Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,700 The soul that will eventually return

The doctor left alone, and Shade returned to the main entrance of the Three Cats Hotel and sat down opposite Durut Giles.

He had no intention of eating here with the other party, and said directly:

"The expert on the curse has already seen your situation and will send the magic potion to lift the curse here on the weekend. You will rent a room here as a mailing address later, otherwise the female shopkeeper here, Mrs. Sangmei, may not I’d like to collect your mail for you.”

"All you need is a bottle of antidote?"

The man whose face was still pale said in shock:

"If it were that easy, I would..."

"That's because you haven't found an expert. Remember to be a good person in the future and stop robbing other people's tombs. The contract you want to sign with me will be sent together with the antidote. After you sign it, send it to Manning The professor knows where I am staying in the city."

Shade said again, with an excited expression on the man's face:

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would..."

"Don't be happy so early."

Shade interrupted him and looked around to make sure there was no one at the nearby tables:

"Did you know that the father of the 'little lady' next to you is a Thirteenth Ring soothsayer who defected from the Seer Association? He left a prophecy in the blood of all his descendants, and the family will one day There will be a reunion. I don't know if that includes souls."

The girl's soul floated beside the man and clapped her hands. After Shade's words fell, she actually sang the prophecy on her own initiative:

"When the day of reconciliation comes and the separated bloodline returns to the origin of the family, we will drink the wine of immortality together and escape from the cage of the world."

"Well, it seems that it does include her."

Shade shook his head:

"And it's impossible that her father didn't notice when you escaped from the island. By letting her leave so simply, I'm afraid he thought she would definitely come back."


Giles' eyes widened in surprise:

"She wants to go back to that ghost place?"

"I thought you were more surprised by the one with the Thirteen Rings... I don't know exactly what happened, and I'm not a fortune teller. But the possibility is very high. Since you are willing to let her follow you , maybe you will also be involved. I want to warn you in advance, this matter is extremely involved, you'd better be careful."

The man didn’t know what to say:

"Then what should I do?"

"Are you willing to let her go? I can let her keep going. After all, that's where she should be."

Giles glanced at the girl Soul who was holding his arm and swinging around, and shook his head at Shade:

"I must let her fully recover her humanity and sanity before sending her away. I have no intention of keeping her forever, but that is not now. Besides, I have a hunch that her father will not let her go. She walked away so easily."

Shade shook his head and said nothing more:

"If something happens in the future, don't come to me through Professor Manning. It will injure the professor. If something happens, hold a red rose and go to the fountain in Saint Teresa Square in the core area of ​​the city at 6:30 in the morning or 6:30 in the evening. In front of the statue. If my people see you, they will notify me."

"Yes, sir, please allow me to express my thanks again."

Shade stood up, but before leaving, he grabbed the back of the chair and warned him condescendingly:

"Also, Delarion has a very sound legal system. Although she is dead, her age is still outside the legal range."

Durut Giles' face turned red. He wanted to explain to Shade, but Shade had already turned around and left.

Although it was easy to find a carriage near Anthem Square, due to the distance between North City and Midtown, when Shade got off the carriage at St. Teresa Square, the gas lights surrounding the square were already flickering with a reassuring warm yellow light. .

When Shade was about to take out the keys, he also saw workers hired by the city hall setting up a ladder under the gas lamp on the left side of his window, and then climbed up the ladder to clean the glass shade of the gas lamp.

Gas lights are not electric lights, so scrubbing them while in operation is no problem. But this was still very dangerous. Shade stood there and watched for a while, not knowing what reason he should use to warn him.

When I got home, Luvia was already here and was still busy on the third floor. Next Wednesday, the night of the lunar eclipse on the 30th day of the Sowing Month, is getting closer and closer, and Luvia is becoming more and more energetic at work.

"No need to ask me to eat together, just bring me one when you and Mia go to eat!"

The purple-eyed girl's voice came from a higher level when Shade carried Mia, who welcomed him upstairs.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine, just keep it simple."

Shade could simply imagine Luvia talking hurriedly while lowering her head to take notes at the table.

Shade is now going to the Green Lake Hotel to get the four pieces of blood, so the meal can be pushed back. But Xiao Mia obviously misunderstood Shade, thinking that he just came home and went out at this time, and wanted to go to dinner without taking it with him, so she followed him to the basement with meow meow, and Shade had no choice but to turn it into a toy Brought to Green Lake.

