Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,702 The final

"Ms. Asperger."

The two people from [Bitter Winter Order] hurriedly saluted, and Shade and Luvia also greeted the thirteen-ring warlock respectfully.

Ms. Elsa Asberg was still wearing the dark blue dress from the last time they met, but the decoration on the skirt was changed from sparkling rubble to simple white lace. She smiled and said to Shade :

"We meet again, Mr. Hamilton. [The Wreck of the Unknown Man] has now successfully entered the Far North, and will reach St. Byrons in a few days. A few days ago, I met your teacher again, and she told you It’s really a compliment.”

Shade then remembered that he had not reported to Miss Danister for more than a week on the progress of the investigation in the Green Lake area.

"Good morning, ma'am, this time I want to..."

"Yes, I already know. That item is very ancient and very valuable. I personally cannot easily decide who owns the Order's property, even if you are a student of Danist. Fortunately, that item is very Special, it is stored in a container sealed with ancient secrets. From the outside, it can only be seen that there is a card inside. Previous people have tried many methods and failed to open it. According to the information handed down by the sect, Anyone who wants to get the card can obtain it as long as he can open the seal, and the Order will only keep it for you."

"So what are the requirements for opening the seal?"

Shade asked curiously, and the thirteen-ring sorceress showed a meaningful expression:

"The key, a key that looks like a card. But no one knows what kind of card it is. Mr. Hamilton, since you are so concerned, I think you should have an answer."

"That's it..."

Shade has understood that if this is the case, he must complete the time key of the Lost Forest in 923 of the Fifth Era in order to obtain the gift of the Fifth Era.

"Ms. Asberg, I think I do know what the key is. Tonight, I am going to St. Byrons to see Miss Denister. Could you please take that item to the college library?"

Shade then asked, not worrying about the other party questioning why he had the key. He believed that Miss Daniste would give a reason, and the librarian was very kind to him.

So the lady in a dark blue dress nodded:

"Of course, I also want to know what that card is."

She took a step back, and the body turned into snowflakes and disappeared. Later, Mr. Hammer and Ms. Feller, who came to visit, also said goodbye and left. They obviously had other things to do when they came to Tobesk, so they did not stay long in Shade.

After Shade came to the door to say goodbye to the visiting guests and returned upstairs, Luvia reminded:

"If you really get the Impermanence card, you will have seven Impermanence cards in your hand. Silver Moon, Balance, Darkness, Death, Knowledge, Earth, plus Space, officially more than half of the thirteen cards."

"Not sure yet. Maybe that so-called card is not what I'm looking for. Everything is impermanent. Is it really that simple?"

Shade asked back, and the purple-eyed girl smiled:

"I'm also worried that if not, you will be disappointed. It seems that you have understood the meaning of the impermanence of all things. Very good, very good, I am really good at judging people."

Although he said he didn't care whether it was really his goal, Shade couldn't wait to pick up the time key. It was still early, and Luvia was not in a hurry to go to work at the Prophet Association, so she decided to wait until Shade came back before leaving, so that she could also hear his experience.

As for Little Mia, the last time she followed Shade to the Lost Forest, she obviously didn't feel bored. This time she wanted to follow him again.

And given that there wasn’t much of a problem last time…

【Really? 】

Shade recalled the wish-making demon he encountered on the ship, meeting Detective Sparrow in death, the danger in the desert, and finally the excitement of almost melting into the rays of the sun in a sandstorm.

"At least there are no safety issues."

And this time there were alchemy items given by Yin Luna that could be used, so Shade still took the cat with him, who was rarely willing to go out.

Seeing Mia being turned into a toy by Shade, Luvia was very envious, but she was also confused as to why she didn't trust Shade as much as this cat.

"So Luvia, see you in three seconds."

He packed his things and came to the bedroom door with the cracked key, his heart full of excitement and anxiety:

"I don't know if I can really meet Chloe Yin again this time, and I don't know what the meaning will be at the end of the seven-day trip... May the World Tree protect me in infinite time."


There was silk wadding like velvet behind the door, and he stepped in.

Luvia watched Shade disappear, counting in her mind:

"Three, two, one."

So, the door downstairs was opened by the key.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[In the spring of 923 of the Fifth Age, in the middle continent, in the Lost Forest. 】

[Event: Travelers’ Storytelling Meeting. 】

[Duration fifty minutes (3/3). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree continues to watch you. 】

[The test given to you by the ancient god of time will continue. 】

[Assist travelers to end their story with the "God of Journey". 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you a reward: thaumaturgy - powerful spatial perception, a true message - dragon. 】

Endless white mist shrouded the surroundings, and the familiar environment made Shade feel at ease for some reason:

"Not half an hour, but fifty minutes?"

