Whispering Verse

Chapter 1641: Cards that can break through space

"The old horse left with the departed soul, and the departure of the soul made the boatman change the direction and carry you to the safe other shore. When the sun rises at dawn on the third day, you who have been sleepless all night understand that leaving My companions have been unable to come back. You disembark at the small dock, and in front of you is the endless blazing desert."

"Sorry, I had a question!"

Shade's voice sounded during the god's deliberate pause. People who were listening to the story carefully looked at him, and then saw a man with golden cracks on the cushion holding a cat. The silver cat has disappeared, and the little orange-white Mia, who is held in Shade's arms, is squirming with her head squinting, looking very comfortable:

"I know that I will change back when dawn comes on the third day, just like I suddenly returned to my current form just now. But why am I wearing clothes? Oh, I am not a pervert, I mean, this potion does not The function of clothing."

"Traveller, have you confused stories and reality? In this deep night, this kind of confusion is very dangerous."

The dusty traveler smiled and asked him:

"We're just telling a story, and it's a very sound travel story. How is it possible for you to actually be naked in the presence of ladies?"

What she said was so reasonable that Shade couldn't even think of a reason to refute it. The witch smiled slightly, but the maid still looked serious. The bard was sad and recorded what happened here with a pen. He probably didn't know that after leaving, there would be no records or memories.

"Sorry, please continue."

"Starting on the third day of the trip, you were all in poor mental condition because you didn't get enough rest the night before. But fortunately, you didn't travel long distances yesterday, so it didn't affect your physical strength. The departure of your companions still makes you feel bad. I feel sad that the possibility of encountering corpses and undead incidents has increased today."

She motioned for everyone to draw cards, and this time the maid Clara did it. Originally, Shade was worried that they would encounter things like pyramids during the desert trip, but fortunately, they were lucky this time, and the card surface turned out to be an oasis:

"The travelers are very lucky. They found an oasis just after entering the desert. You took a short rest in the oasis and replenished food and water. The replenishment of water made you confident that you could walk out of this desert, but the blazing sun Still steaming and roasting your bodies."

It was still dark around him, but Shade felt his body feel a little warm inexplicably. Fortunately, the scene described in the story is very different from the reality at this time, so the impact on them will be smaller this time.

The god signaled everyone to continue drawing cards. This time, the witch Arela Andriana was the one to draw, and the card surface turned out to be a mirror.

"The scenery of desert travel is boring and monotonous. The joy of discovering an oasis in the morning will soon be blown away by the wind and sand. When the hot afternoon sun shines on you, you just want to leave here as soon as possible. And at this moment, The unicorn discovered a brand new oasis in the distance, but when you rushed there, you found that it was just a mirage."

"The mirage is not bad, at least it's not dangerous."

Shade reassured the witch that this lady seemed to have been having bad luck.

However, things are more complicated than Shade thought:

"Travelers who have mistakenly entered a mirage will soon discover that it is not a simple natural phenomenon. Illusions and chaotic spaces surround you, preventing you from moving forward. No matter where you go, you will return to your original position. The heat You are tortured by hunger and thirst, and if you don’t leave as soon as possible, your journey will end here. Now, what are you going to do?”

God asked everyone, the witch covered her forehead and said:

"This is bad luck... Unicorns have the ability to break illusions. Since I broke into this place with a group of people, I will lead everyone out. The traveler under the moon taught the unicorn how to use himself power, now I’m going to try to find the right path.”

After saying that, she saw Shad and the cat in his arms looking at her, so Miss Andreana asked suspiciously:

"What's wrong?"

The maid beside her reminded carefully:

"Miss, your hands are glowing."

So she took away her hand covering her forehead, and sure enough she found that her forehead was emitting a golden light. Shade and the bard on the other side were trying their best to keep their faces straight, to prevent themselves from showing strange expressions and to prevent the witch who was obviously not having a good temper from getting angry.

The god reminded him with a smile:

"The ability of a unicorn is not omnipotent, but at least you made an attempt."

Three silver mirrors - about the size of the mirror above the sink in Shade's bathroom - appeared in front of the witch. The three mirrors all reflect the unicorn and the loyal dog beside the unicorn, instead of the witch and maid:

"The ability to break illusions allows you to see the exits in three directions that appear in front of you. Unfortunately, the unicorn's innate ability does not include the powerful perception of space. You can only choose once. Once you make the wrong choice, you will be deprived of your energy due to the intense intensity of your spirit. It will be too consumed to make a second attempt. And if you fail to leave before that night, something terrible will happen."

