Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,654 Desert, Cemetery and Maid Skirt

"Doctor, can you see where this is?"

"There is only sand here, and I don't have the ability to taste the sand and know where it comes from."

The blue-eyed middle-aged man shook his head on the roof, squinting and looking into the distance of the desert:

"In order to track down demons, I have been to many places, but I have never been to desert areas. Demons tend to haunt places where humans live. There are only sealed demons in such desolate areas, and this sealed existence is the most Hard to find.”

"I have been in the Green Lake area during this time, and I haven't encountered a demon there yet...actually I have."

He briefly described the glass bottles filled with colorful smoke and blue giant spirits that appeared from the river in the past "Seven Days Travel Story", and the doctor showed a surprised expression:

"This is quite famous, a sage-level relic [Repayment of Greed]. Make a wish, realize it, and then you will be unlucky. The characteristics are as simple as that. The demon sealed in the bottle and becoming part of the relic is called the 'Wish Demon' -Zatanna'. Just as a human can become a relic, so can a demon. Moreover, it was unlucky enough to become a relic after it was sealed."

"Can you swallow this?"

The wind and sand were very strong, so there was no need to worry about Luvia, who was spreading salt, hearing this conversation.

"Of course not. I can absorb the original power of the devil, not the power of the relic. The whisper element is not that easy to deal with. If the opponent becomes a relic, it cannot be regarded as a pure ancient evil spirit demon. To give a simple example, you can You can eat tomatoes, but you definitely can’t eat tomatoes that have become relics.”

As he spoke, the gravel rolling on the roof began to vibrate with the strong wind.

Luvia, who was under the roof, reminded the two of them loudly:

"There's something coming underground."

In fact, she didn't need to remind her, because as the ground shook violently, multi-legged sandworms that were taller than the warehouse had already emerged from the sand.

It has many legs, jointed limbs, and its open mouthparts are densely packed with sharp barbs. After meeting this thing, Shade was worried that he would not sleep well after that.

"You coming or me?"

He asked while watching the movement of the sandworm, and the doctor motioned to Shade not to do anything:

"Let me come. When I was in the Randall Valley, I originally went to help you, but in the end, except helping Anat defeat a strange thing, I did almost nothing. After returning to Tobesk, in the city You can't fight with all your strength. This is a good opportunity for you to see the battle of a seven-ring warlock."

The doctor said, but did not call out his life ring. He glared at the sandworm that was about to attack, and his momentum actually caused the huge insect to stop stiffly.

Then, the doctor neatly cut open his palm with a dagger and threw his blood forward. As the blood spilled on the sand, large swaths of wriggling shadows took shape under the starry night of the desert. Then the towering "giant" burning with flames appeared completely in front of the warehouse, grabbed the huge worm, and forcefully He dragged it out of the sand alive.

"The Balrog?"

"It's not a complete Balrog. I got inspiration after reading your "Book of Demons of Malbas". In the past, I borrowed the power of demons myself, but in fact, I can completely summon those demons sleeping in my body. The power of the devouring demon.”

His hands violently pulled to the left and right, and Balrog also made similar movements, so the giant sandworm was torn into two pieces by Balrog. The insect with extremely strong vitality was not dead even though it was like this, but then the black mud of "human pus" spurted out from the Balrog's mouth, symbolizing the power of the deepest darkness, completely corroding the insect.

Unlike in the forest, the only enemy this time was this sandworm. Luvia moved quickly and completed the containment and reinforcement of the coffin before the second enemy appeared.

The dusky night sky of the desert disappeared, and the night view of Tobesk shrouded in fog reappeared. Dorothy and Priest August jumped from the warehouse yard to the roof and asked what had happened. Dr. Schneider immediately closed his eyes and turned around to let Shade answer, for fear that they would see the horrific scene remaining in his eyes.

Luvia looked out from the door of the warehouse. For a moment, she couldn't understand whether the big noise just now was caused by Shade or Dr. Schneider.

In her opinion, both of them have the ability to:

"Why do I think that?"

The purple-eyed girl asked herself doubtfully.

This night seemed longer than other nights, and the "desert" appeared just before ten o'clock in the evening. Then when midnight arrived, something went wrong with the relic again, and this time the scene that appeared after the space was confused was a small island, and the warehouse was located on the edge of the island.

As for the enemies that appeared, they were the water ghosts that Shade was very familiar with. There are no very powerful individuals among the enemies this time, but the scene of densely packed water ghosts charging towards the warehouse after landing from the water is still mind-numbing.

Although there are a lot of them, they are quite simple to solve this time. Priest Augustus snapped his fingers, and the serial corpse explosion technique detonated the first water ghost, followed by a series of explosions. This kind of thaumaturgy can detonate another corpse in the nearby area after the corpse explodes, which is very convenient when dealing with this kind of scene.

After midnight, there were more police officers patrolling the warehouse district for some reason. The "Martial Law Tonight" mentioned by the patrolman encountered when the carriage came here has become a reality. Doctor Schneider even went to the police passing by the entrance of the warehouse courtyard to inquire, but he did not find any valuable clues.

However, around 1:30 in the morning, a man who had been shot in the body stumbled past this area. It's just that he doesn't seem to be dead for a while, and the team is still on a mission, so they don't pay attention to him.

It was not until two o'clock that Shade listened to Dorothy in the yard. The man who passed by just now seemed to be the person MI6 was looking for. Of course, that was not the unknown nobleman of Delari, but the waiter responsible for receiving the nobleman.

Because of the gunshot wound, he did not escape the pursuit of MI6. It's just that Lecia unfortunately informed Shade through Dorothy, who bit the poison sac in his teeth and committed suicide.

