Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,695 [The Ring of Mind]

The church has no plans to completely seal off the island yet, because due to the existence of the white fog, there is no way for people to stay on the island or even around it for a long time.

"Thirteenth Ring... Do you have any clues about the investigation of another island?"

"Unfortunately, no. If many people hadn't seen another island that night, even I might have thought it was an illusion. As for the captain we brought back, his soul disappeared. It seems that the ancestors We are indeed well prepared.”

Shade nodded and then opened Professor Boulanger's letter.

As expected, Professor Boulanger has found the whereabouts of the owner of the pen, Dulute Gilles, a lecturer at the College of Saint Fabry in Willendale.

He wrote to friends in Willendale and later learned that Durout Gilles had resigned from St. Fabry College shortly after traveling alone to the Green Lake area three years earlier. His whereabouts after resigning were very clear. He was a bachelor and moved to Tobesk City in Delrayon alone, and he has lived there ever since.

Although he has never returned to Willendale City since then, his former colleagues and friends still write to him occasionally, so they know that his life is not bad. However, this communication came to an abrupt end more than two months ago, in early 1854.

Professor Boulanger's friend asked many people to inquire and learned that during his stay in Tobesk, Durut Gilles visited a respected old history professor in the "Pearl of the North" many times to discuss issues together. Therefore, if Shade wants to find the whereabouts of Durut Giles, he can first go to Tobesk to find the old professor:

"The professor's name is... Tiris Manning. He is retired and lives at No. 17 Cat Tail Lane, University District, Tobesk City... Ha, I'm not surprised at all."

The old professor who revealed his love for the cat girl because of the "Happy Dream Pen" gave Shade a lot of help this year. The honorary doctorate that Shade received a month ago was also thanks to Professor Manning's help in running it. Speaking of which, Shade has not visited Professor Manning since he recovered from his illness. This is a good opportunity.

"Doulut Gilles have any clues?"

Megan asked curiously when she saw Shade finished reading the letter. Shade nodded:

"Find him within two days. Whether dead or alive, this clue to the tomb robber is finally over."

As he said that, he took out his notebook and flipped through it. It recorded the daily itinerary of Kasenrik's negotiation team and Delarion's negotiation team:

"This week's negotiations are in the city of Green Lake. The morning schedule is... There is no meeting this morning. Representative Carsonrick will visit a local church?"

He sensed the current time. In almost an hour, the delegation would arrive at the "War and Peace Church". It is also a very meaningful arrangement to make the Peace Church the first stop of the visit. Although the negotiations between the two countries have not made much progress at present, this kind of courtesy arrangement has been done very well.

"Meghan, do you want to go to the Peace Church with me?"

Xia De asked suddenly, and Meghan blinked in surprise:


"I went to see the grandsons of Edward Edwards to try to get the blood. Last time I suggested to them whether they should see you, and they said they would think about it. If they agree this time, they will let you see them directly. One side. Now, they are the only two living descendants of the fifth and sixth generations of Edwards. You haven’t seen them yet, have you?”

Megan thought for a moment:

"I forgot how long it has been since I went to church. No problem, I accept your invitation."

Shade smiled:

"Have you not been to church for a long time? I am different from you. I am a loyal believer of [Mr. Dawn]...relatively loyal. In the area where I have lived for a long time, I am a core believer of the local church and celebrate the Feast of Holy Prayer. They all invite me to speak.”

"What exactly is your social identity?"

The sorceress held her face and asked Shade, her eyelashes trembling slightly. This look was really charming.

"You'll find out next week, I promise."

Megan then said:

"Before departure, I want to give you a gift. No, don't refuse in a hurry."

She took Shade's hand across the table:

"When I touched that heart during the day on Monday, and after you came out of the water at night, I noticed something was wrong with your expression. The emptiness and indifference in your heart can drive people crazy."

"But those things have passed, and I am normal now. I chatted with an old friend for a few words, and I figured it all out."

But Meghan still shook her head:

"You said it was the sequelae of your exposure to angel-level relics. Don't make it so easy. I have decades of experience in insanity and emotional disorders... I mean, I want to give You have a relic that can enhance your mood. But I haven’t got it yet. I’ll take you there next time we meet.”

"Relics? Please don't give me anything too valuable."

Shade immediately shook his head, and the sorceress smiled and said:

"You have helped me so much, why can't I give you even a gift?

