Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,694 Iluna’s plan

"Borrowing power? Of course. Sir, the power of Red Butterfly is very suitable. During the Banquet of Gods in the Battle of Randall Valley, Miss Bayas, you have seen our power."

Helen answered, Yin Luna nodded again and asked the key point:

"It is precisely because of your power that is almost integrated with Shade that I thought of this question - can humans like me do similar things? Can two persons, two persons, one person and another person be like each other? You are completely integrated, just like the ending in "Lovers in the Bell Tower", can emotions really achieve impossible miracles?"

She had this idea not on a whim, but because she and Shade always met the conditions of being chosen due to various wonderful circumstances. But this time, Yin Luna couldn't imagine how she and Xia De could achieve "two persons in one".

The twins looked at each other again. In their opinion, Dorothy Louisa and Lesia Cavendish were the most likely human beings to realize two persons. According to Shade's description, the witch of knowledge and wisdom has almost achieved this.

"The human body and soul merge with each other, which requires the soul to be consistent and the body to be similar. This is difficult, quite difficult. But for Mr...."

Grace was thoughtful, while Helen reminded softly:

"The power of emotions is most easily realized through stories, and ring warlocks who are good at enlightenment elements have power because of this. Don't you master a lot of unusual power of stories? Miss Bayas, you need to understand what you want to do. What."


Grace continued to remind lightly:

"As long as you want to help sir, no matter what you do, we can help you."

The small red butterfly flew out from her fingertips and landed in Yin Luna's hand, turning into an imperceptible red dot:

"We can keep in touch, the Chosen Ones of Balance."

They did not continue talking because the footsteps had already arrived in the corridor.

Soon Shade came in with Granny Cassandra and Miss Swift. Although Yin Luna had seen Miss Swift appearing with other witches in Randall Valley, she was not familiar with Granny Cassandra, or had never met her before.

Facing such a strange and kind old man, Yin Luna seemed a little at a loss. She probably rarely had contact with such people.

Seeing that it was getting late, after a few pleasantries, Xia De also proposed to go back as soon as possible. But before leaving, Xia De smiled and suggested to Yin Luna whether she also needed to identify her bloodline:

"Give it a try, it'll be fun."

Yin Luna then agreed, and after identification, it was discovered that she, like Sha De, was 100% pure human.

"This is a normal situation. Although there was a large-scale mixing of humans and alien races from the Fourth to the early Fifth Era, normal humans still account for the majority."

Yin Luna was satisfied with this situation, while Xia De was very sorry:

"I thought you would have the blood of the Son of the Sun just like little Mia."

Because Yin Luna was there, Shade did not throw away the glass slippers and go home. Instead, he climbed the Sikal Mountain with her and returned to the ruined tower in the mountains. On the way to the mountain, probably because it was late at night, they were unlucky enough to encounter a ghost on the mountain road.

Along with the mist, the transparent spirit body kept approaching in the gusts of cold wind, and then was shattered by the light emitted from Yin Luna's fingertips. This is not Shade's thaumaturgy [solar ray], but the divine magic of the Church of the Sun. The expressions of the two are very similar.

"This place is still haunted... I wonder what kind of problems will remain there after the Green Lake incident is over."

said the seventeen-year-old girl.

"Water ghost? Or a monster with multiple individuals sewn together?"

No one can guess it until the end.

When they returned to Saint Teresa Square, it was already half past nine that evening. Luvia has arrived home and is working on the third floor. However, she saw the letter that Sha De left for her and knew that Sha De and Yin Luna went to Mibao together, so she was not curious about why they came back together.

Yin Luna did not leave immediately, but stayed and told Luvia again about the situation she had just told Shade.

Luvia listened very carefully, and after thinking for a moment, she said to Shade:

"Three [Ghost Iron Coins], I want to use one for divination now."

"no problem."

Shade nodded and watched the coin being thrown into the air with Yin Luna.

When Luvia opened her eyes, there was a solemn look in her purple eyes;

"All space anomalies are centered on Green Lake. It is not because someone did anything in Green Lake, but because there is a problem with Green Lake itself. To be precise, even if it is a flat piece of paper, as long as you look carefully, it will Discover the uneven location. Green Lake, to be precise, the central island of Green Lake, is the most unstable point in the stable material world space. The other island that Shade discovered corresponds to the real island, the twin island , is one of the manifestations of unstable space.”

