Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,699 Skull and Demonic Curse

"you sure?"

Shade almost stood up to ask this question. Killing blood relatives and human sacrifice represented many things in ritual science. And such cruel behavior once again confirmed what Megan and Audrey had always worried about - their ancestors definitely had no good intentions towards all their descendants.

"This...but why?"

The average person, Professor Manning, cannot understand.

"She didn't know either, neither when she was alive nor when she was dead. I could feel that she was also afraid of that place and wanted to escape from there. She was not very old before she died, and the memories of her life dehumanized her. The soul is instinctively afraid.”

"Besides this, what else does she know?"

Shade asked again, and Durut Giles nodded:

"At first, she would only repeat very simple sentences and ask me to collect some weird things. I originally thought they were items that could restore her soul to normal, but after collecting them all, those materials just turned into something. A useless key."

He unbuttoned the button, took off the pendant hanging from his neck and handed it to Shade.

It was a key made of white crystal. The size and shape of the key column were very close to the two that Meghan had already obtained. The front and back sides of the key handle are made of sapphire and obsidian. Looking at the light, one can see the phantom of a little girl swinging.

"The most difficult material to find is white stone crystal with natural black spots. It took me a lot of effort to find out that someone had this material on the black market in Tobesk, so for this material, I went all the way from Weilun. Dale, came to seek refuge with my distant relative, Viscount Chris Rendall. I should call him uncle, but the curse from the tomb robbery included keeping me poor, so I did not bother my distant relative frequently. ."

He saw Shade showing interest in the key:

"Sir, if you need it, it's yours. This thing has no effect on us. However, after making the key, Rust's intelligence and humanity recovered significantly faster."

Shade nodded. If he goes by his guess, it is the angel-level relic "Soul Storybook" that controls all the souls on the island. Then after completing the responsibilities given by the book, the souls on the island can "continue walking", while the souls who leave the island stay.

So, he asked Professor Manning on the side to be a witness. In exchange for this key, Shade promised not to report the other party and would intercede with Edwards' descendants.

The last thing Shade wanted to know was naturally about the bones of the angel who had died. Durut Gilles still remembered the two finger bones and the unremarkable bone fragment, but he didn't know what they were, and he had no clues about more bones.

However, when he tried to ask the soul of the girl who was playing with his hair, the girl actually gave the answer:

"Giles, Giles, father still has half of his skull! If you can't touch that skull, you will be sent away!"

This certainly does not mean that the thirteen-ring warlock only has half of his skull left.

After receiving the unexpected information, Shade finally showed a satisfied smile. When Professor Manning saw that Shade had basically finished asking questions, he said to him:

"Mr. Watson, I am here to witness to ensure that he will not continue to rob graves in the future, but will work as a teacher in Tobesk honestly. See if you can do something about the curse on him..."

Hearing the professor's request, Durut Giles, who was entangled in his soul, showed a complicated expression on his face. He knew that he had done something wrong to end up where he was now, but he didn't expect that this old man would still value him so much.

Shade naturally agreed, but he also had conditions:

"I respect Professor Manning, but that doesn't mean I completely trust you, the tomb robber. If I cure you, I want you to sign a contract with me, promising never to rob tombs again in the future."

He recently almost finished reading the "Book of Demons of Malbas" for the first time and learned some new skills. Unlike the knowledge in the "Pink Book" and "Secret of Agelessness" that can be practiced at any time, the knowledge in the Book of Demons is difficult to find application scenarios, but this time it is very good.

"Thank you for giving me a chance. After this incident, I understand. I plan to stay in Tobesk for a long time and face my life well."

said Durut Giles, and the souls clapped their hands beside him and repeated his words, and Shade nodded, and extended his hand again in invitation.

The two hands were held together, and it took a long time for Xia De to hear "her" reply:

[The nature and origin cannot be determined by shaking hands alone. You need to go further...]

"No, no, I'm not interested in further contact with him."

Shade said in his heart, and then let go of the other party's hand:

"It's half past three now. At five o'clock, go to the Three Cats Hotel next to the Anthem Square in the north of the city and wait for me on the first floor. I'll find a curse expert."

This refers to the doctor. Among all the people Shade knows, he and Luvia are both good at powers related to curses. It's just that Luvia has been busy stargazing recently, so Shade planned to trouble the doctor.