And it's not very expensive, just to arouse emotions. The poet-level relic [Ring of Mood] is only used to enhance specific emotions and offset the wear and tear of emotions. Oh, it can also store certain emotions and release them to yourself at the right time, turning you into an acting master. The ancient wisdom engraved on the ring illustrates the importance of rich emotions to us. "

She coughed and said formally:

"[The blend of joy and sorrow is the inner interpretation of wisdom]."

Shade had an inexplicable feeling that this ring might be suitable for his cat. If he remembered correctly, the side effect of the [Lord of Immortality Ring] obtained from the devil was that it would sharpen emotions.

Moreover, the sentence structure of the ancient message on the ring is also very similar to the other five rings in the "Five Rings of Mia".

Seeing that Meghan insisted on giving him a gift, he did not shirk anymore, but asked again:

"This ring is very suitable for assisting some thaumaturgy that requires extreme emotions. For example, my thaumaturgy of turning into an angel statue requires an angry emotion. The thaumaturgy that I recently learned to make ice cubes explode requires a positive emotion. Emotions. Since it is a poet-level relic, the containment method should be very simple and the negative characteristics should be very small, right?"

Megan nodded:

"According to the information I have received, the storage of this relic is simple, any walnut wooden box will do. The side effect is that it may trigger extreme emotions and cause the ring warlock to lose control. Oh, and also, if this relic is used to offset the grinding of other relics, The negative effect of mitigating emotions will result in permanent blindness. But canceling the effects of spellcasting, alchemy items and potions will not have this negative property - emotions are blind, or so it means."

"Counteracting the effect of [The Ring of Immortality] will lead to blindness..."

Shade nodded thoughtfully. What he was thinking about was not finding something to offset the negative characteristics of this relic, but thinking about how many rings could be strung on Mia's little tail.

The only thing worth noting when heading to the church is that you cannot bring relics with you. After packing up, Shade and Megan set off together. Her carriage was waiting outside the hotel door, and it was another rainy day in Green Lake.

However, the rain today was very light, and it was so pattering that I didn’t even need an umbrella. This is the hazy drizzle that belongs to spring. The rain on Monday was really exaggerated.

The War and Peace Church in Green Lake is located in the city center, not far from the Green Lake Inn. In front of the church is a large circular square. If it is not raining, you can see the white pigeons raised by the church. Unfortunately, the pigeons do not come out to look for food on rainy days.

Although the Kasenlik delegation is coming to visit today, the church has not been closed to other believers. The delegation did not have the dignity to allow the church to do this.

It was still early when Shade and Megan arrived, so they did not enter the church immediately, but waited in the carriage for a while. Through the carriage window, they could see the poor people waiting to receive relief food at the side door of the church lined up against the wall.

This scene makes outsiders sigh with emotion:

"It turns out that the Peace Church distributed relief food on Wednesday morning."

He remembered clearly that Dawn Church was on weekend evening.

"Yes, there will be more in winter. I heard from the girls in charge of business in Green Lake City that in recent years, due to bankruptcy and unemployment, more and more poor people have become beggars in Green Lake City, and people are queuing up to receive relief grains. There are more and more people.”

Shade nodded slightly and suddenly asked:

“What about the City of Glass on the south shore of Green Lake?”

"The same thing is true. Even if the industry and commerce in the City of Glass is more developed, there are more and more beggars. That's why people like Bad-Eye Barry can recruit enough people. When a person cannot support himself, he must find some way Keep yourself alive.”

Seeing Shade pouting and looking outside, the brown-haired lady suggested again:

"We got a lot of money from Bad-Eye Barry. Since neither you nor I want that dirty money, let's donate it to the church as mentioned before. However, we can't donate it all at once to prevent us from being discovered. Something to do with Barry.”

She thought for a while, wrote a note and handed it to the driver outside. The coachman left in a hurry, and after waiting for about twenty minutes, someone handed an bearer money order through the window.

This money order only needs to be shown to receive money, and no password or key is even required. It is one of the most convenient payment tools in this era.

The sorceress checked the money order, flicked it gently and handed it to Shade.

Shade put it away, then looked out the window at the queue in the rain and said:

"We all know that just donating money is not going to change the situation."

"You want to change the world?"

"No, of course not. I just want there to be fewer beggars, so that people can rely on their own wisdom or strength to make money and live a better life. This is a very idealistic idea, but the internal causes and results of civilization and progress are Is that so?"

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