Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,639 The genie in the bottle

[Outlander, you have some understanding of "cat" and "transformation". 】

"She" gently reminded, Shade Cat nodded, and said to the extremely tall god:

"Preparations completed, travelers under the moon want to board the ship again."

The god looked at the two cats and continued to tell the story of the journey with a smile:

"The traveler who turned into a cat walked onto the pier, and this time, the boatman in black robe did not stop him. The boat left the pier, and the boundless water seemed to have no other shore at all. You don't know what is under the dark water? I don’t know where the boatman will send you. Maybe this is a conspiracy, maybe the giant beast is peeking at your flesh and blood under the water, but this is adventure, this is travel. The rocking boat is your feet, rippling The surface of the water is a different kind of soil. Even if you don’t know where the road ahead is, you are still moving forward.”

"It sounds like this isn't a lake or a river, it's an ocean."

Shade, who turned into a cat, said, Mia lying in front of him was trying to rub against him, and he had to be distracted to block the cat's enthusiasm.

"But the good news is, travelers, the boatman tells you that it will take a whole day to reach the other shore, and you can only dock when the dawn of the third day arrives. Therefore, you do not have to wait for the rest of the second day of the journey. A long journey.”

The old knight breathed a sigh of relief. His character "Old Horse" had the worst physical strength.

"And since the traveler under the moon boarded the ship in this posture, he could not return to his original form before the ship docked."

God said with a smile again, and pointed at Shade. Shade immediately felt that some powerful force that he could not refuse was exerted on himself.

[Outlander, the duration of the potion "Cat in a Bottle" has been enhanced. 】

[Outlander, you have some insights into "cats". 】

"It seems like you're going to be like this forever, but this look is at least better than that of a man."

The witch on the side even made a joke. The silver cat finally pushed Mia away and said to her angrily:

"Ma'am, let's be honest, am I really unattractive in my human form?"

He was very confident in the body's increased charm after being gradually influenced by the soul. Sure enough, the young witch pursed her lips and did not say anything against her will. Instead, she patted the snickering maid beside her. The old knight and bard pretended not to see this scene.

"It's noon. You guys had lunch on the boat. So what will happen this afternoon?"

God signaled the five people to draw cards. At this time, the sound of surging water in the foggy forest was getting louder and louder, and at the same time, the humidity in the surrounding air was also increasing.

The witch looked at the silver cat. Shade cat was being leaned against by little Mia. The cat was acting very docile at this time, but it was a little too enthusiastic:

"Mr. Deckard Henriquez, do it this time."

The cat said to the bard, so the poet gritted his teeth and nodded, reaching out to draw a card. On the card was a glass bottle filled with colorful smoke.

"In the afternoon, the parrot asked the boatman for a fishing rod and tried to fish in preparation for tonight's dinner. The parrot was very lucky and got a colorful bottle with the first rod. Before the travelers could make a judgment, the bottle The plug popped open, and what appeared in the colorful smoke was a blue and transparent bald giant."

God actually took out the bottle that matched the card surface from the old backpack beside him. She uncorked the bottle and placed it next to the card pile in the center of the crowd.

As the colorful dreamy smoke poured out, the blue and transparent giant spirit appeared in front of everyone with a laugh. His upper body was wearing an unbuttoned sleeveless jacket, but he only had his upper body, and his lower body was connected to the glass bottle in a state of mist.

The giant spirit turned his back to the god, looked at the four people and two cats around him, then opened his arms and said enthusiastically:

"Travelers, you saved me, please allow me to repay your kindness. Make three wishes to me, and I will fulfill them for you, and I will be free!"

The old knight and bard both looked at the giant spirit in front of them in surprise. The witch frowned slightly. Although she had never heard of it, at least she was cautious:

"This is some kind of relic. When I was an apprentice, my teacher told me that you need to be very careful when making wishes, especially when making wishes using relics. I think it is best not to touch this kind of wish without telling the price."

The cat-shaped Shade held down Mia with one paw, asking her to be more honest. Looking at the giant spirit smiling at them with black cat eyes, Shade felt a familiar power:

"Visual Demon!"

The blue clouds and mist seen with the naked eye turned into black as the perspective gradually became strangely curved. Countless screaming souls formed the black mist, and in the seemingly empty bottle, there were clearly countless tiny souls crowded together, beating the bottle desperately.

