Whispering Verse

Chapter 1646: Transfiguration-Cat

"I'm old, but I'm not old enough yet. Besides, the chosen one has already reached the sixth place. I can't just stay in Middleburg forever, right?"

Mother-in-law Cassandra said with a kind smile, without giving Shade and Miss Swift a chance to object:

"Rita, don't worry, I will definitely let you go with me. Last time you performed very well in Randall Valley, this time I will show you the power of the dark witch, your path to the witch It will get smoother and smoother.”

Although Shade didn't plan to stay in Middleburg for a long time, he still didn't plan to leave until almost 2:30 in the afternoon. At this time, Sister Devlin had returned to the sacrificial site one step ahead of schedule, while the Red Butterfly Twins mysteriously asked Shade to wait before leaving.

They quickly returned with a bottle of blood-red potion, which had a strong whispering element. If it weren't for the fact that the unique spiritual fluctuations were consistent with those of the red butterflies, Shade would have even thought it was a relic in the form of a potion.

"Sir, last time we gave you a potion to treat your fever, we found that our potion had a very good effect on you, so we prepared a new unique potion. Drinking it will enhance your ability to transform, allowing you to Your [Red Butterfly Incarnation] is more convenient."

Helen in the black dress said with a smile, and Grace in the white dress added expectantly:

"It may even allow you to obtain the [Red Butterfly] Spirit Rune."

The two girls, fifteen or sixteen years old, looked at him expectantly.

"Isn't it easy to make this potion? It also requires your blood and sweat?"

Shade took the reagent bottle. The girls smiled and did not answer, but urged Shade to try it.

Shade still trusted Grace and Helen, so even though the whispering element in the blood-red potion was too strong, Shade still drank it.


The taste is very good, very similar to the sweet and sour taste of the potion used by the Red Butterfly girls to cure Shade, except this time the smell of blood is stronger, and there is also something indescribable, similar to the mud after the rain. smell.

Shade savored the taste, put the bottle on the table, and nodded in the expectant eyes of Grace and Helen:

"I could feel the elements affecting my body, and yes, it was working."

The originally normal body temperature suddenly rose, and even Shade's skin began to turn red. He groaned and almost leaned against the back of the sofa, fainting from the restlessness of his spirit at this moment. At the same time, "she" spoke softly in his ear.

[Outlander, you have come into contact with "Whispers". 】

[This is the power of transformation. Your body is recalling the remembered state of transformation. Please remain still and wait patiently. 】

It seemed that every inch of muscle and every bone was in severe pain, and the feeling that the body was about to melt like mud reappeared again. This is not like a transformation like "turning into a red butterfly", but like...

Under the surprised gazes of Grace and Helen, Shad's whole body on the sofa shimmered, and then disappeared. The girls looked carefully and saw a silver-white cat lying where Shade had been sitting.

"Oh! Shade!"

They stood up immediately, and Helen in the black dress picked up Shade first. It was obvious that she also had ample experience in holding cats.

And "she" also whispered just right:

[Outlander, you have obtained the spell "Transformation-Cat". 】

There was clearly a smile in that voice.

"I'm fine."

Cat-shaped Shade said to the girls, looking down at his paws:

"Your magic potion worked. It really enhanced the transformation ability, but the enhancement was in the wrong direction."

Compared with potions, at least the transformation with magic included clothes, and Shade was very satisfied with this. Human body transformation itself is a very complicated knowledge, and the number of shapeshifters and Dru Yin in the Sixth Age is far less than in the past era. Although it is not a transformation into a supernatural creature such as a unicorn or dragon, it is useful enough to transform into a cat.

At this point, Shade already has two transformed postures. The red butterfly incarnation form is more versatile, but cannot be used continuously, while the cat form, although just an ordinary cat, can last for a long time.

"Although cats are also very cute, why not Red Butterfly? Did we make something wrong with the potion?"

Helen reached out to touch the cat in her arms with some frustration, and Grace also reached out to touch Shade's back. Shade hurriedly jumped out of Helen's arms and returned to human form as he fell in the air. The two sisters' contact with him just now was a little too close.

"Sir, we will definitely succeed next time... Next time, should we increase the amount of blood or sweat?"

Shade left Fort Midhill almost as if he was running away, and decided not to transform into a cat unless absolutely necessary. The Witch, Little Mia and the Red Butterfly sisters all have "bad intentions" towards his cat form, but he is not a real cat like Mia.

