Whispering Verse

Chapter 1656: Meeting of Witches

Friday, before dawn, four fifty-seven. Witch Council.

The skylight of unknown origin shone downward from the white mist at high places, and at the bottom of the ancient stone steps that gathered toward the middle, at the round table, the late-night meeting was still going on.

"Then the arrangements for operations in the Green Lake area have been decided for the time being.

Vanessa and Carina still went to the Green Lake area as originally planned according to their identities; Xiwei should not go with his real identity this time. The church’s investigation to find out the big witch has already started targeting you. Where have you been this year? It’s indeed suspicious where you go to discuss business when the chosen one appears; Granny Cassandra, please arrange your own actions. Thank you very much for your willingness to participate in this operation. In fact, you don’t have to do this. As for Emma, ​​since Princess Margaret is not yet sure whether to go to Green Lake to participate in negotiations, you can choose the right time and go to Green Lake secretly and hide your identity. "

The tall blond witch sat in the main seat at the circular conference table of the [Witches' Council]. Looking from the back of the stone chair that symbolized the identity of the "Speaker", one could only see the symbol representing "time" engraved on the seat and her long, silky hair.

To her left and right, the twelve ladies sitting at the round table nodded together:

"Yes, Your Excellency Yin Sabella."

The witch's voice is very gentle, with a unique affinity but without losing its majesty:

"I want to emphasize again that we did too much in the Randall Valley some time ago. The preliminary investigation this time was mainly based on Audrey who was already there, and Carina and Vanessa who arrived later Assistance. Mother-in-law, Xi Wei and Emma will leave after the matter has further fermented before the preliminary investigation is completed. The mirror-hiding man mentioned by Audrey, the thirteen-ring fortune teller of the Prophet Association mentioned by Carina, These people are difficult to deal with. I hope everyone can stay graceful and not lose dignity because of imprudence."

After a moment's pause:

"The fifth topic is over. Does anyone have any other topics or ideas? If not, the meeting will be adjourned."

"I have something to say!"

Said the red-haired duchess sitting in the "balance" position, Carina Cavendish wearing a purple robe. Seeing everyone looking at her, she said:

"I just have a question, why do we have to hold meetings until four o'clock in the morning? No, it's already five o'clock!"

It can be seen that the duchess is very concerned about this:

"Not sleeping well can do a lot of damage to your skin!"

Her opinion was supported by most of the ladies. When the big witches began to discuss, the "time" witch on the speaker's seat raised her hand and patted it twice. Looking from behind the chair, she could see her fair skin. There are no rings on his hands.

The voices of the great witches immediately stopped.

"The meeting started at ten o'clock last night. I didn't expect that there would be so many things this time. In addition to Emma's new invention and business, Wei Ge's illness, and the news about the angel-level relics reported by Vesenna, Carina and Audrey both brought up the matter of the thirteen-ring warlock in the Green Lake area. Of course, there is also the new talent of the Cavendish royal family, which I still need to consider."

She paused:

"I agree with Carina, lack of sleep is indeed harmful to the skin. But meetings are still important, aren't they?"

Her voice was gentle, but all the ladies at the table felt threatened. Only Granny Cassandra still had a kind smile on her face.

"The meeting is adjourned now. If you have anything else to do, remember to leave a message in the council. I will see it. Also, Audrey, are you feeling better?"

She asked the great witch of "Knowledge and Wisdom" again, and the lady with brown shawl hair nodded slightly:

"Your Majesty Speaker, I am fine and I will be fully recovered soon."

"Well, being able to escape from the [Mirror Hidden Man] also proves that you are better than we thought. If you need it, don't be stingy about asking others for help."

She stood up, picked up the notebook and pen on the table, and took the lead towards the light door that appeared behind the chair.

When she really left, the remaining witches packed up the things on the table and left one after another. The girls were talking to each other, and Audrey Edwards, the great witch of knowledge and wisdom, signaled Carina Cavendish, the great witch of balance, to stay, while Emma Sylvia, the great witch of space, also pretended Zuo packed up her things and did not leave immediately. After all, she had the most things on the table.

The witch of earth, Vanessa Benenice, patted Miss Carina on the shoulder and left together with the great witch of light, Sivi Avora. The parliament fell silent, and the inexplicable skylight extended upwards from layer to layer until it shone above the ancient stone stairs blending into the white mist. The light was very soft, making the ladies' handsome faces even more beautiful.

Audrey Edwards glanced at Miss Sylvia who deliberately did not leave, and then said to Miss Carina:

"There were some things just now that I didn't tell the truth to the Speaker."

The duchess tilted her head:

"whats the matter?"

"In the Green Lake area, I met a helper. A very powerful helper... Even though it was only in Central, I was able to escape from the Mirror Hidden Man, thanks to him, I mean, thanks to her."

Miss Sylvia glanced at Miss Carina, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and the red-haired witch nodded calmly:

"You want me to not tell the Speaker of her existence after I arrive in the Green Lake area and see her? No problem, but..."

She showed a teasing smile:

"Audrey, are you in love? Tell me about that girl."

