Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,701 Ice and Snow Visitors

Megan stood up immediately:

"How is it possible? There is actually... on the island..."

Shade motioned her not to be so nervous:

"Oh, please relax. I just said that there is a high probability, and it should be on 'another island', otherwise my eyes would have discovered it long ago. And I also want to correct you on a common sense mistake. Evil spirits and demons actually come from It existed in the oldest era, but it was only in the third era that the disaster occurred. Of course, what we are facing should not be that ancient."

"Of course I know. But this is troublesome. Do you understand what the devil means? Even if I recover to the eleventh ring, I may not be able to handle this matter."

"Please listen to me."

Shade comforted him, while not forgetting to feed the cut apple to the cat that was squatting on his lap very obediently:

"Of course I know what those ancient evil spirits mean. In fact, I have encountered them often in the past six months. Look at this."

He threw the ring he brought out from the basement to Meghan. After the latter took it, she found that the ring was black iron in color, and the surface of the ring was made of a darker, rustic black iron material. The ring surface is rectangular, with slightly convex sides and a concave interior, but the pattern inside the rectangle is convex.

The sorceress frowned and looked at the pattern, and quickly found the meaning of the pattern from her memory:

"Keeper-level relic-[Demon Hunting Seal]?"

Shade has a total of two such seals. The first one comes from searching for the case left by Detective Sparrow - looking for a doctor to treat eye diseases. The second one comes from looking for the "stone mirror" in the Randall Valley two months ago. The harvest at the bottom of the lake during the time of "Devil-Goethe". The latter one is now in Yin Luna's hand, and Xia De's one is still the first one.

"Yes, this seal has been in my hand for almost a year. Over the past year, I have encountered all kinds of demons. Speaking of which, I am actually looking for demons with a purpose. I am not one of those ancient demon hunters, but I There is a dedicated demon hunting expert by my side.”

Shade was quite relieved about this:

"You don't have to worry about the devil. I'll handle it. I just need to find clues to determine who the devil is who is suspected of collaborating with your ancestors on the island. Then my friend can come to the local area to solve the problem."

"You are becoming more and more mysterious."

She said and handed the ring back to Shade:

"You found this key. Do I need to give you any reward?"

She mentioned the key again, and Shade thought for a moment. He would go to Fort Midhill to settle the blood test matter soon, so he had to eat quickly:

"How about treating me to dinner? Look at this cat. If he doesn't eat, he's going to bite me."


"And I also want to pack a copy. A friend is doing astrology over there. Next week is the night of the lunar eclipse on Wednesday, and she wants to record the latest star chart. The room over there is quite big, and it is more convenient to install astrology equipment. "

Megan nodded and showed a teasing expression again:

"Is it the female diviner from the Prophet's Association that you mentioned who provided you with information?"


The witch said nothing more, but thought that after the incident in the Green Lake area was over, she might be able to meet the other girls around the man in front of her. She is still very confident in her own methods.

This meal was still on the cruise ship, but the rain stopped and the night sky was clear, so this time we could eat on the deck while enjoying the scenery on the east and west banks of the Duin River.

After dinner, Megan did not forget to use the food box to help Shade prepare the packed meals. I don’t know what her mentality was. It was clear that Shade had said that he would only let one person eat. The food she gave Shade in the end was enough to consume him for a whole day.

In addition, before the two said goodbye, the witch's followers sent new news, which was related to the [Ring of Mind]. So Megan didn't forget to remind Shade to come again this Saturday morning. The ring is already certain to be obtained.

Nothing interesting happened that night. After returning home and reminding Luvia to have dinner, Shade went to Fort Midhill to identify the blood.

The result is similar to what Shade thought. Although the proportions of the dominant bloodlines of the four people are different, the composition of the four bloods is basically the same as the bloodlines of Megan and Audrey, and everyone has a part of the "unknown" ” bloodline composition.

In other words, Alphonse Edwards, the suspected adopted son of the fourth generation, is also a pure Edwards bloodline. The traces of human body refining have long been deeply imprinted in the family's bloodline.

Shade was in no hurry to go to Green Lake on Thursday to tell Megan about the incident. When he woke up early on Thursday morning, what he was thinking about was actually using the time key to complete the final stretch of the "seven-day trip". Compared with the short rest opportunity that comes with the time key, it may be more useful to get "enhanced spatial perception" in advance.

