Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,640 River of Death

It was still up to Shade and the witch to make the decision. The brown-haired witch looked at the two cats lying together:

"We can't all stay vigil, otherwise it will be very troublesome to fight if we encounter enemies like the one-eyed Balrog on the third day."

"You come to watch the night. If I are really in danger at night, I won't be of much use."

Shade judged very rationally, so the witch nodded and looked at the other two men:

"My maid Clara is off tonight, and one of you two will stay with me to keep vigil."

The bard and the old knight looked at each other, and the old knight said:

"My character's physical strength is very poor. If I don't sleep tonight, I'm worried that more things will be delayed on the third day."

The bard nodded in understanding:

"Then I'll keep watch."

"Then I'll draw the card this time."

Shade Cat stretched out its claws, but was stopped by the gods:

"This is the story of what must have happened on the surface journey, the events don't have to be chosen."

The cat's claws retracted back to the soft cushion, and then pushed away the little Mia who was leaning against him again.

"The travelers made a judgment. After dinner, the unicorn and parrot stayed on the deck. The old horse, the loyal dog and the travelers under the moon returned to the cabin. The night was already deep, and the surging The tide is the only sound between heaven and earth. In the distance of the water surface that cannot be illuminated by any light, there seems to be something waving to you. Fear, boundless fear is sweeping across you at this moment. That is the ultimate of darkness, that represents the end The light and shadow. You all saw a glimmer of silver light rising from the far end of the water, and then the huge silver moon, half submerged under the water, appeared in your eyes."


This familiar description made the cat transformed by Shade stand up from the soft cushion. At the same time, the temperature in the already extremely cold forest suddenly dropped to freezing point. What's more serious than this is that the chill that seems to penetrate the bone marrow is gradually affecting everyone's soul. Except for Shade and Xiao Mia, the other four people's expressions froze and they all started to tremble.

Above the card pile, the cards were automatically turned over, and then the Silver Moon, half submerged under the dark water, was revealed.


Shade told what exactly they saw at this moment, and the witch, who gritted her teeth to fight against the erosion of the breath of death, also realized what Shade said:

"The fate that is said to guide death? So...we are heading towards the end? Is this a journey of death?"

"No, I found out about this boatman. His role is to accept the souls paid by people and lead them to where they want to go. Only with a very low probability... Oh, no, now that is!"

Obviously, the probability is extremely low now. Shade looked at Xiao Mia worriedly. Fortunately, the cat's body exuded a soft warm yellow light to protect him, just like in the "Eternal Night City".

Shade said:

"The bone-chilling cold woke up the three people in the cabin. The travelers under the moon rushed out of the cabin first and saw the dark moon."

After speaking, he looked at the gods. The gods did not object to his actions this time:

"Yes, everyone came to the deck and saw the half-dark moon. The knowledgeable travelers pointed out what it was. You were horrified to find that maybe the seven-day trip will end here. ."

"I want......"

Shade wanted to say that he wanted to communicate with the boatman, but the god shook his head and signaled not to worry yet:

"Seeing the moon that guides death, the heavy fog that originally dispersed on the water gradually dispersed. You saw the countless transparent figures calmly facing the moon, and together with your boat, walked towards the final destination on the water. finally."

The gods described the mist as dispersing, but in fact it was the mist from the forest that invaded the small camp. At the same time, translucent white shadows appeared around the people sitting together along with the thick fog.

"You have each seen some familiar souls. Travelers need to pass the judgment. If you cannot pass the judgment due to longing and emotion, then you will not be able to leave."

As the god's words fell, she and the tent disappeared into the mist. Everyone felt the ground shake, and then realized they were on the ship, with only the bonfire remaining to guide their souls not to follow the path of the dead.

This time, they did not turn into the characters corresponding to their cards. Except for Shade, they were all still in human form. Fortunately, Ming Yue did not really appear in the distance. So far this is really just a story.

Although God said the word "judgment", unlike the collection of life gambling and dice stories that Shade had experienced, this story was more real. The figures surrounding the ship gradually showed different appearances in the eyes of the five people.