The witch with short brown hair pursed her lips:

"Duke, I'm not joking with you. I'll talk to you in detail when you get to the Green Lake area. That place is not peaceful, and the negotiations between the two countries have also increased the church's vigilance about the hidden mirror and the thirteen-ring fortune teller. Sooner or later, other people will know about it. And that island...my family is not that simple."

"Oh, since last year, I have been involved in almost every candidate's affairs. You don't need to remind me of these. Audrey, in your mind, what do I do on weekdays? Attend boring afternoon tea parties in the palace and Salon?”

Miss Carina was just joking at first, but Audrey Edwards thought about it for a moment and really gave her answer:

"In my imagination, you spend most of your time in your own territory, holding a beautiful female bard in your arms and making love."

Miss Sylvia, who was listening to the conversation between the two, still couldn't hold back her smile, but no one looked at her. Miss Carina's mouth twitched a few times:

"This is the misunderstanding of the Witch Emperor of the Fifth Era by the Ring Warlock scholars of the Sixth Era. And I am not that free. I would also like to remind you of a common sense mistake - Saladir County is still Delari Ang's territory is not my private territory. As for the beautiful female bard... I don't have this in Tobesk City."

She had only handsome knights in Tobesk.

Audrey Edwards was noncommittal:

"You don't have to give me the final payment for the cat in the bottle. The production of the bottle of potion was also very helpful to me. When you arrive at Green Lake, I will talk to you in detail about the things there and conduct preliminary investigations on myself. Just do it. In addition, there is also the matter of the twelfth level. I want to talk to you about what happened when you broke through from the eleventh level to the twelfth level."

Miss Carina nodded:

"See you at Green Lake then."

Audrey Edwards then got up and left.

There were only two people left in the parliament. Miss Sylvia raised her left arm and put it on the round table of the parliament to support her face. She tilted her head and asked the duchess:

"Has she met Shade? That powerful 'lady' from Central."

He smiled again as he said that, except for Miss Carina, no one knew that Shade had been in Green Lake recently.

"Yes, you guessed it right. Wherever there is trouble, there is Shade. Wherever there are witches, there is Shade."

The red-haired witch said, and everyone could understand the emotion in her tone:

"She is still worried. She hasn't told Shade clearly who she is, so I asked Shade to play role-playing games with her for a few weeks. She is so old and she still pretends to be a little girl."

"So, the Chosen One of Space is really in Green Lake? Who do Shade and Luvia Anat suspect?"

Miss Sylvia asked again.

"Edwards, everyone at Edwards, including Audrey and Megan."

"Oh? You mentioned her real name and her fake name at the same time...is that so? That's interesting."

The youngest witch of this generation is thoughtful:

"Tell Shade to be more careful. I can't even imagine how he and Audrey escaped from the Mirror Hidden Man. Although this is not the first time he has been involved in danger..."

Miss Sylvia sighed, put the documents on the desktop into a brown paper bag, and suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, Carina, you look very good recently. Are you using new cosmetics?"


Miss Carina touched her face with a smile on her face:

"It's not cosmetics. This shows that the method in Shade's "Secret of Agelessness" works."

"Is that all?"

Miss Sylvia raised her eyebrows:

"Also, although you have just been promoted to the twelfth ring and the twelfth level, recently I feel that your power is rapidly approaching Xiwei. Siwei Avora has stayed at the twelfth level for five years."

"This shows that my talent is better than everyone thinks. Didn't the Speaker also say that my recent form is very good?"

But the great witch of space would not believe such words:

"You...didn't have anything happen to Shade?"

Golden eyes looked into golden eyes, and the council suddenly became quiet. Sylvia tried to see something in Miss Carina's eyes, but the Duchess had been trained in the palace since she was a child, and hiding her emotions was the most basic part of her training:

"Why do you think so?"

She retorted:

"You are tarnishing the reputation of witches and men, ha, that's ridiculous. Besides, we are sisters, and we can't lie to our own people."

"That's it."

Miss Sylvia nodded slowly:

"Just pretend I didn't say it, but your condition is indeed beyond your original talent. This is also a good thing. Now including you and Xiwei, there are already three twelfth-level members in the parliament. I don't know who will be able to follow the speaker in the end. Your Excellency is the first to break through to the thirteenth level."

The red-haired duchess pointed to herself confidently:

"The ice crystal that the demigod witch gave to Shade helped me a lot. Level 13 is not impossible for me."

Miss Sylvia smiled:

"So how's Shade doing lately? Besides being busy with Green Lake, is he doing other things? Say hello to Shade for me. I'm so envious that you can always be by his side."

The two talked about Shade's recent activities, and then Miss Sylvia left the parliament with information about her business and inventions.

Carina Elena Cavendish sat in her seat, looking at the empty parliament illuminated by the soft white skylight, and sighed softly.

Then, she stood up and prepared to leave. He just turned around suddenly and reached out to hold the back of his seat. She looked around at the other twelve ancient chairs around the round table with a smug smile on her face.

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