Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,681 The relic is out of control-Heart

"Of course. It's right on the shore. As long as I send the signal, they can come over at any time."

Megan pulled the hem of Shade's clothes and said in the rain, she had arranged a very good plan.

"Then don't worry first. Let's see who is against us first and don't scare him away."

Shade said, while holding the chain with both hands, he suddenly pulled out the sin chain wrapped with the three-color "Moonlight Thorn" from the four big snowballs. The three-color moonlight thorns in the rain turned into scattered lights and floated into the air. At the same time, blazing flames flowed out from the source of the chain, which was Shade's sleeve, and extended to the entire chain in an instant.

It was obviously in the rain, but the burning black iron chain did not allow the rain to form steam at all. The fiery red light illuminated the surroundings, which reminded Shade of the Balrog's weapon.

But the sorceress beside Shade didn't think that the flame was just superficial. She looked seriously at the flame that could even be said to be dim, and sensed a very ancient power from it, and even looked a bit like someone she knew. The power of a nun.

"Chain of Sin" does not have any offensive power, but it is indeed a weapon, so it can be affected by the spell "Fire Attachment", adding the power of primal fire.

"Please stick with me, I can handle it."

Shade's voice reached Megan's ears. The sorceress immediately followed Shade towards the higher side of the deck. The unconscious captain was kicked to the edge of the deck by Shade and hit the railing hard. stopped.

The water ghost who climbed onto the deck stretched out his claws towards the captain, but the flaming chain that swept over him cut it open like a sharp blade.

The chain made a sound as it was being danced in Shade's hand, and even the afterimage created an illusion like a fire fan around him.

The undead who boarded the ship were separated by the chains one after another and shot back into the water. Shade finally reached the edge of the deck with Megan.

At this time, the entire ship had begun to tilt severely to the right, and the left side where they were located was the highest point on the side of the hull. Looking towards the dark water where the rain is falling, the dense numbers of hands stretching out from below the water and the water ghosts clinging to the side of the hull against the "wall of corpses" are really mind-numbing.

When Shade was at Fort Midhill, he saw more undead in the narrow chamber of life and death than this. But most of the undead in the Castle were spirits. These were all corpses, so the impact on people was completely different.

"Do you believe me?"

While waving the hot chains to sweep the water ghosts off the hull, Xia De suddenly asked Megan behind him.

"Of course, what are you talking about?"

"Okay, hold my waist tight and jump down with me."

Shade pointed a finger at the group of water ghosts below, and the brown-haired lady frowned slightly:

"What should I do with this person?"

She was talking about the unconscious captain, and because the other person was a man, Megan didn't even want to kick him.

"You should have the potion for underwater breathing, right?"


So Shade poured the potion into the captain's mouth and left him on the ship. After Megan hugged his waist from behind, Shade also retracted the chain, and then pulled out the pendant on his chest from his collar.

Megan was behind Shade now, and her vision was greatly affected by the night rain, so she could not see the pattern on the badge. Instead, she saw Shade kiss the badge gently, and the badge immediately bloomed. A soft and warm white light came out.

That is the light that represents the element of miracle. Although the witch's power is limited due to the instability of her soul, her perception and knowledge reserves have not been weakened by this.

She was able to distinguish the sacred power from the warm light, but in that sacred power, there was also an ancient sense of coldness that was inseparably related to "death":

"Get ready to dance! Praise -"

Shade felt that the lady behind him had hugged his waist tightly, so he took her and jumped off the lowering deck. At the same time, he also whispered the second half of the sentence:

"Praise the Angel of Death!"

The soft white light illuminated the entire body of water in an instant, and the huge shadow of an angel with spread wings flashed over their heads, followed by the sacred power to resist the undead and evil. The circular emblem is the center and spreads in all directions.

Priest August's gift to Shade gave the Witch Detection Badge some of the power of the "Angel of Death". Corresponding to the power of "angel", when Shade injects spirit into it, a special area can be formed within 30 feet (about 9.15 meters) centered on the badge, which can cause evil creatures such as evil spirits and demons. Relatively powerful attack.

Shade tried it once last winter at the Three Cats Inn in Tobesk, when he was fighting against the demon of proliferating desire, Fannie, and the effect was quite good. But this badge has never been used as a weapon since then. After all, Shade rarely encounters groups of enemies, and this alchemical item is not needed to deal with a single enemy.

