Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,632 Thirteen Rings: Mirror Hidden Man


Xia De endured the surprise in his heart and stared at the stone box in his hand:

"In other words, the tomb robber I am looking for actually stole the burial objects of the Edwards family. Although the low-level warlock knew that those bones were unusual, he failed to discover what they were, so after being introduced, he sold them Gave it to the Watson family in Randall Valley who wanted to fight Stone Oxenfurt.”

The clues are completely connected, and the way to continue the investigation is divided into two.

On the one hand, although it is not known whether the first-generation lord Klein Edwards knew what those finger bones were, since there are some in the tomb of the second-generation eldest daughter, maybe Klein himself and even other Edwards's burial objects also have them. ; On the other hand, those tomb thieves who stole the funerary objects might have something related to the bones of the Angel of Death in their hands, but they didn't realize it.

Therefore, it becomes even more necessary to find those tomb robbers and ask them what happened when they entered here.

"You look weird."

The brown-haired lady said, Shade looked up at her, there was even light in his eyes:

"Do you still remember the tomb robbers I mentioned in the urban area of ​​Michaela Blast Furnace City during the day?"

The pharmacist lady nodded:

"Of course you remember...are these people?"

"Yes, what this stone box once contained was what I encountered in the field. It seems that I must find the group of tomb robbers. I want to know what they encountered. We haven't seen the soul now, maybe it's They met back then.”

After saying that, he realized that the angel finger bones that had been taken away by Priest August were the burial objects of the ancestors of the lady in front of her:

"Well... that thing..."

"It doesn't matter."

She shook her head at Shade. Compared to the excited Shade, she was very calm:

"If it is useful to you, then it belongs to you. Rather than lying here, these things should serve their own purpose. But even if they are taken away by others, they still need the consent of me, a descendant of the Edwards family. I can give, But others cannot take it on their own initiative... If you really find the group of tomb robbers, you must call me."

Her fists clenched, and it was hard for Shade to imagine the fate of that group of tomb robbers.

Although it was very rude, the pharmacist lady still opened the stone coffin and exposed the metal coffin inside. Obviously, the last group of tomb robbers couldn't find a way to open the coffin, so they directly destroyed the metal coffin. The big hole that melted out looked like it had been burned by a fireball.

The pharmacist tried her best to repair the coffin, but there were still signs of damage. The pattern on the surface of the coffin is still a well-developed plant root system, but the density of the silver root system is far more exaggerated than the two coffins I have seen today.

There was a small skeleton lying in the coffin. Shade and the pharmacist lady came into contact with it one after another, but neither of them caused any abnormal phenomena. So they restored the position of the coffin and prepared to leave.

"Go back and wait for my news. Your piece of orichalcum is also to obtain a key. I thought orichalcum was the most troublesome, but I didn't expect that I would start with it first. I can quickly gather the remaining materials. Let’s get another key next time.”

When the pharmacist turned around and closed the door of the ossuary, she said to Shade:

"If everything goes well, I'll take you to other parts of the island next time. Maybe you can find the pattern you mentioned."

Shade naturally nodded in agreement, and the pharmacist lady confirmed that the door was locked. Just as she was about to wave her hand to let the fireball fly into the distance to light up the way in, she suddenly frowned and squeezed two fireballs with her right hand to extinguish them at the same time.

At the same time, Shade also looked into the depths of the thick fog outside the small cemetery:

"Someone! Did you meet someone again this time? There are more 'tourists' on this island than I thought."

Five or six figures were walking towards the pool from a distance. Because the fog was too thick, even if the other party summoned the light ball illumination, Shade and Miss Pharmacist still couldn't see each other's appearance clearly.

"Don't kill anyone this time."

Shade warned, not forgetting the lesson learned last time:

"Last time, you just asked a sensitive question and caused the other person's head to explode. It was judged that you committed the murder yourself. This means that the killing..."

His eyes suddenly widened, he made a gesture of silence, and then quickly moved closer to the sorceress. The latter hurriedly backed away, but saw the serious expression on Sha De's face:

"Among those six people, there are twelve or thirteen rings."


Shade stopped one meter away from the sorceress. The pharmacist, who was reminded, also tried her best to look into the thick fog. She didn't have Shade's exaggerated perception, but as the group of people got closer, she also recognized a very recognizable face among them.

Of course, because this cemetery is in a folded space, Shade and Miss Pharmacist can see each other, but even if there are thirteen-ring warlocks in the team, they cannot sense them for the time being.

“‘Mirror Hidden Man’ Al Harken?!”