The witch's expression immediately became serious. Seeing that the gods did not prohibit her from casting spells, she tried to use her own power to check the three mirrors, but of course she found nothing.

Shade, who was holding Mia, had almost completely understood the rules of this story. He reminded:

"This is the mirror in the story. No matter how powerful you are, you can't affect the story. You have to use the power in the story, the power of the unicorn."

"But I'm human now."

Miss Arela Andriana said softly, but she also knew that what Shade said made sense.

"No, you're not a human, you're a unicorn."

Shade said with certainty.

"Yes, miss, you are a unicorn."

The maid in black skirt on the side also agreed, and then the bard also expressed his agreement in a low voice.

Although the witch was unhappy that her race had been changed at will, she did not say anything, but frowned and looked at the three silver mirrors in front of her. No one spoke for a while, but the golden light mark on the witch's forehead became brighter and brighter.

Until, the golden horn actually appeared on her forehead. For a moment, her eyes saw a different scene in the mirror on the left. The witch lowered her head with a groan, and the light on her forehead disappeared:

"No, not the one on the left. I saw the black dust, I saw the omen of death, not the left."


The maid in black skirt supported her worriedly, and Miss Andreana quickly raised her head and said to Shade:

"Not only can we influence stories, stories can also influence us. Just now, I really discovered that I have the innate ability of a unicorn. It was not a temporary acquisition, but I really learned it. But I am sure that my ancestors certainly did not Had an affair with a unicorn."

"In other words, the power in the story can also be obtained by us in reality?"

Shade raised an eyebrow, then lost interest. He doesn't have any special abilities in the story. The Traveler under the Moon is just part of his ability, he has not turned into a magical animal.

The bard is interested in the points made by the witch, but he has no idea what connection he has with the parrot. As for the maid Clara, she is more concerned about her master's safety.

"It's up to you."

The witch continued to pant and said to Shade:

"I can only see that the mirror on the left is not the exit. There are two left. You can choose one."

"No, you just said that we outside the story can affect the inside of the story, just like on the first day of the trip, you bribed the old witch in the candy house with gems and asked her to let us go."

"But none of the items I currently have can cope with the current situation."

The witch shook her head slightly.

"No, you have. Think carefully about what can give you guidance."

Shade looked at her. The latter suddenly realized and took out the cards that Shade had just checked from his pocket:

"Yes, since this divination card guided me here, it can continue to provide me with guidance...but what should I do?"

Shade has never really utilized the power of the Impermanence Card, but he has seen others use these special cards:

"Put it in front of your eyes and try again to see through the remaining two mirrors."

Shade guided the young witch, who then placed the card against her face. She didn't quite understand how an ordinary playing card could unearth power, but when she concentrated her scattered energy and used inspiration to try to capture the fleeting flash of her soul, she suddenly discovered that something really appeared in front of her eyes. An unusual sight:

"It's the mirror in the middle! I saw it, I saw the truth of the chaotic space!"

She suddenly exclaimed.

Shade smiled. In this way, if he finds this card in the Sixth Age, he may be able to let the chosen one hold it to reveal the secret of the chaotic space on the island in the center of Green Lake:

"If you can still concentrate, take a look at the woodland around us and see if you can spot anything."

The witch did as she was told, pointing her cards at the surrounding woodland, and the gods did not stop them from wasting their time doing so. The young witch frowned and gave her own answer:

"Sorry, I can't tell. It looks normal here, but we both know there's absolutely nothing normal here."

Shade was not disappointed either. After all, Miss Arela Andriana was not the chosen one for the Sixth Era Epic, but was only the temporary owner of the All-Chapter Impermanence Card. It is still a little too difficult to pry into this lost forest land related to gods.

"The travelers chose the right direction. Under the leadership of the tired unicorn, they finally walked out of the desert hinterland full of illusions. They continued to move forward, and the sun gradually set towards the horizon. When dusk came, travel The other party set up camp to rest. So, will it be peaceful this night?"

The god asked with a smile, Shade looked at the bard, who nodded and reached for the next card on top of the deck. And that card is a lute.

"A relic in the shape of a lute?"

Shade was suspicious, and subconsciously tried to block Little Mia's ears with both hands, but the cat broke free.

The departure of the old knight caused some changes in the bard. He mustered up the courage, lowered his head and asked the god:

"What kind of story will happen this night?"

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