Whispering Verse

Chapter 1645: The Nun, the Butterfly and Shade

"Lunar eclipse? Yes, Miss Danister of St. Byrons also asked me to learn a brand new thaumaturgy related to 'the end' [Black Moon Talisman] during this lunar eclipse."

Shade said, and when he went to find Sister Devlin at the sacrificial site on the top of the mountain, he also mentioned this matter.

In the real First Fire Sacrificial Ground at the bottom of the sacrificial site, the angel-level relic long sword [Ashe's End] is inserted into the burning flames. The long sword is wrapped around Ash's End, and there are slender fiery red cracks all over the Ash's End. A faint light is provided in the center of the dark sacrificial arena.

A blind nun wearing a gray-black robe, her hands with slight traces of flame burns folded together, sat at the bottom of the stairs surrounding the sacrificial site.

She quietly listened to Shade, who was standing in front of her, finish everything. She naturally had no problem telling the church about Green Lake. But when Shade mentioned the lunar eclipse near the end of this month, the silver eyepatch with dense patterns raised and "looked" at Shade:

"Yes, the lunar eclipse at the end of this month is very important to you."

"Why do you say that?"

"When the moon completely disappears, the power hidden on the back of the moon and twinned with the moon can be fully revealed."


Shade looked at the nun's pretty face and blinked at her:

"Sister Devlin, are you trying to remind me of something?"

The nun shook her head slightly, and her long gray hair bound by the silver metal hoop also swayed:

"I am describing your spiritual rune [Shadow of the Moon]. High-level warlocks always have one or two unique spiritual runes related to the core spiritual runes. For high-level warlocks, this is a reflection of the soul and heart. …Wait for the night of the lunar eclipse, that will be your chance.”

Although he didn't understand it very well, Shade still nodded:

"Sister, there is one more thing. Do you know anything about the Travelers Association and the Winter Chorus? Does the Spiritual Order have any contact with them?"

"We have no connection with the Travelers Association, but my teacher, the former fire-bearing nun, had a brief contact with the thirteen-ring warlock 'Winter Singer' of the 'Winter Hymn Troupe'."

The nun said, but the information she could provide was not much:

"The Winter Singer was not the Thirteenth Ring at that time, and our contact with her was limited to brief exchanges. If you try to contact her, it will be more convenient through St. Byrons Comprehensive College."

After all, the "Winter Chorus" and St. Byrons both operate on the large ice cap in the far north, and the relationship between the two parties is quite good.

"I understand, Sister."

Shade nodded, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he took out the [Night Watcher] he brought this time, hoping to take advantage of the improvement of the "Seaton Seal" to practice swordsmanship with Sister Devlin.

The nun naturally agreed, so the two of them spent the two hours before lunch together in the underground sacrificial hall. The effect of the "Seaton Seal" that can be used while moving is indeed very good, and when the improved seal is used, the golden light traces flowing on the surface of the spherical shield are more gorgeous than before. This is the strength of the seal. Enhancement symbol.

When Shade, who was out of breath, told the nun at noon that he wanted to have lunch here, the nun asked a question that surprised Shade:

"Grandma Cassandra's teachers, Miss Grace White and Miss Helen Black, have not seen you for nearly a month. Why don't you go to Fort Midhill to meet them?"

"Well...Sister, you don't welcome me to have lunch at your place?"

"of course not."

The nun answered almost immediately, then realized that she had answered a little too quickly, so she turned her face slightly and looked down to the side. Shade didn't notice this:

"Grace and Helen are complaining that I haven't visited them recently, right? Sister, you should know why. The Green Lake area involves the chosen ones in space, and their power is significantly involved with the ancient god. . Now that they have escaped from the toy of fate, I absolutely cannot let them have anything to do with the chosen one. Even if there is even a slight possibility, it is absolutely not allowed."

"But no one is outside of destiny. Even you, Shade, the hero who bears the fire, has already stepped into destiny."

Shade shook his head, his attitude was very firm:

"After some time, when the secrets of Green Lake and Edwards are almost revealed, and I am sure that they have nothing to do with them, I will apologize to them. Oh, Sister, please send me a letter, although I will not visit them , but at least let Helen and Grace know I’m okay.”

The nun who never opposed Shade's opinions did not agree to his request this time:

"Let's go have lunch at Grandma Cassandra's."


"Let's go have lunch at Grandma Cassandra's."

"but I......"

"Let's go have lunch at Grandma Cassandra's."

