Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,657

The dawn sun passed through the thick fog that shrouded the Pearl of the North and shone on the city that was about to wake up.

On the Terrarel River that runs through Tobesk, small boats carrying cargo quietly follow the current, sailing from upstream to downstream. Not far away you can see the steel-cable Disk Bridge, and it is only a thirty-minute walk from Saint Teresa Square.

Workers ready to start work have already appeared on the small dock by the river. On another ship in the distance, the waking sailors are preparing to scrub the deck before breakfast at the urging of the captain.

No one noticed that the fog around the inconspicuous cargo boat was thicker than the fog in other areas. That's because next to the metal black coffin placed on the deck, the golden Holy Grail is continuously generating mist.

This Holy Grail, obtained from the central island of Green Lake to purify the earth, has the power to generate mist. The fog generated from the Holy Grail has properties very similar to the fog on the island.

The fog is obviously not very thick, but the line of sight cannot be easily penetrated. And within the scope of the fog, most space forces will be interfered with.

Dr. Schneider, who had not slept all night, stood on the deck and looked at the scenery on both sides of the river bank. The alert expression on his face did not disappear. On the coffin beside him, the silver cat pushed away the orange and white cat countless times. Xiao Mia had a wronged expression on her face, as if she didn't know why she was hated by Shade.

"Shadow, stop bullying your cat."

"First, I didn't bully it. Second, this is not my cat."

The silver cat spoke to Dorothy, and the writer smiled and continued to draw the two cats "fighting" with a pencil sketch in her notebook. Although she can use a camera or her own magic, she prefers the feeling of painting with her own hands.

She said this on purpose, because the way Shade complained after turning into a cat really moved her. If she hadn't wanted to finish the painting as quickly as possible, she would have wanted to keep petting the cat as she had done in the pumpkin carriage during the transfer two hours before.

"That's why I don't want to tell anyone else that I learned Transfiguration. Oh, Mia, I know it's almost time for breakfast and I won't forget it!"

The silver cat continued to complain, but the indifference and emptiness in his heart caused by his sight contact with "nothingness" had improved a lot. That relic failed to erase Sha De because the divine personality in Sha De's body was much higher than it. But facing the characteristics of the relic head-on, it was impossible for Shade to remain unaffected.

He must go home and sleep for four hours at a time, using "Moon Dream" to clear away the last discomfort in his heart.

Priest Augustus yawned and walked out of the cabin. Hearing the sound of the silver cat on the coffin, he couldn't help but smile, but he wanted to say something else:

"Bill, I have slowed down the ship. Does Shade's Holy Grail need to be put away? I'm worried that the people arranged by the academy to pick up the goods will not be able to find us because of this."

"No need to put it away. I contacted the college just now and they will send very reliable people to pick up the goods. Moreover, the reward for this mission has been increased. The college did not expect that the relic could almost break through the containment."

The doctor said, stretching towards the first rays of the morning sun, and the good news of the increase in remuneration made everyone smile.

However, the smile on Luvia's face was the shallowest. She stood on the other side of the coffin, first looking down at the long black staff in her hand, and then at the silver cat that Shade transformed into.

It was obviously the first time she saw and used this relic, but she felt inexplicably familiar with the [Stand of Yggdrasil]. It was as if she had been using this staff for a long time. The "sunshine gun" that was struck just now was not her thaumaturgy, but the thaumaturgy she used with Yin Luna's "sunshine gun brooch", but even Shade didn't know that this relic can even enhance the power of alchemy items. Effect.

"Although I have already praised you just now, your transformation technique is indeed very powerful."

The purple-eyed girl said to Shade. After seeing the two "cats" playing around, her depressed mood for some reason improved significantly after she clenched the staff tightly. She also reached out and touched Shade's cat, and then as expected, she heard Shade's complaint again.

"Although we all know that sooner or later you will acquire cat-related abilities, I didn't expect that the first thing you would acquire would be the ability to turn into a cat yourself. I originally thought it was to turn your cat into a human."

"Oh, Luvia, who do you think I am?"

Shade said, and the other four smiled.

"Where did you get this staff? We originally thought that the only weapon you used was that sword."

Luvia asked again, quite generously. Shade had already prepared his answer, so he pushed Mia who still wanted to get closer and said:

"I can't say this for now, but it is related to my time key adventure."

He wasn't lying, but it was clear that Luvia and others' understanding of "time adventure" was different from Shade's original intention.