At this time, the resistance range was originally only 30 feet. Because it was strengthened by mithril through the [Earth Furnace], the range of power spread covered at least an area within a radius of 50 feet.

As the white light fell freely from the deck of the sunken yacht to the water, in the dark rainy night, the densely packed group of water ghosts gathered around the cruise ship were fried as if they had been dropped into a hot oil pan with cold water. open.

In the holy white light, even the water ghosts under the water flew out of the water. As their limbs melted, the remaining limbs were washed away.

At least three seconds after Shade and Megan stepped on the water, 50 feet away, they saw densely packed stumps of water ghosts falling into the lake again with the sound of rain.

The white light on the water surface lingered for a long time, and Shade clenched the hot round emblem - the distance between Megan and him was obviously within 1 meter, and he thanked Priest August in his heart.

The lady behind her finally recovered from the impact of the vast sacred power just now:

"What is this? I have never seen such a powerful alchemical weapon!"

Priest August's alchemy skills may not be as strong as those of the wise witch, but the materials used by the priest are beyond the witch's imagination.

But now is not the time to discuss this kind of thing. After the group of water ghosts was destroyed by Shade, the remaining water ghosts who were lucky enough not to be within 50 feet did not continue to approach.

Shade and Megan stood on the water and observed their surroundings. Abnormalities soon became apparent. As Megan reached out to catch the raindrops around her, she discovered that they were clearly tiny ice particles.

"The temperature is dropping and the whispering element is spreading. Be careful, the enemy is coming!"

The sound of rustling spread quickly from a distance, and the extremely cold air flow rushed from the water to the direction of the sunken ship. While it quickly froze the raindrops and frozen the lake surface, the spreading white air even clung to the two people. Two-thirds of the ship's volume was still on the water, and the ship's descent quickly slowed.

This strange chill also spread to Shade and Megan's shoes, but they were quickly removed. However, the feeling of extreme coldness constantly spreading from the soles of the feet to the whole body is not very comfortable on a rainy night.

A slight feeling of emptiness and indifference appeared in my heart. Looking into the distance, I could vaguely see a small wooden boat moored on the big lake. The wooden boat was also at the center of the spreading cold air. At this time, it was completely frozen with the ice.

There were three people on the boat, two of them were wearing black robes, and their figures could not be seen clearly in the rainy night. And the one dressed normally is undoubtedly "Bad Eyes Barry". However, he looked in very bad condition at this time. The left half of his body was covered with cold ice, and the left chest was cut open and exposed. Shade squinted and could barely see his chest. In the chest, there are two different hearts beating.

One is a normal heart, and the other is the pale relic heart I saw in the morning.

"Lo and behold, my trap worked."

The sorceress behind Shade said with some satisfaction.

It was undoubtedly these three people who controlled the water ghost to attack the ship just now, and the situation of Bad-eyed Barry was caused by the relic getting out of control.

Soon this was no longer just speculation, because Bad-Eyed Barry summoned the life ring behind him. The three-ring life ring that was originally made of brass was now covered with a layer of ice, and the aura of all the whispering spirit runes on the life ring was brighter than the other three spirit runes.

The strength of a ring warlock affected by the out-of-control state of a relic cannot be judged solely by the ring warlock level and spiritual runes. The power of the relic must also be considered. Therefore, although Bad-Eyed Barry looked like he was about to die at this time, it was hard to tell before the fight what he could actually do before his death.

"Although your trap worked, it also created a monster."

Shade cooed in a low voice, while Megan didn't know what to say. Their attention was entirely on the three people on the boat.

The other two people on the ice wooden boat had already stepped off the boat with Bad-Eye Barry. They did not hold umbrellas, and the two unidentified men in black robes did not show their rank. Judging from their clerical attire, they should also be members of the "Order of the Drowned."

"Give back what you took!"

The man with one side of his body covered with ice said sternly. His shrill voice sounded like an evil ghost in a story in the rainy night. He took off the blindfold on his right eye, revealing the evil eye with black whites and white eyes. At this time, the demonic eye was uncontrollably spinning rapidly in his eye sockets, and it was actually out of control.

Ring warlocks who transplant such organ-like relics into their bodies, once one of the relics in their body goes out of control, the riot of whispering elements will cause problems in all the relics throughout the body. Bad-eyed Barry is obviously hopeless. Even if his heart and magic eye are dug out again and contained, he will never survive.

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