Although the change in time surprised him, this was not the first time this happened. He even used the last key five times. There was no need to worry too much. Shade took a step forward and entered the forest in the dark night where white mist was floating and the air was filled with rancid smell.

The Lost Forest is the final destination for the lost. It seems that high-level witches can find information in places that have never been heard of in the Sixth Age. Now in the Fifth Age. Shade was puzzled by this, but this was not the first time such a place had appeared, so he did not think deeply about it.

He continued to run forward without stopping, ignoring the darkness and malice chasing behind him. The various corpses nailed to the trees were stretching out their arms or claws, as if they knew that this was the last time Shade would appear, and tried to keep him behind, but the cold silver moonlight clinging to their bodies was still the same as in the past. Protect outsiders.

The darkness and malice are getting closer and closer, and Shade's footsteps are getting more and more hurried. Just before danger was about to occur, the heartwarming light of a bonfire appeared in the forest in front of him.

After pushing aside the grass and stepping over the vines, Shade once again came to the simple camp consisting of bonfires and tents. The old knight Zafir Yellen had already chosen to leave with his long-dead relatives on his last trip. Therefore, the only people waiting for Shad to reappear by the campfire are the witch Arela Andriana, the maid Clara in black dress, and the bard Mr. Deckard Henriquez who calls himself a baron.

Although the sound of boots hitting the ground was slight, it still made the witch, who frowned at the flames in front of her, raise her head. For Shade, it was a week since they last met, but for everyone around the campfire, it had been a long time.

Seeing that the strange man was back, the witch immediately stood up on the ground and smiled:

"You finally showed up again."

"It seems like you've been waiting a little longer this time."

This time the mental state of the three of them was obviously worse than last time. It was not obvious on the brown-haired high-level witch in front of them, but looking at the maid in black skirt who was getting up - she had just awakened as a witch last time, and she was still The bard was holding the lute that the god had played. Both of them looked gloomy, as if they had directly come into contact with the relic after a severe lack of sleep.

The maid in black skirt clasped her hands together and hung them on her chest, nodding to say hello to Shade. The bard who finally stood up said:

"It's nice to see you again, sir."

"It's nice to see you again, too."

With that said, he restored the toy cat in his pocket. After Mia recovered, she immediately looked around, nestled in Shade's arms, and was very interested in everything around her.

I don't know if it was Shade's illusion, but after the cat appeared, the mental state of everyone present seemed to be better. This cat really has magical powers.

The group of four people moved to the open space beside the tent and campfire, and sat down in a circle, but still retained the positions of the gods and the departing old knight.

"Did something happen here again while I was away this time? Or was it the same as last time, did you encounter lost souls?"

Shade asked curiously, stroking Xiao Mia's back with his right hand. The cat purred softly, and its big amber eyes looked in front of Shad - because the god had not yet come out of the tent, it looked directly at the bonfire.

The strange firelight makes the cat very happy. It likes fire and heat, light and power. Of course, I prefer Shade.

"At the beginning, some lost souls came here. We knew that we couldn't change the fact that the other party died, so we just let them rest here and watched them leave. But later, some weird things also came. At first I I thought it was the soul of a strange creature that I didn’t recognize, but then a shadowless man wearing a black robe and holding a scythe appeared and took those weird things away..."

The witch pursed her lips and tried to describe what she saw at that time in more detail:

"The shadowless man was very similar to the boatman who carried us across the river in the description. When he appeared, it seemed as if all the joy and emotion in the world were gone. Even if the bonfire was still burning, death and coldness still made us at a loss. After he took away those weird souls, it took me a long time to recover, and I used the potions I brought with me to help my maid and the bard over there recover...that was. .....”

It can be seen that even if the other party is just mentioned, uncontrollable panic immediately emerges:

"I have heard other witches from Zarath Academy mention that they are the messengers of the ancient God of Death, the seducers who lead the undead, and the living undead walking in the world."

She made it clear when she said that Shad was a combined version of Ms. Marilyn Hendel and Joeyin Patton that enhanced the final version.

"This piano, when I play it, everyone's spirit can be soothed."

The bard held his lute and whispered:

"It felt really scary, as if I had entered death. I even saw my long-dead grandmother waving to me. I thought I was a strong person..."

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