Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,693 Chaotic Bloodline

"If you just ignite the gold bracelet to keep warm, it will not affect the use of the power of the earth as a disposable prop, so you can use it with confidence."

Yin Luna said:

"The way to extinguish the flame is also very simple. Just turn the bracelet 180 degrees... Don't say you want to thank me. It's a small favor like this."

So Shade put Xiao Mia on his shoulders again, and then held Yin Luna's hand. The seventeen-year-old girl bit the inside of her lip carefully, feeling that tonight was really good.

She and Shade walked side by side on the mountain road under the moonlight. In front of them was the city lit by gas lights. And Yin Luna hopes that the road down the mountain can be longer.

They walked quickly and met the carriage soon after entering the city. Therefore, it was only after seven o'clock when they arrived at Cassandra Auction House.

Shade came to visit without making an appointment in advance this time, so when he entered the auction house that was still conducting art auctions at night, and met the old witch's apprentice, Miss Rita Swift, the young flaxen-haired The girl was quite surprised:

"Good evening, Xia, Mr. Watson, why are you here? Oh, please come here."

She quickly brought Shade and Yin Luna to the third floor, and Helen and Grace, who were already preparing to rest, also hurried over. As for Granny Cassandra, she took her two personal maids to attend a banquet held by a local countess. It will take about an hour or two to come back. Now all the affairs of the auction house are managed by Miss Swift. .

The purpose of Shade's visit this time was very simple, to borrow the clerical relic [Sad Nurse Statue] to determine whether there was anything wrong with the bloodline of Witch Edwards.

This relic was found by the Grace sisters from the relics to identify Shade's bloodline... and by the way, they also identified little Mia. Since then, the relic has been kept in the basement of the auction house, so even if Cassandra's mother-in-law is not around, it will not prevent the use of the relic.

"This is Helen, this is Grace."

Shade introduced the Hongdie girls to Yin Luna. The twin girls had already heard about Yin Luna from various channels, so they nodded politely. And Yin Luna looked at the twins who were younger than herself, and suddenly remembered that Shade had indeed inquired about the angel-level relics of the humanoid twins last autumn, and then thought of the "red butterfly incarnation" that Shade was using more and more smoothly.

She could see that the relationship between the two sisters and Shade was very unusual, but hearing that they only called Shade "sir" made her feel confident again.

"What we know about the great witch of knowledge and wisdom is limited to Xina's dictation. She has never been to Midhill Castle. Sir, we need to remind you that bloodlines such as demons can activate relics, so You have to be careful for a while. But this is a small matter and we can suppress it."

The group of people arrived at the end of the basement, and after opening the huge lead box containing the relics, they revealed the artistic statue of a nurse.

Grace, who was wearing a beautiful white gauze skirt, took the bottle of beautiful ruby-like liquid from Shade's hand. The blood provided by the witch was quite small. In order to get accurate results, Grace dropped all the blood on her fingers and smeared it on the eyes of the nurse statue.

Fortunately, the stone statue was not activated. After waiting for a few minutes, Helen took out the pebbles from the nurse statue's loose sleeves. After being burned with flames, the corresponding characters appeared.

At the beginning, Xia De's bloodline identification only showed a single rune representing "humanity". Xiao Mia has two runes: [99.7% - Mixed-blood ordinary house cat] and [0.3% - Son of the Sun].

The bloodlines of Megan and Audrey are obviously much more complicated.

"[83.2% - Ordinary Humans] [13.7% - Elves - Windseeker Clan] [1.8% - Goblins - Book Fairies] [0.8% - Dragons - Star Color Dragons] [0.2% - Orcs - Astrology Centaurs] [0.2%-Vampire-Guregel Clan] [0.1%-Unknown].”

Helen read out the conclusion, and then saw the shock of Sha De and Yin Luna as expected.

Naturally, there is no need to explain the elf race, and "little goblins" refer to special and rare creatures born from nature; "star dragons" are among the dragon races, a race that is good at manipulating the power of time and space. In the sixth era, they are basically There are no eyewitness records; the "astrology centaurs" are a special race of prophets, completely different from pure centaurs except in appearance; the vampire Shade knows it well, and the unknown is even more unexpected.

"She has more than 10% explicit elf blood, and the great witch Edwards is actually a half-elf?"

Grace said unexpectedly, but because the two sisters had seen more bizarre things, it was not too surprising.

"Xia De, isn't that Thirteen Rings Diviner a pure human being?"

Yin Luna asked Xia De curiously, and Xia De recalled:

"The information Luvia obtained is not complete. I am not sure whether Laplace Klein Howard is a pure human. As for the appearance of Miss Edwards in front of me, she does not seem to have the characteristics of an elf. ."

Whether it was Emilia, a pure elf, or Miss Olanold, the first librarian who was only one-eighth of elf blood, one could tell at a glance that it must be related to elves.

