Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,653 Fierce Battle and the “King of Demons”

Scarlet light penetrated the body, and the scarlet light erupted from the Night Watcher continued to tear open the wound. The [Moonlight Great Sword] was formed inside his body, and the red Moonlight Sword with unique attack characteristics against flesh and blood was attached to the [Night Watchman]. , then the sword blade cut through the flesh and slashed towards the left chest where the heart was.

With a soft sound of Peng~, the man in front of him disappeared in front of Shade. Shade swung his sword without hesitation and turned back. Because he had become proficient in this posture, and with the guidance of Sister Devlin, this could be called This is the true swordsmanship of a knight——


The [Night Watch] attached to the power of the red moon collided with a transparent long sword. Sparks, whirlwinds and red moon debris flew everywhere, but the invisible long sword held by a strange ring warlock did not break:

"A sage-level sword? Why do guys with the ability to move in space like to sneak up from behind?"

Shade was murmuring in his heart. He used the [Moonlight Great Sword] more to cover the runes on the [Night Watch] and prevent the sword from being recognized.

The right foot stepped on the ground to expand the [Space Stability Halo], while the left hand without the sword threw out the [Light of Confinement]. But the blow missed, and the transparent long sword shattered the [Light of Confinement] released by Shade at close range. When Shade tried to throw [Moonlight Wheel] at close range, the seriously injured six-ring warlock finally said in panic:

"Wait a minute, I surrender!"

In order to show his sincerity, he no longer wrestled with Shade with his sword, but took a step back, and the long sword in his hand also took form. It looked like a steel sword, slightly shorter than the [Night Watch]. Seeing that Sha De didn't make another move, he endured the pain of the rotting flesh and blood from the wound on his chest and said to Sha De:

"You can kill me, but you don't want to attract the church, and we don't want to use the word of sublimation just like this. That relic falling into the hands of the church is definitely not what St. Byrons wants to see. Let me go , I immediately stayed away from Tobesk City.”

He spoke in a northern Delarian accent, something like the Coldwater Harbor dialect.

"Who else are your companions? Also, money to buy your life."

"There are three of us. I am responsible for transferring the guard in a carriage, and the other two, one with the fifth ring and the other with the seventh ring, are responsible for blocking the road in front. We met in the New World. The one with the seventh ring is very powerful, and the one with the fifth ring has A unique thaumaturgy. Besides us, there should be a group of people who want to snatch the coffin, but I don't know them. As for the money to buy your life... I can't give you this sword, so I'll give you this. "

He placed a fist-sized piece of ore on the ground. There were golden traces on the black ore surface:

"Adamantine ore. Stop bargaining with me. I have to deal with my wounds. If you don't agree, I will use the magic of making noise to attract the church's attention... Now it's not about what you want. , it depends on what I have.”

He said with pain, his left hand lit up with light to heal himself, but the wound torn by the [Night Watcher] and the moonlight sword was not something that could be easily cured.

As for the piece of fine gold ore, although it looks very big, it is raw ore. After it is smelted and purified, the remaining fine gold will not exceed the volume of half a thumb. The orichalcum obtained in it is completely incomparable.

"Since you can see the situation so clearly, why did you come to rob me?"

Shade asked again.

"I really don't have time to talk to you. Isn't it all just to go further? Without a reason, do you agree with me to leave?"

The injured man's tone sounded like he was threatening Shade. But Shade also saw that he was really dying, and Shade also had no time to waste here:

"Tell me about your sword and then go."

"The Sage-level relic [Sword of the Wind King] is a long sword blessed by the ancient wind elemental giant spirit and the old god who controls the power of the four elements. It is divided into tangible and invisible forms. Different forms have different characteristics. Oh, you can go by yourself Check it out, it’s not hard to find information.”

After saying that, he quickly stepped back. Seeing that Xia De didn't object, he jumped downstairs. After leaving the area enveloped by the [Space Stability Halo], he disappeared into the air.

"[The Sword of the Wind King], isn't it only possible for those with the spirit of chivalry to hold it?"

Shade thought to himself, bent down and picked up the piece of ore, and put it away after making sure it was okay. He suddenly jumped up into the air, and then chased in the direction of the carriage in the night fog.

While Shade solved the trouble, Dr. Schneider and his party, who also encountered a strange ring warlock, had almost finished the battle.

When Shade jumped from the roof of the house facing the street, he did not see the five-ring warlock. Only the middle-aged woman with the seven-ring life ring suspended behind her was still fighting with the doctor. Priest Augustus sat on the driver's seat of the carriage parked diagonally on the street without moving, while Dorothy hid in the carriage and took care of the coffin.

Seeing Shade's return, Dr. Schneider's eyes, which already had the upper hand, lit up red. As the life ring behind him appeared, profanity [Destruction] and Enlightenment [Lava] emitted light at the same time.

As a result, the red scorching rays swept out from the doctor's eyes swept forward, melting the white and silver angel wing shield that had been protecting her from attacks in front of the strange ring warlock of the same level as him.

