Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,655 Nothingness

There was no trouble returning to the warehouse from Silver Cross Avenue, but Shade did not let the driver take him directly to the warehouse door. Instead, he got off the car on a nearby street and walked the last part of the way with the cat in his arms.

It was only after getting closer to the warehouse that I discovered that there was actually a fight going on in the courtyard where nothing seemed to be happening from a distance. Looking more carefully, it is clear that Doctor Schneider, Luvia and Dorothy are fighting two unfamiliar eight-ring warlocks:

"Another attacker?"

Shade was greatly surprised. When he wanted to join the battle, Doctor Schneider asked him to quickly go to the warehouse:

"We have no problem, you go inside, the priest can't suppress it alone!"


The luminous black key looks like a pure white seed on a foggy night. Shade threw the key to Luvia. After she grabbed the key, the light had extended into a long staff. Although she had never seen this relic, the moment she grabbed the [Staff of Yectrasil], she completely understood what it was.

Shade did not explain, but rushed into the warehouse with Mia in his arms. And Luvia, whose eyes lit up with purple light, turned around violently with the staff in hand. As the bottom of the staff tapped the ground, the normal passage of time actually became extremely slow in her eyes.

"Priest, what's going on?"

After entering the warehouse, Shade saw Priest August spreading salt in a hurry, and the long sword placed on the coffin was jingling as the coffin shook.

The old priest was already sweating profusely:

"Are you back? The two eight-ring warlocks outside didn't know what means they used to make the relic almost go out of control... The coffin lid actually popped open a gap just now, but I used that power to suppress it. I can only come here once in a short period of time, what is in it?"

"Mia, don't move."

With that said, Shade placed the orange and white cat on the shaking coffin. Because of the shaking of the coffin, little Mia was obviously not very happy, but since Shade made the request, it could only scream in aggrievedness, and then looked at Shade and grabbed the salt.

However, the arrival of the cat was obviously very effective. When Mia sat down, the coffin that had almost seemed to be "dancing" on the ground stabilized. Although it is still shaking constantly, it is at least to an acceptable level.

Mia, who was not very happy, then looked down at the coffin, flicked her tail, and then patted the coffin board twice with her front paws. As a result, the coffin finally became completely silent.

Although the coffin no longer vibrates, the fallen salt is still rapidly evaporating. Shade and Priest August had to repeat at least five times before they could completely cover the lines of the school emblem with salt.

While they were working intensely, the fighting outside was also quite fierce. Although Shade was worried about Luvia and Dorothy, he also knew that the girls he cherished also had their own pride and strength.

The door of the warehouse was wide open, so you could see that both sides in the battle were deliberately suppressing their strength to prevent too much movement from attracting the attention of the church. Therefore, this battle is doomed to have everyone tied up, otherwise the battle of the Ring Warlock would never have dragged on for such a long time.

But the battle could not go on forever. In the end, Luvia relied on the staff in her hand and used the basic spell "Ripple's Protection" - that is, using ripples to defend against energy attacks - to resist the most deadly attack for everyone. The attack allowed Dr. Schneider to withdraw his hand and seriously injured one of the enemies.

In this way, the originally stalemate battle finally showed signs of a winner. Seeing that there was no possibility of victory, the strange ring wizards retreated together. But the sleeping princess in a long dress appeared behind them first and hit one of them with a spindle.

Originally, "Sleeping Princess" would not have an immediate effect on the eight-ring warlock, but after being weakened by Dr. Schneider's mental power, the eight-ring warlock who was hit still closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

His companion, the man who could fly close to the ground, gave up on him without hesitation. Before the escaped man disappeared, he did one thing, which directly caused the efforts of Shade and Priest August to be in vain:

"Praise you! Non-existent nothingness! Send everything to the eyes of silence! The power of death that erases all things!"

With a bang, the lid of the coffin in the warehouse was blown open, and Mia, Shade and Priest August were all knocked away by the huge impact, but Shade caught the cat in time to prevent it. Injuried.

The eight-ring warlock vomited blood and disappeared, and Luvia suddenly raised her head and looked upward. Her eyes filled with purple light reflected the night sky where huge black clouds were quickly gathering. But in just a few seconds, black clouds had completely covered the night sky where scattered stars could still be seen. Black thunder flashed in the black clouds, and the dull sound of rumbling woke up many people from their sweet dreams before dawn:

"Oh no!"

The doctor reacted faster and entered the warehouse first. The exploded coffin lid caused the white ash inside the coffin to float out and filled the warehouse with heavy dust.

In the choking dust, Bill Schneider was shocked to see the figure sitting up in the coffin. The bandaged body was originally lying down, but after the coffin lid flew out, what was seen was the roof, so the roof of the warehouse disappeared like a pencil mark erased by an eraser. Even the thick black clouds above the roof were wiped away as the sight appeared.

And as it grasped the side edges of the coffin with both hands and stood up, all the substances it saw with its eyes disappeared. As his eyes moved slowly from above to the side, the warehouse wall, the carriage outside the wall, the warehouse courtyard wall outside the carriage, the warehouse exterior wall on the other side of the courtyard wall, and even any physical substance existing in the air were disappearing. If it weren't for the fact that the relics had just broken through the containment restrictions, the exterior walls of the warehouse next door would definitely have disappeared.

Dr. Schneider, at this moment, could even describe the movement of the body covered with straps based on the disappearing wall extending from the roof to the bottom. The whispering elements are flooding the area at a terrifying speed, and then quickly disappear due to sight contact.

Even though Bill Schneider thought he had seen a lot of scary things, he was still frightened at this moment. When the frightened doctor came to his senses, he discovered another horrifying fact.

