Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,696

Megan's delicate face did not smile because of Sha De's words. She looked at Sha De carefully:

"Many people like to use this kind of big talk to win the favor of ignorant little girls or noble girls with fantasies. Such a man is humorous, compassionate, and has his own ideals and ambitions. The young girl looks very charming."

After saying that, he realized that he seemed to be saying that he was no longer young, so he asked:

"So is that what you are?"

"To win favor?"

Shade glanced at her unexpectedly:

"I just wonder if anyone can realize or look at this scene before us from a historical perspective. A few years later, this is also a small microcosm of civilization."

"Interesting point, you can go on."

Megan nodded slightly, and Shade continued:

"The current era is a turning point for civilization. The world and life driven by the wave of steam industry are completely different from those hundreds of years ago. Nobles and big businessmen can seize more opportunities and seize more wealth and power. And the bottom class The people, as a kind of consumables, have become the basic fuel for the development of civilization. And the divine power, intertwined with the royal power, plays its own unique role in this era. All of this condensed together, isn't it just before our eyes, the poor people receive Is this the food relief scene?”

The outsider frowned slightly:

"People of future generations, if there are still future generations, I don't know how they will evaluate this rainy morning."

“Isn’t this the case in every era of social change?”

Megan leaned in the car and continued to ask, Shade nodded:

"Most of the time, yes, but since civilization is progressing and developing, there should always be some changes, and it cannot be the same every time... The development of civilization is an upward spiral."

Megan raised her eyebrows:

"That's an interesting quote, civilized, spiraling... maybe you can call yourself a thinker."

Shade shook his head. He liked this kind of girl who could view civilization and history from a higher perspective like a foreigner like himself. Although Megan Edwards is a person of this world and this era, her special identity and experiences make her, like Shad, unable to integrate into this society normally. It also makes her, like Shad, not consider herself a human being. be a member of any country.

She escaped from all this, and in the process of fighting against herself, she glimpsed the progress of civilization like a stranger. Although it cannot be said that Megan and Audrey are completely similar to Shade, at least they have the same views.

"Spiral rising in our era means that the era is coming soon when everyone should have the opportunity to go to school and choose their own life through their own efforts, instead of becoming someone else's street trash or a factory worker. renkouhong benefit. Moreover, isn’t it also the basis for promoting the development of civilization if more people gain knowledge and choose life?”

He looked at the people queuing up. They were all adults. Stray kids like John in the Garbage Can usually didn't come here. There is a special place for children to receive relief.

The stranger thought about civilization and everything in front of him, but he said nothing more. If he hadn't unexpectedly learned that the end of the world and the catastrophe were coming, maybe he would have faced all this in greater depth. But it is not too late now. Foreigners like to think about how the historical experience of their hometown can be used as a reference and promotion for this world with extraordinary power and gods. This kind of thinking and even practice is the fun of foreigners uniquely.

Megan tilted her head and quietly watched Shade frowning and thinking. The great witch of wisdom and knowledge likes to watch people think, and she even likes to watch the man in front of her think.

Although the weather conditions were not good, fortunately, the delegation arrived at the church as scheduled. In order to protect these important southern guests, although the police were not allowed to enter the church, they still arranged more patrols around the Peace Church.

Of course, in Shade's opinion, this was completely meaningless behavior. Even for the sake of its own face, the church will never allow anyone to carry out any dangerous actions on its own territory.

After the delegation and the reporters who were allowed to enter the church entered through the main entrance of the church, Shade left the carriage and followed them in. Megan was waiting on the carriage. If the Fulen brothers wanted to meet their elder, Shade would take them here.

It is not difficult to enter the church, or in other words, no one will stop someone dressed like Shade.

But he did not go to Brother Fulen immediately. Instead, he sat in the main hall of the church for a few minutes, looking up at the huge metal holy symbol. When the old priest with the white dove standing on his shoulder passed by, Shade stood up and stopped him:

"Father, I have something I would like to ask you for help with."

The clergy of the Church of War and Peace also wear common robes, but the details are different from those of other churches. The unknown old priest looked younger than Priest August. He asked Shade kindly:

"Young man, what do you want to do?"

"I would like to find you to confess and donate a sum of money."

He said with a Tobesk accent. The old priest nodded and led Shade through the corridor on the right side of the main hall and into the confessional.

This place was very similar to the confessional in the Church of the Forgotten. After closing the door, Shade could only sit huddled on a small bench in the darkness and watch the rays of light coming in from the small holes in the wooden lattice window.

But he didn't mind, and said to the priest on the other side of the confessional through the wooden lattice window:

"Father, I am actually not a very loyal believer, and I did not intend to visit here today. It's just that when I passed by just now, I saw people lining up outside to receive relief food, and I felt pity for them."