Shade, who was pressed against Mia, also looked around. The location of "real death" did not have the concept of time and space. That is to say, even if it was only the early part of the fifth era, he could still see those things in the future that would pass away. soul.

He was very curious about who he could see, and the face of the figure that gradually became clear in front of him, who took off his hat and looked helplessly at him, was indeed that gentleman:

"Detective Sparrow Hamilton, I swear, at least this time, I didn't mean to disturb you! This time it was an accident!"

Shade quickly assured, then realized that Detective Sparrow might not be able to recognize him if he spoke in cat form.

But the former detective showed no doubts. He pressed the hat on his translucent chest and nodded helplessly:

"I know I know."

Although he stood motionless, due to the swirling mist around him, he looked looming:

"I really don't know what you were doing after I died... Although I don't understand what this is, just say something to me, otherwise you and I will not be able to leave."

Shade nodded, and then was nuzzled by Mia again. It was because of this action that he felt blessed, widened his eyes and asked:

"Have you ever seen Miss Mia San Gold? In person?"

"What? Oh, yes, of course."

Detective Sparrow said, putting on the tall black silk hat again, with the front edge slightly lowered, covering the upper half of his face.

"Can you describe that lady to me?"

Shade asked hurriedly, while Detective Sparrow's figure became more and more depressed. The stranger doesn't miss his late "uncle" very much, and Detective Sparrow doesn't miss Shade who bothered him many times. The longing and bond between the two are very weak:

"I want to think about how to describe it: as warm as the sun, as gentle as the earth, as calm as the silver moon, and as holy as the statue of the church."

As the words fell, Detective Sparrow also disappeared in the fog. Shade quickly wrote down the detective's description, feeling that the description was extremely weird:

"Wait a minute, is this really a description of a human being? Sparrow Hamilton is the ace agent of Gray Gloves. His description should be very strict."

Thinking in his mind, he used his paw to push little Mia who was leaning too close, and then went to check on the others.

Shade's side was indeed the fastest to finish, and the second fastest was actually the bard. He was currently waving to the figure with a cane in the distance, then wiped his tears and nodded slightly to Shade.

The middle-aged man showed a vicissitudes of life expression on his face:

"We always have to face death, life and death, this is the farthest distance."

Then the witch and the black-dressed maid Clara also finished saying goodbye to the departing souls, and neither of them chose to stay because they were in love with the dead.

But the last old knight was different. Under everyone's gaze, the fog that had deliberately avoided the deck of the boat invaded the deck. As the two souls whose faces no one else could see walked to the deck and stood together with the old knight, the fog also entangled the old knight.

He was not surprised, but laughed happily. He hugged the two souls for a long time before turning around and looking at the others apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I probably won't be able to continue walking with you."

If you say something like this here, everyone knows what it means.

"Have you really thought about it? You know what this means."

The bard advised:

"I know you lost your wife and children, but there's more to life than..."

But the old knight smiled and shook his head:

"I originally wanted to return to my hometown after the war that lasted for many years. Since my wife and daughter have died long ago, there is no need for me to continue going back. I know there is more meaning in life, but I am too I’m getting old and I can’t walk anymore.”

He took a step back and truly stood with the two souls:

"Now that they are by my side, I think it's time for me to leave. This life is really tiring."

Shade looked at him and said nothing. As long as it did not harm other people, he respected everyone's choice. The witch sighed softly, and she only gave the last warning:

"This is not as simple as leaving for a trip, it means you are really leaving."

"I see."

The old knight nodded slightly, and then bowed to the place where the god originally existed:

"Thank you for giving me such an opportunity to see them. I did find what I wanted during this trip. Thank you, praise the God of travel, and may you bless us who are lost."

His two hands held the hands of the two figures respectively, nodded to everyone for the last time, and then followed the two white figures out of the boat, walking along the dark water towards the distance of the fog.

A glimmer of silver light truly appeared in the distance of the mist. Fortunately, before the dark moon really rose, the fog gradually dissipated, the light of the bonfire enveloped the small camp, and the figure of the god appeared again.

No one spoke, because the old knight was no longer among the people sitting around. The bard beside him stared blankly at the empty cushion, sighed, and reluctantly accepted the fact that his companion had disappeared.

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