"Sure enough, it wasn't the fortune teller with the Thirteen Rings who did anything. Even if he had the Thirteen Rings, he wouldn't be so powerful."

Yin Luna nodded suddenly, and Xia De asked again:

"According to your divination results, wasn't it the Thirteen Rings fortune teller who foresaw what would happen next more than two hundred years in advance, so he chose the central island of Green Lake to breed his family incognito? He even foresaw the chosen one. .....”

Having said this, I thought of the astrologer Mr. Euclid who left the letter and the [Source of Chaos] in a secret compartment on the wall of Room 2 next door. The other party also knew the information about the "Chosen One of the Moon" before the epic poem of "The Whispering Canto" began.

To put it this way, there were not many capable people in the material world in the past, but most of them kept a low profile.

"I guess he got a very important fragment of the psalm in advance."

Luvia and Shade had the same idea.

"But how to solve this problem? How to eliminate this instability?"

Yin Luna asked again, but Luvia shook her head directly:

"The other island and the unique space in which it is located are originally part of the material world. Even if we can eliminate them, who knows whether it will cause bigger problems? Don't try to destroy the existing order, especially at this time. I don’t know how to solve it specifically, it probably has something to do with the Space Chosen One.”

The night was already very late, and the three people in the living room continued to talk about things closely related to the future of this world. The shadows under the gas lamp swayed together. This is not the first time, this has become their daily routine since last summer.

Yin Luna always likes this kind of time. She hates disasters, but she likes the hearts that gather together because of disasters.

(Little Mia is running...)

Early on Wednesday morning, Shade came to the Green Lake Hotel after breakfast, sat down at a familiar position by the wall, and then looked at the witch holding the newspaper across the table. He noticed that the table that was originally more than one meter long had been replaced by a short table, which meant that the 1m limit was no longer a concern.

"Good morning, here is your report."

Shade said, handing Meghan the pedigree report written on the paper. The latter took it in surprise, and then looked at the content above in even more surprise:

"It seems that you used a very good method. Few people know that I have elf blood."

"You know it yourself?"

"Of course, I'm actually... older than I look. Is it because my face and mentality are so young? Isn't it because of my elven blood? Is it because I drank a strange potion?"

She smiled and asked Xiang Shade, and the reason for the "magic potion" was exactly what she told the other witches in the council:

"However, my elf bloodline is not very obvious on the outside. It plays more of a role in my core spiritual runes and my talents. But this is the first time I know about other bloodlines. I am actually a giant dragon. Descendants of? What happened to my ancestors and dragons?"

"Hmm... I probably held a dragon blood ceremony, or met a dragon that can do shape-shifting."

Shade didn't want to speculate on this, and Megan continued:

"The family left Green Lake for more than a hundred years, and it took them from the fourth generation to the fifth and sixth generations. Do you think this reproduction rate is normal? Of course it is because of the elven blood, even if the blood is in the ordinary If power does not appear in people, it will also lead to late marriage and late childbearing... In addition to elves and dragons, there are also goblins and astrological centaurs... My ancestors are really powerful."

Shade shook his head:

"The key now is that I can't be sure whether this is really Edwards' blood. Whether your father is an adopted son, none of us know. So I need the blood of other Edwards descendants, and I went to find the one I know. The two Kasonrik nobles? Or, are you looking for the two ordinary twins?"

"It's best to do it together. The four bloods will confirm each other."

She said cautiously, and Shade nodded.

At this time, the female shopkeeper, Ms. Helena Green, came over, brought Shade a teacup, and put a letter in his hand. Shade took a look and found that it was a letter from Professor Boulanger. It seems that the ring wizard who hired the tomb robbers and the owner of the old pen has news.

Shade was not in a hurry to open the letter and continued to ask Meghan:

"Are you going to the island today? I'm ready."

The time key was also opened today, but in order to deal with emergencies on the island, he kept it to no use.

"I'm afraid not today."

Megan shook her head regretfully:

"There was just too much movement on Monday night...you know what you did that night."

She pursed her lips and thought of the hug she gave Shade when they parted on the cruise ship:

"The church's follow-up support team has arrived. Yesterday, the thirteen-ring warlock 'White Pigeon Messenger' Minsk Todels from the [War and Peace Church] arrived locally. Today he took people to the island to check the situation. So, our The plan to land on the island continues to be postponed, and if we are unlucky, it may even be postponed to next week."

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