Whispering Verse

Chapter 1631 Cemetery and Ossuary

Shade has known from a long time ago that every detail of the witches is perfect, and this has been confirmed in other ways after having a closer relationship with Carina. But even the fact that the blood was flawless was beyond his comprehension.

"very beautiful."

He praised softly, but the pharmacist lady probably didn't understand what he was praising and thought he was talking about his wrist, so she resisted the urge to raise the corners of her mouth and placed the test tube in front of the grave with an expressionless expression. After she stepped away, Shade stepped forward and put down the diary. In this way, six items were displayed in a circular shape in front of the tombstone.

"Blacksmith, I want a key."

The pharmacist lady said:

"The materials are ready, please accept them."

The blacksmith's soul nodded to her, and mist emerged from the ground, covering the six items. When the fog dissipated, the six items had disappeared:

"Descendant of the lord, the key is yours now."

The soul nodded to the pharmacist, and then disappeared. Like the soul of the pharmacist's great-grandmother buried in the old tomb of the lighthouse, this soul has also moved on.

The sorceress blinked in surprise:

"Where's the key? He hasn't given me the key yet?"

She reached into her pocket and directed the fireball to fly around the small cemetery to see if the key was lying among the weeds on the ground.

But in the end they found nothing, so the brown-haired lady could only look at Shade with a slight apology.

"I understand, I understand."

Shade sighed, pulled the shovel out of his pocket, and inserted it into the ground again:

"Get out of the way, I'll do it."

So in the thick fog, illuminated by the surrounding fireball, he dug the second grave of the day. The rhythm of the shovel shoveling the soil fully shows that Shade is not very happy to do this kind of work, and his increasingly sharp movements show that he is gradually mastering the skills of "gravedigger".

The shovel of the shovel hit the metal coffin, and the coffin also rose to the ground. The surface of the jet black metal coffin was just like the lord's wife's coffin, covered with silver patterns like roots:

"It doesn't seem to be a coincidence. Such a coffin should have a specific meaning."

Shade said softly, but the pharmacist lady still shook her head. This was the first time she knew about this. When all the details of the coffin were revealed under the fireball, they also discovered that although the style was similar, the fineness of the coffin and the quality of the metal were far inferior to the one belonging to the pharmacist's great-grandmother.

The opening method was the same as last time. With Shade and Miss Pharmacist applying force at the same time, the coffin lid was opened, revealing the dead bones lying inside and the white bone key held tightly in the bone claws.

The key is not big. On the cylindrical key column, there are short cylindrical protrusions facing in different directions. At the same time, there is a clear red blood line attached to the surface of the key pillar. Although the key handle is also made of bone, the front and back sides are inlaid with obsidian and amethyst. Looking at the light, there are shadows of the child model lake in both.

"Those materials were actually used to cast the key. I thought it was just a symbol."

Shade lamented that during the process of taking out the key, he did not encounter anything like the resurgence of the undead. And this key is obviously not an ordinary item. It is an alchemy tool, but I don't know what it is used for.

As agreed, Shade gave the key to the pharmacist, and then buried the coffin back. During this period, the pharmacist lady had no intention of helping him. She stood aside and played with the key with her head lowered.

After Xia De had leveled the land and thought he had the potential to become a tombkeeper, he held the shovel and asked:

"Since there is a key, there must be a door. Last time you mentioned that you purchased fine gold, mithril, and orichalcum for a similar purpose. So where are the doors with many keyholes, or those doors? "

The pharmacist lady shook her head slightly:

"This is related to some deeper secrets, which I can't tell you yet..."

"I've been so deeply involved in your family's past, and you still can't trust me completely?"

he asked, putting the shovel away without making it any harder for the pharmacist lady. As the key was taken out, the surrounding dense fog returned to normal levels again:

"I think sooner or later, you will tell me. Since what I want to seek is not your family secret, it doesn't matter if I know it now. It's getting late, take me to see what you know, the other Edward It’s your tomb.”

He said, and the sorceress nodded, looked at the key in her hand, then raised her head and pursed her lips to look at Shade:

"If one day I can really open the door corresponding to this key, I will invite you to go with me."

"As long as I'm not asked to dig graves again, I'll be happy."

The brown-haired lady understood the slight resentment in Shade's words. She smiled with her back to Shade, but looked at the fog in the night and sighed softly.