The girl with purple eyes nodded and didn't ask any more questions. The squatting silver cat looked at Luvia's silhouette and asked "her" in his heart:

"What happened to the 'sunshine gun' used by Luvia when she suppressed the relics before leaving the warehouse? I even thought it was Yin Luna coming. The effect of that blow was very close to that of Yin Luna, but Luvia There are only five rings.”

[Because, she is the real owner of that staff. 】

"She" smiled softly, and then reminded:

[Someone is coming, downstream, on the surface of the water. 】

"There are people coming, on the water, downstream of us."

The silver cat spoke, and the doctor glanced at the pocket watch in his hand:

"The time is just right. Don't be nervous. It's someone sent by the academy. But it shouldn't be from the academy itself. After all, we need to avoid being misunderstood by the church."

While talking, everyone else also saw figures appearing on the water in the early morning fog. They originally thought that there was also a team of people picking up the goods, but they didn't expect that there was only one person coming across the water.

Looking more closely, the lady in the dark blue dress is not stepping on the water, but every time she sets her foot, ice will appear under her feet to provide her with a place to stay.

As the leader of the team, Dr. Schneider immediately walked to the edge of the ship to prepare to greet the other party. Dorothy, who put away her pencil, noticed the surprised expression on the silver cat's face.

"Xia De, what's wrong? The other party is not the recipient?"

She kept her voice as low as possible and raised her guard.

"The opponent is twelve...no, it's thirteen rings!"

With that said, he raised his claws and kicked [Night Watchman] down. Dorothy caught it and threw it neatly into the cabin, and then said doubtfully:

"Thirteen rings?"

"Yes, my perception is very keen. I am indeed the Thirteenth Ring."

The lady in the mist on the water turned into snowflakes and dissipated, and then the snowflakes condensed on the deck, revealing the figure of the lady.

She looks to be about the same age as Miss Carina - she looks young, her hair is black, and she has drop-shaped sapphire earrings hanging on both ears.

Compared to the five people in the group who were slightly tired, she looked very energetic. She even looked at the two cats on the coffin with a smile and looked at the appearance of the two cats in turn:

"Warm sun and soft moon, I assume you are Danist's student? Mr. Hamilton, the cat owner."

She said to the silver cat. Shade cat nodded and pushed Little Mia again:

"Yes, ma'am, I wonder if you are..."

He actually already had the answer in his mind, but he just couldn't believe it.

"[Winter Singer], Elsa Ellsberg. Of course, people often call me 'Winter Singer.'"

She said reservedly, and except for the cat, the other four people quickly expressed their respect to the lady:

"Madam, I didn't expect you to be the one to pick up the goods."

This lady appears at the end of the Battle of Randall's Dale, where she fights with Sister Devlyn against Hermons the Bloodweeper. It was just that the distance was too far, it was dark and there was a blizzard, so Shade couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly at that time. As for the surname "Aisberg", it is the same as the surname of Duke Aisberg of the Northern Guards of the Third Regiment of the Royal Army of Delarian. Late last autumn, one of Lesia's sisters married Aisberg. Son of the Duke of Burg.

I just don’t know if the two “Esbergs” are related.

The four members of the group all knew that [Winter Choir] had a close relationship with St. Barrons Comprehensive College. After all, this was part of the college's general education, so it seemed reasonable for her to take delivery, but the doctor still asked in awe. road:

"Ma'am, please tell me why the college allowed you to come...I'm not questioning the college's decision."

"Your principal and librarian have other things recently. But for safety, this dangerous relic must be monitored by Thirteen Rings when it passes through the hinterland of the old continent's civilization. I shouldn't have appeared originally, but Waiting far outside Tobesk, but you made too much noise last night."

She looked up at the sky in the western district of Tobesk. Under the morning sun, the dark clouds still had not completely dissipated:

"Although the relics are under control, in order to prevent a similar situation from happening again, St. Byrons asked me to check it out and be temporarily responsible for the next stop of transportation of the relics."

She walked to the coffin, and Shade jumped down neatly. The silver cat turned into a silver ball of light, and Shade's body recovered in the ball of light.

He hugged Mia down, and the black metal coffin shook, but very slightly. Then, the lady wearing a dark blue dress put her hand on it and said to the five people after a moment:

"You have done a good job. The power of the relic has indeed returned to the containment measures."

She took off a gray crystal from the surface of the coffin and handed it to Shade. Then she patted the coffin twice. The ice layer rustlingly appeared and sealed the black coffin in ice. The whispering elements that were still slightly perceptible completely subsided.