The fourth change in the coffin occurred at 3:17 in the morning. At that time, Shade and the doctor continued to chat on the roof of the warehouse, while Dorothy guarded the coffin in the warehouse camp. When Tobesk disappeared in the night and the endless cemetery scene appeared, Priest August and Luvia in the courtyard did not follow them.

"Where is this cemetery? Why is it so big?"

The doctor looked around suspiciously. Shade was about to speak when he heard the girl in the warehouse say in a panic:

"Someone please help me. Something is wrong this time. The coffin is shaking and the things inside are banging!"

"Shad, go ahead. Remember, you cannot open it under any circumstances."

The doctor frowned. The information provided by the college did not mention this situation:

"Maybe the environment here has affected it. This cemetery is very weird. You and Louisa will deal with it, and leave the rest to me."

When Shade jumped off the roof and returned to the warehouse, he immediately saw the match girl carrying a small basket and the sleeping princess in a sky blue dress, working together to suppress the violent vibrations of the coffin.

Dorothy nervously sprinkled the salt in her hands by the campfire, but after the salt came into contact with the coffin, only one-third could remain, and the rest melted almost immediately. The whispering elements originally suppressed by the coffin are rapidly spreading to the surroundings. As the knocking sounds in the metal coffin become louder and louder, the angel-level relics have begun to directly affect the surrounding environment.

Dang rang~

The Night Watchman was placed flat on the surface of the coffin by Sha De. Although the relic contained in the coffin was suspected to be stronger than Sha De's sword, fortunately, the [Night Watchman] could exert its full power, but the relics in the coffin could not.

The orange rune of "My heart is clear, my sword kills demons" became brighter and brighter in the light of the silver sword body, and the vibrations of the coffin were gradually suppressed.

"Shad, hurry!"

So Shade, Dorothy and the two girls who were summoned sprinkled salt together, and the winged humanoid corpse that appeared outside the warehouse flew into the air to fight with Dr. Schneider.

Fire, lava, black mirror, and silt, the doctor showed a fighting power far beyond that of a normal mid-level warlock. When the last rotting corpse was split open and fell to the earth, Shade and Dorothy also successfully suppressed the relic. However, after the spatial chaos ended, Shade did not take back the [Night Watcher].

The whispering element did not completely shrink back into the coffin, which meant that the power of the contained relics had not subsided. It was just because of the presence of the [Night Watch] that it could not cause other abnormalities.

Shade asked Priest Augustus to enter the warehouse with Luvia and guard the coffin with Dorothy. He returned to the roof and informed the doctor of the current situation:

"We can't continue like this. Once this relic breaks through its containment, we won't be able to deal with it no matter how powerful we are."

"I'll ask the academy."

The doctor said, sending a letter to the academy through the poetry pages. Because the team was on a special mission, the response from the college came back quickly, even late at night. The doctor unfolded the letter with the school emblem and looked at it twice before handing it to Shade:

"The academy believes from our description that the power of the cemetery just now stimulated the remains in the coffin. The momentary riot of the power of the relics caused problems with the coffin itself as a containment measure. However, there are also solutions, in case there is a problem next time When the time comes, placing a cat or a black crow on the lid of the coffin can effectively solve the trouble. As for the troubles in the coffin itself, the next batch of ring warlocks who will take over the task after dawn will handle it."

"Crow? I can't find this right now, but a cat?"

Shade raised his eyebrows:

"How about I catch one now? There are a lot of stray cats in the city, and I heard a lot of cats meowing nearby tonight."

After all, spring has arrived.

"The academy said that it is best to be a cat or crow with certain special abilities. This is the safest..."

The doctor looked at Shade with some embarrassment, and Shade nodded:

"Okay, I'll fetch little Mia. This is a bit dangerous for it, so when I come back, let me take care of the coffin."

Little Mia is now at Lesia's place, so Shade called Dorothy out alone on the pretext of checking whether the reconnaissance ritual in the courtyard was damaged in the battle just now, and then explained what happened to Little Mia.

"No problem, let me talk to Lesia. Although she has already fallen asleep, our communication will not stop because of sleep. I asked her to take Mia to join you now."

"Already asleep? No, no, don't let Lesia go out."

Shade shook his head:

"I'll use the glass slipper to go home, and then go to the gate of Yodel Palace. Just ask Lesia to send someone to deliver little Mia to the gate. The cat won't miss me."

The blonde girl pursed her lips and looked at him:

"You really... It's okay. Let Lesia arrange a carriage for you to take you back. Pay attention to safety on the way. After all, martial law is still in place tonight."

If you throw the glass slipper in the city of Tobesk, the spirit consumed does not even need to be replenished with a pink vial. And when Shade came to Yodel Palace, because he came too fast, the carriage and cat were not there yet.

But he didn't wait long before he welcomed the maid holding the cat and the carriage ready to take him to the west of the city. I just got closer and took a closer look. The red-haired maid wearing a black and white maid dress who stepped out of the carriage with the cat in her arms was clearly Lecia:

"How could I not come to see you?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess said angrily, and the cat who was still sleepy suddenly became energetic when he saw Shade:


Shade hugged Mia, and then gave Lesia a hug:

"Go back and rest quickly. I'll take care of the warehouse matters."

She probably got up from the bed in a hurry, and even her hair was simply tied up with a maid's hairband decorated with ruffled lace. The smell of the perfume was very bland, but it was just right for Shade.

"You worked hard too."

Her Royal Highness the Princess stood up on her tiptoes and kissed the side of Shade's face, and then motioned to Shade to look at her outfit:

"How about this maid dress? Maybe I can keep one in your house."

"Of course...I mean, we can wait until the next time we meet to discuss this topic."

Under the gas streetlight beside Silver Cross Avenue, the red-haired girl smiled brightly.

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