"It's not a sin."

"No, while I pity them, I hate the big factory owners who rely on steam factories to exploit the poor at the bottom; I hate the incompetent aristocrats who rely on the shadow of their ancestors to eat, drink and enjoy themselves in the upper class. I know that factories promote social development, and aristocrats The order is indeed maintaining the country's laws and rules. But that is not everything after all. I sometimes think that a necessary war may be able to change everything."

The priest on the other side was silent for a moment:

"War and peace are opposite to each other, but they are also complementary to each other. I will not tell you that war is wrong. It is not in line with my Lord's beliefs. But young man, have you ever considered that war will make more of what you want Compassionate people lose their lives?”

“But it’s also possible to free more people.”


"Yeah, so I don't understand and I'm distressed."

After Shade finished his performance, he didn't give the priest a chance to say anything else. He stuffed the unnamed money order through the gap under the lattice window. Both sides were very dark. Shade was sure that the old priest could figure out what it was, but he definitely couldn't see the specific number:

"I'm very confused, so I don't know what I can do. Please accept this donation, so that at least those people I pity can have a full meal."

"Young man, thank you for your kindness, please listen to me, the meaning of war and peace is not..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the door opening on the other side. After hurriedly walking out, he only saw Xia De's figure disappearing at the door. When I looked at the money order in my hand, I immediately opened my mouth in surprise because of the numbers on it.

[So, what do you think? 】

"It doesn't matter, this is not my hometown. When I find the source of the doomsday and have the absolute ability to change everything, it will not be too late to do something. There is still a long way to go."

Although the Kasenlik delegation came here together, not everyone acted together during the visit to the church. Unimportant members like Brother Foran can walk around the church and participate in the daily activities of the church like ordinary believers.

It is not difficult to find them. Even though the church is not small, it is very simple to spot the twins in the crowd. Shade was just a little surprised to find that the two brothers were actually believers of the righteous god - [Peaceful Father].

When he saw the two of them, Eric Fullan and Charles Fullan were sitting in the last row of seats in the most remote small prayer hall in the church, listening devoutly to the priest in front of them.

Shade sat next to his brother Eric, who wore a monocle in his right eye. He waited until the priest stopped to speak and the believers either stood up and left or prayed alone before he spoke:

"So it seems that the Orthodox Church has not discovered that you are descendants of Edwards?"

Eric nodded:

"Yes, we haven't found it yet. Our friends in Willendale have given us some help. But it should only be a matter of time before we are found. Although things about my grandfather's family are rarely mentioned, we have not avoided familiar people. ."

As he spoke, Charles Fullan took out a thick brown paper bag from the inside of his coat and handed it to Shad:

"The information you want."

He seemed to be carrying this item with him, and I don't know if he was very cautious, or if he had the same ability to carry items conveniently as Shade.

Shade put the paper bag back inside his coat, turned it into a toy and put it in his pocket. Eric Folan asked hesitantly:

"Sir, do you know what happened at Green Lake the night before yesterday? I heard that there was a big battle there, and... the eyes of the Great One swept across the lake, and part of the secret of the Central Island was also revealed."

After saying that, they bowed their heads and prayed again, begging the gods to forgive them for mentioning the evil god in the church.

From this point of view, the intelligence network of the Fulan brothers is obviously not very strong. After all, they are not locals.

Shade responded:

"The night before yesterday, the cultists of the [Order of the Drowned] fought on the lake with a ring warlock, which attracted 'attention', but the ring warlock dispersed the power of blasphemy. At the same time, a strange thing appeared on the central island The tentacle man helped the cultist, and then the ring warlock opened the space with a sword, and found an island similar to the central island on the other side of the material world. Your ancestors rescued the tentacle man."

The two brothers looked at each other, and this passage contained a lot of information:

"[The Order of the Drowned]? That's the one..."

No one dared to call out the title of evil god in the Orthodox Church, but Shade knew what he meant:

"Yes, that battle was fierce. Fortunately, the sight of the great one has left, but the Order of the Drowned should still be cooperating with one of your ancestors. There is a high probability that it is the first lord. We We talked about him last time in the bathroom."

Brother Fulan frowned, and things seemed to be developing more and more troublesome:

"It turns out that so many things have happened, and the Green Lake area is so dangerous... It is indeed right that we did not land on the island. I just don't know who the ring warlock is who can resist the power of the Order and the Ancestors."

muttered his brother Charles, who wore a monocle over his left eye.

"it's me."