"That Thirteenth Ring Warlock from [Mirror Association]? How come this kind of ring warlock appears at this time! This is not the final battle yet."

"Now is not the time to care about such things. Even if I regain my full strength, I still can't beat him!"

This time, the panicked pharmacist lady finally made up her mind and took the initiative to approach Shade. As the distance between the two became less than 1m, the badge on Shade's chest finally burned like a fire.

At the same time, the witch's special spirit was clearly captured by Shade's perception. He turned to look at the pharmacist lady, who grabbed his wrist directly, as if she only made this action because of the emergency.

Her heart became ecstatic at this moment, and a voice that Shade couldn't hear said in her ear:

"Yes, Meghan, it is true that the witch's curse was not triggered."

[It is most likely a male. He entered within 1m, and there was no sign of the curse being triggered. 】

Even in the dark night, Shade could clearly see her beautiful face. That face was trying its best to suppress the conflicting emotions of panic caused by the appearance of the Thirteen Rings and surprise caused by the proof of Shade's specialness:

"We have to hide. It's too late to leave now. Fortunately, the fog can interfere with perception. I have magic potion here..."

"I have my own way."

Shade shook his head quickly:

"The question is what do you do?"

"You can do something about the sixth ring, but I can't do anything about it?"

The sorceress asked rhetorically. After releasing Shade's wrist, she quickly glanced at her palm:

"If you confirm that you are really okay, we will split up and hide. Remember, if we can't meet up, we will meet at the dock... Damn, I don't know where they landed from, my two followers Are you okay..."

As she spoke, she hooked her finger towards Shade, and the golden thread swayed, representing the connection between the two.

She saw Shade quickly retreating to the group of stone statues in the cemetery, and as he covered his face with his hands, petrified wings extended from behind him, and then wrapped around most of his body. As a result, the statue of the Weeping Angel with its masked face stood among the pile of stone statues, looking so harmonious.

"No problem, you hid perfectly. And then there's me, thanks to that Duke..."

The sorceress whispered something, and then took out a brown potion containing "White Cat" from her small satchel. She drank the potion in one gulp, and within a few seconds, she transformed into a black and white kitten.

Before the cat could run into the fog, Shade, who had turned to stone, recovered. He took off his coat and covered the witch's clothes, and paid a high price to turn all the items including the magic potion into toys - fortunately, the only relic on her body was a golden earring.

Shade put away the toys and walked towards the statue group again. The black and white kitten bit the earring that could not be turned into a toy, cast a spell in the form of a cat to erase the traces on the ground, and looked back at the angel statue. He hurried into the fog.

Not long after, footsteps sounded, and the strangers officially entered the cemetery.

Although Shade covered his face, this did not hinder his perception. He could know that a group of people from the [Mirror Association] came to the lake with a clear goal, and then moved according to the method he and the pharmacist lady just moved, thus opening the entrance to the folding space.

The thirteen-ring warlock was the first to walk into the cemetery. In the hazy fog, his appearance gradually became clearer.

The "Mirror Hidden Man" looks like he is only in his thirties, and is a bit short for an adult man, probably about the same size as Dorothy. He was wearing a light gray coat, and a small reflective mirror hung as an earring on his right ear, which looked particularly weird.

Behind him, except for the man who escaped in the fog last time, Xia De did not recognize any of the other four people. But among the four, there are two identical twins, both of whom have eight rings, and one is blind in the left eye and the other is blind in the right eye:

"Well...that's not what the doctor mentioned..."

The twins guided the thirteen-ring warlock "Mirror Hidden Man" into the ossuary. When a group of six people passed through the cemetery, although they all glanced at the stone statues displayed in the cemetery, one of them even released the detective spirit. Technique, but even the thirteenth ring warlock was unable to discover the strangeness of the stone statue that Shade mimicked under the obstruction of the heavy fog.

The group of people was very cautious, and silencing magic was spread all around them, so Shade couldn't hear what they were saying. He could only "see" the twin men and the short thirteen-ring warlock entering the ossuary hall. After a while, they walked out with frowns. It seemed that they had not found them. They came here specially to find them. s things.

However, the group did not leave immediately, but started talking in the cemetery. The thick fog also hindered Shade's perception, and he could not understand the content of the conversation through the movements of their lips. The conversation lasted for half a minute, and then the thirteenth-ring warlock suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

White mist lingered in the dark night, and there seemed to be no life in the calm night. The brown eyes of the thirteenth-ring warlock looked around cautiously. After passing by Shade's mimetic statue again, he looked at the ground beneath his feet.

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