Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,682 The Resurrected Water Ghost

"What did we take? What exactly do you mean?"

Megan asked, her voice quite clear even in the rainy night. In this short period of time, the ship behind her and Shade had been completely blocked by ice. This is not the skill of the Ring Warlock at all, it is the out-of-control relics that are affecting the surrounding environment.

"Everything! Badges! Letters! And, my keys!"

The last roar could fully show how angry this person was at this time, but it could also prove that the small wooden key was indeed very important.

One of the men in black robes behind Bad-Eyed Barry also said:

"Sir, and this lady. We don't know how Barry offended you, but as long as the key is returned, everything that happened today can be treated as if it didn't happen."

"By saying this, doesn't it make it even more impossible for us to hand over the keys?"

Shade also said, but compared to the other people who could use various techniques to speak clearly and powerfully in the rainy night, he purely relied on his own physical strength to speak loudly.

As he spoke, he squeezed the witch's hand behind him, indicating that she could let her followers come over.

Megan squeezed his hand knowingly in response, so Shade let go of the sorceress's hand and took a step forward:

"How about this, you tell me how to enter that island, and whether the gentleman on the island is Laplace Klein Howard. Tell us this, and the key will be returned to you. Mirror Association, keep your word.”

Unfortunately, the visibility was so poor now that Shade couldn't see the shocked expressions on their faces when they heard the name of the Thirteen Rings Soothsayer.

The other party obviously didn't intend to speak, because Bad-eyed Barry had already stepped on the ice and rushed towards Shade.

Seeing that the two black-robed ring warlocks didn't move, Shade waved his hand back, signaling Megan not to interfere either.

He held his right hand empty, took out the bright yellow sword from the void, and then faced the man who was almost crazy.

"Jump from Raghu!"

When dealing with the water ghost just now, he had already prepared the casting materials, so Shade stepped out of the transparent force field that sheltered him from the rain, and then appeared behind the approaching Bad-eyed Barry.

The gorgeous long sword made of translucent crystal material in his hand stabbed his head. The left side of his body was swollen due to the ice cover. It was obvious that he had never encountered an opponent with spatial ability. Under Shade's surprise attack, Barry , the yellow moonlight sword penetrated his head easily, but after the flesh and blood tissue was broken, the ice layer immediately filled the gap of flesh and blood, and the ice layer on his body became thicker and thicker.

"This person is really hopeless!"

Shade thought to himself.

At this time, Barry finally turned around slowly and swept backwards with his frozen left hand. Shade on the ice dodged lightly in the rain, but the wind caused by the opponent's sweeping arm was still in his half. Frost was left on the body.

One can never be too cautious when it comes to out-of-control relics. After confirming that the opponent now had a certain degree of immortality, Shade quickly retreated with no intention of continuing the close combat.

But Barry's intelligence was obviously not out of the question yet. He understood Shade's plan and immediately followed him, his constantly rotating magic eye aimed at Shade's position. No matter how fast Shade was, he couldn't move faster than his eyes. The moment the magic eye pointed at him, he actually felt like he was fixed in his current position.

This is not a space lock, but a conceptual "fixing". Shade didn't know the original level of the evil eye, but when the evil eye was out of control, he was unable to break free from the immovable confinement immediately. He even felt that even transformation might not be able to solve the problem immediately.

With a bang, the crazy man hit Shade with his frosty fist. Although Shade couldn't move, he could still move. While Raglai's jump was still waiting for the cooling time, he could only hit it with his fist.

Falling raindrops and ice particles splashed everywhere, and spider web-like fine cracks appeared on the solid ice. Shade did not lose the upper hand in the collision of forces, but due to the battle venue, he fell directly into the water under the ice. middle.

Bad-eyed Barry aimed at the ice hole and let out a beast-like roar, then suddenly turned around and looked at the sorceress standing in front of the frozen sunken ship.

The brown-haired lady's lips curled up into a stern smile. The ice layer on Bad-Eyed Barry's body, centered on the pale heart that was fusing with a normal heart, spread to more parts of his body, as if he had been put on a simple layer of armor.

The magic eye was aimed at Megan, and she also felt the immobilization feeling that Shade had just felt. But more importantly, there seemed to be a hole in his heart, and the original worry about Sha De's situation disappeared.


In her ear, Audrey whispered in her ear:

"That pale heart should be the Keeper-level relic [Heart of Indifference]. The power of that heart is interacting with the Demonic Eye. The frost ability is only incidental. What we really need to be vigilant about is its impact on the spirit. With us The current situation, once affected, will become very dangerous.”