When I returned to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Shade did not go out again, but was at home organizing the clues obtained in the Green Lake area and planning tomorrow's action plan.

When I went out to have dinner with Dorothy in the evening, Miss Danister also sent a letter agreeing to meet. So at around seven o'clock in the evening, Shade's figure appeared again in the open space in the center of the St. Byrons Library:

"Good evening, Miss Daniste!"

As soon as he appeared, Shade immediately greeted him, but his tone was a little weak.

"What did you do just now? Why do you look like you are recovering from a serious illness after collapse? Which high-level sorceress did you date?

The red-haired sorceress put down the small file she was using to file her nails and asked her only student with a smile. This is a very personal joke, and it also means that Shade and Miss Denister have a good relationship.

"It's not exhaustion, it's..."

Shade, who purposely went to the Randall Valley farthest away from No. 6 St. Teresa Square to throw his shoes and consumed almost all his soul, made a hesitant expression:

"I encountered some accidents. Yesterday on the central island of Green Lake, I encountered a very strong enemy and suffered some injuries, but I'm much better now."


Miss Danister's face showed a worried look, and she asked with great concern:

"Why are you in such a mess? Do you still need treatment now? Do I need to give you some magic potions and send someone to your door to treat you later?"

"No need, it's almost done. It's thaumaturgy - Dimension Slash. Ordinary ring magicians will probably leave very serious sequelae. Fortunately, I'm also proficient in space power."

He stretched out his hand and gestured to strike forward.

"Thumbacary - Dimensional Slash? A space-based thaumaturgy that can only be learned by those with levels above ten?"

Miss Denister frowned deeply:

"You met a high-level warlock on that island? Can you recognize him?"

"I asked Miss Dorothy Louisa, who was in the same group, to make photos of my memories."

Because it was in the projection state and the items could not be delivered, Shade directly picked up the photo and showed it.

Although there was a coffee table across from Miss Denister, she still recognized who was in the photo at a glance:

"This is...the Mirror Hidden Man?"

"Is it really the thirteenth ring? I thought I misjudged Wuli's life ring."

Shade said, Miss Danister looked at his weak look and didn't know what to say for a moment:

"I...I'm sorry, I didn't know in advance that you would encounter this kind of danger...Shad, please stop investigating the matter of Green Lake. After I finish handling the affairs of the academy, I’ll handle it myself.”

She said a little guiltily:

"You take good care of yourself and I'll go see you later. I'm really sorry. The appearance of the Mirror Hidden Man was unexpected, but where he went..."

"No, the investigation has reached this level, and I will never let it go."

Shade said firmly:

"Moreover, I also gained something significant when I landed on the island yesterday. I met a very strange wandering soul on the island, and learned from this that the origin of the Edwards family genealogy, the first generation lord Klein Edwards, Was a member of the Society of Prophets. Yes, I'm sure of that."

Because Yin Luna and the others would soon tell the church about Edwards, Shade could not go into too much detail to avoid being suspected of his intelligence source:

"The secrets of the Edwards family are definitely beyond original expectations. And the sun, moon and stars pattern that is similar to the back of the Rhodes card appears in the family's letters. It seems that there can be an explanation for it."

"A fortune teller from the Oracle Association?"

This time Miss Denister almost stood up, even more surprised than when she saw the picture of the "Mirror Man". Fortunately, she still remembered that she had to maintain the ritual. The sorceress's eyes widened, and she did not expect to hear such news:

"How is this possible? What does the Prophet's Association want to do? No, it can't be the idea of ​​the Prophet's Association...the defectors?"

She suddenly thought of more things and said to Shade:

"You did a good job, but you really can't participate anymore. I originally thought that the six-ring warlock was enough to complete the investigation, but this matter is getting more and more involved. Looking at it now, the Edwards family even has It may be related to the Chosen One...stop investigating, Shade."

"Miss Danister, now you can't take time to go to Green Lake yourself, and besides me, you are unwilling to tell anyone else about your teacher. If I don't investigate, are you going to let the church and [Mirror Association] 】Take away most of the clues?"

He took a deep breath:

"I will pay attention to my own safety, please rest assured. I have a hunch that I have approached a corner of the secrets of the Edwards family. I would like to ask you to investigate where the Prophets Association was in the era when Klein Edwards lived. A diviner, consistent with his characteristics, we might be able to know everything through this."

He actually already knew, but he still had to show that he only knew the preliminary clues.

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