When he woke up the purple-eyed girl who was unwilling to get up from the bed to have breakfast, the time key covered with fine cracks was placed on the dining table. Shade planned to have a full meal before leaving. But before he set off, an unexpected guest came to visit.

It was half past seven in the morning, and when the bell rang downstairs, Shade was surprised who would visit at this time. It's possible that the girls who come at this time all have the key to this place.

I went downstairs and opened the door, and saw two strangers, a man and a woman, standing outside the door. The man's face is old, in his fifties; the woman is slightly younger, but at least thirty-five years old.

The two of them were dressed like northerners from Delarion, and they both looked dusty, and it was impossible to tell their specific identities. However, both of them are ring sorcerers, and both are around the sixth ring.

Shade looked at the visitors hesitantly:

"Hello? Who are you here to see?"

"Are you Mr. Shade Suren Hamilton?"

The old gentleman asked, and Shade nodded:

"Yes, welcome to Hamilton Detective Agency. Um... are you the client?"

He himself knew this was impossible.

"No, we are not the client."

The woman explained, lowering her voice:

"It was Ms. Elsa Asberg who asked us to come. She said that you have something to ask us for."

Shade understood now,

"Elsa Asberg" is the name of the thirteen-ring sorcerer "Winter Singer" of the "Winter Hymn Troupe". After the group activity ended early last Friday morning, she asked Shade what business he had with them. At that time, Shade did not tell anything about [Creation Space], and Ms. Asberg was also anxious to take away the black metal coffin, so she said that she would arrange for someone to find Shade later.

After nearly a week, they finally arrived.

"Welcome, come in quickly. I didn't expect you to come this morning. Please go upstairs and we can sit down and talk."

Luvia upstairs had already heard the conversation in the foyer below, so when the three of them went upstairs, they went to the kitchen to prepare hot tea in advance. The two strangers who came to visit did not know Shade's living situation, so they were not surprised that there were other people in his home so early in the morning.

After sitting down respectively, the two introduced themselves. The leader's old man's name is Will Hammer, and the woman's name is Sonia Ferrer. Both of them are priests of the cult, that is, they are loyal believers who still believe in the "Winter Maiden" in the era when the old gods have gone away.

"Actually, I came to you through Miss Danister, and it's not something very important."

Shade held the tea cup and touched the cat on his lap, while Luvia sat next to him:

"I had a strange dream some time ago. The lady next to me was a fortune teller in the same group as me. After interpreting the dream for me, she believed that the dream was a precognitive dream. The dream was telling me that there was something in the Far North. Something related to the card that was supposed to be mine, and that thing was in the winter snowflakes.”

Although this statement is outrageous, Shade cannot say that the witch of the fifth era may have left him a gift:

"I don't know if my understanding is correct - that item is in the hands of the believers of the Winter God. After all, it is just Mohu's precognitive dream. Whether the interpretation method is correct or not is also unknown, so I want to ask you if there is any waiting in the cult. Someone came looking for items related to the card?"

Shade asked tentatively. Mr. Hammer and Miss Feller looked at each other:

"Can you give us a basin? We need to contact the Order."

Before they came to see Shade, they must have planned to get in touch with the cult at any time, so after freezing the water in the basin, they used alchemical items to communicate smoothly.

The conclusion was quickly drawn, and it was so smooth that even Xia De couldn't believe it:

"Yes, there is indeed an item in the cult that meets the requirements. The item comes from the Fifth Age and is quite valuable."

Shade suppressed his inner joy:

"That may be a bit much, but how do you transfer that item to me? How about I pay a large sum of money, or do you want me to do something for you?"

He has already begun to calculate his wealth, but if he wants to buy a [Original] series of Rhodes cards, his money is simply not enough.

"Ms. Asberg said she wants to communicate with you personally."

Mr. Hammer said:

"The lady came here through the transformation of ice and snow. Is it convenient to make large ice cubes at your home?"

"Incarnation of ice and snow? Let me do it."

Similar power appeared in [Witch Reverberation: Cloyin], so Shade also knew about it very well. He snapped his fingers, and a huge snowball fell from the sky and landed on the side of the sofa.

Luvia knew that Shade had this trick, so she wasn't surprised at all. Mia knew that it was snow, not candy, so she wasn't interested at all. The two believers of the God of Winter were quite surprised, because this looked like their magic.

After a simple arrangement, the thirteen-ring warlock who met the five members of the group early last Friday morning walked out of the huge snowball. Her body looks entirely real and not made of white snow.

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