Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,633 Head-to-head confrontation

At this moment, everyone seemed to be holding their breath, because a corner of the Thirteen Rings of Life appeared behind the "Mirror Hidden Man" Al Haken. Although it was not that Shade had never seen the life ring of a thirteen-ring warlock, it was indeed the first time that it was so close and the opponent was a hostile force.

The Miracle Spirit Rune "Seal" radiated spiritual light. Although the spiritual light could not penetrate the fog that became thicker at night, it at least illuminated their surroundings. A string of cat footprints clearly appeared on the ground that had clearly been treated by the pharmacist.


Shade thought in his mind, while "Mirror Hidden Man" Al Haken casually drew a stroke in the air, and a silver mirror emerged from the void. This mirror was similar to the "Moonlight Sword" and "The Chain of Sin". "Spiritual weapon.

He put his hand into the mirror, and Shade clearly heard a cat meowing from the mirror. But fortunately, when the mirror-hiding person withdrew his hand from the mirror, the black and white kitten transformed by the pharmacist lady was not caught:

"This island hinders space-based thaumaturgy more seriously than I thought. What did Edwards' first generation lord do on the island?"

The thirteenth-ring warlock's voice was not muffled this time, and he spoke in Drarian language. However, he did not try to cast any more spells, but waved his hands to the two eight-ring warlocks who each lost one eye. So the two men with resolute expressions held their hands together, and as the two eight-ring life rings appeared behind them, they actually overlapped.

It was not like the Fulen brothers that Shade had seen before, where the life rings and life rings were stuck together, but the two crossed at a right angle. When the two life rings rotated at the same time, it seemed to form a brass-colored three-dimensional ball above their heads.

Because the core spirit runes did not glow, and coupled with the obstruction of the thick fog, Shade was unable to see the contents of their core spirit runes. But he saw that the two of them each stretched out a free hand, and followed the right-angled shapes made by the index fingers and thumbs of the two hands to form a rectangular parallelepiped.

As a result, the thaumaturgy that the Thirteen-ring Warlock had just used reappeared, and a rectangular silver mirror appeared in front of them. This time no one reached into the mirror. Instead, the black and white kitten transformed by the pharmacist's drink of potion jumped out of the mirror.

Maybe it was because her expression was too rich, or because Shade was too familiar with cats, but he actually saw a look of astonishment on the cat's face for a moment.

But the pharmacist lady was Eleven Rings after all. The moment she jumped out of the mirror, she immediately ran in the opposite direction to where Shade was standing. In her cat form, she is incredibly fast, at least faster than the fastest speed that little Mia has ever shown that Shade has ever seen. It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of speed is definitely not something ordinary cats can show.

The two brothers who used thaumaturgy aimed the rectangular frame formed by their hands at the cat, but their almost instant thaumaturgy failed to touch the cat. The dense fog hindered the casting of spells too seriously, and in the blink of an eye the petite cat almost disappeared completely.

However, there was a thirteen-ring warlock here after all. The mirror-hiding man narrowed his eyes and took a step forward, appearing directly in front of the black and white kitten.

"Rage's jump?!"

Shade was shocked, and the mirror-hiding man's extremely strong mental power had captured the cat's figure. When he stretched out his hand, it actually seemed as if the cat took the initiative to bump into his hand.

The black and white cat suddenly glowed, and the exploding cat temporarily prevented Shade from seeing clearly what was going on there. But then the cat's meow appeared on the roof of the ossuary, detonating the black and white cat clone, and was blocked again by the unharmed Mirror Hidden Man.

On the roof, the cat meowed at him, and then the elements around his body suddenly became chaotic.

[She is approaching a state of loss of control. 】

In exchange for this chaos, densely packed gold, silver, brass and black iron-colored runes condensed in the mist. The intertwined runes shimmered like stars in the fog, and then the four-color runes extended out silk threads to connect with each other. The face of the man hiding the mirror changed, and his body quickly floated downwards like paper.

Then, at least hundreds of four-color runes detonated in the fog.

The power of the explosion itself is a trivial matter, but the chaos caused by the four elements in the nearby space is no less than the effect of casting a high-level "Annihilation Technique" or "Dissociation Technique".

Centered on the roof of the ossuary, all matter in the air was annihilated inch by inch. But strangely, the scenery of the cemetery itself was not affected at all.

The five people in front of the Ossuary Hall turned around and ran away, while the thirteen-ring warlock who was too close spun in the air, turning himself into a black vortex and disappearing, and then reappeared behind the cat flying in the air.

The weak cat glided in the air like a bat. Seeing that his delay was ineffective, he gritted his teeth and decided to use strength that he shouldn't have used at this time. Even though Shade was far away from the cat in the sky, the badge on his chest still radiated hot heat again, which meant that the sorceress was about to truly use the power of the witch.