The five people finally breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that the mission was over. As for the mission rewards, they will be distributed uniformly by the college later. At this moment, Shade completely understood why the previous group of people showed such lucky expressions when picking up the goods at the Tobesk train station last night.

Although the mission lasted less than twelve hours, this night was no easier than Shade's adventures.

"Although you will definitely write a report on what happened before and after the relics got out of control last night and submit it to your college afterwards, I still want to ask, to what extent did the remains in the coffin get out of control last night? Did it sit up? ?How did you deal with it?"

The doctor and the priest looked at each other, and then Shade coughed:

"For me, I was the closest last night. After the power of the remains was affected by the unknown eight-ring warlock's prayer, the coffin lid was blown away along with me and my cat. Then I noticed the room in the warehouse. It disappeared after being pushed. Fortunately, there was white ash everywhere inside the coffin. The flying ash affected my vision, and I did not see the whole thing in the coffin."

"Your college deliberately filled it with a lot of white ash to affect the view of the remains... What happens next?"

The sorceress in a dark blue dress asked again.

"It sat up, yes. It sat up holding on to the edge of the coffin, so the walls of the warehouse and the outside of the walls were affected. We were worried at that point that if caught in sight, we might disappear too."

Shade said, patting Mia's little head:

"But fortunately it lay back down on its own. I'm not sure what happened. It seemed like someone passed by outside the warehouse."

"Yes, someone passed by, a man with a long sword."

The doctor echoed that this was the justification they gave after discussion.

"is that so?"

The sorceress obviously didn't believe it, but Shade added:

"We will provide details in our report later, but the main point right now is that everything is safe and the relics are back in storage."

"That's true. Besides, you St. Byrons students who take correspondence courses always have a lot of secrets."

Miss Asberg nodded and asked again:

"What did the unknown eighth-ring warlock say when he triggered the relic riot?"

Dorothy said:

"It's something like praising the non-existent nothingness."

Because she was worried about another riot in the coffin, she only said the first sentence.

The lady in a dark blue dress frowned slightly:

"This is different from what I thought. They probably didn't want to rob the coffin, but they wanted to make the coffin lose control inside Tobesk... You probably don't know what this is. Angel-level relic [Remains of the Nameless One], what lies in the coffin is indeed a corpse, but that corpse has activity and a small amount of intelligence, and everything it looks at will be sent to nothingness.

Therefore, once the power of the relic breaks through the containment measures, it will cause large-scale changes in the space... If you just want to snatch it away, you will never deliberately let it get out of control. This is not good for anyone... ..I will report this matter to St. Byrons. Is this someone trying to frame St. Byrons? Oh, this has nothing to do with you, you have completed your task very well. "

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the black coffin wrapped in ice flew up. But before she left, she turned to look at Shade:

"Listen to Miss Denister, Mr. Hamilton, do you have something to say to us?"

She asked suddenly, and Shade, whose mind was still immersed in the information about the relic, was surprised:

"Yes, I wanted to..."

He wanted to ask if [All Things Impermanent Space] was in the opponent's hands, but he did not want to directly ask the leader of the [Winter Hymn Ensemble], which would make his behavior extremely strange.

Seeing Shade hesitate, the sorceress nodded:

"I want to take this coffin away as soon as possible. If you want to communicate with us, I will send someone to find you after a while."

As she spoke, she nodded to the five people in turn, then jumped from the edge of the deck to the water with light steps, then stepped on the ice under her feet, carrying the coffin, and left towards the lower reaches of the river in the morning mist.

Shade bent down to pick up the Holy Grail on the deck and put it away. The doctor yawned:

"It's been a long night."

He waved to the other four people:

"It's already Friday morning, so let's leave for now. I will distribute the harvest to you during the meeting tomorrow afternoon. There is also a patient's appointment at nine o'clock this morning. He is an insomniac. I really hope he can As tired as I am now...it will take a while to get this ship back.”

The boat was also prepared by the doctor in advance, as he had anticipated that it might need to be moved from the warehouse. Even if the ship is also discovered, he has a third plan that can be implemented. The doctor fully understands that any accident is possible.

"It's really interesting. Every time we went on a group operation in the past, the unlucky ones were the doctors, but this time the doctors were actually intact."

Luvia seemed to have returned to her normal demeanor and said with a smile before they left.

Everyone else also laughed. Only the doctor looked thoughtful and looked at Shade again:

"This shows that letting Shade join is indeed the right thing to do. Next time, why not..."

"There won't be another time in the near future!"

Dorothy said immediately, looking at the city that was gradually waking up from its slumber:

"This time it's exciting enough."

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