Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,658 The

Just as the five members of the team left and prepared to start a new day, Yin Luna, who was yawning in the morning light, also came to the west district of Tobesk with her team, under a sky covered with abnormal black clouds. Near the warehouse.

Of course, the church noticed the abnormal phenomenon in the sky last night. In addition, the investigation results showed that there were suspected angelic relics in the city. Therefore, even Yin Luna's full team was still responsible for dressing up as police and asking people nearby. Basic investigation work on people's situation last night - what was actually dealt with in the core area were twelve-ring and two thirteen-ring warlocks.

However, the team's investigation had not been carried out for long before Yin Luna was called away and came to the empty warehouse.

If Shade was still here, he would be surprised that the warehouse has not collapsed even after losing such a large area of ​​load-bearing walls.

"The problem is really serious."

Looking at the street scene near the warehouse that looked like it had been wiped by an eraser, the seventeen-year-old girl sighed softly. She looked around as she walked, not feeling that this place was dangerous at all, because she knew it was related to the actions of Shade's team last night.

This warehouse area is closest to the church of the [Church of Creation and Destruction], so the Thirteen-ring Warlock of the Church of Creation, Mr. Sari Pilot, the "Iron Right Hand" is responsible for overseeing this investigation. As for why the Mechanical Church is responsible for the investigation, the team of the Church of the Sun will conduct peripheral inquiries. It is because it involves angel-level relics. According to regulations, no church can independently investigate.

"Miss Bayas, good morning, this way!"

Mr. Pilot was a tall, easy-going middle-aged man, but Yin Luna knew that the arm hidden in his right sleeve was unusual.

The thirteenth-ring warlock stood in the warehouse and exchanged a few words with Yin Luna, and then explained that he wanted her to try to sense what was happening in this area. The chaotic spirit and restless whispering elements have not calmed down until dawn. If ordinary people enter the current warehouse, their bodies will probably undergo changes immediately.

"Divination will definitely not work. The investigation of the traces on the scene can only show that there were no less than three people here. After investigating the carriages or other traces nearby last night, only the carriages of the royal family, MI6 and the police passed by, but There are all normal reasons. However, a nearby worker reported that he saw a skeleton horse pulling a pumpkin carriage. We are not sure whether this was due to excessive fatigue and dizziness."

Mr. Pirot explained, and Yin Luna nodded to express her understanding:

"I'll give it a try."

She summoned the life ring and turned it into a dark golden scale in the awe-stricken eyes of the people. Then, holding the glowing scale in both hands, he closed his eyes while raising the ends of his hair slightly.

It took a long time before Yin Luna gave her answer:

"I felt the power of 'emptiness', which represents the power of emptiness and disappearance... This is very similar to the sage-level relic [ancient sage's smear pen] that I came into contact with when I was training in the Holy See, but More powerful.”

The girl with long brown hair, who was assigned work early in the morning, completed her work diligently:

"It is indeed an angel-level relic, and it is a stronger type of angel-level relic. I can't track such chaotic elements, but I can try to use the 'balance' talent to make the element levels here more normal. But it is not completely obliterated. Ping Zhen, I still recommend closing this place so that it can continue to be used by ordinary people for at least half a year."

Mr. Pirot also supported Yin Luna's view, so Yin Luna continued to hold the dark golden scales, adjusting the restless whispering elements to a state of relative balance with the enlightening elements. Then, she inquired about other investigation results. After confirming that there was no progress, she was ready to go to her team to continue the investigation:

"What on earth did Shade and Luvia go through last night? Is their group task so dangerous? Is St. Byrons too harsh on correspondence students?"

She thought to herself and left from the warehouse door.

The police cordoned off both sides of the street, and the magicians of the Creation Church put on police uniforms and stood at the street entrance to prevent anyone from breaking in. As for the real police, they are looking for the carriage that left ruts on the ground throughout the city, but the carriage that originally carried the coffin has been eliminated by the relics, so it is impossible to divine specific information. After Dorothy's pumpkin carriage turned back into a pumpkin at the dock, Shade had turned it into a toy and then burned it with flames.

