of lords.

Soon, the slender glass test tube was filled with red liquid. The pharmacist lady summoned a fireball to illuminate the surroundings, and the liquid turned out to be as beautiful as liquefied ruby ​​under the light.

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