Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,710 The starting point of the journey

"No, no, maybe you are stronger than her. But she is the one chosen by fate."

The dust figure interrupted the unicorn, but the unicorn and the hound were unwilling to give up like this. They all sincerely want to sacrifice themselves in exchange for the petrified girl. This is not a fake emotion.

"You guys wait a moment."

The silver cat on Shade's shoulder said:

"Why don't you ask her for her own opinion?"

Pointing his paw at the stone statue:

"Her soul is trapped inside, but since her body has decayed, her psychic ability should be useful to her. Although it is not sure how long the soul can appear, it can at least allow you to see her temporarily. Maybe, you can ask She knows exactly what’s going on here. She knows the rules here better than we do.”

What Croyin said made sense, because the unicorn state could not use undead power, and Shade's thaumaturgy channeled only incomplete reverberations, so the channeling was still done by Croyin.

The casting process went smoothly, the cat's tail shook a few times, and then Cloyin jumped onto the stone statue's shoulder. As the cat's claws radiated dim gray light, a transparent spirit body with the exact same face as the stone statue slowly floated out.

The beautiful girl opened her eyes and looked around in shock. She first looked at Shade and the animals in confusion, and then, somehow, she recognized her teacher and sister:

"Teacher, Clara, you..."

Her spirit body is extremely unstable and will soon return to the stone statue. Obviously, using a medium to temporarily free her is not allowed:

"Do not bother me!"

She raised her hand to touch the crying unicorn:

"As long as you are happy, I will be happy."

The transparent hand touched the smooth white hair and then disappeared. Chloe Yin jumped back on Shade's shoulders, and there was nothing she could do this time.

The parrot flew in the air and watched this scene, and the bard's soul sighed inside the parrot's body. A teardrop fell from the corner of the unicorn's eyes. She raised her head again and scolded her maid:

"Don't cry, your sister is here, do you want to cry in front of her?"

Then he looked at Shade:

"Sir, you must have a way, right? Please help us, no matter what the cost, please help us."

"Xia De, do you have any other ideas?"

Chloe Yin also asked, and Shade really nodded. He was all too familiar with this situation. The dusty figure at the other end of the table has not disappeared, and the God of Journey has guided the story here, which shows that there is a way to remedy it. The God of Journey is not the "God of Tragedy" and will not let the group of people take risks and end up unable to do anything. , can only watch the tragedy and cannot change:

"The question you just asked was wrong. You shouldn't be exchanging yourself for someone else. The correct question is - how can we save this petrified girl?"

Shade asked, and the dust figure gave the answer:

"The choice of destiny must be redeemed by destiny. Give valuable destiny and put them on the table. If the destiny is enough, then I will give you a chance."

"How to give a destiny?"

The hound transformed by the maid in black skirt couldn't wait to ask, but this time, she didn't get an answer.

So she looked at her master, and the unicorn looked at the cat on Shade's shoulder, hoping that the demigod witch could think of something.


The silver cat asked Shade again. Chloe knew that Shade must have a way. She fully believed in this magical man.

Shade also nodded:

"The story of travel ends with the meaning of travel. It is already the afternoon of the seventh day, and apart from tonight, this is the last stop."

As he spoke, he took out the card representing "Moonlight Traveler":

"This is probably why a group of us traveled here."

After he placed the card into a rectangle made of notches on the table, they found that the area of ​​the rectangle was exactly the same as the area of ​​the card.

"So that's it."

The unicorn looked at where everyone was sitting, and everyone's cards flew over.

"Will you help me?"

She asked her companions, and the parrot was the first to express his position:

"We have reached the final step, and I also want to see whether fate can really be defeated."

So the parrot card was placed parallel to the Shade card.

"Give it a try. I came here to investigate."

The silver cat also said, and her cards were placed on the table.

"I must save my sister."

The black hound took the initiative to stretch out his paw and pressed his own card on the table that had not yet fallen.

"Most definitely......"

Then the unicorn card also fell, and the five cards were arranged in a row. The flow of golden and silver light overflowed from the surface of the card, followed the small rectangular grooves on the table, and slowly lit up the entire table.