Therefore, this investigation is actually unlikely to have any results.

"Shad and Luvia were not injured in what happened last night, right?"

Although she had great confidence in them, she still thought a little worriedly. At the same time, Yin Luna had already gotten into the alley in front of the warehouse gate, planning to take a shortcut back. The alley was also sealed, and the ring warlock responsible for guarding it was on the street at the exit at the other end of the alley. After all, the view there was very wide.

The alley is very short. If there is no garbage in the way, you can walk through it in only two or three minutes. As for the garbage, it is not rotten food or dirty daily necessities, but discarded metal products from nearby factories. Including but not limited to scrapped steam cylinders, sawn-off steam pipes, and metal cabinets with missing cabinet doors.

When Yin Luna passed the metal cabinet leaning against the wall, her peripheral vision glanced at her side and there was a figure behind the cabinet. She subconsciously turned around to defend herself and then saw that the figure behind the cupboard had no intention of attacking her.

It was a blond man wearing a white robe, holding a rolled-up parchment in his hand, and looking at her with an enigmatic expression that he must have only half-said. The man's appearance didn't match the alley, or even the era.

When Yin Luna was training in the Holy See, she had only seen secret scholars, priests, and secret keepers wearing similar styles of clothes.

She frowned slightly, and her vigilant expression not only did not disappear, but became even stronger. The stranger in front of me seems normal at first, but gradually I can feel the increasingly strong whispering element. The parchment in his hand and his eyes gave Yin Luna the feeling that she was clearly like Luvia who was doing a special divination.

Carefully feel the essence of the humanoid creature in front of you, and for a moment you even feel that you have touched your true destiny. The future seemed to be condensed into the hands of this humanoid creature. A single point branched in his hand, extending into thousands of possibilities.

"Angel level? You are in the warehouse..."

After saying that, I felt something was wrong. There was clearly a power to erase everything in the warehouse, and what was in front of me was destiny.

Yin Luna subconsciously took a step back, and then felt that her back had become wet without knowing it. The sunshine in the spring morning was not warm at all. On the contrary, what she felt in her dizzy head was the coldness of the sun:

"Are you...if?"

His eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe that he had just encountered this rumored unknown (level 0) relic.


The man nodded and said. Seeing Yin Luna looking towards the alley and wanting to call someone, he reminded:

"Our conversation will not be known to anyone, nor will it be interrupted by anyone. I still have this basic ability. Dear Chosen Hero, I have no ill intentions, I just want to play three games with you. "


Yin Luna asked suspiciously, and then threw the sunshine gun upwards. Golden thunder exploded above the alley, but after waiting for a long time, no one came in to check the situation.

"If" shook his head:

"The balanced chosen one, the chosen hero, you don't have to be afraid of me, this is just a game."

As he spoke, he unfolded the parchment and faced himself:

"If, that's what if. Although the future is uncertain, we all know that different choices will lead to different results, but people cannot be sure what ending a certain choice will lead to."

His eyes crossed the parchment and looked at Yin Luna:

"And this game called What If begins when you propose a choice for the future, and I will simulate everything that happens next. This is not about predicting the future, nor is it about splitting the timeline to create a parallel time and space. This is just It’s just a game of what-if.”

Yin Luna did not let down her guard because of the honorific title given to her by the other party. She frowned, and the dark golden scale turned into a life ring floated behind her:

"What if I refuse? I don't want to know what hasn't happened. I want to witness the future I created with my own eyes."

"Chosen hero, protagonist of the stage, please forgive me for being rude, but please don't reject me. Please tell me, what choice will you make? What will you do when you finish your work this morning? "

The man asked gently. Seeing that Yin Luna still didn't speak, he asked again:

"Then answer my other question: If you have to sacrifice the person you are in love with for the safety of this world, would you choose to do this?"

"of course not."