"Devil's power."

Shade said, even ordinary old knights and bards immediately gave up the idea of ​​making a wish at this moment. Regardless of the era, demons have the same bad reputation.

"Oh, sir, please don't accuse me casually."

The djinn heard Shade's warning and leaned toward Shade. The face was getting closer and closer to Shade. At the same time, the smile on the face and the corners of the mouth curved wider and wider:

"What do you wish for?"


Before the silver cat could react, Mia docilely lay next to Shade and rubbed against him, suddenly stood up and shouted at the giant spirit. Shade was absolutely right. When Little Mia "roared", there were faint sparks coming out of her open mouth.

"Huh? Isn't Mia only able to emit flames from her tail?"

When Shade was puzzled, the leaning blue giant spirit actually straightened up and moved away from them under the cat's "roar".

It looked at Mia suspiciously, not understanding what this cat-looking thing was. But since there is danger, and it seems to be communicating with these humans and cats through a barrier, it is better to be cautious:

"Why are you so fierce? Do I look like a bad guy?"

It suddenly lost its interest, and its face no longer maintained the same expression as before. He casually waved his hands to the two cats standing together, motioning for them to hurry up:

"If you don't make a wish, I can't go back. Just make a wish, don't change reality, don't seek material things, don't pursue change, and then let me go back and wait for another greedy guy. You clearly have the marks of greed and gluttony. , but it’s really strange to be so cautious.”

After the giant spirit finished speaking, the god spoke:

"The threatened genie in the bottle decided to solve the problem with a wish. Instead of setting a trap, it asked the travelers to make wishes as soon as possible. So, what are you going to do?"

The blue giant spirit seemed to be unable to hear the voice of the god at all, and its expression did not change at all. And since there is a god guaranteeing that it won't play tricks, this wish turns from danger to opportunity.

"Which of you wants to give it a try?"

The silver cat asked his companions. The devil meant to ask for information, but what he wanted to know, the devil could not give him.

The witch glanced at her maid, pursed her lips and began to think. The bard shook his head quickly, and the old knight was actually a little moved, but he was waiting for the noble witch to make a decision first.

"Where are the missing people we want to track down?"

The witch asked. The old knight raised his head and looked at the giant spirit. The giant spirit nodded:

"It's simple. Parrot's lost childhood lover has now become the count's wife, but she still misses that childhood promise."


The bard was stunned, but he didn't expect that this was actually related to him. He desperately recalled the past, and then his surprised expression gradually turned sad, until tears flowed down his cheeks without knowing when:

"She's married?"

"This horse's long-lost family has long since died of plague and war. But if you are willing to pay the price, you can still be reunited with them after this journey."

The old knight was really stunned. He didn't expect to get such an answer on the way home.

"This unicorn and the woman this dog is looking for are also lost in the journey. But she is not dead yet. If you are lucky enough, you will definitely meet her later in the journey. But can you take her away? That depends on whether you are willing to sacrifice."

The witch held her maid's hand tightly, but looked relieved:

"As long as you're alive."

"As for these two cats."

The blue giant spirit looked at Shade again:

"What one is looking for is right next to him, and what the other is looking for...well..."

It showed a puzzled look and hesitated for a moment before giving the prompt:

"The demigod witch you are looking for is in the snow-capped mountains during your journey. Next, choose to head towards the mountain, and you will be able to see her."

It didn't give the four men and the cat a chance to ask, and after speaking, it retracted into the bottle. The bottle filled with colorful clouds was recovered by the gods, but the five travelers did not talk to each other.

Although what happened the next afternoon was not very dangerous for some reasons, its impact on everyone was far greater than encountering a candy house or encountering a Cyclops.

But the journey did not stop because of their thoughts. The bonfire crackled and the gods continued the little story at night beside the bonfire:

"The words of the wishing genie in the bottle made the travelers think. Maybe what you want to pursue can really be obtained during this journey. But when you really meet them, can you really get them? ?”

The dusty traveler paused deliberately, and then continued:

"When night falls, the journey on the ship has also entered the second half. Although the silver moon is still shining on you, due to the special environment, something will definitely happen tonight. The travelers decided to send people to keep vigil until dawn. But the vigil It means that you can't rest, which will reduce your physical and mental strength on the third day of the journey. How do you decide?"

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