Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,705 Hot Springs and Night Phantoms

Shade still didn't understand the appearance of the note, whether it was the sister of the maid Clara who really left a clue, or whether the gods deliberately gave clues that should not appear in order to make the trip more interesting.

But just like what God said last time, they are just travelers, not detectives, so Shade also understands that he does not need to understand everything.

"The unexpected appearance of ice crystals brought new challenges to travelers. The angel gave guidance, the witch left the key, and the key opened a new map. The loyal dog was secretly traumatized by the map, and the unicorn was obsessed with it. This is full of hope. Travelers set up camp and rest at noon, so what are you going to do in the afternoon? Continue to move forward to face new unknown challenges, or climb the snow-capped mountains according to the guidance of the map to find the vague hope?"

The god asked everyone. The bard had no say in the convention, so he was waiting for others to make a decision. Of course, the witch and the maid wanted to find their missing relatives, so the beautiful brown-haired lady looked at Shade:

"Keep walking according to the map. After you leave here, no matter what you want, I can give it to you."

"You're saying this as if I'm some kind of bad guy."

Shade stroked the well-behaved cat and asked the god again:

"Can travelers use that map to determine the approximate location of the destination and calculate the time it will take to get there?"

He did not forget that the night of the seventh day was the end of the journey.

"Yes, whether it is a parrot, a unicorn, a loyal dog or a traveler under the moon, they all have the ability to read the map. The end point of the map is higher in the snow-capped mountains, and if you want to reach it, you may have to Witness two complete sunrises and sunsets. There will be other unknown stories waiting for you along the way. This is... the story of the journey."

The story has developed to noon on the fifth day, which means that if they follow that map now, they can reach the destination before the end of the journey.

The witch pursed her lips and looked at Shade with even more earnest eyes. She knew that Shade also had someone he was looking for, but she didn't know if she would meet the person Shade was looking for once she moved along this map, so she didn't know how to persuade Shade to agree.

"Okay then, let's follow the map."

Shade nodded. As long as the devil in the bottle didn't lie last time, then Croyin must be on the snow mountain. If you can meet them, you can meet them no matter which road they take. Moreover, judging from the current situation, even if they cannot encounter it, the God of Journey will let them encounter it.

God made a gesture of invitation, and Shade reached out and turned over the next card on top of the deck. But before his hand touched the back of the card, he looked down at the cat lying on his lap.

The last time I asked this cat to turn over cards, although he encountered a terrifying sandstorm in the desert, and even glimpsed something as terrifying as the sun in the sandstorm, everyone benefited from it. Dun Dharma Seal] has also made great progress.

So he thought for a moment, then grabbed Xiao Mia's paw and pressed it on the card pile. Amid the dissatisfied meow of the cat, the card was turned over. It was a smoking hot spring in the snow.

"The traveler under the moon is as sharp as a cat in the snow. In the heavy snow, he magically led you to discover a snow mountain hot spring. It was no ordinary hot spring. The equally sharp unicorn noticed it. Its extraordinary power. It is certainly a blessing to encounter a hot spring in the snow-capped mountains, but do you want to try its power?"

The dusty traveler asked, and the witch boldly asked:

"Excuse me, can we identify what it is without touching the hot spring?"

"Oh yes, the unicorn's horn has the power to identify curses and poisons."

The god smiled and nodded, looking pleased that they were gradually finding the secret to the story.

"Then the unicorn thrust its horn into the spring."

The witch said, and then an illusory golden horn grew again on her forehead. She immediately turned her head slightly, not wanting anyone to take a closer look at her forehead.

"The warm power soaked into the unicorn's soul. Although it was slight, it was indeed enough power to heal the soul."

God provided the answer.

"After confirming safety, the travelers decided to accept the baptism of the hot springs in order. First was the most powerful unicorn, followed by her loyal hound, the traveler under the moon came third, and the parrot was the last one."

Shade also said that the ordering was to prevent men from entering the spring first - although there is only one man in the story, Shade, and the bard is a parrot.

After his words fell, everyone felt warm and comfortable. It was different from the warmth of the small fire next to the card pile at the moment. The warmth of the hot spring was more tolerant. It completely eliminated the influence of the cold in an instant, and even made Sha De feel the comfort of his soul.