"Are you Edwards too?"

The Mirror Hidden Man asked while reaching out towards the cat. The glowing cat "roared", and the golden phantom of the woman holding a bow appeared behind her. She drew the bow and shot the arrow in one go, and the shining arrow penetrated the Mirror Hidden Man's body. The palm, but it seemed to have penetrated the phantom, causing no harm to him.

The phantom disappeared, the cat fell from the sky, and the hand of the man hiding the mirror was about to touch it.

At this moment, the air that had been disturbed by the battle of the high-level warlocks started to ripple again. The thirteenth-level warlocks adjusted their posture in the air, and the grasping hand changed into a downward slap motion, while the petrified wings Shade, who was slowly curling up behind his back, caught the fallen cat in the air, raised his hand and hit the mirror-hiding man's hand with a wave.


Shade, who was holding the cat, fell to the ground like a cannonball. The smoke and thick fog stirred up mixed together, making the scene in the cemetery even more confusing. The man hiding the mirror did not pursue, but looked at his right hand in the air.

The black shadow ball that appeared in Shade's palm just now came into contact with his skin. The ball was contaminated with the earth's original dirty power. Although it only corroded the clothes of the thirteen-ring warlock, it successfully petrified his right forearm.

This unexpected result caused the man hiding the mirror to slow down a beat. So when his right eye shot a dark beam of light toward the ground, Shade threw the cat and dispersed into a swarm of red butterflies, escaping the fatal blow at close range.

"Let's go!"

The body regrouped on the ground, and the dark chains shot out of the sleeves bound the cat that had just been thrown away, and pulled it back. Just as he was about to escape towards the entrance of the cemetery, Shade felt the ground shake again. Countless silver mirrors the size of dressing mirrors were emerging from the ground and suspended in the air.

If you look carefully, the ground beneath your feet is being transformed into a mirror, and the black night sky is beginning to reflect the scene on the ground. Behind the [Mirror Hidden Man] flying in the air, the thirteen life rings have been completely revealed in the steam mist. The core spiritual runes [Mirror], Enlightenment [Mind], and Profanity [Phantom] are shining as brightly as the sun. of light.

The mirror is assimilating the world. This is certainly not an illusion, this is——

【Mysterious lock. 】

"Key to the door!"

Fortunately, the unstable space state on the island makes the Thirteenth Ring Warlock's Mystery Lock unfold much slower than normal. Before the mystery lock was formed, Shade used all his strength to step on the ground with his feet, and actually left a crack on the huge silver mirror on the ground.

With the sound of Katcha~, the entire mirror world completely shattered, and the real world reappeared. Shade, who had almost exhausted all his energy, hugged the cat, and without thinking, he used his last strength to cast an illusion to split his body into three, and then rushed in three different directions in the fog at the same time.

【careful. 】


The cat being held by him finally let out the voice of Miss Pharmacist. The Mirror Hidden Man, who had endured the backlash from the rupture of the Mystery Lock, waved his hand violently, and the sweeping Dimension Slash left a dazzling silver-blue trace of light in the white mist. .

"Space stabilizing halo!"

Even though the spell was cast in time, the slash still hit Shade's back. Shade groaned, and even the cat on his chest felt the tingling sensation of power passing through his body. But Shade gritted his teeth and used the force of the impact from his back to completely rush out of the cemetery and disappeared into the deeper fog.

"Mr. Haken!"

The other five people from the [Mirror Association] met up with the Thirteenth Ring Warlock at the entrance of the cemetery. The latter adjusted his breathing to calm down the blood that surged into his throat just now due to the backlash of the Mystic Lock.

He stared at the direction of Shade's escape and shook his head slightly:

"If he weren't on this island, he wouldn't be able to beat me, but the opponent is definitely not ordinary. Ten rings? Eleven rings? That magic that forcibly breaks the mysterious lock... Interesting spatial ability. Can't be on this island. The cat played a small role in the chase on this island, but since the man was able to hide so well before taking action, now he has run away, making it even harder for us to find him."

He signaled the five people to enter the cemetery to search again:

"A descendant of Edwards?"

The man who was blind in his right eye asked softly:

"Mr. Haken, my brother and I just felt that the ones who escaped were indeed two descendants of the Edwards family. This kind of blood connection is unmistakable. There are two men holding the cat, not one."

"Both the man and the shapeshifter? Are they the chosen ones of space? Especially the man, who broke through the mysterious space power, which is ancient and mysterious, and the other party didn't even show the life ring. Moreover, there is There is this curse that is so filthy that it can distort reality... I just arrived in Green Lake and I met this troublesome character."

[Man Hidden Mirror] frowned and looked down at his mostly petrified right arm, pressing his left hand on it, the traces of petrification slowly fading away.

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