The shield was very beautiful, with a crystal light in the night fog. Even if it was blown to pieces, the scattered light spots were still very beautiful.

The woman groaned and backed away, and then she no longer thought about fighting back. The blasphemy-[Shadow] spirit rune on her life ring flashed with aura, and she transformed into five identical clones. One rushed towards Dr. Schneider, and the other turned to face Xia Xia. De, the remaining three rushed towards the roofs of the houses facing the streets on both sides.

"Thunder gun!"

"Thunder gun!"

The figure that rushed towards Sha De actually used the same magic technique as Sha De at the same time. The dazzling thunderbolts thrown simultaneously from the hands of the two collided in the middle of the street, and due to the same thaumaturgic properties, the colliding thunderbolts actually stagnated together to form a strange arc of light. , probably could be heard in the entire factory area.


After the stalemate of the thunder gun, the vertically rotating moonlight wheel separated the thunder, and neatly cut the figure behind the thunder's light into two pieces. As the clone exploded into smoke, the silver moonlight wheel drew an arc and continued to fly upward, splitting the other clone that fell behind into two pieces.

In the direction of the doctor, the scorching rays with a slight sulfur smell emitted from his eyes easily destroyed the clone that rushed towards him, and then the giant claws emerged from the shadows and grabbed another figure who had just climbed onto the west roof.

All four figures were fake, and the last one had disappeared from the roof on the east side.

Shade and the doctor were not in a hurry, because before the woman could continue to run away, they heard a clear voice above their heads:

"Where are you going?"

The woman subconsciously raised her head and saw a beauty with purple eyes in men's clothing riding on a flying skeleton horse in the air. The last object that the woman's eyes that had lost their luster saw was the obsidian pendulum swinging in Luvia's hand.

No one touched her, but her body began to petrify from her eyes until her entire body turned into a lifeless gray stone statue.

"Sure enough, once a fortune teller enters the middle ring, his combat effectiveness cannot be compared to that of a lower ring. This curse is outstanding."

The doctor who jumped on the roof said, not at all surprised by the situation in front of him.

"Doctor, I'm not as good as you. I haven't seen you take action for more than half a year, and I didn't expect you to become so strong. If she hadn't been seriously injured by you, the curse wouldn't have taken effect so easily. She was too careless, and she just talked to that person If Wuhuan had escaped from the beginning, we would definitely not have chased her."

Luvia shook her head, and Shade, who followed him out of worry, also recovered from the red butterflies and returned to his own body:

"Hurry up and enter the warehouse. The guy who blocked me just now left, but he said that he only has three people in his group, and this seven-ring warlock has a very powerful relic. I'm here to find it."

"No need to bother."

Luvia said in the air, and slapped out a palm - this move looked familiar to Shade, and the gray statue exploded into powder, leaving only a shield-shaped metal badge that fell to the ground with a clang.

"It turns out that the shield is not a thaumaturgy, but a relic."

Dr. Schneider picked it up, and the group left in a hurry.

Bang, bang, bang~

A few minutes later, the door of the remote warehouse was pushed open by Shade. Luvia entered the warehouse one step ahead to activate the ceremony. Priest August drove a carriage and entered the warehouse from the yard. Doctor Schneider and Dorothy Check out the surroundings of this warehouse with a courtyard.

This is the warehouse area in the west city of Tobesk. The entire block is filled with warehouses, so except for the warehouse guards, no one else can be seen here at night.

The five people were busy activating the rituals arranged in advance in the warehouse. For safety reasons, Shade also used the spell [Traveler's Camp] obtained from the time adventure to set up a camp next to the coffin in the warehouse and call out Had a campfire and tent.

This camp can not only suppress the relics in the coffin, but also help the five members of the team recover their physical and mental strength. Coupled with the enhancement of the campfire by [Primal Fire], in this case, this is simply a perfect thaumaturgy.

"Where did you learn this thaumaturgy? I thought that at least a high-level warlock must be able to learn this kind of thaumaturgy that changes an area out of nothing."

Priest Augustus was very surprised. The old priest had extraordinary knowledge and could see that this was another unique magic.

After everything is arranged, the five of them can take a short rest. They didn't plan to sleep tonight, and even the lowest-level Priest August, who only had the third ring, wouldn't have much of a problem if he stayed up all night.

The highest-ranking doctors, Shade and Schneider, climbed up to the roof, and they were the two of them to observe from the best vantage point tonight. Priest August, Dorothy, and Luvia took turns guarding the coffin. On the one hand, they wanted to prevent other situations from being close to the relics for a long time. On the other hand, they also took turns using the bonfire to restore their mental strength.

"I've known you for less than a year, right?"

On the roof, the two of them looked at the distant view of the city in the fog. The warehouse is not very high, but there are no tall buildings nearby, so the view is quite wide. Looking at this night scene, Bill Schneider somehow thought of that afternoon in midsummer last year.

