Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,634 Escape


Shade was walking through the heavy fog in the forest. After falling down suddenly, he could not get up again.

After a lot of effort, the black and white cat got out from under his body, and then saw the slender straight wound on Shade's back. There was a tear in the clothes, and there were long and thin blood marks on the skin.

Although the injury looked like a scratch with a sharp silver table knife, she knew what it meant.

Her transformation time was not over yet. She called a few times and saw that he didn't respond. Shade tried to get closer to his neck, trying to test his pulse. The woman's voice was filled with panic and sadness:

"John Watson, wake up, you must not..."


Shade suddenly raised his head, startling the black and white cat, and the way he widened his eyes and took a deep breath undoubtedly proved that he was not dead yet:

"The [false immortality] state has been activated!"

The pain in his back made Shade's voice tremble when he spoke:

"As expected of the Thirteenth Ring Road, if we weren't on this island, the two of us wouldn't be able to escape. Miss Pharmacist, is it you who are unlucky or I am unlucky? We encountered accidents both times when we landed on the island. .Last time it was a monster from an unknown dimension, this time it was the Thirteenth Ring, next time I can’t even imagine what it will be.”

He tried hard to support his body and wanted to stand up, but in the end he only weakly moved his body, allowing himself to sit up and lean against a nearby tree.

"Stop talking about this for now, how are you now? There is a healing potion in my satchel!"

The cat transformed by the pharmacist lady asked anxiously. She could tell that Shade was almost breathing his last breath:

"You shouldn't have appeared just now. You hid yourself very well. I have a way to escape on my own."

"Madam, with the way you look now, I'm worried that you will lose control in the next second. Could it be that the method you mentioned is to attack everyone indiscriminately after you completely lose control? You shouldn't use the power of a high-level warlock."

Shade said in a low tone, took out the pharmacist's satchel from his pocket, and found the blood-red potion for treatment under the cat's command.

"You drink a third of it, and I'll apply the rest to your wounds."

She said anxiously, feeling that Shade's vitality was getting weaker and weaker, but in fact Shade felt that his powerful self-healing ability was taking effect.

He first used healing magic to stabilize his condition, and then drank the potion according to the cat's instructions. The blood oozing from the wound on his back had stained his clothes red. In order to facilitate treatment, he simply took off his coat and shirt as the cat asked.

She was worried about Shade's condition and didn't pay attention to the badge on his chest. The cat held the small bottle in its mouth and stepped on Shade's shoulder, then tilted the bottle to let the blood-red medicine slide along the skin of his back towards the wound. The temperature on the man's body made her a little uncomfortable, but Shade's risk-taking action to save her just now made her feel an indescribable feeling in her heart.

The slowly flowing liquid made Shade feel that his wound was itching. And when the cat finished pouring out the potions, he dropped the test tube and said worriedly:

"This is a wound left by the space power of the thirteen-ring warlock. The tearing of space will always maintain the wound. I'm afraid it won't be cured that easily. We are going back to the city now. You come back with me. I will heal it no matter what. Good on you.”

"No need to bother."

Shade shook his head and put his hand on his chest:

"Space tearing, right? Space stabilizing halo."

This time, the thaumaturgy was directly used on himself, and the power of the cracking space that penetrated deep into his internal organs was expelled in an instant. This is not because the "Mirror Hidden Man"'s thaumaturgy is not powerful, but that Shade is already highly resistant to space power, and this is only the residual power after all.

After doing this, Shade held on to the tree and tried to get up. The cat worriedly asked him to rest for a while before moving. Shade, who had escaped from the [false immortality] state, shook his head:

"No need, we have to leave here as soon as possible. If the thirteenth-ring warlock catches up with us again, we really won't be able to leave."

Unlike the "Bloodweeper" Hermons he had seen before, this thirteen-ring warlock from the [Mirror Association] was truly in his prime.

He motioned the cat to look at the wound on his back, and the pharmacist lady discovered that the delicate crack was actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just a few seconds, only a faint scar remained. In the blink of an eye, even the scars disappeared.

"Your potion really works."

Shade praised, going to get his clothes and put them on again. The sorceress in cat form doesn't know how to explain it. No matter how powerful her potion is, it doesn't have this effect:

"Are you a pure-blood human?"

As he spoke, he looked at Shade's upper body, which was gradually covered by a white shirt. She was by Shade's side now, and she was very sure that at least there was no genjutsu on his body. Judging from the skeletal and muscle characteristics, this body is undoubtedly male.

