Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,642 Night Song and Sandstorm

"The silver moon is still shining on you, and you are exhausted from walking in the desert. In the cooling night, listening to the sound of gravel flowing on the sand dunes around the bonfire, you feel the emptiness of the world and the unstoppable nature. The power of nature The music of music soothes your spirit, you hear someone playing the lute, but you don’t know who is singing.”

The traveler who was sitting with his back to the campfire paused for a moment, smiled and asked the bard:

"Can I borrow your lute?"

"Oh yes, my pleasure."

The bard hurriedly handed the harp beside him to the god. The god motioned for people to listen quietly, and then plucked the strings:

"Lost travelers gather around the campfire,

Start a new journey together.

Pick a piece of white chrysanthemum to say goodbye to them,

The mottled tree shadows guide the way forward on the journey.

The reason for setting out is not important;

May they enjoy the scenery along the way.

The old horse on his way home will eventually find his separated relatives.

The boring parrot becomes the protagonist of his novel,

A jealous loyal dog remains loyal,

The confused unicorn looks at her lover.


And don’t forget the lonely traveler under the moon,

May he be able to see clearly the unknown path ahead when he is lost.

through the forest,

across the river,

Deep into the desert,

May you sleep peacefully this night.

There is still a long way to go,

Only now everything is safe. "

The hoarse singing voice with a sense of vicissitudes of life floats in the quiet forest. Only the crackling bonfire is qualified to be the accompaniment of this performance.

Shade, who activated the "Sound of Music" magic, recorded this short song, while the other three listened quietly, and everyone felt the peace of mind. Although the seven-day adventure was just a short story to them, when they heard this short poem, they felt that the story had come true without any change in the surrounding environment.

Even Shade was playing at the end, relaxing and not thinking about anything. The only cat that really had nothing to do with this trip was wagging its tail in boredom, wondering when Shade would become a cat again.

After the last note disappeared into the thick night, "she" whispered in Shade's ear:

[Outlander, you have come into contact with a "miracle". 】

[The unknown traveler glimpsed the secrets of space and earth in the long past. She once tried to guide the lost people in the wind and sand, but in the dusk of the old days, she saw the end of herself and the world. Indulge yourself in the journey and enjoy the scenery along the way. Because that end point is an extremely terrifying reality. 】

[You listened to the story of the old god "God of Journey", and you learned about the miracles of the old god "God of Journey". 】

[You have obtained the spell, Traveler’s Camp. A certain value of precious metals is consumed to generate a camp containing elements such as "tents" and "campfires" in a flat area. Depending on the consumption of precious metals, additional regional effects such as detecting evil, restoring physical strength, driving away beasts, and silent portals can be added. 】

"This is magic..."

Spellcasting abilities with similar effects are actually not uncommon. At the end of Shade's last adventure in Evernight City, the glass house where Miss Feliana and Miss Olanold were located was suspected to be a temporary building obtained by casting a spell. In the sixth era ring warlock system, there are also abilities such as "Duncan's Mansion Technique" and "Miss Lilith's Dressing Room", but most of these thaumaturgy and incantations can only be accessed by high-level magicians.

"The travelers fell asleep to the sound of singing. Although no one was keeping watch tonight, there was no danger. It was a dreamless night. When the morning of the fourth day came, each of you was high-spirited and energetic. At the same time, the travelers under the moon In the singing last night, you realized the power of journey, and your probability of encountering danger will be reduced again every night in the future."

The witch glanced at Shade in surprise, but Shade did not explain.

"The journey begins on the fourth day. The travelers who left the hinterland of the desert once again came to the fork in the journey."

God signaled everyone to draw cards, and he drew three cards. This time it was Shad who took action. The three cards were snowy mountains, dungeons and the golden symbol symbolizing the sun.

The last picture was taken out by Shade while holding down Little Mia's paw. He found that this cat seemed to have better luck than himself.

"The travelers looked at the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance and saw the entrance to the underground realm. At the same time, the traveler under the moon accidentally heard the gentle meowing of a cat, which was guiding him to go deeper into the desert. You guys. , where are you going?"

"Forget it about the underground world. The residents of the underground world probably won't welcome us. The underground is much more dangerous than the ground."

The witch said to Shade, who nodded. Although there were very few rumors about the underground world in the Sixth Age, those incomplete history books still recorded the huge dark population living in the underground world in the Fifth Age.

They are the descendants of terrifying and dangerous creatures that remain from the dark and turbulent Fourth Age.