The two brothers looked at the man sitting on the same chair with them in astonishment. Shade looked up at the holy symbol in front of the small prayer hall with a normal expression. The miraculous elements here could even allow the church's magicians to do it. To cast instant:

"Otherwise, why would I know so clearly? Do you think I was watching from the sidelines? It was a heavy rainstorm on Monday night. How could I run to Green Lake if nothing happened?"

Shade asked back, Brother Fulun was speechless for a moment. However, Shade didn’t come just to surprise them:

"I'm looking for you for two things this time. First, I need you to give me your two blood. Don't refuse in a hurry, listen to me first. Your aunt I mentioned last time is the fourth generation. The daughter of her third son, Alphonse Edwards, she gave me her blood. After I used the relics for identification, I found that her bloodline was quite abnormal. But you also know that the third son seems to be an adopted son... "

"My grandfather also mentioned it, but only once. His third brother didn't grow up with them. He came here when he was five or six years old."

Eric nodded.

"So, I am not sure whether your aunt's blood abnormality is a matter of Alphonse Edwards or the entire family. I need your blood for verification."

The younger brother Charles, who was wearing a monocle in his left eye, looked at his older brother and asked him to make the decision. The latter frowned and thought for a moment:

"Sir, your second thing should be to make sure we are ready to see our aunt, right?"


"We have already discussed it. He is an elder after all. Please allow us to visit. As for the blood matter, we will make a decision later."

"No problem. I'll leave first. In five minutes, you can go to the 'Mrs. Miracle Cafe' across the square to find me."

With that said, Shade stood up and left, leaving the two brothers to prepare their words for a while.

Five minutes passed very quickly. When the Fulan brothers, who had put away their umbrellas under the rain eaves, pushed open the glass door of the ornately decorated cafe and listened to the bell at the door ringing with the sound of rain, they saw it at a glance. There was a familiar man sitting by the wall, and the beautiful brown-haired lady next to him who they knew at a glance was a descendant of Edwards.

They walked over with some restraint and saw that black coffee, milk and sugar bowls were already placed on the seats opposite them. In front of Shade was hot chocolate, while in front of Megan was wort. It is a non-alcoholic drink with a rich taste and sweetness. When Meghan ordered it just now, she said that it was very healthy and helpful for keeping in shape.

"Good morning, aunt."

The two middle-aged men said to Meghan, then pulled out the chairs and sat down. Shade picked up his hot chocolate and stood up, sitting far away by the window, leaving room for conversation to the Edwardses.

His move greatly increased the goodwill of the Fulun brothers. They glanced at Shad in the distance, and their brother Eric Fulan lowered his voice and said with some confusion:

"Aunt, please forgive me for what I say next, but how do you... I feel that you are not alone..."

The sorceress looked in Shade's direction alertly:

"We won't discuss this issue this time."

Although the table was over one meter long, she still had to suppress her dislike of men:

"This time I want to talk to you about the family and what is happening now."

They talked for more than an hour in total. During this period, Shade finished the cup of hot chocolate, ordered some cream sandwich cookies, carefully studied the arrangement of the white napkins that were folded into paper cranes in the cafe, and put them together. The cat in the cafe that came over to be petted by him was very amusing.

When the conversation finally ended, Brother Fulen took the initiative to settle the bill. It seemed that the conversation was going smoothly.

They greeted Shade before leaving, while Shade and Megan returned to the carriage. Although Megan knew that Shad was not staying at the Green Lake Hotel, she still wanted to send him back:

"The brothers said that the blood will be sent to me in the afternoon. The blood of the grandchildren of Aunt Maria that I know will be sent to your room at the Green Lake Hotel in the evening together with their blood. Remember to come and get it."

"Did the talks go so smoothly? I thought their vigilance would continue for a while."

Shade was very satisfied with the result. Megan smiled and said:

"After all, they are all relatives. Although the origin of the family has become a big issue now, this cannot erase the glory of the Edwards name. Moreover, isn't it also because of you that they are so cooperative?"

Her hand held Shade's hand:

"They probably think of you as someone special. At times like this, it's very important to have a decent backer...Mr. Mr. Flirty Cat."

This still implies that Shade is the "God Summoner", and Shade still has no direct answer. After Carina arrives, just let the witches communicate on their own.

"As long as the talks go smoothly, then I will have met five of the eight surviving Edwards of the fifth and sixth generations."

As he spoke, he looked at Meghan again, squinting slightly:

"Maybe six...or eight."

The brown-haired lady pursed her lips:

"Don't you want to know what we talked about?"

They used thaumaturgy to talk just now, so even Shade couldn't eavesdrop.

"If you tell me, I want to know; if you don't tell me, it means I shouldn't know. After all, everyone needs privacy, which is very important. I respect your privacy, just like you respect mine."

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