When I came out of the back door of the hotel, it was completely dark outside. Although there was water everywhere in the garbage alley, at least it stopped raining.

The boy who lived in the trash can also returned to his residence. When Shade opened the lid of the trash can and the boy appeared with his thin puppy, the little Mia who was transformed back still screamed very innocently. He made a sound, and then was suppressed by Shade's hand.

"Good evening, sir."

Even though he had seen Shade here many times, the boy was still a little timid. Shade smiled at him, took out the bread and handed it to him:

"I haven't seen you in the past few days. Where did you hide when it rained?"

"There are many bridges on the Duyin River, and you can take shelter under the bridge holes. Some old homeless people will also make fires. If you give them something, I can go over and warm them up."

This answer was no surprise, and Shade nodded:

"I have to be careful recently...are there any homeless people you know who have disappeared recently?"

He thought again of the corpses he had seen in various strongholds of "Bad Eye Bali" that were made into water ghosts.

"Yes, but homeless people will disappear one day, just like the sun will always rise, that's normal."

The boy said, then carefully waved to Shade, then hugged the puppy and retreated back into the trash can.

Speaking of which, although Shade rented a room at the Green Lake Hotel as his temporary mailing address, he actually did not say that he had never spent the night here, and he had not even opened the room a few times.

If it weren't for the house number on the key, he would even ask "her" for the specific location of the room. After opening the room on the third floor, Shade unexpectedly discovered that the gas lamp in the room was actually on.

"The maid who cleans the room is here? But didn't I say that there is no need to clean the room?"

He thought in surprise, alertness already rising in his heart. The moonlight faintly appeared in his hands, and he continued to enter the room. Only then did he see the familiar sorceress with brown shawl hair sitting on the chair next to the desk, reading a book. There is no response from the Witch Detection Badge for the time being, which proves that it is Megan and not Audrey:

"Megan, good evening."

"Good evening, I was just thinking about what time you would come over."

The witch with exquisite makeup stood up, and Shade also saw four slender test tubes filled with blood on the test tube rack on the desk. Each test tube has a label to help Shade analyze and determine the source of the blood.

"Did you bring your cat again?"

she asked with a smile, then explained:

"I asked the hostess Helena Green downstairs for the key. There were many people downstairs during dinner time, and I didn't want to wait for you there... I need to apologize to you for trespassing into your apartment. Place?"

She asked tentatively, and Shade shook his head:

"No need to apologize, and you know I don't live here."

This room is the best room in the Green Lake Hotel. In addition to the living room at the entrance, it also has a bedroom and a bathroom. Even comparing the hotels in Green Lake City, it would be hard to find a better room than this one. In addition to the desk, there is also a sofa set in the living room. Meghan probably sent tea and fresh fruit, so the coffee table is not empty.

Seeing the cat eyeing the fruit plate on the coffee table, Shade sat down on the sofa, then picked up the apple and cut it into small pieces with his hands. Megan saw that Shade didn't intend to leave immediately, so she sat opposite him:

"It's probably still not possible to land on the island tomorrow. The church briefly blocked the waters of Green Lake, and even the cargo ships coming and going were affected. Looking at this situation, I'm afraid it will really be next week."

"Then I'll come back on Sunday. If it doesn't work on Sunday, then next week, there will always be a chance."

Shade said and touched his pocket:

"Speaking of that island, what do you think it is?"

As he spoke, he took out the white crystal key he got from Durut Giles in the afternoon. After the witch took the key, she immediately showed a surprised expression:

"The third key! Where did you get this?"

"Durut Giles, the owner of the pen, is the low-level warlock who led the tomb robbers to the island two years ago."

He did not say that Durut Giles was now in Tobesk City, but he told all about other experiences in the afternoon, which of course also included the matter of the soul of the second-generation eldest daughter, Rusty Edwards, who died in infancy.

Megan and Audrey are the descendants of the fifth generation, so the eldest daughter of the second generation who died young is their...grandfather's aunt, which outsiders can't think of a good name for. In short, Meghan's relationship with Rusty Edwards is further than the relationship between Lecia and Miss Carina.

The witch listened attentively. After Shade finished speaking, what she cared about most was not revenge on the other party for digging the graves of her ancestors, but another matter:

"You said there are evil spirits and demons left over from the Third Era on the island?!"

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