The nun stood in front of Shade and repeated the same sentence. Although she had just practiced swordsmanship with Shade, her makeup was not affected at all.

Shade himself is not the kind of person who is easily persuaded, but when faced with a calm lady like Sister Devlin repeating her over and over again, he was still a little shaken, and in the end he had no choice but to nod:

"Well, it's indeed rude not to go for a month. But you have to go with me."

The nun did not repeat this time, but nodded slightly.

It only takes more than ten minutes to go from the sacrificial site on the top of the mountain to the Cassandra Auction House in Fort Midhill. Not only Grace and Helen, but also Granny Cassandra and Miss Rita Swift were very happy to see Shad's arrival.

The six of them had lunch together on the third floor of the auction house. During the dinner, the Hongdie girls complained. It had been a long time since Shade came to see them this time. Shade could only cope with saying that he was very busy recently.

After lunch was over, Sister Devlin went to help check the recent physical conditions of the Red Butterfly girls, while Shade talked with Granny Cassandra and the witch apprentice in the lounge:

"Mother-in-law, do you know anything about the great witch Audrey Edwards?"

Mother-in-law Cassandra is very senior in the parliament and should know more about Edwards than Miss Carina:

"Have you met her?"

The silver-haired old witch was a little surprised.


He briefly described the experience of two visits to the island with Miss "Pharmacist", talked about the brief encounter with the "Mirror Hidden Man", and talked about Miss Carina's judgment.

After Shade finished speaking, the old witch said to her apprentice:

"Rita, you met Audrey in the parliament. Describe your views on this great witch."

The brown-haired girl stood next to the old witch. She smiled sweetly at Shade, and then said:

"Ms. Audrey Edwards doesn't like to talk, but she always gets to the point every time she expresses her opinions. She doesn't have a very close relationship with most people in the parliament, and it's rare to see her talking to other big witches in private. Communication. I had two very short conversations with her, and this woman was reserved and seemed to be in a low mood."

Grandma Cassandra nodded:

"The observation is very detailed. Rita's description is basically correct. The information you can get from Sylvia and the others is almost the same. I do know the secret of Audrey Edwards. The Speaker once came to me to deal with it. She is on the verge of losing control. But I must also abide by the rules of the [Witch Council] to keep secrets for my companions. Shade, I can only tell you that Audrey Edwards and Megan Edwards are both real names. She didn’t cheat on you.”

"Mother-in-law, if you say this, I will understand."

Shade smiled, but another question arose:

"I currently know that the ceremony of the chosen one of space includes the content of 'the fusion of multiple individuals into one individual'. In other words, the great witch of knowledge and wisdom may be the chosen one of space. And In my opinion, Miss Sylvia, the great witch of real space, is more in line with the requirements of knowledge and wisdom... The seat of the parliament, is that correct?"

Shade has already experienced the wisdom of Miss Sylvia. At the end of the Battle of Pantanal, many people were exposed to the light of enlightenment during the Chosen Ceremony, but only Miss Sylvia received the light that can promote civilization. Revelation of the development - Shade still doesn't know what Miss Pavo of the Truth Society got.

"The identity of the great witch is just a symbol, but the witch itself is complex. Different witches have high and low talents. This is normal."

The old witch said with a kind smile, and then suddenly changed the topic:

"Is it because you don't want to involve the teachers because of the matter of the Space Chosen One?"


Xina Cassandra looked at Shade with her old eyes:

"Have you ever thought that by doing this, you may actually make them curious about what you are doing, and then they will get closer and closer to the chosen one during their private investigation? Shade, don't be afraid of fate. Going down the wrong path.”

"I have thought about this possibility, but aren't they unable to leave the Fort Midhill area easily?"

"are you sure?"

The old witch asked again. Shade could not give an easy answer this time, and Miss Swift also said:

"Shad, even if you don't tell them, they still have their own channels to learn about Green Lake. Your concealment actually doesn't mean much. I think Sister Devlin also thought of this, so she insisted on letting You came."

Shade nodded slightly:

"I understand what you mean. I still need to think about it. At least I won't mention this matter to Grace and Helen until I have determined the general content of the chosen one's ceremony."

"Since it has something to do with the teachers, when the Speaker decides to send the Great Witch to the Green Lake area, I will also go."

Grandma Cassandra said again. Both Shade and Miss Swift were a little surprised, and the latter even said:

"Teacher, but your body..."

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