Durut nodded immediately, and Shade looked at Professor Manning again:

"Professor, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

"You're so polite, that's okay. I just don't want to see young people go astray and continue to fall. Durut has done something wrong, and he will find a way to repay it."

Shade then left Professor Manning's house and took a carriage directly to the east of the city to find Dr. Schneider. At that time, the doctor had just finished treating the last patient with an appointment in the afternoon. When he saw Shade coming over without saying hello, he thought something had happened. I was relieved when I heard that I wanted to ask him to help treat a cursed person:

"You really scared me. The Three Cats Hotel, right? No problem, let's go now. To be honest, every time I see you barging into my place with a serious face, my heart skips a beat."

"Doctor, this can be considered a mental illness, right?"

"No, no, strictly speaking, it's just a stress disorder. If you're interested, I can tell you about it on the way. In the field of psychology, this is a very cutting-edge research direction recently."

The drizzle that started at noon has long since stopped, but the water stains on the ground have not completely evaporated yet. Although the Anthem Square in the evening was not covered in mud because of this, one could tell from the smiles on the faces of the shoe-shine boys outside the square that it was not an easy place to walk.

Durut Giles had arrived early, and when Shade and the doctor came in, he was sitting alone on the seat against the wall, reading a book. The ghost of Rusty Edwards was sitting on the table, waving desperately to attract his attention.

Dr. Schneider suddenly twitched his nose, and then motioned to Shade to exit the hotel with him.

The two of them went around to the remote alley next to the hotel and stopped above the sewer entrance.

"This curse has a very familiar smell. I didn't expect it to happen again."

The doctor was half excited and half helpless:

"The devil's curse. I smelled the stench that tried to corrode the soul as soon as I entered the door. There is no doubt that he was cursed by the devil. There is definitely a real evil spirit devil on the island you mentioned."

Shade was stunned:

"Huh? Is it really a demon? That island is called the 'Devil's Island', and it's actually real... But my [Sight Demon] didn't see any trace of the demon's power."

"It's normal. It's not that the devil gave him the power to turn him into a demon like Stone Oxenfurt you mentioned, but the devil cursed him. This is a very hidden curse. If you want to see , unless you extract his soul and look into his soul. However, I can’t confirm what kind of evil spirit it is. This curse is not unique, many guys can do it... and I can do it too."

The doctor said casually, frowning and thinking about what it was going to be this time.

Shade knew the seriousness of the problem:

"In this way, the trouble on the central island of Green Lake is not only the Thirteen Ring Diviner and an angel-level relic that controls the soul. In addition to the cultists and other illegal ring sorcerer groups, there is another unknown demon? What is he planning?"

"Is the situation so complicated this time?"

The doctor raised his eyebrows, but did not become nervous:

"I won't go see the cursed person inside. His curse is not complicated. I will go back and prepare a potion. I will send it directly to the Three Cats Hotel on the weekend and let him get it by himself. As for the devil ...Although I don’t know what you are going to do in Green Lake, but from your description, the other party is your enemy?”

"Yes, there are some difficult enemies. Judging from the current situation, the thirteen rings, demons, and angel-level relics are not all I have to deal with."

"Relax, when was your enemy not difficult?"

The doctor patted Shade on the shoulder:

"You go investigate more specific information about the demon, or obtain items that prove its identity. I'll prepare to see if I can find a new way to move across space, or I'll buy a train ticket myself. Fortunately, Green Lake isn’t that far away from us, at least not as far as the Randall River Valley.”

He shook his head:

"If you need help in the Green Lake area, I can also be of some use. I promised to help you last time in the Randall Valley, but in the end it was just a sightseeing trip. Oh, and the devil looks very good. You are good at curse abilities. I know that your curse resistance is very high, but you must be careful."

"No problem doctor, leave it to me to investigate."

After saying that, Shade thought of another thing:

"The [Mirror Association] has appeared in the Green Lake area. Not only did I meet the [Mirror Hidden Man], but I also met a pair of twin brothers who each lost one eye. They are both in the eighth ring."

The doctor thought for a moment and realized that Shade had connected them with his own experiences when he was young:

"You mean, they are the brothers I met when I was dealing with other demons more than ten years ago? They really didn't cure their eyes."

The doctor smiled:

"It would be a good thing if we could meet them in Green Lake. We might have a chance to resolve the grievances we had many years ago together this time."

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