"I don't know that, but it's most likely not."

Shade shook his head, not wanting to talk more about this issue. After he got dressed, he skillfully picked up the cat and held it in his arms:

"I'm fine for now, but what should you do? You can still control yourself in the current transformed state. After the transformation is over, will your human body really not be affected by your chaotic mental state?"

He took out the pink essence bottle from his pocket and took a big sip. Then he made a hissing sound to calm down the burning sensation in his body caused by the influx of a large amount of spirit into his body. The cat also smelled the liquid, and then felt its body temperature rise a little.

After making sure that he was in good condition, Shade used illusion magic to hide his figure, and then moved towards the dock in the forest in the night and fog. Of course, while moving forward, he did not forget to put his hand on the cat's head and perform "Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift", a magical technique that specializes in treating mental damage. However, when using thaumaturgy, you have to resist the urge to touch the cat's head. Shade's hands have become almost instinctive on little Mia.

Although he wanted to say that he was fine, the cat held by Shade remained silent. Several times she and Shade encountered danger, and it was Shade who saved her. This time he even took the risk to face a thirteen-ring warlock:

"Why did you save me just now?"

Cat said suddenly.

"What answer do you want? Do I care about you? Or do I think you are very important to me? Madam, if you save me, you will save me. There is no reason. I just want to do this."

Shade answered softly, relying on his memory and "her" help to find his way to the dock. It took too long for them to land on the island. There are rules on this island not to stay for a long time.

"You don't have to bear any mental burden because of this. I think you must repay me. I think if you regain all your strength, you will be the one who saved me today."

The cat nodded, and then his loose fingers followed up and pressed on her little head.

The person and the cat were silent for a while, and only the sound of Shade's slight footsteps sounded in the forest. When he finally saw the shadow of Greentown Lake Cemetery in the thick fog not far away, molding the lake in the night, the pharmacist lady suddenly asked:

"Are you really a man?"

"Yes, of course."

Shade said, knowing that this was the witch making final confirmation.

He felt the cat's soft paws press his chest hard, but he didn't point it out:

"What a strange question. What are you suspecting? Although my illusion is very powerful, but we are so close now. With your eleventh ring level, you shouldn't be able to tell my gender, right?"

The sorceress who transformed into a cat is very happy that she is still in the form of a cat and can hide the expression on her face:

"If you are really a man, then you are really a magical person. Although all kinds of strange people will appear in every era of the material world, you... you have a big problem. Wait a while I have recovered my time, and I will protect you... To thank you for saving me again this time. Some groups may not be very friendly to existences like yours, and you need my protection."

Shade had a sullen face and said nothing, while "she" smiled softly in Shade's ear.

The sorceress seemed to have adapted to the cat form a little, and squirmed in Shade's arms:

"I know you don't trust me yet, but when things here are over, if you are willing, I... let's talk about the future things later."

"The way you talk now, it's obvious that your mental state is still not very good."

Shade joked, having already passed through the forest and arrived at the path connecting the town and the dock. Because she thought of her two followers again, the sorceress didn't speak anymore.

But fortunately, as Shade approached the dock, they also saw that the ship was still parked in the same place. According to the agreed-upon code, three weak lanterns were used for lighting, two were placed on the left side of the deck and one was placed on the right side of the deck.

"It seems that those from the Mirror Association did not land on the island from here."

Shade also breathed a sigh of relief. It was the best outcome that no one died.

He was still using illusions to hide himself, so the two sorceresses on the ship did not notice him. The pharmacist lady stopped Shade and asked him to stop temporarily:

"I don't want them to see me like this."

In fact, she didn't want her followers to see her cowering in the arms of a "man".

"The effect of the potion will end in five minutes, please wait a moment."

She said softly, and Shade did not continue walking towards the pier, but turned left and went to the beach not far away.

He held the cat in his arms and sat down on the beach. The air was very humid, and he could hear the sound of the tide in the lake, but the lake surface, almost under the dark night, was covered with heavy fog. Looking to the left, he could vaguely see the shadow of the pier and the three different lights. It's a very bright light.

The atmosphere was like a scene from a horror novel about the ocean. Thinking of this, Shade told the cat in his arms about meeting a water ghost in the lake and picking up a pile of "garbage".

The pharmacist lady listened attentively and tried to lie on Shade's lap, while Shade subconsciously reached out and stroked the hair on her back. After touching it a few times, she realized that this action was inappropriate, but the cat also Shade was not denied this.

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