"Yes, doctor, it has been less than a year since the silver moon shone last summer."

"This year has been really long, and you have changed a lot."

The doctor looked at Shade carefully:

"It's hard to imagine that last summer you were just an ordinary person."

"People change."

Shade shook his head:

"Nothing remains unchanged, I just change a little faster. Have you noticed that we have all changed. Doctor, you are much more cheerful than last summer. Dorothy has become a well-known writer famous in the Old World. , Although Priest Augustus looks unchanged, he is actually in a much better mood. Luvia, the most difficult fortune teller to be promoted, has also successfully reached the fifth ring."

"This change is all brought about by you."

The doctor praised, but there was no smile on Shade's face:

"I'm not sure whether the changes I brought about can really lead everyone to the best outcome."

"What, do you need me to help you talk? I'm best at this."

The doctor joked, looking back at the low and continuous warehouse roof:

"Human sorcerers will always encounter psychological problems, and no one can avoid it. After all, what we encounter is so different from ordinary people. You are promoted so quickly, so there must be psychological problems. You didn't notice it yourself, because you have Your cat, and Louisa and Annat are with you."

Although the relationship between Shade and the girls has not been made public, people who are familiar with it seem to know it.

"There is a saying that Ring Warlocks should find a psychological anchor point to prevent themselves from 'flying away' and losing control during the promotion of their life forms. This anchor point can be a relative, an object, or something. Pets can be a responsibility or a mission..."

He paused, obviously thinking of himself:

"But that's for ordinary ring magicians. You are not ordinary, everyone knows it."

"Am I having a psychological problem?"

Shade thought for a moment and nodded:

"So what advice can you give me? See you for regular therapy?"

"No, no, it's not that complicated. You just need to take regular breaks between stressful life or tasks and live life from an ordinary person's perspective. This kind of problem can be easily solved."

This is what Shade has always done. Every time he solves the problem of a chosen one, he will take a break for half a month to a month. This time he rested longer due to illness.

"I see......"

He also sighed at the foggy night. The stranger didn't want to talk about his own problems, so he changed the topic:

"Doctor, when are you going to tell me everything about the former leaders of our group, Mr. Sherf Tim and Miss Shana Aya, where their souls have gone?"

"Aren't we talking about you? Why did you change the topic so quickly?"

The doctor asked in surprise, but still answered Shade:

"I know you want to help me... wait until we are all ten rings, no, eleven rings. With the current progress and the frequency of your encounters with demons, I don't think it will take a year. But now I I can tell you some information... This has something to do with the 'Demon King'... What are you laughing at?"

He asked again in surprise, and Xia De tried his best to keep his expression normal:

"Demon King? This kind of title seems to only appear in knight novels."

Hearing this, the doctor also laughed:

"That's right. In fact, it can be called the 'original demon', 'the oldest demon' or 'the demon of sin'. That is the rumored first evil spirit demon to be recorded. It is the oldest evil, the original demon." ."

"From the Third Age?"

The doctor stood on the roof with his hands behind his back and shook his head gently:

"I want to correct a common-sense mistake of yours: Although evil spirits and demons ravaged the world in the Third Age and caused an impact that cannot be erased even today, in fact, they already existed in older eras. , but it had not reached the level of threatening the world at that time. The original demons probably came from the First Era, where the story of the world began."

The doctor sighed, and Shade nodded in understanding.

This is just like although the fifth era is called the "Era of Witches", witches were not actually born in the fifth era. From the earliest ages, there have always been those magical ladies.

When talking about the "original demon", Shade suddenly thought of the demon stories told by his friend, demonologist Mr. Sean Asmon. In demonologists’ demon stories, the unknown demon seems to be the first evil demon.

"I wonder if it is possible to meet Mr. Asmon in Green Lake. What kind of chance encounter is this time?"

Shade realized that he never seemed to have talked about Sean Asmon with anyone, so he wanted to talk to Dr. Schneider about the demonologist. But at this moment, I suddenly noticed that the surrounding scene had changed. The Tobesk warehouse district turned into a lake under the night fog, and soon turned into an endless desert under a moonlit night.

The dry air carried sand and hit their faces. The roof of the warehouse was still under their feet, but the courtyard of the surrounding warehouse was gone.


Shade shouted, and the fortune teller's voice immediately sounded in the warehouse:

"I'm here to deal with the coffin now. But the priest and Dorothy don't seem to be affected. I can't see them anymore."

"They can't be seen from the roof, we can only see the sand. Then the doctor and I will deal with the next monsters, and you don't come out...well, you can't come out either."

It was expected that the power of the relic was leaked again, so Shade and Dr. Schneider were not very surprised.

The two stood on the roof of a warehouse standing in the vast desert, looking at the yellow sand in the sky and the earth-yellow storm in the distance that almost connected the sky and the earth. The storm has no tendency to move this way, otherwise Shade would have doubted whether this was the desert during the seven-day trip.

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