Shade and the witch Miss Arela Andriana had powerful souls, so they were less affected. However, the maid who had just become a witch and the bard who had always been just an ordinary person groaned directly. .

It was not a very lustful moan, but a sigh of relief as if all the burdens in the heart had been let go. It's not obvious yet on the newborn witch, but on the bard Mr. Enriquez, his whole appearance seems to be at least five years younger.

If it weren't for the fact that he was only in his thirties, this effect might have been even more obvious.

[Stranger, your soul has been cleansed. 】

"She" also whispered in Shade's ear, but did not continue to say what effect this had, which meant that the effect was not obvious to Shade.

So the fifth day of the trip came at night. Although Xiao Mia's "luck" seemed good, Shade did not continue to let the cat draw the cards, but signaled the bard Mr. Enriquez to do it.

From the excitement and fear at the beginning, to the sorrow and sorrow after the old knight left, to the calmness now, this ordinary man from the fifth era seems to be the one who gained the most from this trip.

He put down the pen and paper in his hand and opened the next card. The card looked familiar, and it was still the scene of the small camp where everyone was currently located that had appeared many times before. But what is different from before is that this time there are pairs of red eyes surrounding the camp. No matter what era, these are not kind eyes.

"On the night of the fifth day, the parrot selected a camping site for the travelers. The campfire and tents allowed you to relax for a while, but soon you noticed the malicious intent appearing in the shadow of the snow-capped mountains."

A pair of red eyes really appeared in the misty jungle outside the camp in the Lost Forest in reality. Those dense eyes peered at people, and everyone was alert, but the owner of those eyes did not really appear.

"The moon and the sun will protect you, so you are still safe tonight. But the malicious eyes will bring false illusions. Everyone has to face their own fears and insecurities tonight. Although it is false, it is still scary."

This time when God's words fell, the scene did not undergo that wonderful change. Everyone was still sitting in their original positions, but everyone saw a figure with red eyes walking out of the misty forest. .

Shade, who was holding the cat, didn't know what others saw, but what he saw was the "self" he saw in the mirror at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square when he first came to this world.

It is worth mentioning that after coming to this world for nearly a year, although the foreigner's height and weight have not changed much, his appearance has been very different. To put it simply, it takes more than just strength to charm the witches.

According to "she", this change in appearance is due to the particularity of the stranger's soul and the powerful power of divinity, which transformed the originally slightly ordinary face into the stranger's true appearance. Moreover, no one can detect this subtle change, and everyone will only think that Shade is originally like this, and this is the peculiarity of divinity.

But the stranger himself, of course, still remembers the shock of seeing that face in the mirror for the first time, and therefore fully remembers what the original body looked like.

He did not panic, but watched the man with "red light" getting closer and closer. As the thing got closer, Shade saw more details. Although the appearance is the same, its body appears a strange gray-black color as if it has faded, and it carries shadows as it walks, suppressing the light of the bonfire behind the god.

But this just shows that this is an illusion. If it is a real evil force, it is impossible to get so close to the gods.

So, Shade grabbed Xiao Mia's waist with both hands and lifted it up:


Even though he had also seen the original appearance of the stranger's body, the cat still made a threatening sound immediately. Shade even felt that if he hadn't caught it, Mia would have rushed forward.

This cat is obviously so timid, but every time Shade encounters danger, it will "step forward". The outsider liked this cat, and even thought of "snatching" it from Miss Mia Gold regardless of his own principles, not just because the cat was beautiful... Of course, it was also beautiful. It accounts for a large proportion.

The strange thing with glowing red eyes stopped under the intimidation of the cat, and then a voice exactly like Shade's came:

"You have taken over my body, are you never ashamed?"

Shade, who was in a good mood because of the cat's loyalty, looked at him with strange eyes:

"Guilt? I'm not even sure if you really existed."

At first, I would occasionally think about this problem. Later, as I encountered more and more things and had more and more doubts about this body, Shade stopped thinking about it:

"I once called you in death, but you just didn't show up. All traces of your past are very vague, and all the evidence that proves your existence is actually doubtful. If you really want to ask why I became 'me' ', then you have to at least tell me, who was 'I'?"

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