It wasn't the corpse that stood up looking at him at the warehouse door. The corpse in the coffin turned its head and looked at Shade, who was holding Mia and climbing up from the wall.

Shade didn't know the situation inside the coffin before. He could only feel the whispering elements filling the surroundings like an explosion. The mental interference ability of the angel-level relics even made him unbearable. While leaning against the wall, hugging the cat and preparing to stand up, he saw the empty gaze of the figure in the floating white dust.

"This is......"

He froze in place, unable to describe what he saw. He was obviously a bald young man wrapped in bandages, but in his perception, what he saw was nothingness. Nothing, completely empty. When the other person's white eyes looked at him, he even felt like he was about to turn into nothingness.

The hot blood turns cold, the active thinking stagnates, the body occupying the humanoid position in the space merges with nothingness, everything that is thinking about, longing for, loving, and trying to grasp in the heart disappears. . This world no longer has meaning, and the "anchors" that make outsiders like this world are bit by bit broken, but at the same time, it also makes his soul try as never before...



Those enamored figures flashed through Xia De's heart one by one, and his indifferent heart rediscovered the feeling of longing for everything because of Ji Dong. Mia's voice brought his thoughts back to normal for a short time, and "her" gentle voice in his ears filled the huge hole in his heart caused by the moment of looking at each other:

[Outlander, you have come into contact with "Whispers". 】

[Outlander, you have some insights into "disappearance", "indifference" and "emptiness". 】


He clutched his heart and leaned against the wall, sweating profusely at some point, while Mia meowed and looked worried.

"Lie back!"

The doctor's roar appeared at the door, and then a huge Balrog stone claw appeared from the void on the right side of the coffin, blocking the corpse's view of Shade and the cat. The burning flame that the obsidian palm pressed against the coffin made even Shade feel the heat.

The flame palm disappears at the sight, only to be filled in by the Doctor summoning it again.

The corpse was unable to deal with the doctor with all its strength, because on the other side of the warehouse, pure white light appeared in the white dust in the sky almost at the same time. The shadow of the wings flickered, and Priest August's prayer seemed to cause all the surrounding miraculous elements to resonate with it, forcibly suppressing the continued spread of the relic's power.

With flames on one side and holy light on the other, the power of angel-level relics collided with the power of demons and angels. The chaotic spirits and elements caused dense cracks to appear on the remaining walls of the warehouse. After a loud bang, the ground shook, the "corpse" turned to look at Shade. Although it still grasped the edge of the coffin with all its strength, it still seemed to be pressed down by invisible hands, little by little. lay back. It's just that the speed is very slow, and it doesn't want to return to the coffin like this.

At this moment——

"Sunshine Gun!"

The [Stand of Yggdrasil] surrounded by golden thunder passed through the smoke and dust that spread throughout the warehouse, and was thrown by Luvia in the courtyard. The crackling golden thunder spear almost penetrated the corpse's head, but the thunder was wiped out by the sight of the corpse moving over.

However, it cannot erase the [Stand of Yggdrasil], which is also an angel-level relic.

The thunder dissipated and the staff continued to move forward. With a sound of winter, the staff hit the "corpse" on the head. Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the corpse completely fell into the coffin.

Shade, who came back to his senses, waved the black staff to fly towards him, and then he waved the long staff to close the coffin lid that had been shot away just now.

"Night watchman!"

The warm cat curled up on the chest made the body feel the warmth and heat. The influence of the relic was completely eliminated, and the indifference that had negated all the love and care in this world at that moment made the outsider extremely ashamed.

The long sword that was deflected also flew back into his hand. Shade held the sword in his left hand and a staff in his right hand, and with Mia grabbing his shoulders, he flew towards the coffin.

The orange-white cat jumped on the coffin lid and squatted down, and the [Night Watch] was also a relic used to suppress the riots. But this was still not enough. Shade made up his mind and turned to look at the girl with long blond hair and short brown hair who came to the door.

He took a deep breath, and then his whole body shone with light amid the worried expressions of Dr. Schneider and Priest August.

Then, the four shocked people saw that in the light, the relics on Shade's body fell to the ground, and the silver-white cat jumped out and squatted on the coffin. Under the suppression of the two "cats", the coffin finally calmed down.


Doctor Schneider didn't realize for a moment that this was a transfiguration technique. He looked at the orange kitten rubbing against the silver cat and suddenly realized:

"Why did you just..."

"If I turn into a cat, we will lose our fighting ability. Moreover, before the Coffin Riot, I was not sure whether the cat I turned into could be considered a cat."

"Now is not the time to talk about this! Let's go quickly, there is such a big noise here, people from the church are coming!"

Dorothy's voice brought everyone back to reality. Although the carriage disappeared, she picked up the pumpkin that had been prepared and placed it in the warehouse, cast a spell and slammed it to the ground.

In the colorful light and the splashing light effect of small stars, the smoke rose, and the pumpkin carriage drove out of the smoke. Unfortunately, there was no horse, because the mice prepared in advance escaped in the chaos.

Luvia blew Yin Luna's whistle, and at the same time as the skeleton horse walked out of the black mist, the silver cat waved its front paws and used the live rope trick to put the reins on it. The cat's form can cast spells, but the spellcasting effect will be severely weakened. Fortunately, Shade has studied the "living rope trick" very deeply.

Priest August immediately jumped onto the coachman's seat. Luvia picked up the fallen staff and other relics of Shade, and together with Dr. Schneider, they moved the coffin with the two squatting cats into the carriage of the pumpkin carriage. Via even touched Shade.

Then, the three of them jumped into the carriage together. The priest waved the reins, and under the clouds flashing with black thunder, they left the collapsing warehouse as if fleeing for their lives, and disappeared into the streets before dawn.

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