"As for going to the snow-capped mountains, or continuing deep into the desert, you decide. But don't forget, the giant spirit in the colorful bottle said that the person you are looking for is in the snow-capped mountains."

The witch reminded again, and Shade looked down at the cat who was staring at the three cards in front of him stupidly.

He did not decide immediately, but asked the bard:

"Where do you think we should go?"

The bard didn't expect that he could express his opinion. He was holding the piano that the god had just played and thought about it carefully:

"I prefer snow-capped mountains. Snow-capped mountains are safer than deserts, at least that's my impression."

Clara, the witch's maid, did not express any opinions. She was a girl of few words. Shade frowned and thought again, and now there were only the last five minutes left before the end of this time:

“If travelers choose to listen to the cat’s whisper and go deep into the desert, can they still go to the snow-capped mountains?”

He was still very curious about the "sun" symbol, after all, it was drawn by a cat. And every card drawn during this seven-day trip seemed to be related to the person who drew the card... Although Shade did not doubt whether Mia was a normal cat again, he still wanted to find out.

"Yes, the snow-capped mountains in the distance are majestic and majestic. Travelers can continue to observe them."

"Then go deeper into the desert."

Shade looked at the witch and the bard, and neither of them objected.

"The gentle meow of cats guides travelers to continue moving forward in the desert. The blazing sun is baking your skin, and unknown dangers have quietly arrived. They are not dangerous sand worms, nor are they sleeping in the desert. The ancient and unknown existence in the desert. The desert is showing you its power, and you encountered a sandstorm..."

Before the god's words could even be finished, Shade immediately held the cat and rushed towards the ignorant bard, inserting the moonlight sword into the ground in his hand:

"Seal of Heaton!"

At the same time that the shield with the golden stream of light appeared, the originally black sky had been dyed into a terrifying dark yellow. The ground shook, and the damp and rancid smell in the air was swept away, turning into a dry breath.

Endless gravel washed towards them at this moment, and the camp had disappeared. Surrounding Shade and the four animals was a sandy field covered with yellow sand.

"Come here quickly!"

The chains of sin flew out of Shade's cuffs, passed through the golden shield, and flew towards the white light in the rolling yellow sand.

He heard the clear voice of the unicorn and felt his chains touching the object. Then, the unicorn, which was emitting white light, used its body to protect the hound beside it, and followed the chain with difficulty to the vicinity of Shade and the bard.

The normal expansion size of Shade's "Seal of Heaton" can only protect two or three people at most, and the size of the unicorn is obviously a bit too big. He had no choice but to pay for extra spirits beyond what was needed for thaumaturgy, allowing the expanded shield to include the unicorn.

In addition to Shade casting a spell to protect the unicorn and the hound, the witch, who already roughly knew how to use the unicorn's power, allowed the unicorn's white light, symbolizing protection, to be integrated into Shade's Heaton Seal.

As a result, more complex runes appeared on the shield emitting golden light. While the sand and gravel hit the shield, making continuous terrifying noises, the ultimate light appeared from the distance of the sandstorm, as if the blazing sun was outside the sandstorm.

Infinite light and heat, completely ignoring the protection of [Hiton's Seal], fell on everyone. At that moment, Shade even felt that his body had melted, and his soul turned into light and merged with the sun.

He couldn't hear any sounds, couldn't see any sights, and didn't know what happened next. In the light and heat, he seemed to turn into a sunshine gun thrown from Yin Luna's hand, falling from infinite heights until he crashed to the ground. And consciousness also recovered at the moment of falling to the ground.

"Oh, my God!"

He covered his forehead and climbed up from the wet ground, and found that the scene of the sandstorm was over, and the existence with infinite light and heat in the distance of the sandstorm had also disappeared.

The wind blew in the forest at night. The wind could not carry the mist, but it made Shade, who was covered in sweat, feel the chill. At this time, the traveling god sat opposite him with a smile, and the bonfire crackled. The sound made the foggy woodland seem even quieter.

The bard had just woken up, but when he got up from the ground, he screamed in pain, covering his left eye and crying continuously. Shade felt slight traces of elements from his left eye;

The spirits and elements of the witch Miss Andreana are quite chaotic, and the golden light mark on her forehead directly leaves a real mark. Shade can feel that she has become stronger;

As for the maid Clara in the black dress, her hair, which was originally just a shawl, has now grown to her waist. Her entire figure seems to have grown taller again, and some of the freckles on her face have completely disappeared.

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