After leaving the cemetery, they did not return to the forest path connecting the town and the dock, but walked deeper into the forest. Because there is a golden thread blessed by the witch's secret technique, even if the two of them can only see each other's figure in the fog, they don't have to worry about being separated.

Around seven o'clock in the evening, after passing by an abandoned hunter's cabin in the forest, they stopped at a pond in the forest not far from the hunter's cabin.

The pond was very small, almost the same size as the beds of two Shades. The pond is not connected to any ditch, but this is not stagnant water either, this is gushing groundwater.

"This way."

The pharmacist lady led Shade around the small pond twice clockwise and then three times counterclockwise. After returning to the starting point, she covered her eyes with her hands and spun around ten times.

When I took my hand away again, the hunter's cabin turned into a small cemetery standing in the fog.

[It’s not hiding through magic, it’s a very clever way of folding space. The cemetery can only be seen through a specific method. Similar to the thaumaturgy used by Professor Garcia at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square - space division and space assembly (Chapter 47). 】

"She" explained gently in her ear, and the pharmacist lady motioned for Shade to follow her into the cemetery:

"I know this place, not based on the information left by my father, but from other channels where I found the scattered items of the Edwards family. Those tomb robbers who stole this place may have similar clues."

The cemetery is small and surrounded by a black iron fence. The entrance gate is decorated with elderflowers on both sides. However, there are no graves in the small cemetery, only densely erected stone statues and buildings in the center of the cemetery.

As if seeing Shade's doubts, the sorceress who opened the small door of the cemetery explained:

"You probably have never seen this kind of cemetery that is only for one person. Yes, there is only one grave here, not simply buried in the ground and then erecting a tombstone. Look at that small house, that is the ossuary where the coffin is stored. "

The misty yard was covered with weeds, but they were not tall. They walked dozens of steps along the faintly visible stone road, passing through the stone statues of angels, humans and various animals erected on both sides of the road, and arrived at the door of the building.

On the left and right sides of the ossuary are two statues of angels covering their faces, but fortunately they are not relics [Weeping Angels], they are just decorations. The door was unlocked. After pushing the door open, one could see that in the narrow space, a stone coffin was placed in the center. The feet of the coffin faced a small table, and a long-lasting candle made by alchemy was lit on the table. Because the area was really small, in order not to get within 1 meter of the pharmacist, Xia De stood at the door and did not go deep:

"Stone? This coffin is finally not made of metal."

The pharmacist lady beside the coffin shook her head:

"No, I added the outer sarcophagus, and the inner one is actually a metal coffin, but I didn't check it carefully, so I was so surprised when I saw my great-grandmother's coffin at noon. This is the eldest daughter of the second generation, who died young. Rust Edwards’s mausoleum originally contained many grave goods, but they were all stolen by tomb robbers.”

"This tomb is much better than the one we saw at noon, your great-grandmother's. That one lying alone in the woods was really weird."

Shade commented, and the sorceress pursed her lips:

"Because my great-grandmother was not the real Edwards, she just married into the family."

Shade did not comment on this:

"That group of tomb robbers must not be ordinary people, right? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to find them here."

"Judging from the traces, it is a low-level warlock leading a group of ordinary people. The other party has clues and has relics specially used for treasure hunting, otherwise it would be impossible to discover this cemetery."

She pointed to the squares that had been dug out of the four walls of the small ossuary:

"There should be burial objects in every grid, but when I found out that this place was stolen, there were only opened boxes all over the floor."

She took a deep breath to control her emotions:

"Don't let me find them."

Now, most of the spaces on the stone walls are filled with everlasting candles placed by the pharmacist. There are some very delicate boxes in a few spaces, but most of them are empty. Shade looked at them, his eyes scanning from top to bottom and from left to right. He was suddenly startled, and then asked the pharmacist:

"Can you show me the stone box over there?"

The sorceress nodded:

"Okay, but there's nothing in it."

She waved, and the stone box flew towards Shade. Shade opened it, and sure enough it was empty. But he pressed his fingers against the inner wall of the box to confirm his thoughts:

"I didn't feel wrong. Although the residue of the miracle element is very, very slight, this unique trace of the element definitely comes from..."

[Those angel finger bones obtained from the Randall Valley. Yes, you have found the traces of the group of tomb robbers who sold the angel finger bones to the Watson family from Michaela Blast Furnace City to the Randall Valley. 】

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