Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,704 Angels, Witches and Clues

"Don't worry, I will help you."

Shade made a gesture of invitation, and the witch walked towards the ice crystal on the far left side of the bonfire that was enclosing the human body. However, when she took another step forward, the human-shaped witch actually turned into a snow-white unicorn in the flickering firelight.

It could be seen that the unicorn was also shocked, but this was not the first time, so she continued to walk forward, and then slammed the golden horn into the ice crystal.


The unicorn's horn has the unique ability to break seals, and the ice crystals shatter when struck by the glowing horn. But when the unicorn raised his head, what he saw in his blue eyes was not a familiar figure, but a beautiful lady with long blond hair and a confused look on her face.

She has a stunningly beautiful appearance, and this alone makes it certain that she is a witch. If it weren't for the "what's going on now" expression on her face, Shade's evaluation of her appearance could be even higher.

"Unicorn? In the snowy mountains?"

She looked at the creature in front of her in surprise, but did not look at the people not far away. Apparently she could only see the snowy mountains, not the snowy Lost Forest scene.

The unicorn wanted to explain, but at this moment he saw the blond lady's whole body emitting a holy white light. A golden beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped her, and a golden ring appeared above her head, rising with her toward the invisible void.

Pure white wings spread out behind her, and her "what's going on now" expression quickly turned into a soft, loving smile. The witch slowly lifted into the air and looked at the shocked unicorn with a smile, and opened her arms to her:

"My soul has passed the final test, and my Lord has opened his arms to me. You have helped me, so what reward do you want?"

The unicorn, shocked by the scene in front of him, hurriedly spoke:

"I want to find my apprentice, my lover!"

"no problem."

The soul that is about to turn into an angel gave a hint:

"She is in this snowy mountain. To find her, you need to make the travelers you pass by become your companions. But finding the girl you are looking for does not mean you can take her away. When faced with the choice, Ruby Or sapphire, which one are you going to give up?”

After saying that, she disappeared into the sky. All the visions disappeared, leaving only shocked people watching this scene.

"That's...an angel?"

The bard asked Shade in a low voice, holding the cat and looking up at the end of the sky, Shade nodded:

"Yes... I have seen it once, but I didn't expect to see it a second time."

While the two were communicating, the unicorn transformed by the witch had lowered its head and crashed into the second ice crystal. But as the ice crystals cracked, Shade was sure that the person this time was not the person Miss Andreana was looking for, because it was an old woman with wrinkles on her face.

To be more precise, this is another humanoid relic. The whispering element swept through the surroundings at the moment the ice crystal broke. When Shade quickly stood up, the bonfire, tent and gods had disappeared. On the snowy ground, there were only him holding Mia, the unicorn, the parrot and the hound.

The wind and snow hit everyone. If it weren't for the daytime and the thin light and shadow of the sun could be seen in the sky, Shade would have thought he was back in the Silver Mountains. But there was no time for him to think too much at this time. The old woman who walked out of the ice crystal grinned and raised her hand to aim at them.

A blizzard of blade-like snow flew out of her long robe, instantly freezing the parrot and hound in the ice. The unicorn screamed, and the unicorn that glowed again crashed directly into the opponent, forcing the unknown humanoid relic to stop casting spells.

Shade also hurried over and placed two pieces of ice next to Yin Luna's gold bracelet that was still on the ground. Light and heat melted the ice and rescued the shivering parrots and hounds.

"Mia, don't run around, protect them!"

He put the orange cat on the back of the hound. Although it was a bit ridiculous, the cat's fighting power was really stronger than the parrot and hound in this environment.

"Moonlight Great Sword!"

The luxurious silver sword that looked like transparent crystal was taken out by Shade from the void. He swung the sword towards the old woman who was fighting with the unicorn. The latter hurriedly turned into snow to dodge.

But when she regained her human form, Shade and the unicorn attacked her.

The golden power of the unicorn and the silver moonlight symbolizing the moon were entangled in the snow and ice with the old woman waving her hands like a madman. The agitation of spirits and elements caused the snow higher up in the nameless snow-capped mountains shrouded by the blizzard to tremble.

Shade, who was very worried about the avalanche, wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, so he launched a more fierce offensive with the witch who was becoming more and more skilled in using the power of the unicorn. In the story mode, the humanoid relic, whose power was greatly limited, actually gradually fell into a disadvantage due to the cooperation of one person and one beast.