Yin Luna answered without thinking, it didn't require thinking at all:

"Although people will always think of me as some kind of hero, I never think of myself that way. Between good and evil, I stand on the middle line. Yes, maybe not so neutral, but more inclined to good, but I I will never sacrifice the person I am in love with... I am not a purely kind and lawful ring warlock. Otherwise, I would have reported Xia... those things that harmed the interests of the church. "

She answered smoothly:

"Maybe there are people who are willing to sacrifice everything for the world, but I will not do such extreme behavior. Good and evil are in my heart, and all I do is balance. Your question is ridiculous. If you ask me, kill Is it worth losing ten thousand people to save one person? I tell you, it is worth it."

Among all the current first candidates, except Yin Luna, everyone else has strange paranoia and ideas. In fact, Yin Luna did not have "unique" ideas, but she met Shade and Luvia, and they never forced her to make any choices or decisions.

The man holding the parchment roll smiled and seemed satisfied with the answer:

"The way of balance is indeed very suitable for you. So what if I say that you can use 'what if' to glimpse the tragedies that may happen and avoid them? This is not playing with time and fate, because this is really just a A game.”

Yin Luna still shook her head:

"I won't believe it if it's an unknowable relic. The future is in my hands, I don't need games."

"Okay then - you can't leave without playing a game."

The man continued to smile.

"If you had said this earlier, wouldn't there be no need to waste time? Next, I will go to No. 6 St. Teresa Square to find Shade Suellen Hamilton."

Based on my experience in "Dice Stories", when you encounter something that you can't handle yourself, asking Shade for help is the best choice.

The man nodded, looked at the parchment roll unfolded in his hand, and read the words on it. As he spoke, the golden thread floated in the air between the two of them, using beautiful floral Delrayon letters to outline what was being read:

[You are Yin Luna Emilia Bayas, the chosen hero, the balanced chosen one, and the protagonist of the stage. 】

[This morning, you were awakened by a knock on the door and participated in a unique investigation mission organized by the church. 】

[You have completed the investigation in the warehouse area, and you have learned that there was an unusual cat meowing nearby last night, but this cannot identify anyone;]

[You concealed all the truth you knew and applied for leave to your captain. The captain understood your busyness and agreed to your application;]

[You took a carriage to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. The conversation with the carriage driver made you learn about his miserable life, and your mood became depressed; ]

[You saw the dilapidated door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, and you were puzzled by the dilapidation of the door and the boarded up windows of the house;]

[You inquire about the situation from a kind person walking his dog near the square and learn that this is a famous local haunted house;]

[You still knocked on the door, and it was opened. The gatekeeper of the doomsday, the guardian of the sanctuary, the undead of eternal humanity, and the bound gray eagle received you. 】

"Wait? Who are these four people in Shade's family?"

Yin Luna's eyes widened in surprise, suspecting that Xia De's house had been mysteriously invaded.

"No, these are not four people, these are four titles for the same person."

"If" reminded, Yin Luna blinked and saw that the golden thread in front of her continued to flow, weaving new content:

[The soul that opened the door asked: The end has not yet come. Chosen hero, how did you find this place? Was it the Daughter of Destruction Time who broke into this place several times and gave you the hint? No, she hasn't defeated me yet, she can't use this place as she pleases. 】

Yin Luna couldn't understand this situation at all, but at least she still remembered that Shade once said that the "grey-headed eagle" was Sparrow Hamilton.


[You can’t answer the soul’s question, but you know you shouldn’t be here at this point in time;]

[The gatekeeper launched an attack on you;]

【you are dead. 】


Yin Luna screamed in surprise, and then watched the golden thread in front of her explode into spots of light. She covered her head and felt as if her head had been hit hard by a hammer. Then she touched her nose, and the nosebleed slowly flowed to her lips. The smell of blood did not make her panic. The fact she knew made her panic:

"How could Sparrow Hamilton's soul, which has already reached its end, appear in...wait! The dilapidated No. 6 Saint Teresa Square? The windows are nailed? He said I shouldn't be there Has this time come? Guide me to the daughter of destruction of time? I understand, I understand, I understand, there is only one truth——"

In the severe pain of her head, her thoughts became clearer than ever before. Yin Luna gritted her teeth and looked at the other party and the roll of parchment:

"What if... what if... in the future you simulated, Shade does not exist at all! This is a future without Shade!"

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