"Dragons, elves, and goblins are all very powerful races, but it is not normal for one descendant to show so many dominant bloodlines. And the ancestors of the Edwards family are really ...What does 0.1% unknown mean?”

Yin Luna asked again, although mixed-race offspring must also be mixed-race, they will only be detected if the bloodline power is expressed. It was obvious that Megan and Audrey's talents included at least the talents of five powerful alien species.

It was Grace who still gave the reply:

"Theoretically, the statue in front of us can identify the bloodline of any race. There are two possibilities for the unknown. One is the descendant of the relic. Yes, this is not impossible. The other is that the unknown represents the non-native. Natural blood.”

"Refined from human body?"

Shade almost blurted out when he thought of the information he found in Bad-Eye Barry on Monday.

Yin Luna frowned. Refining the human body is a taboo among taboos:

"What exactly does the Thirteen Rings Soothsayer want...Wait a minute, Shade. Didn't you say that the witch's father, Alphonse Edwards, is the adopted son of the fourth generation's four children? Is this really Edwards’ bloodline?”

"It's just suspected that he is an adopted son, or he may be an illegitimate child who is not convenient to make public."

Helen and Grace looked at each other:

"Sir, it is extremely unlikely that the witch is a descendant of the relic. It is impossible for the witch council to fail to detect such a serious problem. Even if the council declines, it still has the most basic power. Therefore, the 0.1% unknown bloodline is definitely related to the refinement of the human body. If you want to To know if this is related to Edwards' true bloodline, you need to bring in other Edwards' blood."

Shade frowned deeply:

"No problem, I will find a way. Really, things are getting more and more complicated."

"Sir, what happened over there at Green Lake?"

Helen asked cautiously, and Shade opened his mouth. Originally, in order not to involve the Hongdie girls, he had been unwilling to tell them about Green Lake. But after what happened to Dorothy and Lesia last Saturday, he also understood that some things couldn't be banned just because he wanted to.

After understanding this, he nodded:

"First of all, you have to promise that no matter what I say, you will listen to me."

"Yes, sir!"

The twin girls nodded quickly in agreement.

"So is there hot tea here? Yin Luna and I may have to interrupt for a while."

There was a smile on their faces.

So, the next four people returned to the third floor from the basement, and then listened to Shade's complete account of the current investigation of the Green Lake area, as well as his speculation on the space candidate.

By the time he finished explaining everything, it was already close to nine o'clock.

Helen and Grace held hands, surrounded by red butterflies, and transformed from two girls of fifteen or sixteen into a girl of seventeen or eighteen, almost like Yin Luna.

"Two in one? You obviously meet the requirements."

Yin Luna then understood what Xia De was worried about. Although she had been exposed to many bizarre things, this was the first time she saw two people become one person.

"Just because Grace and Helen qualify, that's why I'm worried."

He looked at the girl wearing a black and white gauze skirt:

"I don't want you to be the chosen one, not at all. If possible, I hope that you will be as far away from those troublesome things in the rest of your life as possible. Otherwise, if I save you, I will just let you escape from a trap. Falling into another trap.”

Xia De said while stroking little Mia, Yin Luna understood Xia De's thoughts very well:

"He cares about you."

"Yes, we understand. So sir, we can assure you that you will never be the Chosen One."

Grace Helen said, seeing that Shade was not very used to their appearance, she changed back into the twin state:

"Xina will leave for the Green Lake area soon, and we will accompany you then. Please let us help you this time."

"Can you leave Fort Midhill?"

Shade asked, Helen pursed her lips and smiled:

"No, but we can think of other ways and go out once in a while. It's been half a year since that incident, and now that we have the [Butterfly Summoning Flute], we can't do nothing."

After finishing speaking, he said to Yin Luna again;

"Ms. Bayas, do you think that Mr. Beas is a little too cautious?"

"He just cares about you guys so much."

Yin Luna said, Shade wanted to say something more, but Miss Swift sent someone to inform Shade that Granny Cassandra had returned.

So Shade got up and went downstairs to greet the respected old witch, leaving the three girls waiting here. After confirming that Sha De had left this floor, Yin Luna picked up the tea cup and looked at the two people across from the coffee table. After a moment of hesitation, she asked:

"I want to ask you a question. If you can, please don't tell Shade for the time being."

The twins looked at each other:

"Balanced Chosen One, please speak."

"Do you know...if?"

The expressions of the Hongdie twins became serious. Helen, the younger sister in the black dress, did not speak. Grace pursed her lips and said:

"Unknown, or maybe it's just a game. No, don't discuss it casually. Please just play its game and believe what you want to believe. The other party is far older and stronger than us, and we don't know much about it. ."

Yin Luna nodded thoughtfully, and then asked;

"Do you have a way to lend your power to Shade?"

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