So, after crushing the silver moonlight slash again, the old woman took out a broom from under her skirt, and then rode the broom and flew farther into the sky.

"Moonlight - slash!"

Shade clapped his hands together violently, and when he pulled them apart, the brilliant silver blade flew in the direction of the old woman. But the blow didn't work, and the light blade was barely broken by the old woman. She gradually flew away unsteadily, and at the same time, a shiny object fell from the sky.


Suddenly, I felt a little dazed. When I came back to my senses, the surroundings once again looked like a lost forest. The maid and the bard, who were shivering because of the cold, quickly stretched out their hands towards the golden bracelet to absorb the warmth. Little Mia gave a confused meow and squatted on Shade's cushion, while Shade stood with the unicorn. By the campfire.

"The hope of chasing her lover made the unicorn resolutely choose to break the ice crystal. With the first one, she released the devout soul who had passed the trial and got to the end, and received the guidance from the angel; with the second one, the sealed evil was broken by her Releasing and escaping the relics would become her crime, but the joint attack with the Moon Traveler also gave her unexpected gains."

The god was telling the story, and Xia De was wondering what "harvest" meant. He saw the unicorn take a step back, and a small, shiny key appeared where the right front hoof had been.

Shade bent down and picked up the key, looked at the key, and then at the box-like thing in the last piece of ice crystal.

He made a gesture of invitation, so the unicorn poked hard and shattered the last ice crystal.

The small rectangular red copper metal box fell into Shade's hands. Because it had been sealed in ice for a long time, the metal was very cold. Shade inserted the key in——


The box itself is not big, so the largest thing that can be placed in it cannot exceed the cat that is huddled on the mat and waiting obediently for Shade to come back. In fact, there was only a folded piece of paper inside, which disappointed Shade, who thought there might be some secret treasure.

"Don't come to me."

He read out the only line of text on the paper, the cursive letters were beautiful.

"What does it mean?"

He handed the piece of paper to the witch beside him, and then he and the witch returned to their respective cushions. He picked up Mia again. The cat was squirming excitedly in Shade's arms. He didn't know how it could be so energetic so early in the morning.

"Your expression doesn't look right."

After teasing the cat, Shade looked up at the witch again. The latter silently handed the piece of paper to her maid, who took one look at it and then became silent as well.

The bard on the side asked tentatively:

"Is this... left by Miss Clara's sister?"


The maid in black skirt pursed her lips and looked at the paper in her hand, but Shade was confused about this:

"This is wrong. How did your sister know that you would see this piece of paper? Isn't it too well hidden?"

Shade asked in confusion, so the witch took the initiative to explain:

"Although Clara's sister Lux is my apprentice, she is better than me in some aspects. She is an excellent diviner, and even the Seer Association has praised her. Oh, the Seer Association is... ..”

The Prophet's Association in this era was not a well-known organization.

"I know I know."

Shade nodded:

"So, Miss Lux has divined in advance that you will come to her one day, so she left a letter to prevent you from finding her... In fact, I have always wanted to know about the missing lady. , what did you go out to do in the first place? Although I just said it was related to Miss Clara, what was the specific purpose? "

"She listened to Clara and wanted to find a way for me to break through."

The witch answered very straightforwardly:

"Also to find a way to make Clara a witch. It's embarrassing to say that, although she is my maid and apprentice, most of the time, she is the one accommodating and helping me."

Thinking of the past, the witch's already bad mood became even worse:

"I didn't understand her feelings well before. The farthest distance in the world is probably like this. She is obviously by my side, but I failed to cherish it..."

Pa da ~

The sound of the maid in black skirt falling with big tears on the letter paper, although it was masked by the sound of the bonfire and the wind and snow, was noticed by everyone present except the bard. After the maid's tears wet the paper, a map outlined with a black pen appeared in the blank area of ​​the paper.

"Is this... a little too dramatic? Is this also the arrangement of Miss Lux? I'm not questioning her prophecy, but this matter is strange no matter how you look at it."

Shade asked the god who had been smiling at the conversation and communication between the people. The traveler with his back to the bonfire gave him a smile:

"Travel is always full of surprises. Although it's nice to be ordinary, isn't it more exciting when there are stories? And this is a travel story, not a real trip. Haven't you already understood this? ?"

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