"not enough."

The dust figure said slowly, its body illuminated by the light from the table.


Chloe Yin said again, wanting to jump into Shade's arms, but Mia "caught" her up again.

Shade then asked the god who was still sitting in his original position. The god did not look at the table beside the campfire:

"Excuse me, can our experiences along the way be counted as destiny? You have guided us through seven days. Is the meaning here?"

"You need to find the meaning of travel by yourself, but those experiences are of course destiny, and it is the destiny you choose."

The god turned his back to him and said, so the old cards that had gone to unknown places after being turned over were connected in a line from the bonfire and flew towards everyone. [Candy House Witch], [Ferry], [Snowy Mountain Cold]... Twenty cards representing various events of the seven-day trip were divided into five rows and four columns and displayed above the five identity cards. So the flow of light escaping from the cards made the light on the table even more intense.

"Is this enough?"

Shade asked the dust figure at the other end of the table. It looked at the light on the table and the total of twenty-five cards, paused briefly and said:

"Equal fate, a seven-day journey, it turns out, you are travelers from afar. Your fate is completely equal to her fate, but nothing can be changed, and someone needs to pay the price."

He pointed his hand at everyone, and at some point, everyone turned back to their human form. Maybe it’s because of the identity card you paid, or maybe it’s because of the choices you’ll face:

"Use her in exchange for her sisters."

Of course the person he pointed at was Clara, the maid in black dress. She was not surprised at all, but felt a sense of relief.

The maid nodded, turned to the witch with short brown hair and said:

"Miss, please allow me to do this. My sister became like this because of my jealousy and greed. Now it's my turn to pay the price and get my sister back. This is my redemption and the fate I deserve. The five of them have Starting from the starting point of the journey, five people arrive at the end of the journey, so that the journey is meaningful.”

"If you stay here, what's the point of our trip to me?"

The witch shook her head seriously:

"Remember what the angel said? Ruby or sapphire, I can only choose one. I knew what it meant at that time. Clara, don't you understand me?"

She raised her right hand and clenched it into a fist:

"I want them all. If I want to keep you and exchange for your sister this time, I would rather not make a choice. Now that I know this place, as long as I don't die, I will still have decades or hundreds of years to live. It's time to come here again and try again. You and she are equally important to me. Sorry, I didn't say this before, but I want to tell you now that I will not give up one person for the other, no matter what. "

Chloe Yin held Shade's hand and looked at this scene in trance for a moment. The bard was far away from the witches and took out a pen and paper to continue writing. It seemed that he wanted to record every detail of the story.

The petite witch emperor with long silver hair asked Xia De in a low voice:

"Do you know what the farthest distance in the world is?"

Dorothy also asked Shade half a month ago, but obviously the answer needs to be changed this time:

"You are right in front of me, and I can't take you away."

"No, you are right in front of me, but I know that you will always leave."

She said to Shade, Shade also looked at her, but the demigod witch laughed again:

"So I admire that Andreana over there. She is determined enough. Fortunately, I have it too. We will meet again."

After finishing speaking, he said to the witch master and servant:

"One person must stay here. This is something that has been decided by fate and cannot be changed. Andreana, no matter what methods you think of, as long as you can't break the fate, these methods are just like Shade's spell and my It’s the same as spiritualism, it’s effective, but it’s only effective for a moment.”

"Your Majesty, are you saying that I want to find the power to override fate?"

the brown haired witch asked.

"You already possess the power above destiny."

Shade reminded:

"Without guidance, how could you enter the Lost Forest, how could you meet the gods, and how could you come here with us? Think about it carefully and think about the starting point of the journey. It is not the starting point of the seven-day journey, it is you and The starting point of Miss Clara's journey to find Miss Lux. What has been guiding you all along? What has pointed the direction again and again, leading to all of us standing here?"

The answer is very simple. Put it this way, even Shade's appearance is because of the guidance that the witch received at the beginning:

"But you have to think carefully. The outcome of using that power may not be as good as you think."

"Guide me..."

[Impermanence·Space] was taken out by her, and everyone's eyes were focused on this seemingly ordinary card.

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