"I see."

The cold emotion transmitted from her heart through the magic eye already made her feel that something was wrong. If he really comes into contact with the rioting power of that relic, he may be dizzy again like he was when he first met Shade, after over-casting the spell.

She was ready to fight back, raising her hands slightly upward, and the ice-covered ship behind her trembled under the power of the witch and was about to break free of the ice. But at this moment, under Bad-Eye Barry's feet, scorching red light broke through the ice, and chains carrying the power of the original fire broke through the ice and wrapped around his legs.


Shade broke through the ice and appeared on the ice again. He jumped up, and the hot black iron chains in his hands wrapped around Bad-eyed Barry's body. The scorching flames connected with the cold ice on the surface of his body, and scorching steam continued to emerge from Barry's body as he screamed.

Shade in the sky didn't care about this at all. With his back to the three-round moon behind the clouds, he opened his arms in the air:

"Moonlight - slash!"

A brilliant silver arc of light penetrated Barry's body. The arc of light slid on the ice for a moment before returning to Shade's panting appearance.

The chains were retracted, and the frozen corpses fell to the left and right. Megan walked quickly to Shade and helped him up. At the same time, the unique buzzing sound of the steam engine came, and a total of 8 girls from the two ships had arrived at the outer edge of the frozen waters.

Shade was helped by Megan to stand up and looked at the two men in black robes near the broken wooden boat. Megan's followers also stepped onto the ice from the other side behind the men in black robes and surrounded them.

But the two people didn't panic, they just released their own life rings, showing the levels of eight and nine rings. I just don’t know that they are ring warlocks who have just been sent by the Order of the Drowned to assist Barry, or that they have been helping Barry locally.

In the rain, there was a sound of prayer that the two could not distinguish.

"Something's wrong...the whisper element hasn't dissipated!"

The witch reacted immediately, and Shade reacted even faster. The [Thunder Gun] in his hand had already been thrown at the corpse on the ice.

The silver thunder exploded in the rain, stirring up fragments of solid ice and large swaths of water splashes, and even produced water mist as the thunder evaporated the liquid.

When the mist subsided, the two corpses were forcibly stitched together by the power of the relic, and Bali, who had transformed into a water ghost, stood up again.

The eyes were still the magic eyes, and the cut marks on the chest were healed, but the pale heart was embedded in the chest. As the rustling ice spread, the body of the ugly fish-headed man was completely protected by the ice. He seemed to still retain his self-awareness, looking at the two people with cold eyes, making an obscene gesture to Shade and Megan, and then plunged into the ice hole broken by the thunder gun.

There was an inexplicable vibration in the water under the ice, and then everyone felt that more and more corpses under the water were gathering towards this area. These were definitely not the ordinary water ghosts that had just besieged the yacht. Shade felt that there were several undead individuals among them. Even if he came to deal with them, he would find them quite troublesome undead individuals:

"Things are getting troublesome... You deal with those two ring warlocks. The water ghosts don't have a controller, so it will be much easier to deal with them."

Shade pulled out another pendant from his chest and told Megan that he did not let those ladies go because he was confident that he was better at underwater combat and better at dealing with out-of-control relics. But this time Megan did not agree. The sorceress grabbed his hand seriously, and the white light emitting from the key in Shade's palm overflowed from between her fingers:

"This is no longer a relic out of control, this is like the [Truth Society's] relic fusion technology. If you enter the water yourself, you may not be able to defeat it, and there are other water ghosts."

"So, you need to deal with the undead controllers on the water as soon as possible. Don't forget, I have a special way to deal with the undead."

As he spoke, the golden ritual pattern of the sun, moon and stars unfolded from under Sha De's feet. The white light extended from his hand until it turned into a dark wooden staff. He gave Megan a reassuring look:

"The only threats here are Bad-Eye Barry and the two ring warlocks. You should deal with the ring warlocks as soon as possible, otherwise I will be really in danger. Ha, I have already guessed that there will be danger in the night action, so prepare it in advance I have made various preparations. Even if your ancestor appears now, I can take you to escape again."

Megan pursed her lips and looked at him, who was already soaked all over. There was a smile in the man's eyes, and there was also a look that could not be refused:

"Now is not the time for us to waste time. Just wait here for me to come back."

She nodded slightly, her annoyance at her own powerlessness becoming stronger than ever:

"be careful."

Shade smiled, stepped on the ice with his feet, and then plunged into the water.

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